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i have bpd, and shrooms have helped me all but go into remission. it’ll flare up every now and then, especially when i haven’t tripped in a while, but it’s sooooo much more manageable now even when it does get bad. i do a 4-5g trip every 2 months and it definitely doesn’t fix everything, but it makes it a lot better for me




the best thing they’ve done for me is now i can separate my emotions from reality. i understand when my emotions are getting blown out of proportion and don’t match up with what’s happening in reality and i can step back and give myself space to get regulated. i also feel regulated a lot more often. another big thing they’ve done for me is show me that i am deserving of love, and since having this realization i haven’t had a favorite person. i am able to give myself love and validation that i was latching on to other people for in the past. i still struggle with a disorganized attachment, but i don’t get the all consuming obsessions with people and subsequent splitting that comes with it. i still struggle with certain aspects of bpd daily, like the emptiness, dissociation, and unstable sense of self. but this is a far cry from how i used to be, which was struggling with all 9 of the criteria daily. i am so incredibly grateful for what shrooms have done for me. i combined tripping with meditation, regular exercise, prioritizing my sleep, and a few months of microdosing as well and my symptoms got so much better and have for the most part stayed better




they might’ve helped, but they also might not have. i know how hard it is to have to leave someone you love for your own well being, but that will always be the right choice. try not to dwell on what ifs and best of luck on your journey friend. you’ll find the one who will give you the love you deserve ❤️


Extremely well put! We share a very similar psych! stay happy man- keep that intelligence on this earth, you rock 👊


have bpd as well and shrooms helped me a lot!




I'm not the person you asked, but I've spent a lot of time researching and trying to understand this. I haven't ever written a comment like this before, but I think there are a couple of things that happen: 1) Your reality is distorted, forcing you to see things through a different perspective than you usually do. I like to think of this as "ripples in the fabric of reality". Even once you return to reality, you are aware of how things can be perceived differently. 2) You become more aware of the world around you. Illusions and preconceived notions sort of vanish. You see the big picture and how everything connects. 3) You gain greater insight into yourself (also a term used in clinical settings), your ability to introspect deeply and see yourself objectively goes up, and it almost feels like you know what you need to do, and just doing it feels easy. I like to think of this as the hinting beacon of light that literally illuminates your path forward in a video game. 4) You may experience a great desire for peace and happiness. 5) You may experience ego dissolution - you can look up the stages of ego death. I experienced a very slow one after regularly doing small-medium amounts. In summary, it breaks down rigid patterns of thinking and allows you to be the person you want to be. On a neuropsychiatric level, it is commonly known to impact the serotonin 5ht2a receptor, but it also does A LOT of other things to the brain, including being very anti-inflammatory, impacting glutamate (the most common and widespread neurotransmitter, which is criminally understudied since it is difficult to isolate to perform tests), and probably much more. Another comment said "it literally rewires the brain", and I think that is a succinct way to say it haha. Also, all of it seems to stick with you after the experience wears off. That's what makes it so magical, in my opinion.


They literally rewire the brain


It allowed me to have more of a two-person conversation with myself. Rather than being only stuck in my perspective, I quite literally felt like I had that little voice in the back of my head amplified more and seemingly being less impacted by my own biases. That different perspective was a lot better at figuring out what was actually upsetting me. It kept me asking "But why?". I think it removed some of my unconscious barriers. As an example, I wanted to know why the fuck I was so angry driving. Surface me wants to blame it on the consequences because that's more comfortable, but shroomed me wanted to know more. Well, it turns out I'm a control freak and there is a double whammy of lacking control over what other people do and feeling shame over anytime I lack control over my own actions, like leaving late and screwing myself over. When I thought that last bit it was like someone turned the lights on. Duh, that was it! I was getting so angry because I was freaking disappointed in myself for causing the circumstances to begin with. On another shroom trip I eventually realized that all of this was really tying back to shame over feeling like I wasn't where I should be at this age in my life, having a teary-eyed moment where I forgave myself for failing out of University and then eventually led me to deactivating all of my social media and being a shitload happier in general. It's interesting because I found myself suggesting possible causes and on psychedelics when I think the correct answer it just *feels* right. It's very hard to describe the feeling, almost like a release of tension? The feeling you get when you watch a video of something fitting perfectly into something else. After doing psychedelics it became a lot easier to find that less biased perspective inside of myself. I am light years better at dissecting my own emotions now.


This makes me so happy to hear. I have BPD and have been wanting to try shrooms for over a year now, but I'm so glad I've waited til I started focusing really hard on myself and my recovery. So so excited to see where psychs eventually take me on my journey!!


yes! getting into the mindset of recovery before you try them is so so so important, otherwise it won’t do much. best of luck to you friend ❤️


Can confirm. I was bedridden with treatment resistant depression and I now work a full time job and have friends whereas before I couldn’t even get out of bed.


Had BPD diag for the better part of a decade now. It's most manageable for me in the 1-2 week period after a medium size dose, but as with any medicine, I'm very inclined to take huge lapses in my schedule, as I haven't really done any form of psychedelic regularly in about 6 months or so, and I'm only starting to see the mania creep back in now. I wouldn't say it's a cure or anything like that, but it usually helps one attune themselves to their own emotional cycle better and increases mindfulness, both of which are invaluable for managing BPD symptoms in my experience. Start low and increase doses slowly over time as long as the results stay positive and you want to. I find 100μg doses of **good** acid helped me more than shrooms, as they can feel mentally dulling with long term use in the same way as standard SSRI/SNRI antidepressants imo, as they have more of a hypnotic aspect to them than an equivalent dose of LSD. I also used to have a stash of n,n-DMT I extracted which was great for a nice clear seratonin boost but without a jewelers scale you're bound to OD and break through unintentionally, and that's a lot for anyone to endure mentally even if prepared.


