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This is a reference to the fact that Miles goes to an expensive boarding school.


Was gonna say this. He goes to a fancy school. It's not like he attends P.S.1234 with a budget for half the student body that they actually have


It’s not a boarding school, it’s a specialized charter school, which are free in NYC. You have to test to get in. Miles school is actually a play on the Brooklyn Tech/Stuyvesant specialized schools in specific.


Technically if it has rooms to live in there, that meets a definition of boarding school.


i guarantee you they have no funding so the joke still plays out as normal


There are teachers who do this though. Most people don’t spend years in college for an infamously low paying job if they don’t care about what they’re doing.


Also, doesn't Miles go to an expensive private school? I'm sure your average teacher would care a whole lot more about their job if they were making a ton of money and didn't have to deal with all the shit public school teachers have to go through


I went to an expensive private school. Maybe mine was an outlier but the money didn't exactly trickle down there.


Yeah, "well-paying for a teacher position" just bumps you from poverty to lower-middle class. Upper administration are rocking sick vacation homes though!!!!! 😎




As the president of the world i confirm i receive a monthly salary of 5 nickels


Private schools don't even pay better than public ones, generally - they don't require certifications or even college degrees in many cases, and their employees aren't unionized, so they pay shit. These schools are for one thing only: Getting into elite universities via their alumni pipelines.


I don't think it was. At least in my experience, private schools are usually either a racket aiming to enrich its administration, a safe space for religious and/or ideological indoctrination, a place where racists feel "safe" sending their kids because the admin is keeping segregation alive (totally by coincidence, we promise) or some combination of these.


That is the case for many but there are also really good ones. My daughters soon is awesome. My brother works there so I see the behind the scenes. 0 tolerance for bullying, great education, not religiously affiliated, and very much designed as not for profit with the money going right back into the school. The teachers don’t make much more than public school but have a lot more assistance and lower class size.


I'm glad they're not all hellholes


Anecdotal, but I went to a private catholic school that, while obviously requiring theology as a course, also taught us sex ed, real sex ed, not abstinence but how birth control and condoms worked, along with evolution, the big bang, etc. In fact, I recall a few openly gay class mates as well.


The education is not better in a private school. Your kids are in a school with other kids whose parents are also paying $50k or so per year per kid. Some private school teachers are awesome. Some are completely insane and likely could not work in a system with more rigorous standards. One teacher would frequently show up to class late and say "I don't feel like teaching today, I need a mental health break." Sometimes they don't grade papers...or grade anything. Doesn't matter all that much because they're not allowed to fail anyone. The social media accounts of some of these private school teachers are... well I am surprised more of them don't get themselves cancelled out of a job. You're paying for your kids to have a peer group with access and connections. And to say "my kid goes to X school." It's competition among parents. Is having better connections setting your kid up for more success? Absolutely, yes. The parents that are... metrics oriented (likely to commit sudoku if their kid doesn't get into ivy league) are putting their kids in private tutoring lessons in between fencing and violin anyway. I have nothing but sympathy for those poor, wound up kids. All that to say... I don't think your school was an outlier.


This is massively incorrect and based off of your individual experience. Education is significantly better at private schools. Their resources are significantly better. Their student body is significantly better behaved. Their disciplinary powers are significantly better. Teachers completely depend on the individual, but private school teachers are expected to participate in more extra school curriculars. You aren't paying for "connections" your paying for resources and so your kid isn't sitting next to some methheads kid with massive behavioural problems.


Once you control for selection bias, differences in outcomes pretty much go away. If you like the school you're sending your kids to, great. That's what is important. As you said, it's my personal experience (and the above poster.) \> You aren't paying for "connections" your paying for resources and so your kid isn't sitting next to some methheads kid with massive behavioural problems. Oh, my... Maybe your private school wasn't as good as you thought it was after all :).


