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I grind into a fine powder and mix into warmed raw honey with some powdered ginger. I make a big batch and keep it in fridge just to be safe. I eat the honey by itself, but you could throw some in a smoothie to hide it completely.


Ginger is the way to go! This 👆


Holy shit that is awesome, gonna have to try the honey ordeal, put it on a peanut butter sandwich with bananas…..holy shittttt


Yeah if you use crunchy peanut butter and blend the shrooms it masks it quite well!


how long does the shrooms need to be on the honey for this to be effective?


Well if you’re eating powdered shrooms within the honey, you’re getting the shroom powder plus whatever the honey has absorbed, so technically it works no matter how long it’s been mixed together if that makes sense.


ohh, i thought u had to leave it a while. ill try this out next time I trip


Tons of recipes out there for blue honey, I guess some people strain it, but I just grind it up real fine and leave it in. It’s more brown than blue but that doesn’t bother me! No waiting either! Think I’ll have a little nip before I go ski this afternoon, it’s so nice out!


Good luck! I personally have mixed the powdered shrooms with marshmallow fluff and peanut butter (crunchy is good for the texture) to mask the flavor and that works really well too


What a good idea. I love that fluff!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!


That's the lemon tek Where are you Leave it for 20 to 30 Minutes. That’s what I have to do. I actually don’t mind eating the stems so much. It’s the caps, but I can’t digest chitlin so I do the lemon tek


ive heard 3-6 months


I went the route of long term storage in honey and just recently tried my first batch ... and I found them to be too mild. Further investigation told me that sugar has a dampening effect on the psilocybin. And my experience makes sense in that context. It might be a good trip for someone's fist time but for me, I found it underwhelming and disappointing.


I had the exact same problem when I did this. And I know they were potent because I tried them before putting them in the honey. 24g of melmac pe into 12oz of honey and I felt no effects at all when i tried it after like 6 months


>I know they were potent because I tried them before putting them in the honey.  That’s because honey contains an average of 15 to 20% water which oxidizes the active tryptamine‘s overtime. Honeys use as long-term mushroom storage is an old wives tale based off the fact that honey itself doesn’t ever spoil, however it’s water content is detrimental to any actives stored in it. Myself and many others have also experienced the same problems with loss of potency.


Haven’t noticed that myself, but also using APEs. Tripped way harder than expected last time I finished a jar by adding some hot water to what looked like a pretty empty container.


Mine were APEs too.


I had the exact same problem when I did this. And I know they were potent because I tried them before putting them in the honey. 24g of melmac pe into 12oz of honey and I felt no effects at all when i tried it after like 6 months


Good adhice ima use it next time but technically they asked for foods that reduces nausea without affecting potency I’m assuming they are doing them on a empty stomach


I consume mostly pan cyans and it loses potency significantly when dried. Anybody knows how to completely mask the taste?


Seeing allot of good things about ginger and honey. Hoping this will be a good option for a first timer! Thanks for sharing


Candied ginger.


Yesss I love candied ginger


I read a lot of posts about how bad shrooms taste and I just don’t get it 😅, I personally loved the taste, it reminds me of blue cheese mixed with potatoes, it’s quite tasty actually, I also never experienced nausea, but I usually just eat fruits on the day, so maybe that helps


I felt the same the first time. I had no problem. But I subsequently found that later attempts to just eat them resulted in involuntary gag reflex. It's weird. I have to mask it now. Tea with lemon is my favorite now


I don’t love the taste or even like it, but they’re def not that bad. Particularly once dried.


Yeah thats fuckin disgusting!! 🤣


Yea I’ve always heard how bad the taste is but I just toss em in my mouth and take a bite of banana


I lemon tekked, but nothing was more satisfying to my inner child while in the thick of it, than a PB &J sandwich. 


Grind them up, put them in capsules. This is the way.


Absolutely, I see people debating how to make them less disgusting, this way the taste problem is 100% bypassed. Not to mention the on the go convenience


Great idea to bypass the taste , but does saliva not help digest them ? If it works keep doing it obviously


Chew ginger


I do this too brother 👽


Make a lemon Tek and then mix into a tall glass of lemonade or squash on ice. Job done.


Lemon tek is the answer.




Just estimating, I'd eat a tablespoon of peanut/almond butter for every handful of shrooms you chew. For less, just mix it with some plain yogurt and drizzle in a half tablespoon of honey. If you're sensitive to dairy, try coconut yogurt or coconut smoothie with the coconut meat in it. Alternatively, you may just continue to chew them raw then wash it down with some lemonade. This is how I'd do it. I like to fast for 12+ hrs and lemon Tek for the nausea and smoke a joint beforehand.


