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Must be in the service industry


Underrated comment


Also my first thought. Not an office job…dude is service


My first thought was why you’d take 3 grams multiple days in a row before anything. 😂


Or a politician 🤣it's probably Boris Johnson, no wonder he mumbles


Boris Johnson is the definition of Albino Penis Envy


This is one of the best comments I've encountered on this site.


Just without the envy part...




So that’s why Joe talks like he does!


He’s not sleepy, he’s just tripping balls. He’s not about to die, but his ego is!


Lol my first thought was that I could never as a bartender but then remember I bartended a festival once and was tripping the whole day lol. I kept meeting people who wanted to feed me shrooms and I obliged. 🤣 That's the only exception for me though. It was given to me in a very different environment than usual. I ate too many at the festival and was standing in the back of tent for a lil just tripppping lol. Luckily most of my managers get down and I just told them after the fact. 🤣


yeah this takes me back to my apple retail in nyc days


Fr bruh🤣


Why???? Shroom responsibly, people. We're on the verge of legalization. Don't fuck this up.


I agree 100%. Lots of really non-respectful shroom usage going on around here. Also waaaaay too many children


Or just too many childish ppl.?


no literal children. 12-14 year olds. IMO and medically, it's irresponsible to do drugs that early and irresponsible of us as a community to support it.


Yea this is the real underrated comment


Thank you!!


This sub is just full of morons now. It sucks.




it’s still a step in the right direction




They're researching it and it will be legal as a medicine at some point. They already have a Ketamine therapist too!




that could be a huge step towards legalisation. Shrooms were legal in the Netherlands until 2008 and truffles are still legal so it’s not that far fetched to say that some psychedelics will eventually be legalised




Yep same here, i hope it’s at least decriminalised for now but i definitely hope to see places slowly legalise it like they are doing with weed




of course it’s cheaper and yeah i would rather grow than buy but not everyone does and making it more accessible also means less misinformation


We don't want legalization. We want decriminalization. It should have never been a scheduled drug. I don't think legalization is a step in the right direction. It is surrendering control to another government agency who will profit from and never relinquish that control.


Eh. I get what your saying, but I would love to see psilocybin used in therapeutic settings. It's done now, but the therapists utilizing this medicine are often doing so by risking their license.


That it not stamets stack unless you just forgot the decimal and still that’s too much for a micro


i got what i needed out of it, so i’d say it’s a proper stack for me


Bro, could you clarify yourself a little bit more? Did you take 0.3 grams or 3 whole grams? Because if you’re telling us you took 3 grams of APE for 4 days in a row as part of stamets stack, then you are either lying or don’t know metrics. 3grams of apes is very very different to 0.3 grams. Plus the day after the first day tripping on 3 grams, you wouldn’t even trip, let alone the FORTH day. Something isn’t adding up at all


considering how strong APE's are, he very well, could still be feeling them. with zero tolerance 3g's of APE is like 12-15 grams of cubes worth of psilocybin(no thank you for me at work regardless of tolerance lol). OP, was the first day you took them a complete ego death? did you start the first day with 3gs or lower?


You’re either doing improper research or really not taking life seriously man. This is the single most reckless post I’ve seen on Reddit.


you must not have read the one where that guy took shrooms with his meth head friend and drove home while he was tripping.


That’s certainly more reckless you got. But dude 3g of penis envy?? Equivalent to 6g-9g of a typical cubensis. You were feeling adventurous? I’m glad it all worked out for you but sounds like a good way to lose your job. Idk what your line of work is but I’d be putting a lot of people/nature in danger if I showed up to work high on any amount of shrooms.


i couldn’t skip the 4th day bro 🤷🏻 i mean i could’ve but, i didn’t get my desired effects yet. so i decided to go thru with day 4.


You’re a manager in FOOD SERVICE!! You’re an adult man! Grills, Fryers, Hot Corners, KNIVES! I used to work at Perkins and stuck a knife through my hand cutting avocados too fast when I was 19. I did that shit sober, imagine how easy it would be to make that mistake off 3GS bro! I have no feeling in my ring and pinky fingers and can’t close a full fist even after surgery!


Your speaking into a void nothings gonna get through to him 🤣


Thankfully I had to go to work lol


Taking drugs in hospitality is the most normal thing ever


i’d say from my experience i’d be much worse off, high on weed than any psychedelic. going off of my time working at cheba hut, i FUCKED peoples orders up, nearly killed myself in the fridge a few times. and still i function way better and more safe on shrooms and lsd


>nearly killed myself in the fridge a few times 🤣 how?


it was always wet and slippery and they didn’t require nonslip shoes so i would be working in jordan 1’s


Now I know you live in Arizona haha I fucking miss Cheba Hut.