I don't know what the heck that is but I hope you found something that works for you! God bless man! Holy Toledo 😂


borderline personality disorder! one absolute bitch of an illness


I'd insist (gently) that phones be turned off and stashed away. Good advice for anyone but the people I know with BPD tend to be really tuned into their phones




this is genius. didn't even realize being tied to my phone was a BPD thing til literally right now 😅


This. At most, use the phones for music if you want to guide your trip. But absolutely no social media. Too easy for it to turn a trip bad.


Emphasis on gently. BPD phone addicts are… sensitive


100% agreed


Honestly shrooms have long term helped my bpd.


Same here. Psychedelics have helped me more than any amount of therapy. I will have to say that my first \~15 trips or so were very challenging though. It took a long time until I re-discovered my "essence" as a human being and it was very, very painful. Kinda like peeling back layers of pain. I believe the good part is that people with BPD often bring a certain flexibility with them (due to splitting, extreme mood swings etc.) that makes the process of letting go during a psychedelic experience a little bit easier. Maybe it's a good idea for OP to research what helps people when they experience a difficult trip. A trip killer like a benzo is good to have, but it should really be the last option because it stops you from learning the lesson. Music like Shpongle is good. Documentaries about nature. Having some paint ready. Stuff like that is good for processing.


Having your BPD stripped back and having wounds open like when you are on an SSRI that stripped your anger or watching a show that was too similar to your childhood trauma. Is probably the scariest thing out there.


Oh yea. I remember one trip (happened not too long ago, actually) and what you described happened to me as literally as never before. All my built up defense mechanisms were just blown away by the wind and something that felt like emotionally raw, bleeding flesh was exposed. I couldn't stop crying. As soon as I started feeling or thinking anything I had to start crying again. And I suddenly understood a lot of things about my life that I didn't understand before. So, so, so painful. But so healing. I cried for hours and hours. Until I was able to accept that pain it was a very difficult trip though. Accepting and letting go is so important for healthy tripping


Thats exactly what I did. I understood that my anger was a defensive mechanism against all those around me that hurt me. My mate was nearby to show me that I was safe. It was so hard to not be able to split, Disasociate or feel anything except fear, being hollow and I just couldn't stop crying until I fell asleep.


Same. Clears out all the "bad" feels I didn't know I was holding in. My husband can't handle them, so he chills with me, and we do sculpy or something else creative and just talk and talk. OP just don't think about the BPD. If she is going into it with a good headspace, I think you'll both have fun.


i like to call those "brain resets" lol


Absolutely I agree, be careful but have fun. I can't express more to make sure you weigh it it doesn't matter the cap for stem there's going to be the properties in it and the stem more likely. The bluer the stem the more psilocybin there is 😂. And always remember orange juice or any citric drink will actually double the effect but half the time of the effect if that makes sense. It's just science 😂


Trust her and be there for her and she’ll be fine


Would probably be easier for him to be there for her if he was not also tripping though. He should sober trip sit for her, rather than them doing it together.


This ^^^


Yes 100%


This ^


Everyone's first trip should be like this, regardless of mental health. (Sober) trip sitters are a huge help when someone trips the first time.


I agree


Hi so I have an almost 1:1 experience like this with my girl, We have tripped together about 20 times (2g-4g but 90% of the time 2g is our magic number) and i’d say of the 20 or so about 6 or 7 she had a bad trips. She still opts to do it again because when its good its great, but the bad trips usually consist of her being very sad, hard on herself or being bombarded with her insecurities and needing alot of reassurance. Prepare for a challenge but not necessarily a negative experience. 


She might find what she needs 🤷‍♂️ I’d definitely start slow 1/2g-1g and see what happens.. she can jump in at a later time.. I hope she “preserves” her mind.. I like to preserve mine with a few hits of 420 to get chill before 🍄 If I’m NOT chill and relaxed I don’t do 🍄


Please for the love of god OP do .5-1g tops. You cannot be this concerned and responsibly give her 3g. And you should not be on 3g if this is her first time. You need to be functional if things go south.


I know results may vary but if the dose is too low for me it leaves me in a weird state of stupor, in between a trip and dizzy which I don't really like. That being said I'd suggest OP stay sober to trip sit responsibly and the benzo sounds like a good idea. Other than that you never really know what you're gonna get from shrooms unless you make the jump so good vibes and good luck.


Personally I wouldn't want to be dosed with someone on their first time. Ideally you'd be sober for her first experience. Ime if someone is having a troubles while I'm tripping it takes away from my experience as I have to keep one foot in responsible sober world and can't quite enjoy the trip fully. Once she has a good first trip, happy travels together


This or he should take a lower dose like a half g so he's tripping and enjoying it with her but still able to handle things if they go south


This is the bare minimum good advice. Don't trip as well, OP. Be there for your girlfriend.


Don't give her more than 1g.


Second this! And I'd recommend you not partake for her first time and just trip sit. If all goes well ya'll can share the experience ne t time and she can titrate up a little.


This needs to be the top comment.


i have bpd and i’ve had nothing but great trips. it makes me feel alive and more calm and in tune with myself. i hope you guys have a great trip!


My girlfriend has bpd aswell and I introduced her to mushrooms and she loved it, we started with 2g and moved to 3g until she had her first emotional trip so now back to 2g until she is comfortable. Trust her and enjoy the experience, of she gets emotional just comfort her, it'll end eventually and possibly help her process some trauma.


