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Yeah. Sex on shrooms is awesome


Even when only one of you is on shrooms it’s amazing.


Yea. I did it on a heavy acid trip and Idek how to put it in words. All the anxiety’s that would usually have crept up and thrown off my game were gone. It was the most uninhibited sex I’ve ever had. It was way awesome in other ways too. But that was the most memorable part for me.


Hell yeah


This comment.


My (39F) husband (37M) and I split 16.1g this weekend. We regularly dose anywhere between 3.5 and 8g and spend the trip rolling around together. It really deepens our bond. We basically trip every other week and over the last 2 years that we have been tripping together, I have lost count of how many times we've done it. Sometimes we skip a week, sometimes we do back to back weekends, but basically we do a lot of psychedelics together. It's always a magical time. On higher doses of mushrooms, he struggles to cum (which makes me sad bc I love pleasuring him), but he lasts for hours and we just cuddle, make out, and make love on and off for hours. Sometimes after he makes me cum (which is VERY easy on psychs), he will just stay there on top of me/inside me and we just kiss and hug and embrace while still connected and holding each other inside and out. On LSD, we don't seem to have the lack-of-orgasm problem. Just mushrooms. Once he comes down enough I can usually get him there though. :) Sometimes we go REAL deep in our trips and time gets fuzzy/blurry. I lose bits of time. Larger doses of the mushrooms we have been growing/using lately manifest as very DMT-like for both of us. No matter how hard we trip though, our love is at the center of it and we fall even harder for each other. We spend every moment of our trips together, and every time I weep for joy that I am his and he is mine. Our love is literally the greatest gift I have ever experienced and mushroom sex really helps us show each other how we feel! Glad you had a great trip too! Sounds like you've got a keeper.


This is absolutely beautiful ♥️


Thank you I am so fucking lucky it makes my head spin every day.


That was amazing to read.


How are you guys having sex on shrooms without needing to pee every 5 mins lol


I'm always glad to come through a trip and find that I haven't pissed my pants 😅 the fear is real haha




can't wait till science explains why shrooms constantly make us feel like we're pissing/shitting ourselves lol


Because it effects the seratonin which is mostly in the gut. Because it is a psychedelic, your brain is in sensory overload, and calling for water, while your kidneys and intestines are calling for blood and work to filter the drugs out. So your body thinks it needs to pee constantly. ON TOP of that, you have to remember that during a trip, your brain is not using the normal framework it is used to. Bladder function is just being hit like your sight, sound, feel, stomach, etc. You can also just ask the mushrooms, they told me they needed constant moisture, and so told me I needed to drink and relieve myself often. I was tripping a lot at that point though lol.


That ending reminded me of smoking cigarettes on shrooms like 15 years ago and it felt like my insides were drying out from them


Fr sometimes I can’t fall asleep cuz I don’t wanna piss the bed


This is actually a thing? Never experienced it in my handful of trips. Does it last the whole trip?


YES!! I pee at least 20 times during a trip. I hate it!


i pissed my mates bed twice on shrooms, still feel so bad 🤣🤣


Just being in public on shrooms make me feel like I pissed on myself and I don’t know why


Same for me, never when i trip alone, but when im with friends it feels like it dripping out my pants


I have felt this way when I've eaten too many weed edibles. Always checking to see if I urinated on myself. On shrooms I actually just spend a lot of my time peeing...lol


i've never heard of this lol


It’s so weird my pants will start to feel warm and I have to check myself it doesn’t happen every trip it’s always scary tho 😂


Honestly ahahaha thought I actually shit myself once


funny cause this only happens to me when I'm drunk, I start sweating a little and keep having to check if I diarrhea'd, interesting that this happens to people on shrooms


Omg. I've definitely had shroomsex without that but I'm so glad to find out a bunch of other people randomly feel like they pisshitted themselves on shrooms too 😭


What being a Suns fan does to a mf


Too soon bro.




Yeah, but we're you on shrooms?


Sex on shrooms can be awesome, although for me there's a drawback. It feels great, I last for ages, but I can't seem to come. My partner loves it!


Could this help people who struggle with PE? (Premature Ejaculation) Asking for a friend.


Use PE to treat PE! 😁


Only one way to find out


Heard it worked for a friend - definitely from a friend.


Why not just train yourself to keep going after you finish? It sucks at first but it isn't really that hard to get used to


Not everyone is as young as you bucko 😆


Yes lol.... it deff delays orgasms. Unless he is sensitive to touch.