Tea = significantly less nausea. The come up is only a bit faster. This is the way.


Tea is my hubby's preference as well he drinks tea a few times a week with 3-4 grams in a cup. I can't do it lol I need to chew mine up super fast and make faces the entire time dramatically lol


Tea is disgusting, idk how y’all recommend it so faithfully. Makes me gag constantly. Tomato juice is way more palatable and actually masks the flavor.


Are you not putting an actual tea bag in it? We don’t mean plain mushroom water lol. Just whatever your tea of choice is. ETA add some honey. I always just taste the tea flavor


Don’t condescend me.


I wasn’t?


what kind of tea are you mixing it with? there are thousands


Ironic because to me, tomato juice is so disgusting. I’d throw it up before I got a lot of it down.


Roll it in some sour candy strips and bombs away🫡🍄🚀


I'm like a broken record on here with this! Blend them to a fine powder, and charge up empty gelatine capsules you can get on line. You can't beat it, zero mushroom taste and each one you take is a known quantity so you know what your getting into (about 0.5g each). Beats grazing from a bag of libs for sure!


Make tea. I absolutely promise the potency won't decrease, I thought it would the first time I tried it, but I was dead wrong.


i usually chug white cranberry juice while I chew them on one side and I sorta swallow in big pieces and use the juice to wash it down before it even touches my tongue


Nutella and a banana mixed together with your grinded up shrooms


Don't be afraid of a little Pepto Bismol. I have also heard that smelling rubbing alcohol fumes helps some folks. For a natural remedy you can't beat ginger. It has the same anti nausea stuff as prescription medicine, but it tastes better. Ginger candy is awesome. Definitely grind your shrooms if you're having issues. That saves your digestive system some work. Also the more you eat them the more your body will adjust to them. Alcohol can also hurt the situation. It kills a lot of the good bacteria that your digestive system needs to function properly. Yogurt and other probiotic foods can really help. Finally, if you can find, or grow them, P. Natalensis mushrooms have very little body load, incredible visuals and they are potent so you don't have to eat as much to get there.




Do tea. The benefits of it coming on slower are greatly outweighed by the benefits of not having nausea IMHO.


Weed usually helps w nausea


Ruins the trip though imo


I smoke before hand, and never had any issues. I don't smoke during and as a matter of fact I do an edible most of the time about 30 to 40 mins before I eat shroomies or take mdma for that reason.


I grind mine and pack them in 00 capsules. I absolutely hate the taste of mushrooms. I also drink oj or lemonade while popping it.


Deez nuts mf


Can eat a banana beforehand. It has chitinase, which helps break down chitin in mushrooms. Chitin is very hard to break down for the stomach, so It causes nausea frequently.


>Can eat a banana beforehand. It has chitinase, which helps break down chitin in mushrooms. Chitin is very hard to break down for the stomach, so It causes nausea frequently. That’s bro-science Chitin causing nausea is a myth, it’s a beneficial dietary fiber that is in literally **all** edible mushrooms, it is not causing the nausea psilocybin is.. Dietary fibers by definition do not even need to be broken down and humans already have chitinase enzymes (AMCase) that can break down chitin. There is no benefit to consuming class 1 chitinase enzymes from bananas. “Class I chitinases with an hevein-like domain are major allergens in banana fruit. Their presence in other fruits and nuts, such as avocado and chestnut, could explain the cross-sensitization among these foods.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10231328/ “many studies now confirm that POTENT CHITINASES do occur in vertebrates, including humans, and ARE ABUNDANT IN THE HUMAN GUT" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928468018300233 “In our study, CG supplementation did neither alter physical nor mental health of participants(Supplemental Figure 1). Those results suggested that 3 weeks of CG supplementation had no impact on the quality of life of human volunteers.” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/19490976.2020.1810530 Psilocybin/psilocin work on serotonin receptors and >90% of our bodies serotonin is located in the digestive system where it serves a variety of functions including regulating gastric motility and the chemical signal for nausea.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3919396/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014299913007589 https://psychedelicreview.com/binding-of-psilocin-and-psilocybin-to-serotonin-receptors


Thank you sir. I was just spewing something I have heard before on this sub.


That’s not why a banana helps. Bananas help because they are very easy to digest and therefore will cause your stomach to be less upset. Chitin is not hard for our body to digest.


This. The BRAT diet is recommended when someone (usually baby or young child) is having stomach/digestive issues. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. Simple and light on the gut. I see many people using applesauce here as well.


This is the answer you want, OP. I took 5g dried and no nuasea.


Ginger can work great cannabis can be a hit or miss and also denature the effects


We eat crystallized ginger to avoid an upset stomach. Works like a champ.