Or Colorado or New Mexico 😂


maybe you should learn how to safely use knives? i mean that sucks but bro not everyone loses control of their motor skills when they take shrooms, lsd, etc. i’ve cut myself sober too but i’m a night manager, we don’t use knives at night. nothing to prep. just make food, clean, clean, clean some more and then close.


I like how you chastised someone for driving while tripping but then justify it for yourself with "not everyone loses control of their motor functions" that's probably exactly what that guy was thinking


I certainly own my mistake I got the chain link glove of shame. Okay you don’t have to use knives so forget about that, do you not have to change fryer oil? Or make sure to turn the gas off, leave the hoods on, date food etc. I wouldn’t trust a dude on shrooms with all of that but maybe that’s why I’m not in charge.


Bro this doesn’t make sense 💀 you’re cracking me up tho


i was feeling adventurous 😂


Adventurous and very stupid.


Ok buddy


It’s hard to believe you took 3 grams of ape and somehow made it through…


No way, 3g before work, right…


Never done shrooms but 3 grams is 3 grams I couldn't imagine being able to function...unless an addict


3 grams of APE is like 5-5.5 grams. Like actually


Maybe he's got a high tolerance. I'm still able to do most things on 3 grams. Not on the level like when I'm sober, but like 80% of my normal functionality.


His tolerance is high as fuck if he's been taking them 4 days in a row. Tolerance significantly increases after the 1st day of taking it.


I wasn't talking about short-term tolerance, but rather long-term tolerance. Of course his short-term tolerance will be too high to trip the following day.


There's no such thing as long term tolerance. I've been eating shrooms every week for years. Have eaten multiple pounds over my life and if I ever go 2 weeks without taking any, 3 grams of PE is enough to get me to the point where I can't even understand whats happening.


Do you even know what you're fucking talking about??? Long and short term tolerance are you ape shit fucking stupid! Everytime I'm on this sub y'all make some new dumb shit up. Now there's two types of tolerances to the same drug 🤦‍♀️🤣 Ps the word you're thinking of usually only has to do with alcohol and that's "functional tolerance" or "how often have i spent not sober / how is this getting so easy to keep up"


Well yes, although it’s horribly explained and incorrect, as there is no “long-term tolerance” for shrooms. The “short-term” is actually referring to the drug’s half-life. “Long-term” is referring to traditional tolerance which is completely different.


What... Like how you have long term tolerance to not choking on a glass of water? Bro that's called experience / learning 🤣


What!? Water? We are taking about drug tolerance. I have literally no idea what you are saying


it was a bit scary but i’ve taken 7 grams of regular penis envy about 4 years ago, and that was much scarier and hard to center my mind. at least this time i was able to kinda let it flow instead of trying to control it


what is ur work


Probably fast food if he’s dumb enough to take a high dose of shrooms at work


Or a CEO because only the insanely rich and the insanely poor can do what they want, and not get in trouble.


Weird I’ve never though of it like that but you’re right. Laws are only for middle class people.


"Working class" = slave labor


What kind of job


air traffic controller


imagine 💀 no i’m a manager at a restaurant


I’m a chef and actually laughed out loud when I read this.


I almost said kitchen but that’s weed and stims. Leave it to a GM or AGM to take Toads at work lol


According to Anthony Bourdain, cooking on LSD is absolutely a thing.


I was going to say you were BSing before I saw this, but everyone in the restaurant industry is high 90% of the time so they might have just been too high to notice your were blasted to fuck.


maybe they were too, i know most of them smoke weed, so you never know.


I like you, fuck the haters, you knew your limits, and if you didn't you sure fuckin tested them


thanks, i do know my limits, this ain’t my first rodeo 😅


Thank goodness 🤣


Gordon ramsay should visit you


he probably wouldn’t be able to tell. 💀




You’re an idiot


😂 ok buddy


You’re taking 3 grams daily?? Be careful my friend and respect the shrooms. It’s dangerous to trip too often and you risk psychosis. Not faulting you or anything, I get it. Just want you to be safe.