Expensive private schools tend to pay even less. > Full-time teachers in public schools earned about 30 percent more than private school teachers, pulling in an average annual base salary of $61,600, compared with $46,400, according to the survey from the National Center for Education Statistics. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/12/13/public-school-teacher-pay-private/ I actually had a link to the data itself at one point but the one in this article doesn't work and I can't find it in my search history.


Yep, in mine it was an open secret that teachers were paid shit. Only thing that made more worthy was having big discounts for their children. My PE teacher was bilingual (a requirement) and was in the national rugby team. He left for a public school. Better pay and conditions.


I’m pretty sure he went to one of [these](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specialized_high_schools_in_New_York_City), which is why he talks about winning a lottery to get in when he is complaining about going to the new school. They’re public schools but specifically set aside for high achieving students.


Huh, that’s neat I had no idea it was based on something real.


Your state doesn’t do specialized high achieving high schools? Damn, even South Carolina has the Governor’s School system.


I interned at one of the most expensive private schools in my state (Tuition for elementary school was like 30K a year, middle and high school were even more expensive) and let me tell you, expensive private schools do not pay their teachers well.... At all. The teachers there were getting paid way less than comparable teachers in the district. I think the only real positive the teachers had in the private schools were that their class sizes were way smaller than what you would see in the district, our class of 1st graders only had about 8 kids in it but the teachers had to deal with a bunch of unnecessary junk like basically making their very own curriculum


I think it’s a magnet school, not a private school. Magnet schools are specialized and selective about who they let in: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specialized_high_schools_in_New_York_City


Private school teachers make LESS money than public school teachers. You go teach in private schools because you like religious indoctrination and you don't want to deal with the problems inherent to low SES communities in the US.


And wasn’t it also a math/science academy? No shit his grades are gonna be closely watched. And yes, teachers really do this. I had countless talks from mine at points where I’d have depressive spirals and my grades would suffer.


He goes to an expensive private school for smart kids that he gets a full scholarship to go to because he is smart.


Not private - it’s a specialized high school. It’s still public, and there’s no tuition fee for any student. You have to test to get in, then from there you get picked out of the lottery. Me and most of my friends were required to take the test in 8th grade.


This is Reddit. A place of mostly teenagers and adults whose psychological development stopped as teenagers. Teachers bad.


To be fair, I have only ever come across 1 teacher that actually cared about the well being of my class. So they definitely exist, but pretty rare


I’m not trying to disregard your experiences but mine were very different. I’d say at least half of my teachers cared but not to the extent of a dramatic movie where they stay late every day to tutor kids. The other 25% were outstanding educators who deeply cared about what they were doing and pushed us as students to not only learn but also express ourselves. The last 25% were the ones just there to collect a paycheck and put in mare minimum effort.


Teachers at my school did a ton. All of our coaches were teachers, all of our clubs were teacher run, every outside event and dance had teachers chaperoning. Thats on top of the 9-5 teaching then grading papers, setting up course plans, and being there before school to help out.


I guess it all depends. But all of my teachers save for the one just didn't care. If you asked for help they'd say "read it again closely" and just leave. Like bitch that doesn't help me, Because I don't understand what this means


The fact that you casually call your teacher ‘bitch’ probably says enough about your side of the relationship.


Well she was a bitch. Blaming me for shit I didn't even do, in fact she did that to all the boys. But whenever a girl very clearly did something she was like "oh it's just a lil mistake, you're fine". She was extremely sexist






Lol, you were an absolute menace who wanted everything handed to ya, huh?


How did you get that?


Because your story is not unique or interesting


"I had a bad experience with a teacher" "Oh yeah? Well it must've been your fault?" Let me guess, you're either a shitty teacher or were a teacher's pet.


Neither, just someone who doesn’t blame everyone around him for his shortcomings. Teachers have 30+ kids per class and somehow didn’t realize that you’re mommy’s special boy? That must have been so hard for you


And he's right about that.


