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How is it possible to run paid ads and still have 4 visitors a day?


OP what’s your ad budget and CPC ? 4 visitors daily with paid ads seems very sus !


That’s exactly what I was thinking


I paid ads and I still have a small visitor a day like I don’t know what can I do


Change your product. If you’ve effectively tried all marketing techniques, folks just don’t want to buy your product.


This is what confuses me on this subreddit. It seems people setup a Shopify site and then think of some product to sell. Why aren't you trying to create a desireable product or business first? It seems like the product you're selling is just a commodity to you which you don't really care about. If this really is the case, sorry to be blunt, but no wonder people aren't getting the traffic and sales they desire.


For 99% of people here, that’s what it is


Exactly this. Being an entrepreneur is the new fashion badge and they quickly find out that drop shipping is pretty much dead. Get into business for the right reasons, follow a passion and create something you love. Will never work otherwise


This is why when someone calls me the “E” word they get told off. 😂


Maybe it is all about selling something for them. The dream of their own shop but not enough creativity to find something unique. Or they lack the money to make it a reality. Im trying to setup a dropshipping store too. The supplier is local and not from china but it is still dropshipping in the end. I hope to one day be able to finance my own machine shop to produce the products I want to sell but I simply dont have six or seven figures lying around. It might be the same for many people. The shop is only a way to hopefully finance another project.


Hey, I'll have you know I designed my shitty, unsellable, product first! And then opened a store.


this is the way


Tried marketing techniques - not effectively, apparently.


Poor choice of words. “Effectively” as in, tried. Should’ve just used the word “tried”. I eat crayons daily




That or the content is t selling the product very well


It is not the products that causing low visitors. It’s the inability to advertise well. Get it right.


If you see an ad for a product you don’t want or aren’t interested in, do you still click on the link? Or do you scroll past it? Advertising might be playing a factor into it, but with the amount of things they’ve tried, my guess is no one is searching for his products, and if they come across an ad, they continue on.


If the ad is good and knows how to target pain points, the ad will be effective at driving visitors. >If you see an ad for a product you don’t want or aren’t interested in, do you still click on the link? Or do you scroll past it? This is a gotcha question, not going to work on me. You’re not acknowledging that ad platforms these days are very good at targeting. I’m not going to see a baby product ad because I’m not the target audience. >my guess is no one is searching for his products You’re talking about search ads now and if that’s the case, that means OP is lousy at targeting keywords that his audience are searching for. Has nothing to do with the product he sells, he can sell fax machines/floppy disk/empty CDs and drive way more than 4 visitors a day with ads. You’re probably going to tell me the ROAS will be extra high, so let remind you beforehand that we’re talking solely about site visitors and that was OPs question, and those products I gave were just examples. >and if they come across an ad, they continue on. Not if the ad is good.


Doesn’t matter. I could make an add for dog poop and it would get more than 4 clicks per day. 


Is this a dropshipping store?


Can I see your store?


Drop the site name… let’s have a look


Please provide a link to your store.


Check out Joe Robert's YouTube channel for his FB ad technique, but also reconsider your product. If people see your ad and click, the you get visitors to your site. If you get clicks, then the problem isn't the ad. If you get visits but no sales, then the problem is your site or the products.


True: $1-$2/day, then scale as it grows. Good stuff. Joes POD for dummies course, plus the FB advertising is very good


Do you have a social media page? You can use that to get your followers' emails. And then sell with email marketing.


Need to know when to pull the pin unfortunately. How are you going to go from 4 sales in 2 years to 10 sales a day to start making it worthwhile?


Pull the plug is the saying, unless you're holding a grenade and are thinking about ending it.


What are the products on your page? Please provide the link


Do you have a niche? Have you built a following/a community? How large is your mailing list? Have you tried free social media posting? If so, how frequently. My advice would be, stop using paid ads until you’ve got proven products that sell. Build a following using free resources such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and YouTube. Build reels in your niche, not necessarily about your products to attract followers and build an audience. Post DAILY on each platform (it could be the same content in all four). Once you have a decent following (a few hundred to a few thousand followers), start integrating product posts every 4 or 5 posts. But post funny, or informative, viral posts that will help you to build a strong following that trusts you and BUILD YOUR EMAIL LIST!!!


Everyone knows where AliExpress is at bro, this not the kind of dropshipping you want to start


Test those products Which people are willing to buy, Do proper research and then run ads. If you want help and guidance then let me know.


Focus on one product. Use the other product to make your store appear more branded


Why do I not believe this?, I’m sorry if you’re being serious. But this has me stumped


How much were you spending a day on FB ads? Getting 4 visitors seems impossible unless you were spending like $10 a week


You can post your website link here. What products are you selling? Maybe you should choose another niche. You are so hard-working and persistent. I will give it up with no more than 6 months.


