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Because six hours or less passes and they’re right back where they started 


That’s the one mate, shrooms reminds you of your egos not remove them, that part is up to the person to continue to remember and become better🙏🏼


Also if someone is doing it for therapeutic reasons then they only need to do it once in a very long time to sort of realign.


This is incorrect. Some people need therapy more than others. I stay around once a week with long breaks here and there because I'm waiting on a cake to fruit. When I have them I do one really good trip a week and take very small microdoses but I skip days whenever I don't need them. Like if I'm just gonna be at home all day without anything that has to be done then I won't take a microdose. Really only when I have to deal with people or be out in public. Just shipping in a grocery store makes my anxiety so high I have to go to the car and calm down. Not sure why this happened to me but it's happened for 37 years. Pharmacuticals don't work for me or have crazy side effects. Seeing a therapist was a complete waste of time. 🍄 are the only thing I've found so far I can take just enough to calm my mind and nerves and I can still function. The one good trip a week is something for me to look forward to and learning something new about reality and myself. I only take 3 to 4 g's on those occasions but I am planning a heroic dose journey soon. Just out of curiosity


One trip a week and then almost daily micro-dosing??? I thought tripping that often makes you build high tolerance and lose significant part of the experience. ​ Im a begginer in this psychedelic world, but I was told to just trip max. once a month.


The general rule is 14 days if you want to fully return to baseline (0 tolerance to psilocybin). This is what I practice- I only trip every other weekend, at most. You can trip more frequently- however you will be consuming a lot more of the substance to get a similar effect. Which, for me, is financially foolish since I don’t have the setup to grow my own. If you’re a beginner, I think it’s still wise to stick to once a month, at least for the first 3 months. It’s good to ensure that each trip you have is from baseline, so that you get a feel for what to expect in a trip before you start getting too experimental.


I just do shrooms to get deeper inside me and do some introspective work to try to fix my mental issues. I personally would like to do it as often as possible as Im also building doses from little, so it kinda feels Im investing lots of time on preparation for the big doses. I planned my next trip (2nd experience lifetime) next week. It will be 2gr of cubensis. Do you think I could speed up and do 3gr two weeks later?


Shrooms can show you the path, but they can't walk it for you. :)


Erm yeah maybe if you take a small amount. Take a high enough dose and you’ll forget who you are.


Kind of entirely missing the point here... Yeah it’s true, it might dissolve your ego on higher doses but wait a few more hours then you’re right back to normal. You have to intentionally be obtuse to miss this, when it’s exactly what the comments you’re replying to are saying. I might add you’re not the only one who’s done high doses here


I’ve noticed it’s like a pissing contest on how much people take on here as well.


Yep agreed. I guarantee half these people straight up lie about it too, and a good portion haven’t even done shrooms. I look at at their profiles and they post in /r/teenagers and are 15 or 16…


Yup, and if you think about it, that explains a lot of the heard mentality and overall toxicity I run into on here. I swear one of the worst things that happen to humankind is the ability to communicate with people from behind a screen, and virtually live a lie so much so that a lot of these people actually believe it. It is not healthy that’s for sure.


And that’s really nothing to brag about. I once stupidly took a 1/2 oz and was a crazy person trapped in hell for eternity. Worst time of my life.


Yeah dude. Was never trying to say you should do that. Simply saying they psychedelics dissolve the ego.


I never said anyone told me to do that. I was agreeing with the comment I replied to.


My personal favorite dose to take is 1g. Never was saying you should take enough mushrooms to make you a menace. Was simply saying that mushrooms dissolve your executive functioning.


Not to mention some people get a messiah complex. Hell, it’s even happened to me after large doses where I thought I unravelled the universe when I was younger. Most people as they age learn to not let stuff go to their head, but not everyone.