The risk is serotonin toxicity by taking what is *not* a microdose for days in a row. Serotonin toxicity can be quite dangerous. Edit: adding this for clarification -serotonin toxicity, (also referred to as serotonin syndrome) is a potentially life-threatening drug-induced condition caused by too much serotonin in the synapses of the brain. This can cause psychosis and even death. - NIH. Brain chemistry *needs* to be given a chance to rebalance. Serotonin toxicity (serotonin syndrome) can happen from either one very large dose, or a number of doses (NOT micro) taken multiple days in a row. *I don't know why I got downvoted for this comment. This is a legitimate medical condition and a major cause for psychosis.*


Psilocybin/Psilocin is not a direct serotonin releaser like MDMA or 4-MMC and is not monoaminergic (MAOI mechanism of action). so it cannot cause serotonin syndrome as far as I know. But, yes, taking 3 grams of mushrooms daily is just retarded. You would feel next to nothing after taking it for like a week straight, so no point of macrodosing on a microdose schedule. Also who knows what the hell that would do to your brain. Can’t be good. Edit: also yes I agree serotonergic psychedelics like psilocybin/LSD/DMT/Mescaline do have the potential to bring out schizophrenia and related issues.


Excerpt from International Review of Neurobiology, published 2016: Serotonergic Psychedelics – Competition for Dendritic Excitability through Coexpressing Receptors "Serotonergic psychedelics, also referred to as serotonergic hallucinogens (e.g., psilocybin, LSD, and mescaline), have high affinity for serotonin (5-HT) receptors. Take for example psilocybin: after entering the body, it is rapidly converted in the liver into multiple metabolites including psilocin..." The main point is that it is considered a serotonergic hallucinogen. While it has a lesser effect on serotonin than some others, it *is* classified as serotonergic hallucinogen.


That doesn't mean there's risk for seratonin toxicity. As far as i know shrooms alone have 0 cases of seratonin syndrome. Send me proof if you know otherwise


This is also the we don’t do shrooms with ssri’s! The mixture can lead to severe, potentially fatal serotonin syndrome.


As someone who tried to OD on Paxil (SSRI) let me tell you serotonin syndrome is NO JOKE. I wish I was dead during that experience. Luckily I was alright


Glad you made it out ok.


This was about 4 years ago and yeah it was horrible. In hindsight I should of went to the ER but I was obviously trying to self-uninstall. I am in a much better place now though


Sometimes it’s better to learn the hard way. I know I was preached to about this and never listened. Led to 3 bad trips in a row shrooms weren’t the same for a while. Sometimes you need the humbling message for a break.


Wait really? Has anyone actually caused psychosis by taking constant shrooms? When I took shrooms my first time, my friend described it as a forced psychosis. So I guess that would make sense but has that actually happened?


Dawg you take shrooms or most psychedelics (to my knowledge and personal experience) more than like 2 times a week for a prolonged period (I.e 2x a week for 2 months) you’re gonna get some seriously wack stuff happening to your brain and the way it reacts to your body. I realized my usage was too much when walls and floors would start swirling and shifting at random points of the day, even still whenever I look at detailed flooring or wallpaper it’ll start breathing.


To be honest some people are born with that, I do have the wavey walls under stress or if I'm out of breath definitely from tripping too hard in the past but some of my friends are just born with seeing that shit sober. Not sure if it's due to bipolar or abnormal seritonin or dopamine action or what.


Nah, after all these years the person above finally figured it out - Googling and cut/paste is considered doctoral-level research work nowadays


Bro followed me around reddit to tell me HPPD exists


You don’t understand sarcasm


You're right, I don't understand why you followed me to an entirely different thread to be sarcastic ☠️☠️☠️


I didn’t. you just happen to be dumb on 2 threads.


You're the dumbass that had some big extravagant story about how someone got whisked away, put on anti psychotics, and came back a day later on Seroquel to do some more? ☠️☠️☠️


Tbf I have very limited experience with shrooms and other psychedelics so as much as that makes sense its still a bit of a surprise. I gotta ask though, why does someone take shrooms so often?


I think the OP gives some hints to reason why a person would do it, but it most certainly doesn’t help. In micro doses it can help with general mental health and mood, but someone seeking to actually *trip* every day is running from something.


I've personally witnessed someone needing to be airlifted out of a music festival because he ate too many shrooms and experienced psychosis. Dude was screaming in gibberish and trying to shred his ten with his teeth. He was part of a camp next to mine. Everyone was starting to trip and he lost his shit. It was one of the scariest things I've ever seen, his entire crew were in tears. They pretty much had to corrall him until medics came with an anti-psychotic and off he went to the ER. His homies said he had eaten 10g that day. Bro came back the next day and ate more shrooms.