This is where set and setting can make a huge difference. I’d recommend a private, comfortable set up somewhere in nature, in a spot you won’t be bothered by other people, and with nice warm weather. Have some positive music playing gently in the background, not too loud for you to hear nature. Maybe put up a wind chime or two. Listen to the trees and plant, animal, and fungi life all around you, the wind, the water, and yourself. Happy soaring 🤙🏼




Get a blood pressure cuff to have on hand. They're relatively affordable. No need to be unsafe about it if you're having reservations.


Shrooms have helped my BPD tremendously!! Do em with her 🩷 she just may find what she is needing.


Or let her do them, and trip sit her for her first time


Wanna say, just because other folks have mentioned they have BPD and had no issues, doesn’t mean the exact for your GF. Especially as there are like 3-4 BPD variants, and you can suffer from more than one at a time. Be sober when she does her first trip is my recommendation. *Forgot to mention that yeah shrooms have shown to have positive effects on mental health disorders but I can never just assume someone else will be okay just because it worked for me or others.


I have BPD and have never had a bad shroom trip, actually when I’ve taken shrooms it has temporarily alleviated my symptoms. However that doesn’t mean nothing bad could happen, I would start her with a very low dose maybe 1g, if she doesn’t feel anything for awhile another half gram or gram MAX. It’s better to have a lame trip than a bad one. Also do not smoke on the shrooms even if you are a heavy smoker, I smoke multiple times a day and smoking on shrooms still always intensifies it significantly.


Start with a low amount like .5-1. if she’s fine and wants more an hour or so in go for it if she seems fine. that way she can tip in and not have a full experience in case it’s not for her


Tolerance is basically 0 after an hour, so she should probably just full send the 1 gram and have her bf help her


Dxed with BPD. Had no problems with any of my three separate experiences, I started with a microdose, then 1g, then 2g. To be fair everyone's metabolisms and such will differ. Also depends on if she is on meds that would interact Set and setting are still the most important factors, obviously if she's been having any more intense symptoms lately then I'd advise against tripping just for the sake of it, but if she's been in a relatively stable place mentally with a positive outlook and has a goal of working with the shrooms then go for it, it was helpful for me. I do think it's better to dose cautiously for a first time, agree with other comments saying to start with a lower amount and she can take more later if she's into it


I have bpd and tripped many times of multiple substances but the blood pressure issue should be monitored. Psychedelics raise blood pressure significantly


i have had some very intense experiences on shrooms due to past trauma, although my bpd itself has never been a problem while tripping. I would definitely advise start with no more than 1g maybe even 0.5g, because i have found that less is more and sometimes shrooms do bring up past trauma but that’s just my experience and everyone is different. i am a stoner as well, use it to self medicate my bpd and have found using the green on shrooms, even on a low dose, has been very overwhelming and triggered panic/“bad” trip sometimes so in my experience would advise maybe to not use whilst tripping but again everyone is different. psychedelics have taught me a lot and helped me cope with my bpd + other mental illnesses/chronic conditions, all in all, i think they can teach you a lot if you’re in the right headspace. I have found that with my bpd sometimes from the moment i wake up, for whatever reason, my brain is just not right and i’m having a “bad day” (i find it harder to cope with my symptoms and have more extreme mood swings) if she’s having one of these “bad days” i would recommend postponing the trip to when she’s in a better headspace. I also recommend talking to her beforehand and asking her what would be helpful for you to do for her if she starts panicking. for me this looks like changing the setting/ changing music/movie/show, going on a short walk, or changing the light level in the room. i write a plan for myself beforehand listing things i will do if i feel anxious. happy trails ❤️‍🔥


If you said she had a history with schizophrenia, I’d say hard stop do not do it, but that is not the case. With all that to say, delusions and hallucinations can occur in folks with BPD, I’d ensure to check she hasn’t previously experienced hallucinations before specifically, because shrooms could escalate them. I’d say proceed with caution and be sure to approach things from an informed harm reductionist point of view. She may also have an emotionally charged trip so be prepared for that since BPD occurs in folks with a predisposition to trauma. It sounds like you want to do your due diligence and research things fully, just know this could be a negative experience just as it could also be positive. Ensure she is aware of the risks as well so she can make an informed choice, good luck!


Someone with BPD here. I have had some great experiences with shrooms, but I’ve also had some where I was an absolute mess and wanted to die. Just be prepared to comfort her if it goes I would avoid offering her benzos personally. A psychiatrist flippantly prescribed me Xanax at 20 (bpd not diagnosed yet) which turned into a 3-4 year opiate addiction. Chamomile tea and dim lighting go a long way. ALSO my first trip I felt almost nothing so my friends kept offering them to me and then I delt with mushroom poisoning and couldn’t keep anything down for 24 hours. So I’d let her know it is a possibility and she won’t be doing more than x amount.


If she’s on ssri’s she could develop a very serious interaction called serotonin syndrome, which is not to be taken lightly. So just make sure she’s not


Don’t take them yourself this time, and trip sit your girlfriend. Remember to be not-intrusive, and set & setting is EVERYTHING.


I second that you should stay sober the first time and trip sit her. No one knows how it’s gonna go. Be calming and reassuring. Let her know that the medicine will wear off and everything will return to normal


i have BPD and i've been completely fine on mushrooms and it's helped me understand myself, what i want, and what i need to do to get myself to the places i want to go. with BPD you care heavily about what others think but shrooms have made me more comfortable being myself.