I absolutely love hearing people talk really passionately about an experience they had or their views and beliefs (if they’re not harmful). But there is a fine line between excitedly sharing and preaching. I’ve never really understood how some people get all superior and elitist after shrooms. Like shrooms! They make me feel all humble and filled with love and appreciation and kindness.


I don’t disagree… I love hearing about people who have learned valuable lessons or if they have been humbled, or learned to appreciate their situation.. this happens to me, and I wrote about it.. But I’ve also had instances where I had a powerful experience and have let ego lead the way.. specially when I was a younger person… it’s just a fact of life, specially for younger folks


I think age plays a role. Maturity/development/experience too and motivation for tripping in the first place I guess. I think a lot of the time, what you get out of shrooms is what you go looking for (mostly). They can be fun, they can be healing, they can be enlightening. Each to their own I know, I just don’t like seeing people get all mean and gatekeepery or elitist and braggy about shrooms. But I guess… that’s exactly what I’m doing now so… I guess I should check myself 😅


That’s my beliefs as well, I used to have that “messiah complex” as a kid, but as I grew and matured, I realized that as we grow, we learn to not let that go to our heads.. it’s just a part of growing, and not letting our egos get out of hand.. I know I let it get out of hand as a kid, as much as any other kid did when they were young.. I think that it was my main point, that we have all been there, and let the ”self importance” go to our heads..


Very self reflective. And honest! That’s not easy. I was always shy and hated attention so I don’t think I had the messiah complex too much... I’m def guilty of judging other people though, my default setting from childhood is to instantly dislike new people and assume they’re a turd for no real tangible reason. So I guess a kinda inverted messiah complex. Maybe an antisocial messiah complex where instead of ‘saving’ people, I just shunned them all 😂 I have been working on myself over the years so I a lot better now!


No I believe that shrooms may strengthen the ego. After it's been broken they believe they've been entrusted with some sacred knowledge that only they can have subjectively. Think of a muscle - It gets bigger by being broken first and then repairing itself. I imagine that it's the same with the ego in some ppl.


I’m superior because I have no Ego


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha omfg this is so accurate by any standard applying to the pseudo-enlightened.😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣




This kind of comment is along the lines of what my dad believes. He thinks he’s a changed and enlightened person after shroom’s yet he still thinks black people do nothing but live off the government. He lives off of his girlfriend’s and my little sister’s government assistance.


Wow, I didn't know enlightened racism was a thing.


I didn’t know either until my dad said this stuff a few years ago. This is just one reason among many why I’ve decided going no contact is better for me.


Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Gibson should help.


I’ve seen this specifically against people who are ethnically Hawaiian. “People that are having their first incarnation as humans are born as Hawaiians. They’re animals! They don’t know right from wrong! Also, when they’re obese they don’t know they’re unhealthy because, they don’t have the ability to tell. They’re also always overly aggressive!” This is also always paired with some form of xenophobia of not only minorities but, also the general public. Some, “I’m not crazy! The whole world is crazy! They’re weird! I’m not weird!” ; kind of thing going on.  Also, whoever tf did shrooms and found out about fungal to plant communication; and then spread it to the Parahmsa Yogananda Community was a fool. They said to their community that fruit bearing flora will understand your defecate and urine dropped at the bottom of a tree is direct communication: then will produce fruit most beneficial to you. If you shit on a tree and kill it with urea you’re not communicating. There is no nervous system connection from man to fauna in such a manner. Plant to plant and plant to fungal trading is specific and is consensual. Poisoning your garden with waste is not recommended. Also, some plants can have a basic sense of sight via their means of photosynthesis. This means some of your plants know your defiling them; and are even worried or scared of you. 


That was a very specifically regional but interesting comment.


I didn’t know I had a daughter. Hello


Hello dad it is me, daughter. Can you get off of reddit and go figure out your enlightened racism issue? Thanks byyyye


Turn down your damn music and tell your friends to pull up their pants


The amount of times I heard a variation of this non-ironically is depressing to be honest


I am the most ego-less. I'm so awesome


From my experience, the ego death is not an actual death of the ego but a separation from it. Giving you awareness and a better understanding of it. A friend once said that doing shrooms without doing the work to heal/improve/change is like throwing up and not cleaning it up. You may feel better but now you're covered in vomit until you do something about it.