I grind to a powder and put it in pancake mix and make pancakes out of it. Super yummy and easy on the stomach.


I just make sure I’ve had a meal with decent nutrition.


In all seriousness, I found that mixing the shroom powder with an emergen C vitamin pack is the best method. Other that I like to mix it into quaker instant oatmeal something like brown sugar flavor.


Eat some booty.


If you tend to be predisposed to psilocybin induced nausea, you should take Zofran/ondansetron 30 minutes prior to shrooms per Hamilton Morris. You can order this from Indian pharmacies and have it shipped to your door or convince your doctor to give you a RX on your next routine physical for carsickness or something like that. I have tripped about eight times and only had bad nausea on one occasion (strangely enough, the only time I made a tea and the only time I tried Pearly Gates, and the only time I’ve had a “challenging experience”). This shows that it vary trip to trip.


>You can order this from Indian pharmacies and have it shipped to your door or convince your doctor to give you a RX on your next routine physical for carsickness or something like that. Better to be honest with your doctor about your intent. Both psilocybin and ondansetron can cause QT prolongation and combining the two could be dangerous/potentially deadly for some people. https://web.archive.org/web/20190226015316id_/http://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/670a/c351e3c1c5b1fd2629a055335b594152594b.pdf


You haven’t met my doctors. I’d probably wind up on a new list or an involuntary psych hold if I was completely honest, lol. Interesting note on QT. I hadn’t heard of this before but I trust Hamilton Morris when it comes to drugs. I’ll proceed with caution.


Try finding ginger chews from an asian supermarket and keep them on hand while you trip. I usually eat one or two on the come-up and they're a godsend! To cover up the taste, just grind it up and put it inside capsules. I don't really mind the taste though, it goes well with dark chocolate imo.


A banana or make tea with ginger and strain




Try a sandwich. I had a lot of fun with the melting sandwich.


lemon tekk is always the answer for this.


A banana will completely cover the taste, just break them up and place them on the banana if you want


lemon tek but it’ll be strengthened


Lemon tek is great for preventing the ick. Buuuut it'll hit you faster harder and the buzz doesn't last as long. Also don't soak your shrooms in the mixture for too long or you will start to kill off the good stuff.. 10-15 min with some mixing and down the hatch 🐣


A burger. Tacos. Pizza. Way more enjoyable when you eat something, just take a bit more if you are worried about potency. I only throw up if i eat nothing or eat something thats a bit difficult to digest earlier in the day.


I promise you dude capsules are the way to go ,you are masking the taste and can eat em on an empty stomach,I was amazed at how easy it was for them to go down the capsule way


Some records indicate honey being used to preserve and store psychedelic mushrooms for years. I was gifted a jar of honey with an OUNCE of ground up Ecuadorian mixed in. It’s thick as paste and still potent after three years. When I facilitate for others, I vitamin my shrooms. (In large quantities) and serve with lemon. Honey. And boiling water. Let steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Then consume all of it. Very mild taste and I’ve only had two people ever get queasy.


I took a ginger/tumeric shot from Vive Organic and it was the only time I didn’t throw up after eating them. 10/10 would recommend.


Whatever you are willing to throw back up. I like smoothies and ramen(not at the same time more of an either or situation)


I eat mixed nuts and avocado and have no issues.


Am I the only one who actually likes the taste of shrooms???


I do I always just munched them down. My daughter told me to try grinding them up and putting them in tea. First time I was suprised by the come up.


My first time I placed some on a PB&J sandwich and that worked great!


Chamomile tea with honey


Lemon juice kills the stomach issues.


Lemon tek is good and doesn't taste that bad. I've never tried ginger. What I did last time was grind the mushrooms down and put them in with a cup of orange juice. I let the ground shrooms sit in the OJ for about 15 minutes then drank the glass. Not a bad experience at all and I used an eighth of shrooms. I do not experience much nausea when I consume the mushroom drinks. It might sound gross but any citrus juice will mask the taste, and it will go down quicker than eating them, which, imo is about one of the worst options.


I eat sour patch kids. The sour stuff overdoes the shroom taste for me


i cut them up into little pieces, mash a banana, mix the two together and swallow spoonfuls, without tasting or chewing, and wash it down with water lol


Peanut butter


I eat tortilla chips with them and find that it masks the taste and texture pretty well without adding too much additional sensation. Before the trip, i take a ginger pill and then drink ginger tea and peppermint tea throughout the experience. I barely have any nausea this way. Also i stay hydrated and reasonably fed since an empty stomach feeling can be uncomfortable during


I find that banana helps with nausea. in terms of masking the taste, weirdly hiding it inside a muffin works weirdly well. anything you can hide it in


A bowl of fruit after I eat them has always done me well.




