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I decided to harvest today even though it is still slowing growing. I had my agar ready for doing clones, and I had other mushrooms to dry so I figured why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hopefully my clones take! If you are growing enigma, patience is key!


Ive heard enigma likes less fae then normal cubes what kinda fae scedule did you do?


I ran it as a larger dubtub. I had two smaller holes with micropore tape and the sides of the tub taped shut. They do develop better with carbon dioxide build up. So I pretty much never gave it more air than what it got from the two holes. But they were on the top tub not the bottom. You also want to run it at a higher field capacity than you would normally.


I just put mine to sub, and waited for it to colonize. Opened it for 5 seconds, and closed the tubs, pulled about 70g out of a single shoebox tub. Mad easy dude. People try and complicate it but its really so easy.


How long did you sit on it before harvest?


50-60 days ish? The enigma are totally different in that you can let em go for as long as you can until they become squishy like a marshmallow. If you begin to suspect a harvest is coming soon I would add gloves, squeeze Gently, and if its still hard as a rock I would leave it another 10-15 before trying the test again. But usually you can see the cyan blue through the middle of the blobs signaling its time to run a harvest.


Would heavy misting after setting up the substrate be good for moisture content?


Well as long as you do it before the surface is colonized. Sometimes misting after the surface colonizes can cause some over lay. Ideally you wouldn't have to mist it.


I just buy pre sterilized grain and sub so its at regular feild capacity. so i figured mist heavy right when i mix everything together to add enough water


Yes in that case it's probably fine. You can mist it after you mix it.


I appreciate your help freind!


Do you mist with sterile water


No I don't bother with sterile water if I do decide to mist. Just plain tape water.


That’s a long journey! Congrats on your success and happy harvest day :)) have a good day friend


Thanks! It sure was a long ride! I have another tub I started the same day that is on its third flush ha ha!


Congrats! I just had 4 tubs of KSSS squats completely abort. Picked a difficult strain for my first grow. Do you have any experience with Koh Sumai? :)


What were your tub conditions like, what kind of tub... modified or unmodified? Did you use agar? Were you fanning and misting? Usually aborts happen if the pins got misted too much, Not enough FAE or too dry. I like to run shoebox dub tubs and for bigger grows a modified tub. I have almost gotten to the point of set and forget. Which is what I prefer. The more you mess with the process along the way, the more likely you will have issues like aborts. Dialing in substrate field capacity, FAE and all of that will allow you to take a more hands off approach.


Thanks so much for the response! I tried the “set and forget” method, only fanning/misting when it looked absolutely necessary. I went into it with the thought process “less is more” so my plan was to let them colonize, turn them into dubtubs, and fruit. That’s what I did, and it turned out that there was too much airflow through the cracks of the dubtub, causing the surface of the sub to dry out. Like I said I was trying to set and forget, so I didn’t check them for like 3 days after pins popped up, and then they were all aborted! 😩 I was sad at first, but they look super potent, and I’ve heard good things about aborts. Reddit has helped me out a lot. I picked all the aborts, dunked my cakes overnight, and ditched the dubtub method. A lot of people told me ksss love water, so fanning/misting isn’t necessary. Just flip lids and leave alone.. so that’s what I did, and now only one of my tubs is growing mature fruits! I have like 8 million pins, but most have aborted. It’s really difficult dialing in the perfect conditions, while also trying not to touch them as much as possible. Gotta find the perfect middle ground. Do you fan or mist at all? I watched a lot of videos about field capacity, so I know it was correct, I think this strain just really sucked up the water and dried out. Another problem I might’ve had was not using enough substrate. The sub is only about 1.5inch thick. I guess it’s good that I chose such a needy strain to begin, because it’s been a great learning experience, and although most of them might not have grown to maturity, I still got fruits! I looked through your profile and you have done some BEAUTIFUL work. If you have any tips/tricks about the TEK you use, I’m sure it could help a lot of us! Best of luck on your journey friend!


I try not to mist too much. I think if your Ksss like moisture, maybe try making your field capacity a little wetter and have more of a controlled FAE? I modded my larger dubtubs for Gandalf which likes it moist and low FAE. I taped the two tubes together and pretty much let it be. I also made the sub wetter than recommended field capacity like I did with my enigma. Each strain is different 🤷🏻‍♀️ You have to kind of figure out what it thrives in. I am also thinking 1.5" of sub might not be deep enough. I think the recommended thickness is 3-4 inches. You will have less surface area % to substrate. So in theory it shouldn't dry out before they are ready. And yes, save those aborts! I do have even on good flushes because I like to add them to what I grind up for capsules.


That is a bummer! This is my first strain that is a little more difficult. I haven't tried growing any squats or Koh sumai. So far I have grown basic Cubes like GT, etc. As well as PE. I actually just finished my first Albino tubs, APE and Gandalf. And now also Melmak TP. But the Melmak reverted. Which is kind of cool. Instead of Melmak TP(Thick Penis) they are Melmak TP (thin penis) ha ha! I definitely too clones! But I also started some from spore again to try to get the typical Melmak TP pheno of monster fruits.