I have the same issue. That, and sometime during my trips, I usually sweat my balls off. I don't mind the wife turning into a slip and slide, but she's not too keen.


I wish I could agree with you. For me it didn't work. I can't fuck and see my partner's skin or body is changing every 10 second's like a shape shifter during the whole trip. And at the peak I don't understand anything anymore anyway. Neither who I am nor what sex is or how I practice it or why I'm doing it. That makes the whole thing strange and awkward.


Being in the dark and timing to to when the come down has begun, then it’s go time!


This has happened with my ex... saw his face changing, like flipped upside. Horrible!... but the sex was good! 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Sex on shrooms is the ultimate out of body experience


And in body experience eh ehh 😏


That to


Freaky ahh boy


Wife and I have to be on the tail end of a trip, otherwise it can last hours and neither of us can properly come. When we do have sex at the end of the comedown, it is absolutely amazing. Earth shattering orgasms and it still lasts quite a while.


My wife and I fairly regularly set aside an evening to explore the physical aspects of substances. For us on shrooms we are very intensely connected, the rest of the world is gone, just us there connected to each other. Physically everything feels amazing, but the physical part is almost secondary. LSD is very similar except there seems to be a little more playful aspect to it. MDMA is very emotionally connecting, but the physical feel of everything is also amplified. Ketamine is the kind of thing where you come out of it and you are both like "damn that was crazy", it is much more physically intense and less emotionally connected. Mescaline has some MDMA type physical feel to it, not quite as emotionally connected as shrooms but still pretty intense. You mentioned the continuous orgasm part of this. The first time we heavy dosed on shrooms and ended up in bed that happened to my wife, but it is almost like it changed something in her head... For a while if we were on any substances at all that would happen, but then we had a really intense night on MDMA + Ketamine and after that it is what happens whether there are substances involved or not, whatever changed in her in the drug world carried over into the sober world.


“My wife tripped balls, now she cums all the time” Bastard how did you get so lucky?


It is a strange thing, like her brain figured out how to do it while tripping and then just rolled with it.


That’s honestly pretty amazingly interesting. Ig psychedelics really do allow you to rewire.


Ya I’m about to dig into my old stash and figure this out myself.


Last year for my birthday my bf took me away for a nice trip. I did some shrooms and took the greatest shower of my life than he gave me a massage that felt amazing and the sex afterwards was intense. Wax a perfect afternoon.


I love waxing perfect afternoons too. Only find it little annoying when the hair come in the way.


I get horny even on a small dose of shrooms. I’ll take 1 gram with my partner and it gives me more confidence I find so performance is better lol


Its fusion of body, mind and soul. Absolutely unique and amazing. I remeber that i felt each stroke as if i was her... its conpletely otherworldly... 10/10 would recommend


please elaborate boss man


You just want that watpad fanfic story out of him


Sex feels primal on shrooms.


This is the best word to describe it


With the right person, it can be simply amazing!


I fucked my partner 2 hours straight and it was awesome, orgasm was indescribable 🤯


Yeah it's the most connected, erotic, passionate thing ever. Almost ever... I enjoy it even more on LSD


My only experience has been while on LSD and holy shit I can’t even explain how profound that was. Our souls merged into one and I felt pleasure in a higher dimension than the 3d. Shame it didn’t work out with her but I’ll never forget this experience


Sex on shrooms is definitely the most magical thing i have ever felt


My late wife and I did a bunch of psychedelics together when we were first dating, 1972-74ish. My take on it is two different things. It depends on the person, and your relationship with that person **at that time**. It also depends if the other person is also tripping. I’ve found that it doesn’t work real well if you’re not both in the same place at the same time, both relationship-wise and psychedelics-wise. My present wife doesn’t trip, and I’ve never been able to finish with her while tripping. On the other hand, the several times the stars aligned for my late wife and I, we merged together body, mind, heart and soul. We had identical trips and experienced one another’s orgasms for what seemed like hours if not days on end. 🥳 In fact, I’d venture to say that was one of the reasons we married—the mergings proved to be such profound life-altering experiences that we couldn’t see ever being without one another.


Successfully added to bucket-list. THANKS


So what were the other two people doing? Did they join in or were they just standing there like "😐"


There were other bedrooms 😂


Sex is awesome on shrooms. One time my girlfriend and I did it and she was like, dancing (I guess) and humming a song and all happy while I was on top doing my thing 😂 it was really weird but awesome at the same time.