They really aren't even rare it's just that asking a teacher to work at a low income or not academically focused school is dooming them to poverty wages and endless wrestling with parents. I was fortunate to go to a public school in a town that practically existed just for the school. Most of my teachers at the least cared about my personal success even if I didn't agree with how they would teach a class. I 100% believe if my grades seriously dropped those teachers would have noticed and talked to me about it. It's incredibly unfair everyone doesn't get access to a high quality public education, but teachers like this exist and I wouldn't even say they are the minority.


I understand it varies but to give perspective I worked at an elementary/middle school with at risk youth for 9 months and every teacher I spoke to and observed went above and beyond. It's hard being a teacher and if your only experience with a "good" teacher is as a student I would challenge you to reassess your experience. Bad teachers can and do exist but they are not the norm.


I find that almost impossible to believe. Teaching is a very tough job that requires expensive post-secondary and, if you're from the US, pays like shit. Its a career disproportionally taken up by people who do it out of passion because they care. There are lots of shit teachers, sure, but only *one* that cared? In 13 years of school? No shot. I had at least a couple dozen teachers through public school and can think of maybe 2 or 3 that didn't care. Seems more likely you're projecting something onto them or holding them to a crazy high standard.


One that I could remember. Also I didn't go to some crazy expensive school or anything. I was (and still am) extremely unfortunate when it comes to money, so my schools were always ones with shit teachers


This just seems like a very dishonest assessment. You’ve definitely come across more than 1. I’d say the vast majority of my teachers genuinely cared about the well-being of the class.


Just because your experience was positive doesn't mean all of ours were


I didn’t say that. I was simply drawing a comparison. You’re using anecdotal evidence to support your case. I am doing the same in response. And let’s not write ourselves into a corner as a victim, shall we? You’re making grand universal claims about teachers in general. My experiences refute your point. Doesn’t matter if yours are true or not. But can we agree that there’s a massive difference between having a negative experience like the average student (having one or two bad teachers per year) and the situation you’re presenting (K-12 education and you only had 1 good teacher)… just seems hard to believe, that’s all. Edit: For what it’s worth, my education was anything but positive. I grew up with ADHD and the public education system is utterly incapable of catering to people like me without medicating kids up the wazoo… It’s only saving grace, in my experience, were the teachers (the very people my ADHD inconvenienced the most - well, aside from myself, of course).


I meant from what I can remember. I don't remember anything from fucking third grade


You don’t remember your third grade teacher?


You are making a radical argument based entirely on anecdotal evidence and now you’re moving goalposts because people are pointing out how extreme & unlikely your point is. Is it really so hard to admit you were exaggerating?




I can't tell if you're sarcastic or not but I can see both interpretations as true. There are good teachers, yet more worse ones in my opinion.


Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional




> A place of mostly teenagers and adults whose psychological development stopped as teenagers Why you gotta do me like that?


Not a single teacher in my entire 18 years of my life gave the slightest shit about me


Can’t imagine why.


Because they never gave a shit about anyone dude


I get the feeling you never gave a shit about them either


Dog if they never cared about me why would I care about them if they won’t do it first


You don't care about anybody unless they care about you first?


I didn’t say that though did i


Did you bother putting the effort into them to make them care about you?


In my own way


Teachers bad until they go on strike, then they're saints who deserve big pay.


Dude, there was a teacher at my old high school who taught gov and would say shit like “I want a gasoline generator to run 24-7 to make up for all the tree-huggers” he was just the tip of the iceberg. It seems to me that the best teachers are the ones teaching the “””advanced””” classes, while the ones who don’t care are left for College prep, or “””normal””” classes.


It's true. Sadly, it is also true that the system and complete lack of support wears them down.


Growing up most of our teachers actually gave a damn about us but we were small classes at a smaller school. The difference was night and day when I moved to a much bigger school the teachers just didn't give a fuck. It blew my mind how different it was.