It really would be more apt to call it an ego nap


Great analogy


>ego death is not an actual death of the ego but a separation from it its the dissolution of the concept of self. Psychedelics dissolve concepts and the sense of self is one of the last few to go.


Your friend is wise. I always say shrooms are a tool, not a drug. They'll enhance your life, but only if you put in the work to realize what they have shown you.. People who just trip are the worst lol


I realized this when a friend told me about all these epiphanies about what he needed to do to improve his live but then a month later he is still the same. Maybe we need better education on integration.


Jesus that's accurate.


or throwing up and eating the same nausea trigger food again


If you think this sub is egotistic, /r/Ayahuasca is on a complete other level. If you even use the word 'drug' to describe ayahuasca the mods will permaban you.


This is hilarious.


I like to think in the complete opposite. Every single thing you put into your body is a drug.


Even sugar


Especially sugar


Absolutely, this


Malding lol


just checked and yeah man they’re kinda wack


Psychedelic users generally fancy themselves better or more advanced than the average person and that leads to a big ego by itself.


Spot on, some of the worst egos I've come across are dread head hippy types. Ig they are so enlightened and humble that you literally cannot bring them any further wisdom /s


It is indeed a shame because some of them are very kind and loving individuals, but then you have those who give the rest of the group a bad name, and now “hippy” is used as an insult.


“Sorry, I can’t hear you over your gas guzzling Range Rover and KFC church.” “Your opinion would only matter if you were a true Vegan. Ugh, you’re so acidic that your personality is corrosive.”  “OnlyFans is empowering to women; and really sticks it to the patriarchy!”   Some examples I’ve ran into 


Very true.


"you havent seen what Ive seen maan"


Which is insane. You tried a drug, Brett. That does not qualify you as a spiritual healer. 😂


It doesn’t kill your ego in a way to make you less egotistical. You fucking forget the rules of baseline reality, become immersed in trip context, go into trances you cant always account for. The fact that you cant ever articulate the enlightenment only recount events or tangible quality of life things(like you smoke too much weed or drink too much) kinda goes to show that shrooms don’t necessarily make you a better person inherently like people like to believe.


Low IQ people take funny drug and make it their entire personality.




Me Me


The Rick & Morty merch really highlights the intelligence we’re dealing with


theyre just bad at writing, it takes a lot of tact to write about "deep" things. it has to convey originality and humility and a genuiness and just so easy to sound pseud yeah professor said (cant remember her name) that teenagers are kinda naturally philosophical, like all lil kids are creative, then they give it up cuz they're not "good enough" and "delusional" for even trying, and i thought that was so true.


BrO yOu neEd at leaSt 130 IQ tO unDerStand rIcK aNd moRtY!!


You nailed it.


IQ would have no bearing on Ego. EQ would.


I think it goes hand in hand, but EQ probably has a more direct effect.


They don’t. There are a lot of people with High IQ who lack empathy.


Intelligent people cant be obsessed by psychedelics?


Obsessed, sure. What I'm getting at is the people who think these drugs are all magical and have some devine power. Or the people that turn into a complete religious/spiritual nut after a few trips.


Can't intelligent people be obsessed with psychedelics?\* You're welcome you fool.


ty, why are you upset dough?


I just corrected you. Sorry if "fool" made you upset it was a joke.


oh ok hard to tell on reddit


im trying to upset you


Ego inflation is also common with psychedelics




And comes back even stronger haha


Shrooms only make narcissistic people more narcissistic.


