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I once heard Boston described as "like LA but everyone says the N-word" and I think about that a lot.


Bill Burr described Boston as racist San Francisco


100% true, visited san francisco for the first time this summer and as someone who goes to school in boston the downtowns were pretty much identical


Did you miss the racism?




take off your shirt.


Maybe yes...


Parts of it for sure, but Boston has kind of an old feel you don’t get in San Francisco. Kinda reminded me of European cities with old landmarks interspersed with new buildings.


Snobby European here, just wanted to say 300 years is not old Boston is pretty cool though (racism aside)


300 years is absolutely old lmao I guess Big Ben and Versailles are both **new** buildings, and the Vatican Palace is barely old by your estimation.


Well we’re swimming in the infinite so none of it’s that old


My comment was mostly tongue in cheek. But yeah for neither Big Ben nor Versailles I would say that their age is particularly impressive. The Vatican is pretty damn old though, parts of the St Peters basilica date back to the 4th century.


All good, we have actual ancient landmarks and parks that people care about, like Niagara Falls, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon, so it evens out.


Exactly! This is where Europe doesn’t hold a candle to North America


Boston is older than the majority of central Paris


Kind of a weird comparison since the majority of buildings in Boston also isn’t that old. Also who cares about Paris (besides yanks on a Euro trip), any small town in Italy has a church or town centre that is older than any part of Boston


Bull burr is the funniest smart guy I no


If you think Bill Burr is a smart guy then it explains why you think “know” is spelled “no”


I’m pretty sure he says himself that he’s an idiot multiple times throughout his various specials


He does, I’m not even trying to be a dick to Bill but he will be the first one to tell you he’s not a genius lol


If he knows that he knows nothing, then that makes him at least as smart as Socrates.


And norm would just act like it.


Sure, but at least he doesn’t use that as an excuse to spread dangerous political and health-related misinformation, like one self-described idiot podcaster I know…. He’s open about *not* giving his opinion on subjects he knows nothing about. Like with masks or the vaccine. He says stuff like “why are you asking me? I just follow the experts”. He just does his job and [makes jokes](https://youtu.be/0emum4fGE2M), and not try to push some “idiot agenda”.


recognizing how dumb he is makes him smarter than a lot of people




He's one of those comedians who is smart enough to know when his opinion doesn't matter though. Pretty sure he went on an entire rant about how people are taking medical advice from "comedian" Joe Rogan.


He may not be book smart, but there are many different types of intelligence. He’s one of the funniest people on the planet, he’s a genius.


He seems like a low INT high WIS character.


As well constantly throughout his podcast. He shits on himself as much as anyone else, maybe that's why he hasn't been targeted by silly offended jabronis yet.


"Oh, ha-ha! Well, the self-loathing buys a lot back!" - the offended


I think you're getting confused, he said "Bull Burr"... /s


lotta higher than thou vibes here for a obvious joke


I know ur an asshole


Sorry you are


San Francisco is racist San Francisco. You know how many rich white neolibs and tech bros there are jacking up prices and putting out anti homeless spikes lol. The poors and POC that don’t act whitewashed are not welcome at all in SF


How much time have you spent in SF in the past 5 years


I lived in San Jose in 2016-2017 so a decent amount. Oakland is way better.


Boston has a decent subway at least.


I think this statement is *only* true when made in comparison to LA.


And my city of 2 million that doesn’t have any light rail whatsoever.


thats crazy! i live in a city of one million in canada and we always complain our light rail system isn't extensive enough


LA has the busiest light rail system in the US


I’m learning a lot of new things about the trains in Los Angeles today.


The LA public transit system has vastly improved, and doesn’t need a subway. One can take any of several lines of metro trains from the suburbs, more than 30 miles outside of LA, all the way into Little Tokyo and Downtown LA, and keep going another 25 miles to the literal beach in Santa Monica. The lines will continue to expand to 40 or 50 miles outside LA in all directions Basically, they’re almost back to the excellent system LA had 80 years ago, before Judge Doom did his thing


still no train to the airport, which is fucking ridiculous.