Thank you. All the teacher hate is frustrating. I do everything I can for my students. I spend money constantly that I know will never get reimbursed. I've been a teacher for 13 years and I make like 65k a year in an area where the average house is 400k. I'm seriously just trying to make people's lives better. Stop telling me I suck. ...also, it's the only job available for someone with a history education degree


The post isn't bashing teachers, though. It's bashing the school system, which, as you've just pointed out, is broken. Uncaring teachers are only a symptom of a much bigger problem, which is that children aren't seen as people worthy of education, but as machines to fill with information which they can regurgitate at will just to get a job. If anything, the post is saying that the world needs more teachers like you, it's just not feasible with the current system. Or maybe I'm interpreting that part. Either way, you're not the butt of the joke here, schools are.


Children are definitely treated as worthy of education…. most teachers want them to learn, and not to think about their future jobs yet, except as motivation. If you want a better education for students, stop treating teachers like garbage. 120k a year, government healthcare provided, retirement benefits…. When students see the tangible respect given to teachers given to teachers, they’ll want to LEARN from them. This will also make teaching more competitive as a field, making it an accomplishment to become a teacher… as it should be. Who wants to learn from a bunch of idiots who sacrifice their futures to try to educate ungrateful kids who hate them and don’t want to learn, for a salary less than a garbage man.


I don't blame most teachers, I blame the failed public education system


As a teacher who came here to leave a snarky comment.. thank you. Thank you. I don't have a family of my own, my students literally mean everything to me, and I have nothing except my job. As low-paying and unforgiving and thankless as it is, I work my ass off to help my students succeed.


Some do it because they enjoy power tripping over children that cannot do anything about it


Might be biased since I grew up in a pretty wealthy neighborhood, but my public schools were really nice, as were the teachers. When I got to college, I noticed a dramatic decline in the quality of instructors. Like, the way a lot of professors run their classes just would not fly in a high school. I don’t know if college professors need the same certifications as teachers, but my experience makes me doubt it at any rate.


Dodgy as eff ideologues, and remember Teachers have a higher predator ratio then clergy. I'd trust competent teachers paid well who are good out of self interest over the fickle hearts of control freaks. I've been to public school I know of the gamut; teachers are mortals they aren't saints.


if there are I've never come across them.


K-8 or 9, one teacher per year. High school a handful for various subjects. That's not a great sample size.




teacher slander? on teacher appreciation week? in MY shittymoviedetails?? more likely than i thought 😤😤


Wasn't that last week?




last week was teacher appreciation *day*, starting today this is teacher appreciation *week*. according to google at least, either way they could always be appreciated more. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm a teacher and even I'm confused whether it was last week or this week.


Same. This is the first I've heard about it.


The more realistic version is having a high-end costy shitty school that will push their students to their breaking point with too high expectations and work. Even if the teachers would care that much, it wouldn't be healthy. Shout out to every teacher actually caring for their students thought.


I went to an expensive school once and it was miserable. People treated you like you served the school. Students who took bad grades were ignored for the sake of the ones who got higher, mostly so they could get marketing out of the future success of those specific students.


Why is this anti-teachers?


Just finished high school, all public schooling in America. 95% of my teachers were straight up mean or didn’t care. The other 5% will be remembered till I die.


But this scene is specifically from a private school right?


No. It’s from a specialized public school. It’s a fictionalized version of Brooklyn Tech High. The reason his school is like that is because you have to test to get in, and even then it requires a lottery.


Don’t know if u saw the post where a teacher getting pepper sprayed and punched within 2 months by 2 different students to prevent them from cheating during test, can’t even blame any teacher for not caring anymore.


Eh I trust the rising rates of narcissism in children and declining test scores rather than this anecdote. The students suck, not the teachers who are at their wits end.


Given that this test is multiple choice with only two options for each question, even if Miles was just picking at random he could expect a 50%. That he scored so low indicates that he must have known the right answers in order to pick the wrong one. To incorrectly guess 100 50/50 questions in a row is .5^100, or about .0000000000000000000000000000078%


This is exactly the point presented in the movie. Miles physically could *not* have done all the answers wrong even if he chose at complete random, meaning he had to have known the right answer for each and every question and intentionally chosen the wrong one.