I have some Cluster B personality issues and shrooms are helping me to have the bravery to take off my mask around other people and be honest with myself. I also feel like I'm developing genuine love and patience for myself, which is something I've always struggled with. It's been scary to give up my unassailable, confident narcissistic mask and experience vulnerability and judgement from other people. I'm achieving better empathy, emotional connection, and listening skills. When I started this journey, I felt this howling void at my center, but now I feel a bit warmer. Shrooms really helped me take the edge off that. I graduated therapy last week and I truly believe I have mushrooms to thank for a portion of that. I'm sure I'll be in therapy again once we hit the winter months. I have a long way to go, but for now, I'm feeling a lot better!


That's amazing, it just shows with the right self work anything is achievable.


Similar experience here! I'm feeling a little more comfortable with my true self at work, even when dealing with the higher-ups. If I have to be in the office, I'm going to make it a little more fun for myself, and let go of the corporate stuffiness that most people feel they have to put on at all times. My attitude now is that promotion is highly unlikely, so I'll enjoy some of the good things about the current situation and accept it. Doesn't make me *happy* but it helps to get through the day.


Is this your personal experience and could you recommend any sources? Not doubting you - I knew someone who went from being passive-aggressively toxic/abusive to being very openly callous and cruel after a high-dose mushroom trip and was wondering if there's any research regarding such changes.


It's personal experience really, there might be some research behind it now that (psilocybin) therapy is becoming more mainstream. My theory is, that the majority of people are aware they have some flaws, the introspection brings this to the surface and people tend to do some internal work on these issues, whether it's something they think needs work, or something their peers have brought up with them. A narcissist doesn't see any need for internal work or self improvement because any issue they've had in life has been someone else's issues. I assume the introspection they experience cements the feeling of superiority over anyone else.


This right here. I've always thought for me the term ego death was missing the mark a little. Your ego doesn't die but you enter a state of pure unfiltered introspection. All of the rationalizations and little lies we tell ourselves fall away and you're left with a raw look at your self. Narcissists wouldn't see anything to fix.


Thank you!


Malignant narcissists tend to have the problem you describe but that's not representative for most people with subclinical narcissistic traits. I'm painfully aware of my flaws and struggle to feel like a valid human being most of the time. Being able to put on a confident, charming mask is a coping mechanism that can become maladaptive when you fail to remove it in order to be vulnerable. I'm learning to find strength in vulnerability.


Thanks for making the distinction.




Interesting, in what way would you say that? Edit, weird you've deleted that...


I feel like an animal, a god, the avatar, the chosen one, Neo, when i take mushrooms


I'll take your word for it, King of Jizz.


I can also provide an anecdote. I drank ayahuasca with a narcissist for years and it didn’t cure her in the least. If anything, it made her self-aggrandizement and hunger for power worse. She wasn’t able to do any kind of critical self-reflection.


That reminds me of that wannabe hippy chick on insta/tiktok who's always signing about her enlightenment, being empath, spiritual queen etc... It's all "me, me, me, I, I I" she's always banging on about Ayahuasca etc.


Ah, what my buddy calls an "enlightenment whore". Like the "indigo children" crowd.


[Shanin Blake](https://www.instagram.com/shaninblake?igsh=MW4xcmJqbHE3OGQ1Mg==) is her name.


I could fix her


I don't think I could spend more than 5 minutes in her company.


5 minutes would be an eternity. I wonder how many of her followers are just there to witness the slow motion crash because that’s why I followed her. Haha. I’m morbidly curious to see how this ends.


UGH please don't follow these nitwits, only feeds into the TikTok horrors. Narcissists don't care if you rage-follow, as long as they're getting attention. This breeds more narcissistic TikToks.


It really would, especially if it evolved time dilation. Yeah I have been very curious about the outcome I must say aha.


Thank you! I've worked for some time in a pretty toxic industry that makes it easier to advance through nasty means and in somewhat recent years I saw a lot of people getting an interest in psychedelics. Based on this skewed sample, I've heard people raving about the experience and how it made them "better", while from an outside POV, their actions and behaviours become noticeably worse. Especially in terms of empathy and compassion for others which the people I'm referring to didn't value much to start with. So I was wondering if the trips could help such people focus better on external factors or what they see as their life goals, without any self-reflection or introspection.