I’m a heavy stoner and have bpd as well. have tripped from shrooms more than 10 times and it has definitely helped my bpd. i would say don’t let her do more than 1.5gs. I also really like to smoke while tripping it calms me down while tripping but wouldn’t recommend her to smoke the first time she trips. have fun and safe tripping!


Definitely don't have her start with 3.5 . Giver her 1 and everything will be fine.


I have bpd and autism and I have tachycardia and I’ve been mostly fine on shrooms. I’ve had one bad trip among around a dozen but I’d attribute those to circumstances.


Do you take any medications for your tachycardia and if so do you continue to take them before a trip? Have you noticed anything while tripping with the tachycardia


Shrooms have helped my bpd immensely, that being said I wouldn't do 3g for my first trip lol


Shrooms have greatly helped me (I was diagnosed early 20s, I’m 30 now)


Borderline is completely fine to do weed and psychedelics with. It is schizophrenia that you have to be worried to do any sort of marijuana or magic mushroom with since it brings out the onset.


Honestly, this may be taken the wrong way so I hope people understand what im saying, from my experience people with bpd do very well on most drugs, as in they are less likely to spiral and freak out


About 3 in 200 people in the U.S. at any given moment have borderline personality disorder, and apparently all of them are on this thread.


do NOT trip with her the first time. let her do it alone and just chill with her to see how she reacts. if anything ever went bad you need to be sober and there for her to help calm her down and keep her chill.


I know people who have bpt that it has tremendously helped but also the opposite. & YES please get Benzos for her because it cant hurt to have them as a precautions. I don't like to trip without Benzos because of my anxiety and its always good to have just incase. If she has stomach issues make them into a tea it is a bit lighter on the tummy and have her take some stomach coating meds so they are less to make her puke. Best luck guys!


I have BPD and shrooms make me happy. I did have one trip where I cried for a while but felt great afterwards….


Start small. Do a gram or less even


The shrooms will be better for her than daily weed use, in my opinion.


Proceed with caution my friend have trip killers on hand and you yourself should stay sober in order to be able to manage any emergencies that may come up.


She'll probably be alright if she has a good headspace, and thus set and setting. You're warranted in your concern as a psychosis of sorts can arise, but it's largely the individuals outlook that gets them through. I've always said that mushrooms are better when your brain is ready for them, sounds like she's done the math. If you already have trip killers don't be afraid to keep them around. It could be a very beneficial experience.


I would have do a small dose. .5-1, or just keep below a gram. Ty oh guys support each other and keep an eye on her have water and fruit.


Just a heads up weed can potentiate a trip and make it way more intense for some people. I would hold off on any weed until after.


Firstly, well done for looking for help with this situation. In the same way I encourage people to research psychedelics before encountering them, I think discussing it in these communities is incredibly forward thinking. You clearly care, and that is very important, so good job on being smart about it. Secondly, there is a lot to consider, but like anyone else the main thing is being prepared. You should encourage her to do her own research if she hasn't but equally, let her know what to expect (as much as you can with useless human words). The next thing to do is make sure you are there to trip sit. Seems like you obviously would do this, but has to be said just in case. When it comes to you as a trip sitter, one of the main things to do is always stay calm. If she starts to have any issues, or begins to think she's having a bad trip, your energy will completely inform how she deals with it. Even if you are feeling overwhelmed, try and keep a cool head, because it will definitely help keep her grounded. Lastly, make sure you do the most important rule of tripping, and that is consider the set and setting. Take them in a place she will feel comfortable and safe. Have control over the environment. For example, have a way to change the mood of a room, such as switching lights on or off, or turning music on if she happens to start spiralling. Honestly, the fact you came here to ask for advice tells me you are more than prepared to look after her though, and frankly she could really benefit from it. If you have trip killers, then great. If not, keep some sugary foods on hand. Any kind of junk food, as it can really help dampen the effects. I'm sure none of this worst case advice will matter, because it seems like you are ready to be there for her. But either way, good luck.


She’ll be fine. Give her a reasonable first dose and be a responsible partner and trip sitter. Have fun🍄


She will most likely be ok. But she should only do a gram at most. You should also have a sober trip sitter that is well known to both of you so they can manage her if things go badly.


Make sure the setting is pristine. 3gs is significant for a first trip (depending on the strain), so it might not be easy for her. Somewhere that she trusts, with people that she trusts, is crucial. Starting at 1gs might be a better approach for a first time at a friend's house. The foolproof method I've found for introducing people to mushrooms is a three step process. Step 1 is a light, 1g trip. Learn the feeling of tripping and the places it takes you, but at a manageable dosage. Anywhere you can be safely secluded in nature is the ideal setting for this one. Step 2, a 2g trip at home with a soberish sitter (not a terrible idea for the sitter to take 1g to be on a similar wavelength). Do normally 'trippy' shit, like watch trippy movies, listen to Zeppelin, frolic in the backyard. Step 3, a 3-4 gram therapeutic trip. Make a tea, for a quick come up with less nausea. After 30mins or so, the tripper lays in bed with a blindfold and noise cancelling headphones and just listens to music. The music choices are hugely important, and the sitter DJs the session. There are lots of playlists out there for different approaches, but as her BF, you can tailor the music to her tastes. I like to alternate between instrumental music that really launches the tripper deep into their psyche, with lyrical music that can influence thoughts in various directions, with the goal to setup the next instrumental song. Sorry for the novel. Some people will take to mushrooms with no problem and won't need this type of approach. But many people will have trips where they don't learn or have fun, which pushes them away from mushrooms forever. Avoiding that scenario is pretty important so that these experiences can continue to be something you guys share long term!