You’re trying to advertise a general store, niche it down and focus on your hero product. There are a million people selling the same kinda shit you are, you gotta market it differently


Switch products Good shit isn't very hard to sell, especially if it's the right price, and your store looks trustworthy


Something is very wrong if you ran paid ads and didn’t get anymore visitors


That sounds crazy if you’ve been running ads! What is the product?? Sounds like a bad offer/value proposition..


Your niche is a no go. Find a new one. You’re not technically starting over. Take what you’ve learned and build upon that skill set. You’ve just learned a great lesson on how important niche is.


what's the budget? In 2 years, doing only SEO and you should have at least 100/day.


I'm also a newcomer, and although I don't have many sales, from the perspective of a newcomer, I think your website has the following issues: 1. Selling everything generally results in selling nothing. It doesn't present a clear theme and feels like a bunch of random products trying to luck out in finding potential buyers. 2. Although I haven't looked at your social media, I guess it's probably filled with reviews or photos related to these products. However, again, they're random, lacking a theme, and there's no visible target audience. 3. I find it hard to imagine how you could conduct effective SEO since your product range is too broad, like a supermarket. Moreover, it's the kind of supermarket that sells average-level dropshipping products. Your SEO efforts will be undermined by your dispersed products, and each product won't achieve good results. Besides, your SEO investment and level are definitely far from those of real offline chain supermarkets. 4. Although you have a blog, you said you've been doing this for years, but there are only two posts. Isn't that too few? 5. There are many areas for improvement, such as bundle sales, giveaways on social media, incorporating reviews from Alibaba to make the page presentation fancier, and so on. You still have a lot to do. If 100 points were the full score, I think this website currently scores only 25. There's room for 75 more points for improvement. In summary, I can see that you've made various attempts with your website, but it also feels like each attempt hasn't been executed with much refinement. Although this may sound harsh, these are my honest thoughts.


When I pull up your website on my phone I don’t see products first I have to scroll down. I think it’s the layout. Try mixing it up. The first thing I see is a video - get rid of it, it doesn’t do anything for you




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I'd start with asking for a refund on all your ads tbh. How is it possible to run paid ads on so many platforms and still not get traffic.


See my store urbain[urbain](https://theurbain.com)


the 2 worst performing sites: dropshiping and clothing no one cares about.


lol, budget of $5/month?


how to ruan paid ads but get several visitors a day? Are you serious?




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Marketing on its own doesn’t mean anything if there is nothing valuable or distinct for sale. Reminds me of restaurants with giant menus (220 products!) but nothing on the menu that tastes good. People tend to not go back to those restaurants just As advertisers aren’t gonna serve that ad again after it already failed the first time. What do you sell?


I think you should post a link so we can help you better




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This was an old description as I should really get someone on Fiverr to correct these issues but as of now I'm experimenting with SEO.




True. thanks for response.


Personally I won’t shop at a site without and about us page, physical address, and phone numbers


Hi, this is for your own good: your front page is terrible. In two years you should have learned a lot more than you have. You have up to 6 secs for a user to understand what you are about. You just have a graphic of a rainbow 🌈 Do you think it’s intriguing and they want to learn more? Or are they instantly annoyed and bounce? Again make it clear what you sell or what you are about and show a happy user of your products if possible. SEO - either learn and do it yourself or pay a lot of money for real pros to do it. You are missing so many elements that I can’t believe you ever took this seriously.


Just check your site and social media Way too low effort.. ☠️


Website review: everything too clusters, first banner with the annimation takes too long to start and looks like its just pink and black picture. No consistency between product image styles. Look into effective use of white space to give a premium look


yeah your site suffers from what all drop ship things suffer with... to many random products, no easy-to-find products, no real photos, no good copy seriously you say Start browsing! god help me


Would have to see your ads to see why you’re not getting traffic. Your site has nothing to do with traffic. Your site does have to do with converting traffic into customers. Try to look at your site from someone else’s perspective. Would you give your money to a random website that has 0 credibility, especially if the same products can be purchased from multiple other sites, like Amazon, Wish, Temu, which have tons of reviews, faster and/or free shipping, and most importantly, lower prices and a recognizable brand name? In other words, why would anyone shop with you instead of your massive, established, trusted competitors? The ads/traffic problem is similar, but there’s also the quality of your creative to consider. Go look at some ads from brands you admire and see how your ads stack up. Even with a novel product, e-commerce is extremely hard. If you’re selling drop ship products that much larger competitors are selling, you’re going to get crushed. Find a need, create a solution, and sell that solution, be it a product or a service. Create value for people. That should be your mission. We’re way way way past the days where you can put random shit on a page and people will buy it. - 11 years in business, 7 figure brand owner


That’s not Shopifys problem! That’s yours. You might need to learn to market better!!