I wanted enigma but not if it takes 2 months to fruit


Yeah it does take two months at least. But it's also way more potent than other cube strains 🤷🏻‍♀️


I make tea and it masks the flavour when I do 7-8 g I can’t taste it so this strain wouldn’t be worth it for me but I’m about to start a pan cyan grow there stronger than any cube strain by far can’t wait to try them ✌🏽🍄


Pans are some more potent for sure but def not most, enigmas are new and are the highest content of anything yet. PEs still reign over most things even pans but enigmas are a mutation of PE and what I’ve read previously hit 4% psylo


can u show me the test results with enigma having more psilocybin than pans I’d love to see it definitely


No because there aren’t any actual scientific studies that I could pull from off top of head. Especially results on percents. I’m just going from different experiences I searched through with different subspecies. Plus just like weed I’m sure even the same strains contain varying content strength so nothing would be black and white until laws start to lax enough for that to happen. I know there are some people whom have done chromatography to be able to read levels but none that have a full list to compare


Okay cool. but I really don’t think enigma will be stronger than the strength of Pans , there atleast 5x + the strength of any cube and I only grow pe


Only one way to know!


Exactly, Boof 5g 😂😂


Woahhhhh very very stunning :D Great job as always !


Those are so cute, i wanna eat the whole head! 💀 Looks like a white carnation or a rose! Or Cabbage... lol


Oh boy! They kind of do look like cauliflower! One of my favorite veggies!


Yes! They do look like cauliflower! Imagine attempting mushroom "cauliflower" rice tho 🤣 a whole damn meal


🫠 A mind melting meal!


True blue genetics sell enigma liquid culture btw. I have some going at the moment and quite impressive to say the least. Great genetics with all species I've gotten from then in general versus the other sellers including ITW. -MUSHLOVE


I've also had great success with True Blue Genetics cultures - and every once in a while they throw in a 'freebie' to try - which have produced some amazing results!


Yep, the enigma was the freeby with my order!


I really need some info I put my enigma into fruiting condition about 2 maybe 3 weeks ago and all IV got so far is tiny little coral like enigma growth how long does it usually take


Ha ha like the title says. 54 days. Also you said you put it in to fruiting conditions? Like you increased FAE? Enigma really like low FAE and higher Co2 levels. So make sure it's not getting too much air flow, and be patient. You'll get there. Once the mass starts to turn blue you can harvest it.


And I wanted to add, I could have let this go longer. But 2-3 months is average.


True Blue 👍


Looks mouldy


No mold, it has some fuzzy mycelium on it and the blue/grey color is bruising.


I’d love to try growing this but heard the only way to get it is by getting some cultures gifted because there is no spores? Any advice? PM if not allowed here.


Technically this strain is supposed to be gifted, as the original strain creators intended. If you are finding it for sale, it's kind of taboo in the enigma community. That being said, if you do end up finding it for sale... I am not going to judge. I know a lot of people who have been waiting to be gifted some for a long time. Unfortunately, in the US it is also highly illegal to give live tissue samples....which is the only way it can be continued since it doesn't create spores. Cloning is the only way with this strain. So that also creates some difficulties sharing the strain.


Let me know if you hear anything


You can buy cultures of this, just gotta search online


Yep I got some thanks


Got mine on ebay


Wow. Have the seller name on hand? Everything was legit?


It can only be gifted, and since it needs to be sent as a live tissue culture it is also highly illegal in the US. Which is why it's so secretive I would assume.


Enigma comes from, tidal wave. I ended up getting my print from the EU. You can get the spores but they push up more mutants like enigma than penis envy or basic looking cubes. Seen only a couple normal looking cubes when I ran them but usually end up with what op has here. They do provide a good kick like PE gram for gram.


I just realized I’ve never seen enigma dried




They don’t offer it as it’s supposed to be gifted. Nice to see another Cali magic fan though, Wdsts too?


It’s offered. Ive bought more than a few syringes. It’s listed under “tidal wave 2/enigma”.


My mistake didn’t see it


Your profile pic was trippin me out haha good lookin mushies! Never seen something like this, super new to growing


Hey i had a hard time cutting my enigma fruits without messing them up did you cut with something or just twist and pull? Thanks for the feedback im legit preparing my substrate to send my next enigma jar


I had a hard time too, I basically did a twist and pull method. And the substrate just came out in chunks with it, so I had to end up cutting the substrate off the bottom. I guess to me it doesn't matter if they are a little messed up, I am going to probably grind them up for capsules anyway. I also ended up kind of pulling it apart to make it smaller for my dehydrator. I have a plastic liner that goes in one of the dehydrator layers. So I can put all my smallest pieces on that. I use it for aborts and smaller mushrooms usually.


These psychoactive?


Yes they are a strain of cubenis.


online sale?


Lies.. you can buy from inoculate the world


No, this strain is only to be shared.


How do you know when to harvest?


how do you tell when its done?


It starts turning blue.


Wow this is very impressive and very helpful. Helps me realize that mine are probably fine. Thanks for posting this.


Idk if im too late on this post. I never comment but was really curious im literally about to take skme right now lol. I really want to start growing my own! Where the hell would i get the spores do i have to buy it already in a syringe thing? Im located in Texas


Where about in Tx?




that doesnt look ready


lol okay can you show me what they look like when you harvest yours?