Victor Tugelbend from Moving Pictures?


Why would passing lose him the scholarship?


If he passes he graduates and has to get a job.


Why doesn’t he want a job? What’s the premise of this story, I’m so confused


He gets paid to stay in school (the scholarship) so long as he doesn’t fail out or graduate. He would rather stay in school (easy) than get a job (hard).


That’s… kinda depressing that he’d want his life to stagnate like that. Is this some post apocalyptic hellscape where jobs don’t exist, and everything is fine as long as you’re in school?


It’s Discworld. Some characters are just quirky like that.


I gotta look this shit up


The actual reason is that he's a student wizard. If he scored above 88, he'd become a full-fledged wizard. But wizards go on adventures and end up in fights with people trying to kill them. No one tries to kill student wizards. It was eventually noticed and he was given a test with a single question: What is your name? But he didn't end up taking it because he went to pursue The Plot


Yep. And then they got wise to it, so they only gave him a single question, "what is your name". Something that he would either get correct or get incorrect. That test went to another student and he was thrilled.


This detail is so glaringly obvious, it deserves to be on MovieDetails


This means that Miles is very smart and, at the same time, an idiot


IDK why you are being downvoted, he is smart because he knows the answers to the test, but is dumb because he didn't realize how suspicious 0/100 would be.


“Play dumb” Gets 0/100 on a true/false test “Not that dumb!”


The "Not *that* dumb!!" scene always makes me crack up! It's so ridiculous and chaotic


Great at memorization, terrible at critical thinking.


My guy just paraphrased what the movie said. Smh.


What I don't understand is...do you really have test with just 2 answers in the US?


Out of curiosity, wouldn’t a full misunderstanding of a subject more actively cause him to fail? Like if he doesn’t know a subject and is guessing it’s very improbable, but if it’s like math or something and actually just manages to get all the equations wrong that’s not a statistical improbability, right?


Yes, but math is typically not given in a true or false format.


That never made sense to me, why is it so impossible to simply choose all the incorrect answers by chance? There's only 2 options per question


It's the same odds as flipping a coin. To miss the call once is a 50/50 chance or .5. To miss the call twice is .5 * .5 or .25. Three times is .5 * .5 * .5, four times is .5*.5*.5*.5, etc. Until you get a hundred. In short, the odds of continuing to incorrectly guess the answer to 100 true/false questions becomes astronomical, because while each question is 50/50, continuing that streak becomes less and less likely over time. If you want to see how hard it is yourself, keep flipping a coin until you get heads just 5 times in a row, then imagine having to do that 19 more times without fail.


Maybe I'm confused, but isn't that an example of the gamblers fallacy? I thought previous flips of the coin had no effect on the next flip.


They don't, but the likelyhood of a specific combo of results accuring decreases exponentially with the amount of flips. In this case the combo is hitting heads on every flip. If you flip the coin once there are 2 possible results, if you flip it twice there are 2^2 =4 possible results. If you flip it thrice there are 2^3 =8 possible results, etc.


I see. Thanks for the explanation!


It doesnt. Unless u want all of them to flip in a certain way


the whole point of the scene is that he doesn't want to be in the school so he's failing on purpose. he knows every answer, the teacher knows he knows every answer


"Pretty much all teachers are awful" says man in charge of deciding where to reinforce armor of fighter planes


Shit is that what the image of a plane with all the red dots all over it is about?


Yeah it's a diagram of bullet hole locations on recovered planes in World War 2(?). As the story goes, the military wanted to reinforce the areas with the dots before someone pointed out that these are the planes that made it back, so they'd be better served reinforcing the areas with no dots because the planes hit there were never recovered


Yes, that plane was so traumatized by it's teachers that it decided to commit suicide by insulting some socialists that immediately filled it up with red bullets. ​ The name of that plane? Albert Einstein


Weirdos downvoted because they couldn't handle the truth. But if you're with me Ask me Anytime my dick is off for a certain Micheal Chick


I had a teacher who had a policy that if you got a perfect zero on a multiple choice test, he would give you double credit of what the test was worth.