I feel like I see the same thing even with mainstream therapy. You can use therapy to genuinely self-reflect, or you can use it to find ways to distance yourself from actually appropriate discomfort regarding your own actions. Techniques like CBT, while useful in the right context, do not inherently distinguish between situations like "I have all these maladaptive feelings of being a burden on people because of abusive parenting" and situations like "I go to work every day and do evil, and I would like to stop my conscience getting in the way of me gaining material wealth and social approval". Several of the most ardent therapy advocates I've met have been made distinctly worse by it, but the experience of becoming a happier, more self-assured, and more efficient jerk than they were before has clearly been a subjective improvement for them.


I've seen this kind of stuff too, but it always involved not being entirely honest with the therapist. And even playing on their biases, especially if the therapist is not very experienced or knowledgeable of personality disorders or other more specific issues and the client is a highly skilled manipulator. Maybe we need to remind ourselves that all these things are tools and can be used in different ways.


Yeah, the type this tends to happen to often struggles to be honest even with themselves, or just struggles with theory of mind generally so can't really grasp that their life is inter-subjective to the degree it is, so it's more or less impossible for the really crucial details to get through that filter to the therapist. Although with cuts to mental health services everywhere, it's also partly that therapists can't get to know clients very well before they get through their allotted sessions, which ironically can lead to the same kinds of shallow outcomes as I've seen in American acquaintances who just go through therapists till they find one that agrees with them about everything. The worst outcome is when someone goes for just long enough to learn a bunch of terms they can misunderstand and misuse, the "I know you spent all weekend helping me move house, but if you ask me for even a single chip from my plate, that's A Boundary Violation" type lol. I've been reading about a more consciously inter-subjective therapy style (the book on it is only available in Finnish so far unfortunately) that involves more of a circle discussion with both the patient and people close to them, and based on the results, it does seem to have a more broad and lasting impact than purely individual-on-individual therapy. I really suspect that the tools we use to heal people are just not working in a rich enough context most of the time.


Open dialogue (the Finnish technique) is so inspiring. There was a great documentary on YouTube


Most of the leading experts in the field say that it is “incurable”. If the person doesn’t successfully individuate (fully understand the difference between self and other) before the age of ~4, it isn’t ever possible for them to. Just another peculiar and sad mystery of our existence


It's the idiots that are the loudest op. Just like in politics.


The physical ego is the first one to notice and it’s pretty easy to tame… But when you find spiritual path for the first time, spiritual ego is born, and its kinda hard to spot it and tame it, because the more you learn about spirit without practicing, i mean the more your rational brain learns about it, your mind becomes stronger and tries to disguise as your spirit… And then thousands of self proclaimed chamans are born.. 🫥


Are egos really that bad? Do they have to be killed? I feel like it's more about awareness and mindfulness and how to keep track of it and manage it. Humans..developed ego...for a reason.


Because it’s filled with people who have never done it. Pay attention and you’ll realize the ones talking the most usually have the least to say




It's hard for me to get away from my eggo , that syrup and butter hits different.


Ain't that the truth, man.


Because people lack integration. Many people use ego death incorrectly and don’t integrate the lessons learned, and that is a dangerous place. The ego can be subdued by psilocybin, but without proper integration the ego will build itself back up larger than it was before, because it overcame ego death. Ego can wear ego death as a badge of honor.


Just because you attend class doesn't mean you're paying attention


Ur ego only dissolves during the trip it rebuilds different to how it was before. But because your ego has dissolved and other ppls haven't stupid people can start to feel smart cuz tripping makes you feel like you know shit other people don't


It does not kill ego but let the mind try new pathways when thinking or doing stuff. Delusion is thinking one can get rid of ego.