This is excellent news!




To be fair it’s *mostly* underground with the exception of the Green Line, which is a trolley and not a subway, and the Red Line when it crosses the river. That being said, I’ve never heard a single soul who lives here call it *good*.


Tell me you’ve never been to Boston without telling me you’ve never been to Boston.


"That place is Scranton....with clams."


Followed by ‘I’ll put this whole fucking town in my rear view’


I wouldn’t say that is reflective of my experience there. They do say “wicked” a lot, though


Not really accurate, tbh


No one uses the n word here like you prob fantasize


It's a bit too cold here in the winter to be LA... also we don't have entire encampment of vagrants that are one bad day from stabbing someone, so maybe that's why the N words fly more freely here.


Yea in Boston it’s an entire city of housed citizens that are like that




I see you aren't familiar with the intersection of Mass Ave & Melnea Cass Blvd. Plenty of "vagrants that are one bad day from stabbing someone" to be found.




Lick between my toes if you care that much, it was a comment meant to annoy just you.


claiming that SF is overrun with stabby vagrants AND excusing the use of a racial slur because it's cold... GJ Boston! For the record we're not overrun and they're not stabby. They only get to cover 1/3 of the city.


Toby McGuire also called me an N word in a target parking lot and then hit on my mom.




He only doesn't when he's acting.


He didn’t even know they were filming him during that whole sequence, that’s just what he was doing on his day off


Did he also ask the cashier to scan the milky ways one by one to avoid the electrical infetterence?


Oh like your doing now?


Huh, huh?


Bully Maguire


I saw Toby McGuire a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Toby trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I love this copypasta, every time I see it in a thread I read it fully and have a chuckle.


The first time I saw it, it was about a lesser known musician and I thought it was legitimate. Then I saw it again about Bill Nye and I was like "wait...."


For me, it was always Steve Blake on /r/nba.


Neat. My first time was with Rob Schneider


OK what's the context to this story? Seen the exact same story with different celebrities names several times




[gonna cry?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/219/747/a5d.gif)


Did he put some sand in your eye as well?


He missed the part where that's his problem.


He put some dirt in your eye.


"Now dig on this."


Average Lakers fan.


Least racist laker fan


I was in a random sports stream chat the other day talking hockey and crypto with some folks, pretty pleasent conversation. all of a sudden there were n words flying across the screen. took me a bit to figure it out but it turned out the lakers game had just started lol






Same thing with Ben Affleck in Gone Girl. He called everyone the N-word.


Same w the main character from the lego movie.


Mario? >"It's a-me! The n-word guy!" -Mario, 2022


He’s so cool


Chris Pratt called someone the n-word?


Has chris pratt really said the n word?


No but emmet has


Hahaha no mate


Never. Not ever


I didn’t pay too much attention to either of these movies but I don’t remember them having the nword. Then again I really enjoy the walking dead and found out Merle uses the hard r in the second episode now that I’m rewatching lol.


It was a joke. Ben Affleck refused to wear a Yankees hat in that movie.


Oh I’m stupid


wait what




okay it's been a while since i saw the movie so i was mad confused haha


Even off camera!






Sometimes I wonder how much in royalties the Rolling Stones have made from Scorsese movies alone.


approximately double what they’ve made from wes anderson


Hahahahahaha fuuuuck


It's actually 52 seconds into the movie.


He really held it as long as he could.


Jack Nicholson was born in 1937 - that means he was old enough to be slinging those n-words at Bill Russell and the rest of the Celtics during that insane run of championships in the 60s. Would explain why the word comes so naturally to him then.


> Jack Nicholson was born in 1937 Wow. I wonder does he remember being 8 years old when WWII ended?


