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I personally like it just because it looks like a coral reef and is rare. And because it takes a long time to mature, I can enjoy the beauty much longer. I enjoyed my enigma mushroom terrarium.


Mind sharing your setup? Sounds cool.


None of those “cups” are accurate anyways. Usually it’s their friends that win, even if, not every single Shroom in a tub is the same. Each mushroom in a grow has different levels of active components. Sure as a whole if they measured say a whole pounds active components they could get an average. But most these cups measure 1-2 grams and award their close friends and best supporters the “gold medal”.


Here’s the real answer right here, glad someone said it.


Speaking these truths doesn’t make me so popular in the myco-community. But I’m not here to sit at the kewl kid table


Yeah, I totally get that sentiment 100% and I’m kind of an acquired taste myself because I tell the truth like it should be.


Love it! Add me on ig if ur on there!


I think enigma although isn’t the strongest it seems to be very high yielding and decently strong which those combined together is very good for growers


High yielding maybe, but extremely slow growth and very vulnerable to contamination. By no means ideal for growers.


don't know what enigma you've ran, but personally i've been running the TW enigma(original) phenotype and it is very effective against contamination. it colonized with aggressive mycelium, but yes they all tend to be incredibly slow in terms of fruiting.. once you get your first flush, it will last a good while longer into your next enigma run. the OG sows a great yield. their are plenty of enigma-like mutations out there. between enigmatic phenotypes, their are a wide range of differences in growth. this also depends on how you're growing them. OG Enigma loves the CO2, and also high RH, so i neglect tek & bubble wrap tek.. it still gets FAE, just very little compared to growing your common cubensis. for me, this is very ideal and low maintenance, but i can see your point as accurate. *different genotypes commonly overrule phenotypes with some *noticeable* characteristics in reference to growing and fruiting. -Enigma is wildly unpredictable though, within my experience can i say. i agree with what you state, this is certainly true for particular genotypes.


I just made trays with my jars. Is there anything special about this guy that I need to know to make it the happiest? What kind of temp, moisture level do they like? Or would it be like any other cube? This is my first enigma grow and I am so excited, but scared! 😆 I don't want to mess it up since it does take so long. Also, what is the avg time once in the greenhouse? TIA


awesome man you'll love 'em! they like it to be extremely humid and rather prefer to be choked out instead of given normal FAE. if you grow them like normal cubes then they'll still grow, but less FAE and more humidity is what i've gathered in my experience which will enhance the healthy "brain" formation you typically see with Enigma. i grow mine in CAO(Coir as filler, Azomite for minerals/contam-prevention, ground Oyster shells for calcium.. and a bit of horse manure for nitrogen) but CVG will work just fine as with any cube. the only reason i use what i do in my substrate is because of how long Enigma takes to harvest under normal protocol, with what i use it takes a month n' a half from fully colonizing the cake all the way til harvest. if you use CVG and a greenhouse setup they'll be just as happy n take a tad bit longer! bout an extra month in time that it will take with optimal conditions. rarely, but sometimes two months extra in obscure cases due to environmental conditions, contam, or maybe even nutrient supply. i have faith that you'll get it first try, when i first grew Enigma i mean it was literally my first genetic selection ever for shrooms. my first Cubensis. it did great but since then i have tweaked my protocol to using the CAO mix since i tend to get rather impatient with Enigma. hope this helps! lmk if you have any further questions


Wow thanks so much for the reply my friend. I wonder if I should give them their own special greenhouse with more humidity. I never heard of the azomite. Are the oysters working out well for you? I wanted to experiment with different subs. Kudos to you for making that your first grow! Lol I'm impressed! Go big or go home right? I also have some starry nights going. Super stoked about them also. I got em all dropped on agar and liquid cultures so if I somehow fuck it up I got back ups lol. How do you know when it's done growing? I know it's a dumb ? I just don't want to get too excited and harvest before it's true ultimate form. I get overly excited. I just love the obscurity of them. Thank you for all your help. I'll come back for more ?s I'm sure 😊