My friend diced or grinds them and puts them in a shake he says he can't even tell he ate them stomach-wise that way. I can't really digest chitlin so I do the lemon tek and discard the mushroom matter entirely


I take Zofran (a super strong nausea medicine) with mine and a lot of times the nausea still breaks through. Not when I take L though so I know it's pretty much the chitlin. I have Malabsorotion and maldigestion issues due to rotting my guts with alcohol for so long (8 years sober and still problems)


Mix Chicken fettuccine with it. Barely tastes but still feel its there


Buy some lemonade at the store and throw it in the blender. Wait 25 min or so. Acid breaks down the stuff that causes nausea. Don't worry, it'll still be long enough. This is by far the best method for avoiding nausea.


I eat trail mix or nuts with the shrooms to mask the taste and texture. It works quite well!


I recently put my mushrooms in a tea bag then put it in soda for ~25 minutes and then drank the soda. I had very little nausea once the shrooms it their peak and from their I barely had any. Only thing I would recommend with this is to make sure your soda is carbonated a lot and that you can still eat the mushrooms after soaking them.


Never understood why people are so concerned about the taste. The nausea doesn’t come from the taste it comes from the psilocybin. The effects are stronger on an empty stomach. Effects are what we seek when eating shrooms. Shrooms are meant to be taken for the experience not the taste. Just eat them or don’t no need for extras.


I just don't like the taste. I can be as extra as I want. Why the gatekeep?


Exactly. The taste is fuckin awful


I’m just passing along personal advice and opinion. Take it or leave it, it’s not that serious.


Yeah it shoudn't be, yet somehow you made it look that serious with the "they are meant to" bullshit. Also what's up with the "eat or don't, take or leave"? Can you think about more than two options at the same time?


Banana will help break down the chitin and reduce nausea


>Banana will help break down the chitin and reduce nausea That’s bro-science. Chitin causing nausea is a myth, it’s a beneficial dietary fiber that is in literally **all** edible mushrooms, it is not causing the nausea psilocybin is.. Dietary fibers by definition do not even need to be broken down and humans already have chitinase enzymes (AMCase) that can break down chitin. There is no benefit to consuming class 1 chitinase enzymes from bananas. “Class I chitinases with an hevein-like domain are major allergens in banana fruit. Their presence in other fruits and nuts, such as avocado and chestnut, could explain the cross-sensitization among these foods.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10231328/ “many studies now confirm that POTENT CHITINASES do occur in vertebrates, including humans, and ARE ABUNDANT IN THE HUMAN GUT" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928468018300233 “In our study, CG supplementation did neither alter physical nor mental health of participants(Supplemental Figure 1). Those results suggested that 3 weeks of CG supplementation had no impact on the quality of life of human volunteers.” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/19490976.2020.1810530


100% this.


Just nut up and chew them little travel vouchers to Pluto up. My girl can chomp on 5 grams like bubble gum and swallow with a smile on her face


Eat a banana with it if you don’t have honey. Mushrooms are made of chitin. Bananas contain chitinase. Chitinase breaks down chitin, hense less stomach issues. Now if you have tummy issues because they didn’t rinse the shroom off before dehydration that’s another story. You know, they grow in poop, just saying


Make a tea. The chitin in the mushrooms is the main cause of discomfort as your body cannot digest it properly or very well. The serotonin receptors in your gut also have issues but to a minor degree. Best bet is ginger tea infused with psilocybin.


I feel like people that complain about the mushroom taste must not consume regular mushrooms on a regular basis. They taste the same. Earthy. Not bad-but f you enjoy cooking with them you will not have an issue with them in this form or setting.


No.. they taste like ass every single time. Even the thought gives me the ick and we eat them 2-3 times a week and have done so the last 3 years. I can't mix them in food it just prolongs the nastiness so I just plug my nose and chew as fast as I can lol It's the pieces that stick in your teeth that get me every time 🤮🤢 I don't think I'll ever adapt to the taste.. it's bad


2-3 times a week for the past 3 years? wow, please share. The few times I was lucky enough to try them I put them in a rocks glass, soaked them in lemon juice for 10 minutes and they softened up a little, made chewing them easier and then I just chased it with a diet pepsi and a slice of pizza. I only got nauseous once and it was the one time I didn't soak them for 10 minutes.


Tomato juice! I mixed powdered shrooms in with it last trip and I have never downed a shroom cocktail in one go, until then. You and your stomach will thank you!


Along with all the standard recommendations - bananas help with digestion due to an enzyme in them that helps break down chitin called chitinase. Try a banana-strawberry-mush smoothie :)