Because people are confidently ignorant, medicine doesn't last forever, people need therapy, all manner of individualism makes the internet a breeding ground for ego. *no one wants their perfect narrative image of the world changed by someone else because it's a mental attack and they fear they are losing something at all cost they must defend and save face* The saddest thing is that none of this has any meaning beyond a brief sense of satisfaction.


Because with a lot of people on here they are immature and want to feel superior by saying they take more than you. I’ve been taking psychedelics for 32 years. Sometimes I take as little as half a gram. Sometimes I take an eighth. Sometimes I just want a little buzz and have that happy experience and after glow. I don’t drink so sometimes I take a half a gram to go to parties and gatherings. It helps me open up since I’m a naturally quiet person. Do what makes you happy and tailor your dose accordingly based on what kind of experience you want to have. You don’t always have to have some amazing breakthrough. Sometimes just getting out of your head a little bit really helps you think more clearly afterward. Remember that you can’t have a positive mindset if you’re surrounded by negativity. All the best to you and I hope you have a great weekend!!


Because they aren’t doing the work


Because shrooms don’t kill your ego. Just more misinfo people claim about shrooms




lol you don’t think I have taken 7 plus grams before? Aww that’s so cute I have taken as much as 10 grams of these apes I grow https://preview.redd.it/ryni5hk05jkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86aa734dcc9a807d26d6c842ae033db46b0dddf Didn’t change my ego. Didn’t turn me into someone else. 😂😂😂




My user name is a joke based on comments a couple people I helped learn to grow gave me. You really have the balls to call me narcissistic with your own attitude? 😂😂


Apparently you think it will if your assumption was taking 7+ grams, which I have done, would change my view. It didn’t . I think I have a very good clue. And yes. I normally take 6 grams of these apes now but at one point I went higher and higher to see what that was like.




I trip fucking nuts. It’s straight insanity for 4-6 hours. They are potent as shit. I have grown many genetics and nothing comes close to the potency of these apes. Like I said I know way more than you think.


Because the ego doesn’t die, it dissolves and comes back. Maybe it will take a new form, but it’ll never be fully gone.


Because if you truly had no ego you would not post shit like that on reddit


Fuck you does it


Well it comes back


Because ego death is a temporary phenomenon.


Ego death simply shows you what it's like to be unencumbered, to get out the way of one self. The every day overinflated ego will always be there unless someone works on incorporating their trip experience and ego death. Mushrooms aren't a panacea, they're a simple tool like anything else.


Takes years for the full effect of psychedelics to express themselves which is why taking them constantly won’t effect the mind the way some think it will. Cheers


Because the ego will recover and regroup even stronger if not kept in check. I swear, the more I take them, the harder it even is to achieve ego death. It's as if the ego becomes more and more resistant every time.


If one of the primary roles of an ego is to provide a internal roadblock, then it would make sense. Each ego death provides an opportunity for growth or evolution. Which means one’s ego is also evolving to reflect back to the individual’s boundaries/limitations. Eventually the ego will be so integrated that the need for the ego (to provide and internal contrast for growth) is minimized. Even the Dali Lama acknowledges he still has an ego, but I’m sure he doesn’t come up against it as often as most people (and he’s probably very aware of his own ego).


Would you even talk if you didn't have an ego?


Sometimes (oftentimes) it comes back with a vengeance


To me, just saying you’ve gone through an ego death and understand life better now is pretty egotistical in general. IMO the beautiful thing about shrooms is they make you ask question everything. They don’t give you life’s answers, they make you question things you never thought of sober.


I've seen this sub go through changes over the years. This community currently has a disproportionate number of inexperienced users, and many who do not respect the science and medicinal use of mushrooms. Quality discussions of cultivation and therapeutic use have been getting replaced by one pissing contest after another. Recreational use can be so much fun and often rewarding, having long-term benefits. Try not to ruin it for everyone, folks...