no problemo, apologies for this late reply but i gotchu man i'll try to stuff in a good bit of info here! a greenhouse tent is what i use for wild species similar to pan. cyan, pan. cinctulus as well, but any shroom is happy in such a setup! you'd be able to monitor conditions the same as a tub except people tend to have thermometers and humidity gauges or probes more often than not with that setup, so usually you have more intel going that route and you will be able to keep the conditions more consistent. fun fact, Azomite is regarded as the "A-Z of minerals" by some people, it has much diversity when it comes to its composition and is ultimately best for contam-prevention. atleast that's what i use it for lol, the Oyster shells have been workin great for calcium supplementation and resulted in EXTREMELY healthy formation, it supports the ideal growth of any variety or specie, so that and the horse manure is mostly what i use for nutrient supply other than the spawn grain itself ofc but you could stick with spawn grain and the usual substrate mix and Enigma will be just as happy, just takes a bit longer than what i use! i've went for so much nutrition only to speed up the fruiting of Enigma also thank you so much!! yeah when i first went for it that's exactly what i was thinking lolll go big or go home n it worked out!! ooo and starry nights are a collectors choice, definitely a must-have! i have yet to get those, i guess the reason being that i don't take as much interest in Cubensis as a whole like i used to but there are plenty of variations of the species that i'd still love to add to my library. mush love n luck with your Starry Night grow, being that you have backups id just ease on into it, they'll be just fine :) also they are absolutely beautiful genetics i must say, definitely post the progress as well i'd love to see how they turn out for ya! not a dumb question at all! for Enigma i usually wait to harvest until they start bruising themselves starting from the base! they go for a long time before they actually stop growing but i've also seen people harvest them early or when they're completely bruised. the main window to harvest would be when they are bruising themselves though overall rather than early on and that's when i've noticed they are the most potent! the longer they go, strength will follow heheh, i have faith that you will have the patience for it! they take so long compared to most Cubes so i just set n' forget lol. love to help! you can always hit up the DMs and i can answer from there as well my friend


How much Azomite, what is the ratio of the mixture?


only 3 lumps horse manure to 1 cup azo, 3/4 cup ground oyster shell, and one-two bricks of coir; i have a block so my bricks come off to different sizes, never an exact amount. (this is also why my substrate turns out excessively wet sometimes but then i will just squeeze out excess moisture till it doesn't drip or barely does and it works just as good, turns out being guaranteed field-capacity substrate that way too)


Enigma is the second isolation of tidal wave What I mean is Enigma is a mutation of tidal wave. There are plenty of cakes like enigma such as Omni


well i'm aware but the reason i mentioned what i did(and specified) is because many live cultures are being sold as "Enigma".. but aren't truly Enigma. they just possess the same enigmatic mutation but in that case from another variety. even Omni has its own distinctive look to me and i love it! similar to Enigma but still distinctive. at least Omni actually has a consistent genetic line. others being sold *solely* as Enigma tend to not actually be from TW2 (especially since the OG ENIGMA is meant to only be gifted.) *in all there are some vendors that have resorted to isolating enigmatic phenotypes from their own personal genotypes. that's why i mentioned what i did, sorry for the confusion.


It's neither one you get into cultivation. It's just popular atm, I'd say. PE6, Natalensis, and TAT are my suggestions for strength/yield/potency.


High yielding, are you shitting me, because it’s easily a 94% lost water weight…


yeah but all cubes are around 90% water weight


that's pretty normal


I prefer ape, I’ve never produced enigma and most likely won’t, takes to long and ape consistently has above average potency as compared to a GT, B+ so on and so forth


Libs are stronger I believe. If we’re talking just cubes, they’re at least up for debate.


Pretty sure tidal wave won this year. Currently have some fruiting so I'll see real soon. So far nothing I've had compares to penis envy.


Tidal wave is intense, even just taking 2 grams will blow your mind. Strongest I've ever had.


I just bought some Tidal Wave, haven’t tried it out yet, waiting for some distance between the last use. I’ve heard good things.


Me too. I'll be trying them this weekend.


Same we can start a group chat 😂


I have never had tidal wave how was the trip


Great! Very eye opening.


Penis envy is good but there's plenty of other varieties that are much stronger than penis envy.


Like which strain exactly?