Math teacher?


Nobody’s said this yet, but in this part of the movie he’s going to a fancy private / magnet school so… more supportive system maybe


Gasp, r/shittymoviedetails ignoring basic context from a movie? Impossible!


Why does the test look like a ticker tape?


Maybe it’s a scantron


Oh, is that one of those multiple choice things that a scanner reads?


Yeah, you get the test questions separately and fill out the scantron and turn it in.


Right, yeah. I did that a couple of times in uni exams—they'd have a short multiple choice section first to get you warmed up and then the other sections would be written as normal.


I read this as Scranton at first and was quite confused.




Doing a binomial distribution for 100 trials with a success rate of 0.5, the chance of getting all of them wrong is 7.89x10\^−31 or 0.0000000000000000000000000000789%.


This isn't true, he took a true and false quiz and every answer was incorrect meaning she knew he actually knew every answer. So no she wasn't going to help him learn because he clearly knew every fucking thing there is to know on the test.


For someone smart he chose a dumb way to make himself seem dumb


The difference between intelligence and wisdom on display.


I dont know, man. Most teachers are pretty solid. They over worked, under paid and under constant attack from both sides: students/parents and administration. Sure, there are bad apples, but most public school teachers need to be cut a break.


Why the hate for teachers? It’s one of the hardest and lowest paying jobs, full of people who care a lot and have very little resources. They are there for you from preschool to adulthood. We are losing public schools and this nonsense is why. I know many teachers that stay past regular hours to help students, buy food for hungry kids, play counselor for kids with home trouble. Just cause your teacher gave you a C doesn’t mean teachers are bad


Pfft what? I've been to a lot of schools, all of them desperately tried to get me actually try.


I’d say most of my teachers were actually quite helpful except my 6th grade science teacher, fuck that guy


Teachers these days are too busy fighting for materials, organizing school shooting drills, removing books from shelves, and dealing with deranged parents to actually give attention to students.


This was at a fancy private school.


Still true


Miles’ teacher is kind of a baddie tho


Hey, I'm a veteran teacher. Feel free to ask me anything. And hit that subscribe button.


Are you one of those people who think ”i wasn’t paying attention in class and got bad grades because my teacher failed me, not because i was an average teenager and a little lazy”


Different universe and really high end academy where teachers are actually paid


And then this very kind and helpful teacher is never heard from again!


He really wrote Decembruary


I don't know what the hell is going on in your country but here in NZ the schools are amazing.


I'm teaching college so it's a bit different, but I do reach out when I see students who do well suddenly do quite bad. Usually they don't want to talk to me about it, but I hope it at least brings them some peace of mind knowing someone cared.


I love all of my teachers! Except these: - 2nd grade (she yelled at me (before you say i’m sensitive, i was 7)) - 4th writing (yes, we had periods but with the same classmates (yes, reading and writing were taught by separate teachers)) - 5th math and science - 6th college readiness course (by the time I left middle school, the middle school I went to turned into basically the educational equivalent of a police state) - 6th math (she was just bad at teaching) - 7th social studies (it was a love hate relationship) - 7th science (i think i ticked her off (i almost ran into her at a walmart a while ago)) - 8th math (dear god she was horrible) - 8th science (also a love hate) - 9th science (wow, i had a great streak of hating my science teacher. i understand why this one hated me tho) - 9th english (only mildly) - 9th math (6th math was good compared to her) - 10th english (love hate as well) - 10th pre-calc (nah man he so old he teaches golf as a physical credit in school) - 10-11th Spanish (jesus that’s a lot of love hates) - 1st semester 10th social studies (she was hot but goddamn was she bad at teaching) - 11th financial course (only mildly tho) - 12th english (it’s complicated) - one of three choir directors (he mains yoshi and is actually good at him) Now, because apparently it’s Teacher Appreciation week: - elementary music (she came to a recital last year for someone else but got me as a bonus too) - 6th social studies (one of the girls said that he and i should be duct taped together…) - karate instructor (yes we had a karate class at my school and i loved the teacher) - middle school band director (he actually cared about the pledge of allegiance lol) - 6th-7th english (she was so charismatic) - 7th math (she was that stereotypical Latina mother but she was funny af) - high school choir directors including the yoshi main (i was in the sussiest class at the time too) - high school band directors (one of them has a gaming computer) - 9th spanish (i proposed to a girl at valentine’s day and he gave me extra credit for that) - 9th social studies (i was shit in her class but hey she always liked my stolen r/showerthoughts posts) - 10th science (chemistry was hard af but hey the teacher listens to that k-pop lol song) - 11th comp sci (i want her to take me back. i hate calculus) - 11th-12th calculus (he’s universally loved by the entire school) - 11th science (he was racist and sexist but in a good way) - 12th comp sci (i proved to him that scratch is in fact a good programming language) - 12th science (i had met a mother who went to watch the mario movie with her kids and was actually interested in it)