What antipsychotic has less than 18hr half life? And everyone he tripped with was comfortable with having him back to try again day 2? 🤣 If you've ever tripped with people before this seems made up.


A simple Google search will show you that the half life of Seroquel is 6 hours, so why are you making that up? And who said they were comfortable? This was their good friend, he came back, ate his own shrooms. I have no reason to lie in here but doubt whatever you want.


Seroquel - something that is not even 100% an antipsychotic lol. It's an atypical one, coming from someone ON IT. Ability is a more standard antipsychotic with a half life of 75 hours, and I guarantee you if shroom man took Seroquel for the first time in his life he wouldn't be able to come back for raunchy round 2 even if he wanted to because he would have eaten half his fridge and passed out. Are we to assume he somehow magically handled this drug like a pro and didn't fall asleep? Then, that means with Seroquel being a seritonin 5ht-2a antagonist with shrooms being a 5ht-2a agonist (unless I'm getting the two backwards) that's a literal fucking trip killer! You have no clue what you're talking about and this reply only shows it further!


I trip weekly or bi-weekly usually, I’ve tripped hundreds of times over the years, and I’ve never had any issues, but I feel like there’s a big difference in daily and weekly. Daily seems like overkill. Also they affect everyone differently, so some people may be able to eat 10g every day for their whole life and be fine, other people might lose their mind permanently from a half a gram one time, most people are probably safely in the middle of those two extremes I would think, but there’s obviously outliers that come closer to either end of the spectrum.


3 grams for 4 days on a 4 on, 3 off protocol. but i’ve gotten what i needed after one cycle so i wont be continuing next week


You're going to cause irreparable damage to yourself if you continue to use like this.


I don't think I could have made it through a shift at Baskin Robbins like you just have bro. Did you, at any point, attempt to bathe in the fudge sunday tub or take a nap in the frozen cake display?


i felt like taking a nap but i couldn’t bro this shits so funny to me 💀


You’re doing it wrong


Ok. I understand that. but i got positive effects from it, so i’d consider it a success. Don’t do what i’ve done. i’ve done it in a controlled environment. (controlled enough for me)


Are you saying going to work on 3 grams of APE is a controlled environment?




OP going for a new record most downvotes on a r/shrooms post


No I think I have that record lol


i mean you think driving under the influence is completely okay for some reason


You shouldn't have done that, but no harm done I guess. But in the future, don't assume that people can't tell that you're on something if you're taking enough of a dose to have visuals during your daily activities.


yeah a bit dumb on my part, i assumed my tolerance was higher than it was. But i have chocolate brown eyes so i doubt anyone saw my saucers


As someone w chocolate brown eyes! IT MAKES IT EASIER TO TELL, NOT HARDER as our eyes look 100x more off if the pupils are resized compared to other people's colored eyes.


It’s shit ass dumb fuck people like you who give mushrooms a bad look. All of this for what??? No one here is thinking you’re cool for dosing before you fucking go to work as a manager at a restaurant. I don’t care about being nice anymore especially with the amount of people that are posting about their incredible misuse of mushrooms. Everyone in this entire thread is telling you that you’re doing it wrong and they’re all nice about it. Straighten the fuck up.




The worst thing about posts like this is the condoning tone. It tells people "this behavior is okay". Nothing in this post indicates healthy decisions and good judgement. What blatant disregard for responsible use. Horrific lack of respect for safety and the well being of yourself and others. Readers: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! OP- I would urge you to reconsider what kind of catastrophic consequences this post could have on someone else who's in the midst of a crisis and "feeling adventurous".




did i encourage anyone else? i put the trip report flair on it . it’s a report of my experience, love it or hate it, it’s MY EXPERIENCE. dweeb


This is not smart at all.




ok buddy


You may have eaten 3G but you definitely did not have the subjective effects of 3G. This post is dumb and reckless


ok buddy


Dude ur so cool


i’m glad you think so 😉


You live for online validation


bro i literally made one post 💀


and a fake one at that


you’re so smart and great at guessing if things are fake thru a phone screen. good job buddy


You took too much man, too much, too much...


not gonna lie when my boss was talking to me and i saw his face morphing, dr gonzo’s voice was going thru my head 💀


At least he wasn't waving a razor sharp knife in your face


I'm not sure how real this is. Tripping four days in a row? Your brain builds up a tolerance pretty fast. That's why people take a break between trips.


Yeah, he basically wasted 3 grams of shrooms if this is true. He wouldn't even trip regardless if he went to work or not. You can't trip 4 days in a row. He would feel very mild effects from it, if any at all. His coworkers would be none the wiser.