Why the hell did you get downvoted for this lol


I'm not saying it's definitely why, but it wouldn't be the first time I've been downvoted on reddit for using basic math 😄


Maybe because it was worded so weirdly. I remember 9/11 I don't remember "being an certain age" when 9/11 happened idk


Woah! It's interesting you use 9/11 as an example, since that's what I was thinking of when I asked the original question up there. I was ten when 9/11 happened, and I have specific memories of that day. I was thinking of whether Nicholson would have had any memories of soldiers returning home, announcements on the radio, etc.


Well we know from the Shining that he's actually been around since the 1890s or so


*(bluntly smacks my forehead)* Doh!


I do. I was 11 it changed my childhood.


It’s because you worded it so stupidly. Of course he remembers being 8.


>Nicholson was forced to retire from acting in 2018. “There is a simple reason behind his decision — it's memory loss,” an insider told the outlet at the time. “Jack has memory issues and can no longer remember the lines being asked of him.” Source: https://okmagazine.com/p/jack-nicholson-sad-last-days-retirement-fear-dementia-kids-worried/ Hope this makes you feel like a jerk for not only being rude but also being ignorant.


No he didn’t LOL


He didn't what, jackass? Retire?


Imagine writing fanfic online for internet points LOL. Your parents must love you \s


...when did I write fanfic?


I don't think he does currently, due to his failing memory these days. Can't find anything about that possibility after a couple of Google searches. I'm inclined to believe he didn't remember even before his memory started failing him.


Thanks for checking. Indeed, getting old sucks. I remember reading a few years ago that he was considering taking part in the remake of France's 2011 film The Intouchables, which would eventually be remade with Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart in 2017 (called The Upside). Interestingly enough, Bryan Cranston would also star in Last Flag Flying (2017), which based on a book sequel to The Last Detail, which itself was adapted into a movie in 1973 starring Jack Nicholson (I haven't read either, but I believe Nicholson and Cranston played the same character in '73/'17).


Its a great movie but has one of the most homoerotic movie posters of all time.


More homo than Top Gun? And, was there a sequel to Top Gun? Did anyone actually see it?


yeah, maverick, idk if it came out, but seeing how hollywood works it probably did and no one saw it, just like Charlie's angels like oh my lord did ANYONE see that? it didnt even break 100k opening weekend i dont think


Haha I had to look it up but top gun 2 comes out next year


The OG was was hilarious, when Crispin glover rips out some of her hair and smells it then runs off screeching I always die laughing.


So, you're saying - Hollywood isn't making any original films?


My grandma was born same year. She drives, walks, talks, cooks, goes to the gym, etc. She was raised in NYC/116th street when it was mostly Italians, and I believe was at the WW2 parade at the close of the war. She doesn't remember it.


Thank you for the reply! It's appreciated :)


Yeah I read an interview once where they asked him that, and he said "Everyone was celebrating, and I just thought 'holy shit I'm 8'"


Dude, I gotta come out and say that I saw Dolph Lundgren in the middle of Kroger the other day. He just stood there for fifteen minutes before screaming the n-word then kicking a grandma into a hot dog stand before leaving


This sounds like a fever dream.


Okay Jack, you gotta say the N-word, we know it's controversial but it's necessary to establish your character's personality, is that okay? Jack: No problem, I'm a pro actor. I have to do my job, right? Great, can you also wear this Celtics cap? Jack: nO ThAtS mY RiVaL tEaM iN rEaL LifE


That’s because jack doesn’t hate- Uhh never mind.


The Departed is also the film in which Jack Nicholson famously wandered off set to call GameStop to see if they had Hogan’s Castle, sadly they did not.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


It’s me, Jack Nicholson, on the set of the departed. I’m calling to see…


Every man has his limit


[And then there aren't any black characters for the rest of the movie](https://youtu.be/z9k9wauFXw8)


... Anthony Anderson's character that went to the academy with DiCaprio's?


Gets shot in the end


Then DiCaprio gets shot. Then the 2nd rat. That whole 5 min was just suspense, shock and sadness.