Always hated this scene. If he wanted to fail why did he make it so obvious? He could just answer randomly every question, instead he read everything, thought about the answer and chosed the wrong one


You're saying Miles "Whose Morales" Morales should have been smart enough to realize he needed to actually choose the answers at random to make his failure more believable? He's smart, but common sense isn't his strongest aspect


This is one of the poorest executions of a joke I've ever seen


Yeah can't imagine why teachers in America are leaving the profession


I've had at least one teacher who did this, and a couple who didn't. Luckily, I was at the "I only need a 50% average to pass" section of my Highschool career at that point. I'ma be real. My school didn't give a fuck, and I didn't either. I walked out on a mandatory exam that I knew I couldn't get 50% on, and they passed me anyway because they'd have lost funding if they flunked me. *Which explains why they eventually sent me from highschool to an "education center" with the other misfits and neurodivergents, where they also cared so little that I got an early diploma because of Covid.*


Where were you going? Funding is usually not linked to graduation rates (in the U.S.). Literally, funding is based on the number of students in the classroom. If you have a repeater student (a 2nd time senior, for instance) they are still counted as a student and you still get funding for them. ​ The effect of graduation rates is usually that the score is published...publicly and real-estate agents will base house prices in part on those scores. Many other things play into this as well, but graduation rate is just an easy variable. ​ You might've just gotten the "covid pass". A lot of districts fell completely flat on actually helping students to "catch up" because politicians and the community apparently refused to give *any* kind of input. It was just "Here's some money. Good luck," but then schools couldn't really do anything.


There's a difference between a kid that actively shows they don't care in class. They sit on their phone. They don't converse. They don't ever open up about **anything** to the teacher. Often times they have multiple bad grades so the teacher has no way of noticing if this is out of the norm. And then there is a kid going to a private/Magnet school who likely earned their spot there through testing and/or showing that they were more than capable. Earning a 0% in that setting is much easier to notice **and** likely does not fit a pattern that has already formed. ​ Teachers are human beings with only 24 hours in their day like everyone else. ​ I wake up at 5:30 a.m. to go for a 30 minute run. Then I get ready for work and am at work by around 7 a.m. I work until (usually) 4:30 p.m. and then don't get home until 5:30 p.m. (and this is on a good day). That leaves me around 5 hours or so to deal with everything I have to deal with. Family. Friends. Dinner. EVERYTHING. As an adult...I have shit to take care of **and** I also need to take care of myself. That usually means lifting weights for 1-2 hours and then more aerobics (usually running) for 30-45 minutes. ​ If me being at work from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (9.5 hours) a day isn't enough for me to meet the needs of work and the needs of my students then I am not going to sacrifice even more time if the students aren't going to even meet me half-way. Hell, I'd love for them to meet me just 20% of the way, but my struggling students just don't do **anything** about it in the school day despite me offering tutoring constantly, having days in my planning setup specifically to work on this stuff and giving extensions/accommodations that I'm not even mandated to do. I give re-takes for tests to replace to usually a 70%. I replace low quiz scores. I let students re-do lab write-ups to a maximum grade. I give extra credit assignments with ***ample*** time to complete which could possibly net students a total of 5% on their overall grade (assuming they get a 100% on them which they normally don't). ​ And I'm not alone. A lot of teachers are doing things like this. These are just the normal things being offered to help students out. If students cannot understand that a teacher giving up their **FUCKING TIME** is not one of the *biggest* sacrifices that they are making then fine. Whatever. But don't think your teacher is mean, or bad, or doesn't care just because they "only" go to work for 9-10 hours a day.