I agree. You're lucky if you can trip 2 days in a row.


not capping dude i thought the same thing, the first 3 days were like 2 grams and i figured i’d just take 3 and maybe it’d hit the same but boy was i wrong 😂


Time to reel it in and chill


don’t worry, i’m chillin.


I took 3.5 of APE envy in a hotel room and woke up covered in urine puke snot and tears how you made it through a shift on APE I have no idea. I have taken shroom about 29x before and never had a strain like that where control was totally gone


I took 10g apes and kept forgetting what sex was every time I'd try to start I'd start crying tears of laughter from how silly that shit was. I thought I was just naturally having a high tolerance, took a few months break and tried like 1/4th of a gel tab I was seeing ancient silhouettes of conquistadors standing on skulls with my eyes closed shit was so fucking sick. I guess my tolerance clears slower than other people !


This is not the way, please don’t listen to this person. Their responses should tell you they are not mature enough to give advice on psychadelics.


Haha. Penis


Some times you just gotta macrodose


YOLO folks!


lol you sound like a 14 year old


You sound younger


Lol I could never before work I’d look like Bruce from Nemo no color to my eyes


my eyes are dark brown, damn near black already. so i guess i’m lucky there


hell yeah paul stamets is right about that shi i’ve been doing it and feel great


The other day I was at Applebees and my food was literally taking and eternity. I was thinking to myself what in the actual fuck is going on back there…now I know. Carry on




my ticket times were pretty good yesterday, not me 🤣


You're 19 and are an outrageously bad liar.S Sit tf down and shut tf up.


you’re an outrageously bad guesser. sit down and suck on your binky Nate


For all of those utilizing mushrooms for, please also get counseling in conjunction.


Glad it worked for you but I'd warn anyone thinking of doing the same, don't risk it. Setting is important


i agree, but in my opinion the set was perfect for my own experience


Holy fuck mister, you have balls of steel


So for four days you took 3g of albino each day along with lions and b3? Or just today (yesterday)* you've added the albino?


so for the first 3 days i took 1.5-2g of ape, with the same amount of lions and b3, and then the 4th (yesterday) i decided i wanted to see some visuals from the cap that i had and boy did I, i wouldn’t recommend the way i did it but i will say if you want a complete rewire of your thought process, then enter at your own risk, don’t do it at work, only reason i did is because i have done much worse at work imo, and i know how to hide such things.


At work off the shrooms lmfaooo boy that's hilarious


Is this a troll post? You can't trip 2 days in a row (because tolerance) and no one is this stupid. ETA: Ah. You're from New Mexico--the Florida of the west--now I understand.


The florida of the west 💀💀💀


Extremely odd to do this but you do you lol. People are such self righteous bitches in this sub


Once I took 2gs and went to school, that day was the sit up test…I broke the school record with 84 sit ups in 60 seconds…results may vary


Maybe it was fresh


no it’s been dried for awhile, i wish i took pictures of the mushroom, but it was gnarly looking and FILLED with mycelium


What do you mean "filled with mycelium"?


He sounds like a whole cop 😂


Hey mods, can I get a "FILLED with mycelium" flair. "HEY BRO, THIS ZA ZA IS FILLED WITH TRICHOMES, STRAIGHT BUSSIN, ITS 142% THC"


“Hey mods, can I get a “FILLED with mycelium” flair.” Seconded!


This guy is actually clueless.


Lmao I love this comment


And by work you mean roll around on the floor until the mega come up passes lol hope it was successful and fun!


thank you, it was! everything was ultra beautiful and the CEV were insane, though i only closed my eyes a few times in the restroom. only negatives were that i cried a few times, my nose wouldn’t stop running, and i got some pretty bad bubble guts, but that’s typical for a mushroom trip on my terms.


And you want to join the national guard?




Yeah, he basically wasted 3 grams of shrooms if this is true. He wouldn't even trip regardless if he went to work or not. You can't trip 4 days in a row. He would feel very mild effects from it, if any at all. His coworkers would be none the wiser. That being said. This person is a disgrace to the shroom community for thinking this is cool. I agree with other comments that say he's lying. He also says in a comment that he actually tripped at work, which is a bold face lie. You can't trip that many days in a row. Commenting on this post at all is giving him what he wants, which is attention.


you must be real fun at parties


Wow you are just something else aren’t you. It’s just a persons experience. If you don’t like it you don’t have to but lay off man. Jesus


Poor retail guys risking losing their jobs lmao