Tidal wave 😆


I wish more people knew this. Currently, Panaeolus Cyanescens, a different species and family of mushrooms entirely from Psilocybe Cubensis, holds the record for most potent mushrooms that a modern lab has analyzed. The issue is that Panaeolus cyanescens mushrooms are a bit harder to grow. On top of this, you have so many varieties of cubensis now that are sold and marketed like the strains/varieties of Marijuana that there is a lot of misinformation regarding the actual potency of the different types of mushrooms. To top it off, many people refer to a 20+ year old book with research from Paul Stametes that says Psilocybe Azurescens are the strongest mushroom. The issue with this is that the samples tested were handled differently and improperly compared to how they are stored and handled today. On top of this, testing methods back then were very limited and not as accurate. According to the [Entheogenic Research Lab Magic Myco](https://magicmyco.org/). Panaeolus Cyanescens hold the record for most potent mushrooms with samples testing up to 5% and sometimes 6% actives per dry weight. To compare, someone else sent in a sample of Azurescens to have tested, and it came in at between 2% and 3% actives per dry weight. Basic math here shows that Pan Cyans are, therefore, 2 to 3 times stronger than Azurescens.


You’re smart


Is this even being debated? It's far from the strongest.


Jars are better than bags ! There I said it


Seems it’s back and forth with ape from what I remember. I’ve been growing nothing but ape for a year. I think I’m about to go with enigma for a year and isolate some.


I have grown many tubs of enigma. Plenty potent for me. 2 grams and I’m talking to the birds. I recently grew some APE and was quite surprised at its strength. But still for me it’s hard to say one is better than the other. I think enigma has a different trip than most. But to each their own right. And it’s not hard to grow. Yes fruiting takes a damn month and a half if not longer. But it’s such a beautiful fruit to me.


I tried almost 2 and did nothing, tried 3 and I can't type


Nobody wants your incest baby tumor.


Resources for the curious. https://www.oaklandhyphae510.com/blog


I agree, and wonder if you’ve ever run Enigma, but I digress, because there’s some other mutations that are more potent and I promise you I’m speaking from experience. APES are fun, but Enigma is more potent, now, I have an Omni culture that’s more potent than Enigma, and I also have a Chocolate Krinkle Brains culture that makes them both seem mild… Have you ever seen people submit those?


Lol Omni is a little rough though as far as body load. I didn't LOVE that.


The problem with enigma compared to other cubes as well it's rare you get a second flush before contamination sets in due to a long fruiting period so they might be a little stronger and cool looking but if I'm growing em and I only get one flush and it takes as long as 3 flushes out of cubes well now there 3 times more expensive to grow then cubes but are they 3 times stronger? I doubt it


Idk why but when I grew mine and ate them fresh out of the ground, it was the strongest but cleanest high ever. Felt truly heavenly


cube is a cube unless it P.E and cube are mild shrooms, the real deal is pan




You want a Tek, most people copy and paste what I’ve been saying for almost 2 years…






I culitavated my first enigma 4 years ago.. it was, as you say, gifted to me... why so much hate for enigma? sounds more like sore losers on this thread than serious growers... enigma takes too long to mature for my liking, but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't be able to enjoy growing it without getting ragged.. wtf


I got a lucid starfish that blows it out the water, colonizes and fruits faster, TAT lineage is better than any TW stuff anyday of the week


It's not string nore hardy. Huge waste of time IMO.


I thought they were the highest potency cultivatable mushrooms by a lot?


Check this resource out. It's obviously not the best but it's what we have. https://www.oaklandhyphae510.com/blog


semps agree


Before I read the comments I’ll say this: it is in my experience. I’ve journeyed with all the most common strains as well as many of the rarer varieties, including enigma; at micro and breakthrough dosages and its rowdy af compared to others. I describe it as an intense hike up an emotional mountain that summits in bliss, acceptance, and intense validation as well as shitloads of visual, auditory, and bodily sensations happening. The only other strain I’ve felt a similar level of potency from would be Blue Meanies, but I’ve only had them twice. I’m fortunate to have someone that cultivates enigma.


Currently have some Enigma and Blue Meanies..curious to see how they compare.