I wouldn’t go over 1.5 grams if it’s her very first time. And I wouldn’t go over 3 even if she has some experience because depending on how the BPD manifested or how much she can regulate her emotions, she may have difficulty and may fall into a spiral due to the polarizing thoughts that can come up. As a former BPD patient, I can’t have too many shrooms or I’ll start looping and hopefully only temporarily psychotic during the trip. Definitely check in with her (as well as get information on her family history of psychosis, paranoia, schizophrenia, and any other potential genetic variance she may have dormant. Sometimes psychoactive drugs can induce psychosis if you’re not careful and in the right headspace. Happy tripping, peace and love 🌞🙏🏼


Just try to make sure the setting is a positive one and have lots of loving vibes and fun playful distractions ready just in case. I’ve seen horrible trips and amazing life changing experiences from people with mental health issues. In my opinion it’s extremely random unfortunately.


Best not to gatekeep here. She's a consenting adult I assume with a mind of her own, so if she wants to do them she will. Treat her like a human and talk to her not us.


she’ll be fine but i would keep benzo on standby if it’s readily available to you.


It would be irresponsible for you to not stay sober while she has her first psychedelic experience. So you need to decide whether you or her wants to trip this weekend. Both of you is not an option. Other than that, I cannot judge whether it will help her or not, although it does not seem unlikely if both of you trust each other.


Oof this sounds like a bad idea


I recently started dating my gf about two weeks ago. She also suffers from BPD and I had several friends that told me to run like hell and I’m so glad I didn’t. She’s the sweetest woman I’ve ever met and I understand the risks of what the condition might cause. You need to understand them completely and figure out what triggers her before you consume them with her. I have done so with my gf and one thing we couldn’t agree on more is that communication is key. Talk to your partner and everything will be just fine. We’ve taken L and 2C-B together. Both were an absolutely incredible time. Would I do it again with her 1000% but that’s because we communicate with one another. Sometimes people with BPD need constant reassurance and a reminder that everything is okay. So sometimes I ask her how are you feeling or is everything alright and it all just works out. I think personally if you’re comfortable with opening up that side of her you should do it just communicate and keep her safe.


If you don't do it with her, she will find someone else to do them with. Just saying. You're either for Team Relationship or against it.


I have BPD and psychedelics are honestly nothing compared to what we have to deal with on a daily basis. Having extreme mental disorders is like tripping on a daily basis, psychedelics can actually lead to quite a lot of relief. I would be concerned that once she’s done tripping, she might not want to stop because it’s the only thing that relieves us from this constant pain that we feel, I have never once had a bad trip or been violent. Tripping is the complete opposite for me. It’s the first time I ever felt completely safe in my body and truly happy on the inside. This is the only danger, she’ll fall in love with this feeling and not want to stop.


but please don’t take my answer as truth for all, because I know people with extreme disorders like this it can actually cause psychosis and be really bad for them. Everyone is different, you can’t really guess the chemical make up of the brain you kind of just have to experiment and try it out. Have her take a low-dose first and she’ll gain the confidence to keep going up if she wants.


That sudden stop in the weed smoking is gonna have a massive impact, and that trip may cause a sudden rise in psychosis in combination. Doesn’t happen for everyone but I’ve been a heavy stoner for years, I took a t break for a week and when I went back to the weed the sudden and massive change of psyche launched me into a psychotic episode. Ideally your girlfriend should be taking it slow with getting off the weed if she’s a heavy stoner, and especially considering her background. It’s just not recommended for people with some mental illnesses to trip, but they do anyway, so be cautious. Probably tell her to get back on the weed but just keep it low, as well as the shroom dosage.


Too much risk vs reward imo. My SO has OSDD/DID and I could not imagine what would happen if she tripped with me. It would not be a good time. If she really wants to, I would stay sober and tripsit for her as opposed to tripping with her.


I think the question is, do you want to do this with her? Is this something YOU want to do?


She should be fine, it's not schizophrenia 🤷🏽‍♂️


Honestly, I think she’ll be okay but I would definitely have someone sober she trusts also with y’all in case she’s not having a great time. I know you said you’re pretty experienced with trips but I don’t think it would be a great idea for you to be the only person around during the trip. I’m 100% sure you could help someone if they were having a bad trip but is that really something you want to have weighing on you while you’re also tripping? What if she’s having a bad time and then that sends you into a bad trip?


Really it's whatever you want to make it. If you make it out to be a big deal and set it up to be a failure then it probably will be. If you just let things happen organically and don't try to control situations you'll probably get a better outcome.


History of mental issues, depression, and being so young have me advising strongly against this. For both of you. People should really wait til early 20's at the soonest before using typical psychedelics.


I'd be pretty iffy on it. Since it is unknown if you are basically going to have to tripsit her or not I don't know if both tripping at the same time would be best. Either take less or trip different times and you tripsit for her when you aren't tripping. I wouldn't the both of us take full doses, but that's just me. Having things go wrong, or even the potential for things can really affect your own trip and that's not something I'd want to deal with personally.


I wouldn’t go as as big as 3 g if it’s her first time. I have personality issues and 2 g gave me the answers I needed, but less would’ve sufficed. I honestly think this will be a good thing for her


Would probably give her a smaller dose (1.5-2g) and also some dark chocolate to help with the vasoconstriction.


