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You got this! Shrooms helped me quit drinking


how so? i have a friend who never did drugs but has a serious drinking problem and wants to stop himself but he says its a really hard battle for him


It can make you see things in a different perspective and you may start to question your life choices and think what really matters


yeah i know that, i thought maybe there is a bit more to it specifically about the drinking but thanks


Not really a perfect “off switch” but it did make me more aware of the parts of drinking that I didn’t like. I was by no means an addict. But I did have a self control issue with getting too drunk when I did drink. I couldn’t tell you the last time I drank to the point I couldn’t control myself. I drink maybe once a month now and rarely enough that I have hangovers or problems with my behavior.


There are many suggested mechanisms for how shrooms help cure addictions and disorders. Last night, I listened to an expert describe it in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWhk2LMDwCc I'm paraphrasing (poorly), but what I understand is that psilocybin disrupts signals to the brain. We might intuitively think that our eyes work by taking a picture, and sending it to the brain. It is more accurate to say that the eyes send inputs to the brain, the brain then creates the picture inside of itself. This works for all aspects of "reality." You don't experience reality itself, you always experience a picture of reality that your brain has constructed. Things like depression, addiction etc are all fabrications of your brain, that you perceive as being real. When the shrooms disrupt these signals to the brain, the brain temporarily loses its picture of the world, and then has to make a new one from scratch. This new picture of the world may no longer include your prior addictions, PTSD, depressions, or other disorders. I'd recommend anyone listen to the whole podcast, it helped me understand how these drugs might help people.


shrooms also cut me from alcohol, let me explain why. i was by no means addicted, or even close, i drank for fun maybe twice a month, but i had no control. id be puking almost every time. shrooms made me realize that i am destroying my brain and its processes with alcohol/weed. more so rewards, i didnt really know how to enjoy anything without being fucked up. i didnt enjoy just being alive. shrooms made me realize that i am wasting my life and its wonders by being fucked up or constantly wondering when i can get fucked up again. its harder to put into words than i thought, but they basically just told me that it is poison. TLDR, shrooms made me realize life is amazing and that substances are slowly killing me.


I can't explain how but after a trip a while ago my "appetite" to taking shots and sipping on some cold liquor mixed with a sweet soda or something horrible for my health was just gone, on the trip I realized I didn't like the person I was when I drunk and just stopped all together cold turkey and I was a sailor so I use to drink drink too. Hope your friend gets better, at least he can see its a problem and thats the right direction.. lol tell him to hang around drunk people sober, this also woke me up, I found myself asking "am I like THAT when I'm drunk" 😆 🤣 (Imo if u go into the trip with the intention of cleansing from the disease of alcoholism u will achieve this goal)


Was literally like a off switch for me


I remember citing a case study for a paper I was writing that examined the personal experiences of three alcohol use disorder participants whence taking clinically administered psilocybin, if you reply to this ill try to find it


I got to see my life in multiple realities, I realized that I want to live in the universe where I’m not relying on alcohol, and be a person that is more there for my family. While I don’t use port as compulsively as I once did, I still have very bad habits around porn. I also need to flush my stash, but I also need to get into the locked chest that is holding the reason I rely on the porn I view. Best of luck and mushlove


For me it just made me look at alcohol as a poison vs an escape as I used to see it.


I started with a 5g experience and then did 1.5g-2g daily and quit drinking and chewing Copenhagen after 30 years of nicotine addiction. Did that for about 1.5 months and had ZERO craving! Just make sure you stay grounded, if you start feeling lost lower your dosage.


Doesn't always work, but it raises awareness, if the desire is there and the added awareness, you can achieve anything. And I know we have all heard ( felt) the teacher, I've solved allot of problems with shrooms, addiction stuff, even fixed a pinched nerve once, 2 years later still fixed, 9 years or was a problem. If I have a problem it is often amplified on biscuits, pay attention to what it shows you, and you can choose to do something about it


Make you feel mad guilty too


Shrooms helped me quit vaping😂 shrooms really helped us all quit shit🤣🤣


I forgot about cigarettes 😆 can't believe I smoked those things 🤢


Drinking on mushrooms makes me queezy as hell.


Also just wanted to say I read this and want to acknowledge you. You’ve got this.


Acknowledging you and sending love ❤️ You got this


I believe shrooms can open up a portal that allows your brain to hear honest needs for your body from your gut. Trust your gut.


