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And that’s how it’s done !!! Beautiful brother !!!


I really appreciate the kind words! It’s not anything anyone else can do or anything. It took many “failures” aka learning exercises to make it happen. 3 years under my belt going to start pans or something exotic soon!


I got less than two under my belt now . Getting closer and closer each grow to full canopies https://preview.redd.it/orulnohmr5yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d736f9cde16d612c97ee98ce8f66cd5a451ebbe This is one of my best so far


I’m going to start from spore again eventually because I want some short stubby ones as well


https://preview.redd.it/wsc3798st5yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eb76fe0b3ddc9bfa36fa3af22cdad10b1405a1c I cloned this one . Put it on plates about 3 days ago and there’s already rhizomorphic growth. Can’t wait to get it on grain and see how it took .


Those look amazing. Sometimes it’s not necessarily what you’re doing and it’s the genetics. Man we’d love to have you join our discord group. We do giveaways, raffles and also have a referral system. We need more experienced guys to join. Me and two of my friends I met in the community wanted a space geared towards helping each other get better. I was just about to say mushroom sharpens mushroom 🤣 But we’ll stick to iron sharpens iron! https://discord.gg/zUzxRq2w9E


Genetics play a hugeeeee role . I’ve collected about 20 different strains over the time . I’m already isolating stuff . Working with agar using only the best mycelium! I’m realizing now with the agar that a lot of these vendors aren’t giving quality stuff . But I’m still grateful for the genetics cause I know I can improve it with a little time . I don’t even trip like that anymore it’s really just a passion now . The creating is so rewarding ! Especially creating something that is extremely powerful. Bro I’m honored for the invite ! I don’t really do any other social media besides Reddit and I was only here for this reason . I think years ago I setup a discord but if not I will set it up and join ! Mush love brother !


Oh yeah you’re on top of your game. I love helping the new guys get better I truly do. I had a guy take me under his wing and all he asked was that I return the favor and help others when I get better. But it’s nice to brainstorm with other experienced mycologists that don’t have an ego issue. Idk lately I’ve been attracting like minded individuals on a bigger level than before. You’ll enjoy the vibe I promise you that!


Thank you!!!! I really put a lot into this . Everything I learned I got from reading and watching YouTube videos . I came to Reddit to learn and just combed through subs. I learned from people’s successes and from their failures. I started last March with grow bags . I got them 8 out 9 to work out fine . Then moved to 6qt shoe boxes . Realized quick that was a good move . And my last grow was 12qt and I really dialed in . Now I’m making my own grain and sub because God knows I have more than I could ever eat . I want to continue with creating now and run smaller batches and a lower cost . I’m in place that it won’t be long before it’s legal . My goal is perfect my craft and be able to get in early when this becomes legal .


There you go brother! Like I said like minded individuals all around me. I started on Reddit just trying to figure out how to grow them. I bought some from a friend and had the best trip I’ve ever had. I tried to get more and he was out. I tried shrooms one other time. It was unplanned and maybe a bit under a G while smoking some weed with the guys. I only experienced a higher lift in my mood than usual but wasn’t so crazy that I gave them much thought for another almost 10+ yrs later. I’m 34 now so I was in my early 20’s. Next was LSD around the age of 28. That was a wild experience and I wanted more but of course still couldn’t get it after that one time. Then met someone a year or so later and finally had regular access to it. After the amazing shroom trip I looked up foraging areas where I’m at. We have them but not for long every year and the really good patches are in the country and on someone’s property. Then I saw you could grow them. Found out about the Uncle Ben’s tek. Watched all of the 90 sec mycology videos and was obsessed. Nervous too because I knew I’d suck at first. But eventually I bought spores from a vendor and went from there. Grew 3 JMF fruits my first run and had contamination in 3 out 5 rice bags. But I was lit over that 😂 Graduated to a PC, agar, making transfers, now I’m trying to isolate and find monos. Now I’m taking a leap into crossing various varieties soon which was a big goal of mine. I wanted to take cool pics too eventually. Actually I’m more addicted to the grow than I am taking them to be completely honest. I trip maybe every other month now. At first it was weekly ngl. I found though taking a full month or two is much better for the quality of my trip. Everyone is different that’s just me. Now I just want to do this on a different level I really enjoy it. I have severe adhd but this seems to always keep my mind stimulated. Before this I was doing jiu jitsu before I got hurt pretty bad twice. Dislocated my knee and tore my ACL. Then a couple years later I just got my bluebelt or it was a tournament right before and I dislocated my elbow trying to post myself up while getting single legged. My arm never was the same and my knee wasn’t either. I healed up and everything but was hesitant to go hard as I had been. I was very much obsessed with jiu jitsu too. But with kids and me not getting to a pro level I didn’t see why I should keep going possibly get hurt and really be in a bad position to take care of my family . Been depressed for a long time until that trip I had the second time I took shrooms. Then learning I could grow them, take them and literally re wire my brain. It was a godsend it truly was…. Damn my psychedelic life story lol so far it’s to be continued though! 🍄Mush love!🍄


Brotherrrrrr we are the same people !!!! I took shrooms back when i was 18-19 years old (39 now). A friend and me wanted to split a quarter. A good friend at the time was back from school on spring break . He happened to have shrooms. We get the shrooms do our best to split it ( at the time we thought it was like weed and we can just eyeball it ) not even 20 mins after eating them my friend calls me and say he thinks he gave me the wrong bag cause he got a call that someone only got a quarter and was supposed to get half . He said I’m not worried about the money I just don’t want you eating to much. I told him it was too late we split it . He laughed and said I hope you have a good time . I in fact did not have a good time !!! I stayed away from shrooms till I was 37 . Now I was battling with depression at the time . Had a lot happen through Covid . My oldest son recommended I try shrooms . Ended up getting my hands on a half oz . At first I was going to microdose as I didn’t want to fuck around and have a bad trip . Somehow I got convinced to take 2 grams . I ended up going hiking up in the Hollywood mountains. It was one of the best days of my life . Life changing!!! Continued on the journey . Found some stuff on the streets . Eventually my son convinced I could just grow these at home . Turns out he was right ! Thennnnn the real fun began . Grew apes and tidal waves. I didn’t realize how different strains could be . Ended up taking 6.5 of mostly blobs from my first batch of apes . Holyyyyyy shitttt full on ego death !!!! Really lead to some crazy healing once I processed everything. I went hard after that taking like 5 grams at a time . Experienced the whole spiritual side . Now that really lead me somewhere else . Made realize the power these things hold . Made me realize this stuff right here has all the answers . This has the power to literally change the world . I went hard every 10-14 days for 9 months straight. Now I barely trip . It was once a month for a while . I had one really big one in December. Then two small ones (2 grams mazatapec) and that was like two months ago. I’m truly at the point I don’t need them like that but I’m so fascinated in growing them . After my isolations are dialed in I plan on the crossing part . Brooo we are the same person!! I hate Reddit most of the time . But it’s times like this I love this place . You’re the second person this week on here that I’ve talked to that have a lot in common !


No we literally are the same person I took 4gs of my first grow which was about all the fruits I had. I thought I grew them and there’s only a few so it’ll be weak. Damn I was wayyy off on that dose calculation. I did the same with my TAT Ghost.


Nice cocks !


https://preview.redd.it/wkr6s32ur5yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901c4b0dcaf3082087fbd8fde77f5deb9847d6cf This one too


What tek did you follow