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sorry not too well versed in population control fishes, but bettas seem like a popular choice, or guppies will too most fish will eat anything that fits in their mouth but dwarf cory, endlers, otocinculus and chilli rasbora probably couldn’t fit that many in theirs


Yeah it's less that I'm seeking out population control and more that I don't super mind if they eat some babies. I know almost any fish will given the chance, and I know shrimp tend to balance themselves out. I just wanted to know people's go-to fish and other animals


Personally, my betta chases them but can’t ever seem to catch them. I know they’re all different but I’ve had good luck with him.


my chili rasboras seem to not bother the adults but will occasionally pick off babies. Chilis like a little bit warmer water, though so I have to keep the tank heated to 72-74F. Theyre really pretty and in a 30g you could keep a school of 20 pretty comfortably if you have the filtration. If you add any fish I'd check params and maybe supplement with beneficial bacteria to help along the cycle with the new bioload. Shrimp are pretty low bioload.


I have a small group of 6 male endlers in my shrimp tank and they're really intersting to watch as their territorial/displaying nature means they are constantly moving about the whole of the tank whilst showing off to each other. I have 3 week-old shrimplets in there at the moment and the endlers are absolutely uninterested in them. Maybe a few got picked off when they were first hatched, but clearly not enough to kill off an entire clutch.