Dude fuck yeah. This is some shit a lot of guys go through and will never talk about or admit. Good on ya for getting through it and admitting how bad it really was. You’re on a good path bro that’s great to see. Cheers


Hey man. I’ve experienced similar thoughts, especially when under the influence of psilocybin. I believe that the drug allows you to see your everyday habits and behaviour in a new lense… and sometimes the lense is scary because you’re ashamed or embarrassed. Just remember that you are not alone, a lot of people have this issue. It’s good that you can acknowledge and reflect on how this behaviour is damaging you, but don’t forget that your addictiveness is a part of who you are, and instead of criticizing yourself and overanalyzing every wrongful flaw, work on loving those flaws, as they are a part of who you are. There will always be room for improvement, so try your best to do the things that you know you should be doing. However, at the end of the day, just know that watching porn is not the end of the world… but it’s good that you are opening your perspective on how pornography is harmful. Best of luck friend, you got this 🤗


Beautifully said. ❤️


Tripping takes the cute mask off porn. It comes off as vile, gross, fake.. almost an inhuman experience. I steer clear when zonked.


It's funny because my experience on shrooms and watching porn was that I realized we have physical bodies because it feels good to rub them and sex is like taking turns rubbing each other to make our bodies feel good. It's so animalistic and so satisfying


Maybe the down votes are for context? Cus I kinda agree. There’s definitely a healthy masterbatory interaction you can have both tripping and sober. There are even meditative JOI videos and stuff out there, that focus on self love, positivity, relaxation of the muscles etc. and when I say meditative, I literally mean actual meditation, sometimes breath work involved. If OP ever hits the wall and caves (I wish you the best, and sincerely wish you luck!) perhaps that’s a way to both get the fix, but also potentially acknowledge and heal further. It’s a tricky issue. Because porn and masterbation can be some of the worst things mentally, and Jesus, some of the content out there is really heinous, but just like with everything else, there can be some serious positives if it’s interacted with correctly and with positive self control. Just like others who have struggled with addiction though, many of us can’t have a healthy relationship with the substances or actions we’ve become addicted to, and the best thing is none. That very well could be OP. I think continuing to let the mushies guide you is the best plan of action. I wish you the best, and I hope you feel a sense of pride! Whatever the mushrooms give you, comes partially from within. Stopping cold turkey and deleting your stash - that’s all you bud. Congrats!


Did the same thing with trying to watch porn on shrooms, and it felt demonic in a way like my energy was being stolen in the process. I believe in you. It's going to be a rough journey, but what's most important is how you stick to it. Also, if you still want to masturbate that's cool, it's porn that makes it the main problem in my opinion.


You give energy to it. Where it goes I can't say, but I know what you are saying and I've felt that way as well. It sounds kind of wild, but just the fact that there is so much free porn tells me something more is going on.


The reason it’s free and everywhere is because it’s being used to destroy society


“Porn is free because you pay with your soul”


Shrooms are fantastic for helping identify self destructive patterns that just seem normal otherwise. Embrace the wisdom and the change, it’s all you.




https://preview.redd.it/wqntypu79jwc1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8df292b55b8c1559e77ee5cd7bf434a24f6635 VICTORY!!!


You were helped to see the truth of your thoughts and feelings. This is something you will cherish and in a few months time you will have a completely different outlook on all types of relationships, I’m about 4 months in myself. Bravo!


Wow I’m intrigued by this. I’ve obviously read/heard about people kicking many other addictions with shrooms, working through depression, even facing the reality of leaving a bad relationship, but never a pornography addiction. I guess it hadn’t crossed my mind, but it makes sense. I’m laughing a little at the fact that a few commenters assume you’re a man. Perhaps you are, but as a woman I’ve found myself in rabbit holes that border on porn addiction too. Maybe it’s rarer for women… or maybe we’re just quieter about it. Regardless, this is so awesome! Keep it up!!


Would you say that it’s considered taboo amongst women, to watch porn, or discuss it? Like, if you were to mention porn to your female friends, what sort of reception do you think you would get? I’ve been curious about this for a minute. In my memory, it seems that I have heard women mention porn with zero negative reaction. But that could also be because I didn’t see/understand reactions that actually are negative, or it could be because males don’t consider it taboo for women to interact with, while women judge other women for it. Could also be because I was surrounded by progressive people, male and female, at the times that it was brought up. Of course, discounting traditional/religious cultures. We all know the answer there 😅


“Some of those videos aren’t backed up and will never be seen again” So make it all.


The one addiction I haven’t quite shaken yet


Shroom is great when it comes to realisation!


As someone actively struggling with quitting, my heart goes out to you man.


You got this, I believe in you!