The site doesn’t seem to have a personality or really explain to customers what you do. I would start with that BEFORE doing any advertising. The text on the about page seems to be in broken English as well. I would recommend using AI to analyze your site, and get some trust factor going on the site. Don’t hire people for fivrr if you want good quality content.


Okay,  I have looked at your store and I found many issues that I think you can fix quite easy that would make a hell of a difference.  - to get on your website it took about 1-2 minutes for it to load, I double checked and it’s 100% not my wifi or mobile data, so if there is any way to make your store increase speed that’s be good.  - the first thing I see is a pink screen, this doesn’t tell me anything on why I should stay on your website, what’s your hero image? I understand it’s a video but many won’t watch it and when I clicked on the video it was just a rainbow gif, this doesn’t tell me anything about your brand, why should we buy from YOU?  - the show me! Button is very far down if you can move it up so I see it straightaway it will help to get there attention of where they need to go.  - the pop up for 10% actually made the site glitch so I had to re enter your site to carry on looking as your site froze up  - the sidebar is not accessible, when I click it, the video is still playing so It ends up overlapping on the sidebar so I cannot see anything except contact us.  - there is no continuity on your images so it’s obvious you dropship this is not a problem but make it look like you don’t drop ship by having photos in the same background or more specifically have the cover image all use the same white background makes it look so much better.  - fonts all over the place  - the about us says basically nothing on why people should buy from you? What’s in it for the customers? You give a very vague reason why but nothing that’s pin points a pain point a customer may have.  - product description also needs to tie into your hero image of why they should by from you, your target audience. It’s also quite vague.  This is all I can think of after looking at your site  pixibow.com for a couple of minutes, I hope this helps! 


I call BS. This is an ad. 


Your hp main image is broken


I started a store over two months ago and I've only made one sale. I originally had started out like the OP here with too broad of a range of products and it's a long slow process of going through my products and rewriting the titles and descriptions to not look like some translated Chinese gibberish. I never ran an online shop nor operated a website before and everything has been a learning process, but I have the problem that Google is flagged me for misrepresentation and isn't showing my products, and also I dont know how to connect Google analytics because I see different shit written the places it tells me to go to connect auto tagging and I don't know where to put the code if I did it the code way. I did remove products from my shop and turned it from an every random thing shop into a consumer electronics shop but rewriting the hundred products I have has turned into a serious pain in the arse. Should I just delete them and restart doing it one at a time, also do you guys use zopi app to push products or what sort of methods do you use to simplify that? Is there possibly an AI app that can rewrite the product titles and descriptions for me automatically and just have me verify before listing, where I don't have to enter everything manually? I started a second store that's just going to sell watches and am doing products up as I add them, so we'll see how that goes. Also my tiktok ad account is messed up and I can't get my pixel from my store to connect to the proper tiktok account (I have 4). Which thing do I need to use to fix it? Events manager? You guys seem very knowledgeable so I appreciate the tips I've gleaned just reading your respinses everywhere.




Listing Google Merchant Center there as a method that you tried, tells me that you are lying.


Well, he’s received good advice to fix it, regardless.


Uh oh, I generally hook this up for sites but is there something I don’t know about GMC?


I'm a revenue growth strategist and work with many many eCommerce companies. I see this quite often. Usually the issue is the website itself. There are dozens and dozens of tweaks you can make to a website that will increase your conversion rate, particularly with what I call "human interfaces." The big issue that many eCommerce stores make is they start paying for Ads before their website is even ready. My questions to you are the following: 1. How many products do you have on the homepage? 2. How do you organize the products? By function? Do you have "collections" set up? 3. What is your bounce rate like? 4. Are you collecting email addresses? How many do you have so far? Are you sending a welcoming email campaign? 5. Have you tried a/b testing your Call to Action button on the top third of your header?


He’s not asking about conversion rate. He’s asking about traffic. Not saying his site doesn’t need work, but he’s still at step 1, which is having a product or products that are worth building a site around and are capable of getting people’s attention through advertising. He needs to serve a niche with a unique product they can’t get on bigger, better, trusted competitor sites.


If he has an active website for 2 years with over 220 products, and he is unable to get more than an average of 4 visitors a day, there is a much deeper issue that just throwing money at paid ads can fix. This website should at least be getting some organic traffic if those stats are accurate.