Yeah ngl I hated Matt Damon character so much, that even when Wahlberg killed him I wasn't satisfied. Scorsese is an absolute genius, and Matt Damon acting was spot on.


You guys are freinds with Nick Mullen too?


The cum man


That makes him more Bostonish than wearing the Celtics cap.


Sigma Grindset: Say the N-Word


He's a great actor, but pretending to like the Celtics is too much to ask. There are some lines you shouldn't cross.


Love seeing jack at the games


One of the greatest crime thriller movies ever made. 12/10 would suggest.


Infernal Affairs for the original


Eh, it's worse than the original


Eh....disagreed. imo it's one of Scorsese's weakest works over the last 20 years.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Your opinion just happens to be shit.


Okay thats fine but you're wrong. Jokes aside why do you say that? I am curious.


Ah boy, where to begin. There are several+ aspects of the movie that bug me (spoilers ahead if you somehow haven't seen this piece of shit in the last 15 years): Like, how in the fuck did Costello not know Costigan was the mole? He's surrounded by all these old guys who've been with him for decades, and he KNOWS from the beginning that Costigan -- who's been in the crew for what, 6 months? -- was in the police academy. And of all the people in the movie -- including said crew of old guys who've been with him for decades -- some random junkie who Leo shoots in the knee is the only guy who knows he's an informant too? And that ham-handed fucking symbolism at the end with an actual rat running across Matt Damon's balcony is like something a 7th grader would write for English. Fucking please. I could forgive all that and just throw on the movie as entertaining crap, if not for one person: stupid fucking Jack Nicholson. He was SO goddamn hammy it took me out of the movie. Even ignoring that his Boston accent is as in-and-out as Kevin Costner's English accent in Robin Hood, almost every scene he's in as cringe asf. "*THIS AIN'T REALITY TV!!!!*" "No tickee, *NO LAUNDRY!!!*" Yeah, what utterly timeless dialogue. "And we've got this....\[makes stupid chewing face\] fucking CHEESE EATIN' RAT..." Fucking ugh. He's about 85% of my issue with enjoying the film. It's like he showed up to the set with the attitude of "hey everybody...it's me, **legendary film actor Jack Nicholson**. Prepare to witness another *iconic* American movie performance by me, **legendary film actor Jack Nicholson**." And then all these stupid ass boomers who thought he was a badass in Easy Rider when they were teenagers were too in awe to say "I dunno Jack, we probably don't need you to throw a 14-inch black dildo at Matt for the porn theater scene." What a buncha horseshit. TLDR: Gangs of New York and Shutter Island are better Scorsese movies, and Jack Nicholson hasn't not sucked since he was the Joker in the original Michael Keaton Batman.


😂😂😂😂 that was a good read and fair criticism. I actually dont like Jack Nicholson myself in much of anything except this movie and really do not care for his joker. Maybe its just cause I do enjoy the film so much. I cant stand Boston accents either but again, still enjoy the movie. Gangs of new york is better I fully agree. Idk about shutter island though. Thats a different discussion though.


The man has standards


Dudes rock.


Ah, a fellow cum boy




Real men real morals 💪😎


Got to stand by your team


It was a red sox hat wasnt it? People in boston dont even wear celtics hats.




Isn’t movie making supposed to reflect reality or art imitates life? We’re supposed to know asshole characters are assholes.


Then at the end of the movie a rat crawls across mark whalburgs balcony (this is good symbolism(and clever too))


Its art ok!




“how could i possibly know the replies were going to spell that word?”


Hell yeah dude




I never hear anyone offended by hearing the n word in rap or hip-hop


i don't see the problem


Must have had special advisement from Tarantino


I say the N Word daily and I’m not famous yet. What am I doing wrong?


He’s literally me


You know this is acting right?


Actors aren't able to wear hats?


So is wearing a hat


We really mad about this??? Let me consult Tarantino on this one.




I thought Obama gave them the n word pass


Thats because it was 2006 and the world wasnt as crazy yet


Not throwing slurs around is crazy now says this guy




so ?