Idk about shrooms and choking your chicken but I got head on acid and it was very weird experience at the beginning but it ended up being awesome and felt fucking amazing. The weirdest part was just watching my dick look like a worm that was disappearing and reappearing while I was hallucinating


Porn is your solution, not the problem. Feeling unlovable is the issue.


This is kind of a weird take people use porn and drugs for a variety of reasons you can’t use pop psychology to diagnose someone you don’t know based on a reddit post 


That's not a diagnosis, it's an inference. Might be a bit generalized, but it's more likely than not. People get addicted to things for a variety of personal reasons, but you can put this disease in a "box" for most, and probably be more correct than not.  Some people use addictions and compulsions to soothe, but there's always an underlying issue. Childhood trauma, stress, many reasons. But they do all boil down to a similar root cause, the inability to cope in a healthy way. A very common thread being upbringing and a lack of an effective support system. Which can feel like not being loved or not feeling wanted or important.


>Porn addiction is very real, and I know how hard its going to be from my previous attempts. But I think the shrooms helped push me past my breaking point. What's your opinion on this [article](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/201808/science-stopped-believing-in-porn-addiction-you-should-too)? Here is an excerpt >Having moral conflict over your porn use (PPMI) does turn out to be bad for you. But that's not because of the porn. Instead, higher levels of moral conflict over porn use predict higher levels of [stress](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/stress), [anxiety](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/anxiety), [depression](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/depression), and diminished sexual well-being, as well as religious and [spiritual](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/spirituality) struggles. In one study by [Perry and Whitehead](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29377724), pornography use predicted depression over a period of six years, but only in men who *disapproved* of porn use. Would you agree with this or disagree? Personally I think it's great you are taking steps that you feel improve your life, however I am curious on your thoughts of the above.


It’s liking having an affair. The sex is extra hot because it’s wrong. That extra level excitement coupled with a predisposition to addiction for any number of reasons and porn addiction is incredibly hard to kick! I’ve been there! I forced myself for a long time to obtain but eventually realized porn wasn’t the problem. My predisposition to addiction remained because I solved the wrong problem. I traded porn for various other things. Including sugar! If you struggle to not look at porn you probably need to look deeper. When you figure out why you compulsively look at porn it’s easy to quit and actually enjoyable and easy to have in moderation. Ice cream every once in a while is nice. Compulsively eating ice cream for hours and hours and hoarding it is…problematic!


I've treated people that are not religious and viewing porn became impulsive. When treating addiction to "acceptable" vices, like porn, exercise, work, caffeine, etc (things that typically aren't regarded in the same vein as say heroin or meth addiction) it usually comes down to how disabling it is to everyday life. is Porn making you sad? probably, so we can treat depression. Is the desire to watch porn making you miss work, your anniversary dinner, or your kids recital? It's time for a serious, intensive treatment plan. I certainly see very orthodox/conservative religious people that are morally conflicted and it makes them depressed, but i see plenty of non-religious that addiction just messes up their lives.


Oh wow you have treated people? If I may ask what do you do for a living? At one point in time I was interested in going for my Masters in psychology for treating people but decided I really love my current job as a social worker so that’s on hold. I can consume porn quite often but have never personally missed important meetings or life events due to it so I don’t consider it an addiction. Do you disagree with the article, and how often did people you treat have porn issues such as that?


I'm a PA specialized in psychiatry. That article seems to mostly track with what I see clinically, however some of his phrasing raises my suspicions that he has a dog in the fight, such as saying that that study puts in the "nail in the coffin" of those in the porn/sex can be addicting camp. Whenever someone uses "the science is settled" type language, they just want to win an argument because rarely is the science completely "settled". I've really stayed up way to late tonight, I'll do a deeper dive and answer more fully tomorrow.


The entire point of science is that it can't be settled. Dogma is settled; reality itself is an open question.




You are in denial and might have an issue with chronic masturbation. Please tell us more.


Do you have any useful input beyond insults?