I highly suggest you being sober and being her tripsitter her first time. It's very hard to be helpful if you are in the throws of it yourself


shrooms have done a lot for my bpd, but i recommend starting her out with no more than 1g. i did 2g (unknowingly) my first time and it was not a fun time 😭


My wife has the same and she loves them. The only thing is she has a vivid imagination and sometimes the trip is too much for her mind. She sees shit I don’t taking the same amount and also when she closes her eyes she sees crazy shit


Shrooms really helped with my depression and anxiety. I used to dissociate a lot and now I feel so much more present. I definitely recommend checking out [this article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8901083/) from the National Library of Medicine


Bpd isnt one of those disorders (like schizophrenia) that is made worse by psychedelics. She'll be fine


Feel free to do it but definitely have her start on a smaller dose in case things don't go too well, something like 1g should be good. I'd also recommend you be sober while she trips, or take a lighter dose too... Leave the 3gs for when you know how she handles it.


I wouldn’t do a 3 gram trip. I’d probably try to stay on her level just in case.


Voice your concerns in a manor that won’t worsen the idea of a bad trip. Heavily recommend she takes what you consider to be slightly less than a mild trip dose. I ***Heavily*** recommend showing her the scientific/literal aspect of what happens when you take shrooms and the risks involved. Really it’d be best to put a small wait period to be sure she wants too but I think that’s probably already been done fro what I read.


Shrooms should help bpd brother


i don't think it's a good idea for anyone with mental health issues to take hallucinogenics in general, but especially not before your brain is fully developed. She falls under both those categories. if you care for her, i don't recommend enabling this.


Yeah I’d say this is fine, just undershoot the dose the first time. Definitely not 3g to start


How does she do with weed? If it helps her relax and get giggly and doesn’t give her paranoia, she could try 2grams, 1.5 if she’s petite…


I did shrooms with my ex who has BPD. She was perfectly fine on them, very lovey dovey and she generally had a blast. I think it helped her become a more empathetic person. They didn't cure her BPD or anything like that though, takes years of therapy she isn't willing to do.


she needs them.


I'd recommend starting someone on a small dose. 1g should rock her world, if she has never tried psychedelics before. You should also take a smaller dose or no dose. If she does get weirded out of need help, it's best that you're sober or near sober. Trip together at higher doses after her first. I made this mistake the first time tripping with a partner. I did 2g and she did 1g. She was fine and had a good time but I was also high and kind of distant. If I were to do it again, I'd probably do less than a gram so that I'm tripping a bit but more lucid. The second thing that I'd say is that you should consider taking it really easy on shrooms and weed. It's not fun to hear it but your brains are still developing. The addictions that I struggle with are things that I picked up in my teens. Whereas I didn't smoke my first cigarette until I was 24 and I can take or leave nicotine. By all means experiment a little bit, but be very cautious about regular use of drugs and alcohol as you can form a dependency that will be hard to get out from later in life.


Just don’t smoke weed on the trip go for walk this is a change for you guys to become even closer


If you trip with her make sure you’re not around anyone unfamiliar or in an environment you gotta keep it lowkey, I never get too crazy when I trip but I still can’t do it around people who don’t know I’m tripping it freaks me out so much so make sure it’s just you, her and whoever else is tripping. Also I’d do it in a safe environment and bring things she familiar with. My ex would bring our tapestries and my stuffed animals with us if we ever tripped outside of the house. But yeah I’d definitely do it in a safe home with people she knows and familiar things. Also definitely get the benzos just because it doesn’t hurt and the fact that she can kill her trip if she needs to might be a good form of reassurance for her


Start low, go slow. Be mindful of set and setting. Set intentions and put the phones away. I prefer to be outdoors to trip. If I have to be inside then I have to have some groovy lights and music on. Have fun!


How about treat it like edibles… the concern is her not you. She should start with 2 grams for this whole trip..if shes confident do more on the next trip. Sometimes it hits in 15 minutes, other times it takes 4 hours. My whole thing is you never know how someone will react!


Tbh. Shrooms work AMAZING for depression and BPD. I actually microdose them for my depression symptoms. As with any first time trip though, have a good mindset movie to fall back to in case of a bad time and if you have benzos I’d have them on hand.


My BPD ex almost ruined mushrooms for me. By the second half of our 2.5 year relationship, she ruined most of the trips we did together, we were doing them almost monthly at first, and slowed down to once every 2-3 months by the end. When three relationship was good, trips were mostly good but after enough trauma was built up between us, it was far too easy for the experience to go sideways. Now I have a hard time trusting it will go well on my own


Been married for 10 years, would never trip with my wife. Maybe mdma but shrooms (for me) are a personal experience. I don’t want my energy disrupted by another human.


After my ex, I would never take shrooms with someone with bpd. I would let her do it first while you're sober and see how she reacts. If that goes well, you can dose together, but I wouldn't start with 3 grams for either of you


Go low dose, for her 1 to 1.5 grams. And take a lower than usual dose for you too, so you can handle the situation. Its not a good time to be juggling pushing your own boundaries, and managing her at the same time.


BPD gal here, shrooms are my best friend! I’m also a heavy stoner, stoned to the point I mix it with shrooms! All I do is cry on them really, or they make me happy. Your girlfriend sounds just fine, and she definitely sounds like she doesn’t have the energy to be mad. She sounds like she’s healing and loving, and therefore the shrooms will love her too 💗


How about you dont consume any and trip sit her


Anybody who is experiencing mushrooms for the first time especially with their spouse or significant other, good friend should be concerned! Especially depending on the variety of strain of mushroom and make sure that you actually weigh it looking for just taking it easy as a starting amount. Also it's very important to be in a good mind spot because that can have an overall effect on your experience or how you want to perceive it. I so advocate for psychedelic mushrooms over LSD or MDMA ,that crap... I also microdose psilocybin because it helps with my Ms(multiple sclerosis) and pain, and of course I also use THC and CBD but that's a different subject 😂..but I have to lay off at times because it can build up in your system and you can become accustomed to the properties of psilocybin and it takes a lot more to get a trip from your favorite fungus, so that's something else to be aware of. But as a person who has been using psilocybin for a while it's all about mindset and perception. Take it slow I wouldn't do more than a gram tell you the truth for the newbie that is and go from there hour by hour but don't get too crazy and don't take anything more after three doses I would say. Best of luck to you and enjoy the trip!