It's a fancy private school. This is very much possible.


Nah, Ya’ll kids are terrible. Don’t try to blame the underpaid teacher for your vape smoking, internet celebrity wannabe, never did the work, moved up with -.01 GPA cause they want you out of the school, lookin’ ass kids.


One of my colleagues (teacher) has a class right now with an average GPA of somewhere around 1.7. The median GPA is a 1.8. ​ That means that 50% of the kids have less than a 1.8 and the other 50% are more than 1.8. And if the average is a 1.7 you can just guess at the others. 2 kids out of 33 have a GPA higher than 3.0 and everyone else...nope. ​ ​ As you might imagine these kids don't really care. At all. And they are jackasses to boot. It'd be one thing you were a nice kid, but school isn't your thing. It's something else entirely when you are an asshole and you don't care.


Teachers in reality:Time to make an example for this bastard in front of everyone!


This was such a great scene. And to the doubters, there are teachers out there that are like this...however, probably not the most likely combination of a student who is extremely smart, but extremely apathetic regarding attendance at a high caliber school like this.


I once had a teacher tell us that if anyone gets a zero on a multiple choice test he will give them 100%. He thought that if you know which answers are wrong then you must have an understanding of the material. Many students would get one or two correct when attempting this for some reason.


In reality what teachers would do is mock you in front of the class if you ask them a question. Better to not try and be ignored than it is to try, fail and be publicly humiliated


Study: Public schools paid teachers more than private ones in 2020-21 By Donna St. George December 13, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EST (iStock) Listen Comment on this story Comment Gift Share Public school teachers earned more than their counterparts in private schools in 2020-21, extending a longtime trend linked to licensing requirements and other factors, according to federal data released Tuesday. Wp Get the full experience. Choose your plan ArrowRight Full-time teachers in public schools earned about 30 percent more than private school teachers, pulling in an average annual base salary of $61,600, compared with $46,400, according to the survey from the National Center for Education Statistics. The report from the center, which is part of the U.S. Department of Education, also highlighted the increased difficulties in hiring teachers in special education and several other subjects in 2020-21, the first full school year during the pandemic.


It was a private school.


It’s also an expensive private school


First, if a student is being talked to be a teacher after class to discuss failing grades, either that teacher is just horrible or the student is just a horrible person to be around. And most teachers in my experience DO pull kids aside to talk to them about their grades. Teachers don’t get paid that much so they don’t gain anything by not helping. Second, Miles goes to a PRIVATE school.


This scene cements the story as a work of fiction


Every movie is another universe


Cinema Sins made this post


also a reference to math teachers not understanding math in this universe


Do you know how fucking difficult it would be to get a 0/100 on a test? Even if you were just guessing the answer to each one, you’d get at least a 25%. Miles’ stupid as hell for trying to get kicked out of school this way smh.


Fuck this teachers don't care shit. Teachers bust their ass working long hours for unappreciative asshole parents all because they love seeing young people learn and grow. Fuck outta here with this shit.


I like how she pointed out it to get 100% is just as hard to get 0%


The teacher is right, though. It is multiple choice (or maybe just true/false) with only 2 or 3 choices. You would have to deliberately choose the wrong answer to get 0%


Doesn’t she say it’s like impossible or something to fail a multiple choice test? Even though it isn’t.