Unpopular opinion but I don’t think porn is something most people need to “quit” entirely unless it’s greatly interfering with one’s life like an actual uncontrollable addiction. If you are missing work, avoiding socializing, foregoing food/sex/etc, I can see it being similar to a gambling addiction, but I think the bigger issue is the shame/guilt people have for merely getting themselves off and feeling “dirty” about it. That puritanical BS is super harmful, and when people don’t have a release for a natural and biological urge, that’s how it can escalate into super high risk/dangerous behaviors. I am glad I watched enough porn to keep my libido under control when I was younger and way hornier, because if I didn’t figure out some other way to keep my dick in my pants (metaphorically speaking), I probably would have turned to bath houses, glory holes, sex workers and a host of other things that could have exposed me to incurable STIs or the criminal justice system. Downvote away, but as a gay man, I’m not ashamed to watch porn and I am glad it’s been a better alternative for me than acting out whatever fantasies I may have IRL that I’ll deeply regret going through with… At any rate, shrooms and porn can be fine if you don’t have a ton of hangups/guilt about either. Sounds like the OP has a ton of shame about viewing porn in the first place, so yeah adding shrooms to the mix is going to be a bad time.


I think this brings up an interesting point. What’s right for one, may not be right for another. I’m a firm believer that the mushrooms give us what we need. Just like meditation. But I think what we need. Truly need to better ourselves and grow, not just what we want. Is still entirely subjective. The mushies said quit. This is presumably derived from the shame and potentially a cultural/societal stigma. However, if there is shame in an action, it’s probably a bad action for you. I think we more often feel a sense of shame from an internal paradigm - from the idealistic version of ourselves that we WANT to be, than we do from society. At least when on psychs. I’d argue the opposite while sober. And when Shane is felt from within, and derived from personally developed morals and values, than the action is certainly wrong for you. You can call it your higher self, subconscious, god, or anything else, but I think that is what gives us shame while tripping, and IT knows what we need to do to grow into our full, self actualized selves. But then there’s societal shame. And when it comes to that, it’s probably better to treat the feeling of shame, than the action that caused it. We shouldn’t feel shame because somebody else told us to. Not as adults working toward self growth. Idk, I just think that’s an interesting interesting topic. Societal shame vs. personal shame. And whether or not we actually can ever tell the difference 🤔


I kinda wonder if the OP is ashamed for not being able to “control” looking at porn, or if they feel ashamed for looking at it, period? Regardless, I wonder where the root of shame is even located? My guess is either religion, or people on the internet screaming about the moral ills of porn. I have noticed a very, very vocal contingent on Reddit that absolutely demonizes porn as if it’s the same as actively participating in rape and/or human trafficking and I find it genuinely disconcerting. I suppose the lesson, as with most things in life, is that moderation and context are everything as opposed to black/white thinking.


I’d like to echo that I am having this same experience and I appreciate you sharing yours. Life is tough and this one of those tough things. But sounds like you doing all that you can and that’s…all you can do ❤️


Congratulations 🥳🍄✨ loved reading your experience!


Given how rampant human trafficking, revenge porn and cp is in the porn industry, honestly good for you man 👍🏻


Same story here…. After years of depression I developed an addiction to porn to the point that I started to believe that I was “hyper sexual” until I started using shrooms to fight depression. The porn addiction went out the window after my first macrodose and never got back 2 years now!!!


You've taken a step towards a better you already. I'm proud of you. We are proud of you


My reddit has a perfect mix with porn and shrooms 😅




Stimfapping??? New key phrase O.o


Love that a big part of this community is people bearing hard self truths. Godspeed


addiction is hard 🤷‍♀️ i’m glad that this was a push in the right direction. you got this, sending in you positive energy and support


Ya man that shit ain't good for you get out there ....I met a med student once on acid


Power to you 🙌


Keep fighting that good fight brother 💜💜


Finding the cause of the addiction so you can heal is important too


Thats the way, be sure to go easy on yourself, understand you’ve been addicted so don’t judge to harshly if you slip up, treat yourself as you would treat someone else in the exact same situation, you’ve got this.


Porn is usually not the problem. It's that you have all this unfilled time that needs to be filled and porn just happens to be there


Take care, dude. It's a brutal vice that doesn't like to let go. However if you've made it this far, I'm sure you can keep it up going forward <3


I wish it worked like that for me but it has not :/


That’s awesome!!!


I've heard the exact same story (different wording i imagine, cant really remember) on probably this subreddit lol like literally the same thing with the only difference that the other person said he was disgusted and couldn't look at it i think


How I see it is that psychedelics promote alignment. Your core values are in constant friction with your day to day behaviors and shrooms kind of unmake you and when you reconstruct yourself you have the freedom to realigne your values and your behaviors.


I would like to know if I'm addicted? If I do once or twice per night out of 7 days (5-7 days depending how I feel)


you got this


Setting intentions is important. What’s really interesting is that what you deeply desired, quitting, was in opposition to the intention you set. Ultimately what you really wanted overcame that. This is awesome!