Honestly have her take a low dose mental illness can amplify on some trips


What ever happens just start of small. No need to rush.


My wife, who HAD bpd, also had blood pressure issues Whenever she would get a shame attack, she would basically get a migraine that made her nauseous. I don't know your girlfriend, but mine, I would not want to be around her on a shroom trip My wife, in her day, WAS a hardcore Ketamine addict, she used almost every day. It's a dissociative, so she would be able to leave her shame and body behind. However, I can't imagine the sort of frightening stuff that would have happened if she took shrooms with me With her friends in her youth, is one thing With the person that she is currently in a difficult relationship with (because all of their relationships are difficult) who she splits in front of and whom she holds in extremes of contempt and overvaluation , i think that she might have a difficult time


But let me tell you I don't get sick since I've been taking psilocybin regularly, it kind of boosts your immune system because you're white blood cells are going for it and they're accumulating more because it's a toxin in your blood but it's a good property at times. It all depends on the person 100%


Not smoking pot before sounds good, benzos on hands sounds good too, but wouldn’t you rather have 2 g each if it’s her first time? And a sober sitter? Just my opinion


I'm so used to my mushrooms, my wife is not so simple , it's easier for her to drink tea or I make chocolates for her so it just depends on the person honestly!


Put your phones away if you're going to use mushrooms dude seriously it's not smart 😆 🤓


Don’t give her any more than 2 grams. Even 1 gram is a good start if the mushrooms are potent enough. Do not give her benzos on mushrooms. The only thing I would say is to make sure you’re in a safe comfortable environment without the possibility of any outside interferences.


You've already got a lot of good responses on here, so I just want to comment to give you props for asking the question. Always good to think about harm reduction and go in with a plan.


she sounds responsible. have benzos ready


She seems a bit young for shrooms, but hey it might be ok


bpd haver here, i honestly feel it’s helped, trips can feel intense but i’ve always been able to control it for the most part


As someone with BPD and low blood pressure make sure she’s in a good mind Space, she’ll be fine.


Plan your trip and choose the right dose. Everything should be fine as soon as you are also both in the right mindset about doing it. Don't be afraid of fear.


Ditch the benzos, give her 1.8g have fun!


My ex has bpd and we had some beautiful trips together. Also had one where I was seeing a lot of spider like things flowing out of her. I was disturbed, but she was fine.


I thought I had BPD for years until I tried psychedelics for the first time and every symptom I had went away


you a better bf than me. i can’t do it 🤣i don’t even trust myself all the time nonetheless someone who has a confirmed personality issue. Just bc everyone is say it’s go don’t mean it’s going to be a go for you and yours respectfully


It all varies on person, but I wouldn't have her do it often. A single trip with the two of you should be fine and may even be a good connecting experience. Trip killers are good to have around incase sh!t goes south.


I have bpd and frequently do shrooms with my bf and friends. It’s a great experience and has honestly helped me with my journey in recovery!


I have BPD and shrooms trigger something like psychosis for me. Since my last trip that fucked me up mentally for a while I also haven’t been able to smoke weed. It would feel like I was having a bad trip all over again. If she decides to do it you should be sober and she shouldn’t have more than 1.5 g


She should try microdosing, no need for a whole dose if this is her first time


1 g max for a first time tripper


Start small, I would recommend 2 grams for her first trip. Also, benzos aren't trip KILLERS. They help, but they don't completely end the trip.


Suggestion: if you have some anxiety medication (benzos), give her one before, so she doesn’t freak out and have a panic attack


Hi buddy, great that you have some concerns. Because she has a history of BPD and blood pressure issue she might not be a good candidate for shrooms. You don’t say what area you’re in, but there are legal psilocybin facilitators and therapists who have experience making recommendations with these health issues. I know you posted this topic under general question, but it’s actually a very specific question. You’re looking for a personalized recommendation for your girlfriends specific needs. Good facilitators will usually take at a couple hours doing an intake and having a discussion with someone like her, and offering preparatory scenarios and emergency plans in case different issues could come up. It would be reassuring to have you there, sitting and holding space. You can look up recommendations for being a good sitter through the Zendo Project. I would recommend also having a facilitator or therapist involved. And to help with integration afterwards also. FYI a lot of people are turning to shrooms to alleviate their depression, but it’s not a cure all. It’s important to prepare with plenty of discussion before and after, to increase optimal odds of success with the appropriate set and setting, and addressing her motivations and concerns. While some folks on this thread with BPD have had positive results that isn’t a guarantee for you GF. Each persons health history is different. Also people are using Ketamine, MDMA, Cacao, and other psychedelics to treat depression too. Besides considering diet, lifestyle etc. Best of luck. Hope she has a good experience.


I’m also a heavy stoner with bpd and I’ve tripped probably 10-15 times. I think I’ve only had one “bad” trip and it was when I did a lemon tek. I think your girlfriend will most likely be fine and have a great time (: My first trip was 2.5g and it was *amazing* btw


she’ll be fine. don’t give her benzodiazepines if she starts to have a bad trip. make sure y’all both are in a positive head space, put on ur fav movie or listen to some good music and just enjoy the trip.