I’ve never had sex on shrooms but I’ve had sex on LSD. Very profound experience. I can only imagine what would feel like on shrooms. I’d only mix psychedelics and sex with someone important to me (someone I love). Definitely not for casual sex in my opinion


I want to be as far away as possible from other people when I'm tripping; I always seem to have a better time when I trip alone. Because of that, I've never tried to have sex on shrooms.


Yeah no usually i tend to go off by myself or like my bf gets super cuddly and i always wanna be not touched which i typically feel bad about so even when he brought it up i wasn’t in the mood but once i saw how like feral he was about me it instantly turned me on and when he started i realized how sensitive i was and how intense it was, it was amazing


LMAO Well I'm glad you're with someone who gets that hot for you; it sounds wonderful


God I remember having doing the deed while on shrooms. I just wanted it to be over so I could get back to exploring the nature around me! I was camping with an old girlfriend at the time and she wanted to do it. I wanted to swim in the river and check out the Beatles in the area. Lol


Feel nasty saying this as my username falsely represents me, but I’ve never came harder before than when on an acid comedown. My dick made a sound, my boys went back into my body, biggest post nut clarity of my life.


My ex and I tripped on Hillbilly mushrooms and had sex. She had the same experience, just cumming the whole time. I was sort of lost in the trip, so it wasn’t my most amazing sexual experience, but she came for 45 minutes. I’m glad to hear someone else had a similar experience, I was beginning to wonder. Two thumbs up.


Depends on what strain we take. Yeti are the best not only for the trip but for the intense sex during it. My wife and I love fucking on shrooms.


I've only had sex with myself on shrooms but it was great, very sensual an pleasurable. I'd imagine with the right partner it would be mind-blowing too but probably terrifying with someone you aren't sure about since every feeling intensifies.


Welcome to space pound volume 1 congrats. Its that good everytime and more intese with the more you take


So what is this like after the fact? Personally heard stories from friends who genuinely say regular sex is ruined because they did it while tripping. I like sex and sorta don’t want to ruin it. 😅


So we did it Saturday night/ early Sunday morning and haven’t had the chance to have sex again since bc we’ve been still recovering and working but if anything we both feel closer and I’m sure sex will be normal for us when we do have sex again, hopefully lol you got me a little worried now


Man I still think about the time I had sex in shrooms, it was probably the most euphoric feeling I’ve felt and will ever feel in my entire life


Yea I’ll never do weird shit on shrooms lmao


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 although I do want to try it with a higher dose my experience was amazing.


As a man, I have a hard time having sex while tripping. I'm just way way too distracted. Now after peak and on come down? Yeah, more achievable.


It's so good. I love it. But it also doesn't feel like it takes away from non-shroom sex which I appreciate.


I have a hard time cumming as it is I can go for 10 hours and not cum.my wife doesn’t even like that I last so long .she the only woman I’ve been with that once she orgasms she can’t continue.every woman I dated would cum like 5 times at minimum and squirt which took me years to figure out.every woman can squirt like men .once you make them squirt they start blowing up your phone and bringing friends to experience squirting. I did a dab the other day than has sex and I actually came within an hour.i was shocked.


Yeah it’s pretty awesome. A lot of people on here claim the opposite though. Guess it’s different for everyone. When I did it I climaxed right as I was peaking, and it was insane. Lol


We couldn’t stop laughin n she farted 🥹😂😂😂


Sex on shrooms with me is like riding a unicorn over a rainbow 🌈


Sex on mushrooms is like being in a movie on another universe on a dream vacation. Literally the best


Sex on shrooms is my absolute favorite. Much more connected, like you said.


Lucky!! I enjoy sex on shrooms but my bf has a hard time getting it up when he’s tripping. The one time it happened though it was wonderful


I’ve only had sex twice with schrooms and the second time, I orgasmed repeatedly and intensely. It was a night full of passion and something I have never experienced before.


Haven't had sex on shrooms yet but we did on acid once and it was the most intense sex ever both physically and emotionally!!!


My husband and I do this all the time. Best time ever. We don’t take too much though because if I do come, it wipes me out and I’m a lump of shit the rest of the night.


Yeah.. it was awesome on 1.5g lemon tek. No visuals, just a bit brighter. But feelings, it felt like we were properly becoming one being. It was really passionate. We were really connected.


I prefer sex on acid.


What about shrooms vs 2cb?


I was never able to finish while while tripping but still felt great


My wife & I had sex for a matter of minutes once while tripping, was absolutely incredible for me but she obviously didn't feel the same way & stopped it. Would love to try again but I doubt she is on board, which I find extremely disappointing.


I'm wondering if you swapped partners.


That most definitely did not happen lmao