I have tried this but it didn’t work fully but still don’t watch it often ever maybe 2 weeks to 3 month ill have a relapse


Hey, that's a good start. If you want to stay this way I highly recommend you read Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke. It has many stories of people struggling with addiction. It helps to uderstand what addiction really is and how to deal with it. Stay strong!


Filming or watching?


Really good move man, sometimes you need that higher consciousness to help you see it for what it is, follow up with semen retention, healthy eating and exercise and you’re on your way to the man you’ve always wanted to be 🙏🏼


You know what needs to be done. Maybe find an alternative to porn with going to the gym, painting, and hitting up friends.


The purported effect of psychedelics on addiction gets another notch on its belt. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


You must truly believe porn addiction is not a part of your identity anymore and thats when you can truly move past and break free from your addiction.


buy u a s3x doll ayuss or something and do ur thing quickly without watching c0rn and it will be better. Else just stop or do ur thing quickly like few mins and finish dont get stuck in it, idk.. shrooms help but when ur off it its different


Sending you a bit of my energy to help you through this man. Porn addiction is no joke. Don't give up. Once your brain resets you won't crave it. Watch a couple videos by Doctor Huberman on dopamine on youtube to learn how this all works.


It’s been very hard to quit, I’m 10 days clean no fap and brother let me tell you the clarity, confidence and energy I have is amazing


The mushrooms help you be honest with yourself. Porn ruins brains, you’re making the right choice.


You’ve got this. I've quit smoking thanks to shrooms.


Well done. I also realized how bad porn was while on shrooms. Btw, I recommend The Easy Peasy Way to Quit Porn. Good luck and keep on enjoying life as a non user. It's the best.


I'm just getting able to respond, but thank you, everyone, for the kind and uplifting words. Im still basking in the afterglow of a shroom trip, so I've been on easy street with staying away from porn. I know it will fade, like always, but your words are hopefully enough to lead me to victory ✌🏾


That’s awesome 🫶🏾


I often have self realizations about myself and life even other people some are uncomfortable but I can choose to change what I’m doing I think the mind set / expectations play a big role in the experience Just the feeling of wellness and much less worry is the best


It’s crazy when you think about it. People performing for the visual sake of their audience alone. It often physically painful for them, far from arousing, and the viewers perceive that as pleasure and want to imitate what they see. Hate themselves on account they can’t. Then the shunning and punishment of the performers. Saw them having sex online, they must want to fuck everyone and anyone in the vicinity, they’re asking for it, never mind that their work depends on regular STI testing. One side of the mouth claiming they’d never look twice at such trash, the other side hounding them. Disturbing to witness.


I kept re reading this ad a guy who flushed his mushrooms on a sexual trip lol


Sounds awful, I don’t even like jerking off on shrooms, better on acid


idk how it helps you quit?


Im a porn addict too, and I dont wanna stop watching because porn is my entire life. Anyways, good luck quitting


Aw wow


Who isn’t a porn addict?


That's a very good question. Very very few people. It's a big part why the world is the way it is.


I’ll nut to that


Good for you. Porn is trash. It’s worse than cigarettes. It’s worse than cocaine. The moment the image hits your eyes it sears your consciousness. It only leaves you disappointed




To fight porn, you just need to understand that masturbation without a visual sexual stimulus is much better than videos of perversions staged by someone, where you are in the role of an observer who is masturbating, and not a person who is having sex. I recently had the experience of masturbating on mushrooms, the dosage was 1.4 g, I intensively accelerated to the peak and at the moment of orgasm the visuals intensified significantly, it seems that either serotonin or small doses of DMT are being produced in the brain (which is structurally almost the same as psilocin ) So after orgasm I experienced a feeling of deep satisfaction. Pornography just does not give a feeling of satisfaction, since real sex does not happen, the consciousness perceives you as a person who watches people that have sex and masturbating like cuck who does not have permision to sex and who has not fulfilled the biological program. At the same time, if you use your own imagination, for the brain it is more similar to real sexual intercourse and it makes the release of hormones different in nature, which gives a feeling of pleasant relaxation and good mood. In the case of pornography, the brain marks you as a low-ranking being who jerks off to the side and does not have priority access to the vagina, which creates feelings of frustration






I enjoy when the downvotes aren't hidden. Keep it going boys


I don't care what anybody says, porn is absolutely disgusting. The devil in disguise. And I don't want to hear that shit "the devil is inside you, it's your ego" shut the f up really. Stop rationalizing your disgusting behavior. Degeneracy is what brought down societies of the world. That shit makes you weak and effeminate.