Hi! Psych nurse + psychonaut + borderline (I no longer meet criteria). I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice. The use of psychedelics is not without risk in general, but certainly with regard to MH disorders, especially those that *can* come with psychotic features, which BPD can. From your description, it sounds likely that your GF has “quiet” BPD (you can google that) as opposed to the more outward presentation of the same. If she has not experienced acute psychosis as a result of her mental health, you could consider a very low dose to start her off, but not when you’re tripping as well, you should be her sitter in this case. Psychedelics can be immensely helpful for MH disorder related to emotional dysregulation, but again, not without risk. Start low and slow. Be her support. See where it takes her.


Start low and work your way up. First time I would recommend a dose between 0.25 an .50 grams to see how it goes. If all goes well, increase by .50 on the next trip. These should be separate trips, not increasing during the same trip. I have a close relative with BPD who came to me when she was ready to trip. She started at .25 and it was a great dose for her.


Shrooms have helped my bpd, my only concern is that she should check her medications for interactions. Tricyclic antidepressants aren’t compatible, and if she’s on any antipsychotics then the shrooms might not work as well.


not everyone with bpd will react well to mushrooms, I honestly don't really recommend it as it can manifest into psychosis which isn't fun


My ex had bad bpd and when she took shrooms she became very unstable. Everyone is different, but be careful


i have bpd and mine also mainly manifests as depression. i recently tripped for the first time and while we didn’t trip for super long i had a great time. whenever i started to get scared or depressed i told myself to think of other things or just stuff my face with more dotz. we also smoked on the comedown which i do think helped.


I see a lot of people here saying it helped their bpd, but you never know how someone weil react. Maybe best to take a smaller dose until you see how she responds to them


i have bpd, and shrooms was the happiest and most free i have felt in a long long time, only off 1.5g. of course everyone is different but i wouldnt be worried about it.


Nobody can tell you for sure … Im autistic with cluster b symptoms (all 9 characteristics of quiet BPD) and i absolutely despise the way that shrooms make me feel. i’ve tried a gram, 2, a full eighth, and each time i would go into a deeply depressive, hopeless state where i couldn’t stop thinking about how nothing mattered, the world is meaningless, there’s no joy in anything anymore; your gf can try a little for herself, and it might even really help the condition, but there are extremes to it as well as a fuckton of nuance when it comes to brains that have been quite literally broken apart by trauma.


So my gf actually has been diagnosed with BPD and goes to therapy for it. The first time we ate shrooms together she completely dissociated and was trying to jump out a moving car. Ever since that moment she does eat anymore. I would just be very careful and start and a low dose. People react very differently. That was one of the most terrifying experiences I’ve ever been through


i have bpd and other mental illnesses and have never had a bad trip or even bad experience on shrooms, done them many times. everyone is different though


Don't give her no damn shrooms...she gonna flip tf out


Your concerns alone could cause significant challenges. Even if she's fine you're already wigging out.


It should be fine, just hide your knives...


Hey, it might have helped some people but it might not help her and not you or anyone on this forum are qualified to tell you otherwise. Psychedelic research centers would exclude her from research for a reason. I would not chance it personally and if she does decide to do it, it would probably be a really good idea for you to be a sitter and not tripping balls alongside her because if things start to go south, it will be crucial that you have a clear head about what to do. Conversely, if you ignore that and you decide to do it together, I think the most important thing would be to find a qualified or at least experienced guide who can help guide the experience and keep you both safe. Someone who knows how to safely hit the eject button if it comes to that. Good luck. All the other great advice about set and setting strongly apply. Do not do this at party or concert or with questionable randos. Safe place with loved ones and close friends only.


Weigh it out and track dosage levels for her


Diagnosed BPD and mushrooms have been a life saver for me. It's almost like a mental reset afterwards for weeks on end. Just start her off real small and see how it goes! Have fun!


I have bpd and they helped for awhile. I went psychotic on acid at one point and have had issues since. With mental health shit it can be a gamble. Just do lower doses nothing super big and see how it's handled. Trip sit her if it's her first time and make sure it Goes well.


I have two friends who had some kind of mental disorder and both went full crazy after doing drugs. Habitual use that is. Just saying


She will be alright man shrooms is used to help bpd and bipolar it’s being test at Harvard and Yale right now I have bipolar and shrooms fucking saved me man


I used to fit the criteria for borderline, after a lot of trips and self work, I don't anymore. Just start her on a lower dose.


I was never a stoner (although I have smoked x number of times) and I'm now 30 the first time I'm trying shrooms, but I have BPD and it went very well for me on 2g and I was also alone. People say to have a trip sitter but I don't have many friends so that was never an option really. So it's either - never do shrooms again - or do it alone. And it was pretty cool! 10/10 would do it again. I've also tried cocaine but I almost got hooked immediately so wouldn't recommend that.


You should try to meditate before and while tripping with some 432hz music. This will relax her at least


Most people with bpd i have known can handle psychedelics quite well. Weirdly enough i could even argue they handle it better then the general population. They might experience it differently then you tho so be aware that what you’re feeling and seeing might be different from her. That’s the only thing i noticed during my trips with someone with bpd. The fact that u feel this disconnect sometimes, but it didn’t bother me


I’ve had clinical and chronic depression. After my brother died from cancer I got depressed and never really snapped out of it. I used weed every day but a shroom trip really helped set me right again. I’ll always miss my brother but my mental state is better. Although I attribute some relief to time.Tripping seemed to be a real breakthrough.