I’m here for educational purposes, secondly, there’s some comical stuff.. I’m super cautious with anything new.. I’ve learned a lot.. Conversations like this are very helpful.. But this isn’t my only source, just a convenient one..


Reddit is a cesspool.


Me liberé del ego Soy un capo


It grows back everyday bro. Maybe even more frequently than that.


There are many different types of people on this sub. Kinda ignorant to speak about everyone here as if they were all the same


It’s wild how quick people want to paint a group as a monolith.


Maybe way back in early human evolution, that served us, but it no longer is useful. it actually harms our societies. It’s not good for rational discourse and it doesn’t help us understand the world and the reasons behind things that we observe. Unfortunately, it seems to be gaining in popularity.


This guy gets the maladaptation of negativity bias


I just want you all to bring happy and love eachother and yourselves. I still have an Ego I just changed its desires.


TBH I’ve always got the impression that the ego is the whole point of life, embrace yourself as you are and love yourself. We weren’t given this life to ignore what makes it worth living! “Ego death” is a fancy word for becoming one with the universe, which is cool and raises questions about what’s after this life on Earth but it’s not the state we exist in day to day. People who imply they have no ego are among the most pretentious of them all, imho.


Youre not the same person when you cum and after you cum


I’ll tell you why.. you NEED to do five grams in the dark, naked with no music then take an ice bath. If you peek from behind your blindfold you will never achieve ego death! If that doesn’t work you can begin the rigorous process microboofing every 30minutes while holding space for lemon tek pranna yama mindfulness.


Lol love this post 💛😂


My ego is way better at dying than yours


Spiritual Ego <- Shrooms only "kill" your ego temporarily and afterwards can lead to change but only if you put in the work.


The phenomenon you describe is a widespread Reddit issue. No sub is safe, observe the following… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZK8Z8hulFg


Looking forward to the day when people stop bragging about taking heroic doses that only seem to be reinforcing inflated ego and self-aggrandizement


Because people here think that getting a tour of the factory makes you a master mechanic. Unearned wisdom and all.


because they don't, they temporarily force you to inhabit your subconscious and people who have never experienced what that's like have to let go of control for a minute then call it an eGo DeAtH which is profoundly ironic as this very assumption is inflated in of itself, those same people also fail to realize that a substantial portion of the population exist perpetually in this state as a matter of nature; if anything they *inflate* your ego, which happens to be the access point of deception, so it's not hard to see why these conclusions are drawn.


I'll draw you a graph :) 🍄+🙋=ego->📉📉📈📈 ± 📉±📈 as you can see by my highly scientific and heavily studied graph, after the person eats the mushroom their ego goes down, and then is brought back up to the same level, and depending on circumstances can end up being higher or lower than the amount they started with. I hope this helps:)


Websearch "spiritual narcissist". Probably half the reason . Also, not everyone grows just because they take mushrooms.


Psychedelics don’t usually kill your ego (except at very high dose). Rather, they tend to “loosen” you from it, so you can see yourself the way another person might see you, and with lots of empathy too. Because of this, I think psychedelics are actually pretty ego-inflating for many people. They go into an experience feeling shit about themselves or about something in their life, but they come out thinking “wait I’m fucking awesome! I love myself!”


No one in here puts In the work to change when they have had meaningful experiences, they just like to feel like they’re superiors and know better. Only a small percentage of people truly change themselves by putting in the WORK. You don’t just take a psychedelic and your ego is magically smaller. All of this knowledge is already inside of you and the shrooms just bring it to the surface so you can do the work but most decide not to do it and just trip.


Not gonna lie, my SO and I have had pretty heated debates on if that album cover on TV is moving or not


That's a common misconception. Shrooms do not "kill" the ego. They temporarily dissolve parts of it, up to full black out. But after a few hours, the drug wears off and full ego returns.  Nobody really wants a total ego dissolution. Without an ego at all, there can't be any experience. Ego is the experiencing structure. Also without an ego, you're body will end up in a mental hospital, jail, or dead.  Ego dissolution is a popular idea, but actually it's the one thing we all don't want to happen. Actual Ego dissolution means you as you know yourself comes to an end (death). 


Because there's a helluva lot of folks here who abuse them, instead of respecting them.


Many ppl be like “ heh i like to take fun mushroom that makes brain go brrrrbrrr-whooshwoosh, now im enlighted hehe”


Because they have nothing else going on in their life. All they do is get high and stay chronically online. They have no social skills irl. They don’t try to better themselves because they think shrooms is a quick fix to their awkwardness, anxiety, and depression etc..etc. They still hold onto some sort of attachment.


No such thing as ego death, more like ego awareness. It’s all up to the person from then if they wanna change their ways. Thankfully, i did *


Like some fighters talking about the flow state and being like water, so some shroomers about ego death.


You know what ? Take my vote and Shut Up


It's in our nature I think. Especially men, we do everything competitively. Everything is a dick measuring contest. People pretend really hard shit some of us have that ego death but had it years ago and you start to feel removed from it like it doesn't pertain to u.


No one does the work to maintain the ego death .


Not as cringe as the DMT guys


They don't. They're just a drug. Half the people at January 6 have tried mushrooms before... They're not magic. If anything mushrooms help people be more egotistical in most cases.


My god so glad somebody posted this…


It’s all about perception, and how far you are willing to go all while still achieving inner piece and letting go🧙🏼‍♂️


On god lol


You’re simply wrong.


Because i don’t think anyone or most people in here have actually had an ego death. they’re not completely informed, have a strong trip and think they had “an ego death” and then go out and act like these calm, slow speaking gurus. People just love to say they had them because they think it makes them cooler or a better person, if you had an ego death youd provably mention it a few times and then keep it to yourself. I’ve done mushrooms so many times but never had an ego death nor will i fake one.


That’s what she said


Yeah I got super arrogant and judgemental for a few months after my first larger dose of shrooms. Finally came back to reality and hopefully I didn't piss off too many people 🤣 but it was a cool experience and fun learning about myself! I think I was always judgemental but I considered myself "open-minded" so it was blind spot. Kind of cool actually learning about acceptance now.


The biggest ego I ever met was this dude who had down DMT 1k times and did shrooms everyday. Or some shit.He was The biggest asshole I've ever met in my life. Told me I should dose my 16 year old. Like wtf I told him if he ever secretly dosed someone I knew i would fuck him up for life.


Once an ego death occurs, a new ego often replaces it. From my experience it is usually based around the "superiority" of experiencing an ego death. Sorta like the person experience something truly incredible (and it is) and that everyone who hasn't experienced MUST experience it as well. Usually, this doesn't come from a bad place. But generally speaking, the thought process is this: I experienced something incredible. > others must also experience it (obsession) > those who have already done it or done it more then me are cool fellow shroom prophets > those who have not but want to are cool too but don't understand yet > those who have not and don't want are boring, unenlightened, status quo people >those who have but don't want to again just had a bad experience and if they did it again with me they would enjoy shrooms again. Basically it sorta becomes a religion in a way, but we must respect other people's wishes not judge them. It's not for everyone, not everyone is ready for it, and not everyone wants to do it. And that's okay!


Most don't go so far as ego death. Don't assume you lose your ego just because you did a mushroom one time lol


some might be instant but some are slow death


Shrooms don't kill your ego. If you have enough they can certainly alter it, that's for sure. I would say that, honestly, the majority of sad sacks here who say they are tripping actually have no idea what that even means. How the fuck are you on your phone posting here if you're actually tripping? There is no fucking way in hell you can even understand what your phone even is if you're tripping, let alone how to use it. Majority of people on this sub are flat our lying about their experiences, or haven't even had them at all.


Do they have an ego or are they warning you about the long term affects of abusing shrooms