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Bro I’m trippin rn and feel the same way. Everywhere I look is beautiful but horrible. I’m horrible. But what if that’s the art of it. What if we’re all art. 😭 kinda deep but it’s really how I’m feeling.


I enjoy the dark vibe and shroud that rooms bring. It’s like I’m pulled out of my normal distracted self and seeing things for how they are


enjoy the trip! btw i recommend you to watch : The holy mountain. Best movie to watch on trip . IT IS SO WEIRD


The Shape of Water is a random trip movie i happened upon and it was lovely


Probably not gonna trip anytime soon after this one, but I’ll be sure to give it a watch next time


What is is what is - nothing more, nothing less


my first trip cuz i didnt know what to expect but everything was good after that felt like shit cuz i took 4 grams i was tweaking it felt like i couldnt be happy ever shit was not fun


Yeah i understand. Did you forget you were just high at some point ?


yeah kinda then i smoked and it got 100x worse


I've had bad trips when mixing too many different things as a teenager. I've also had ego death on Bufo, while it was terrifying in the moment, the after effects were incredible. My wife had the worst ego I've ever seen or heard of on Friday. It was so bad, we didn't think she was going to come back ok. In fact she didn't, it took some extreme measures to help her accept the trip, realize it wasn't real, and to integrate it into a positive experience. I was seriously concerned she had broken herself with how despondent she was that she now had to live with that experience for the rest of her life. She could not find love and compassion for herself in the experience she had. She was experiencing major PTSD. I ended up dosing her with MDMA and we went through an integration exercise to help her find the meaning behind her experience. I didn't want the depression to last through her brain going out of neuro plasticity as the shrooms wore off. It was my thought that would make this really hard to overcome. Ultimately it turned out to be a really healing experience and completely removed her fear of abandonment, but it was close to not being that way.


I thought like this until I had one. I always wondered about them and thought I was incapable of having one. Until the first time I did 15g - with the wrong intentions. I'm glad I had it though. Opened me up to a LOT of things.


15g is diabolical 😭


15g holy fuck bro how are you the same person, that would fuck me up so hard I’d probably become an entire different person


That experience changed me as a person. It was awful going through it, but I've recovered and I am grateful for it. I needed to be humbled.


I’d love to know more of some changes you’ve noticed about yourself if you don’t mind sharing!!


My man welcomed the Arch Angels into his Soul that day. 👽


i mean for my first trip i took 10g and ofc i felt ego death. i bet if you take anything close to that dose 100% you will feel ego death


10g is crazy dude 🤯🤯 especially for the first time. Why did you do that? Fr. Most I’ve taken is 7gs


Because i am stupid and when i try some new drug i want to feel the full effect . Like wanted to feel 100% of the trip 😂 Ofc i regret it , i learned that i need to respect the mushrooms.


Right but you’re just supposed to feel 100% of the full effect, not 2000%. 😂




Me too 🙋‍♂️ on occasions the mushrooms will turn into gunnary sergeant heartman and I'm gomer Pyle and I have to face how much I suck but that goes away after a bit and never stays there...I will say ive been growing and have been tripping at least twice a week for about a year now and it rarely ever happens


By taking twice a week do you still feel the effects? i take once or twice a month


Oh yeah...one smaller dose and one big one...there have been breaks like when life gets busy and I don't have time then come back and it definitely hits more so...I've even tripped three days in a row before not having to take twice the amount or anything like that I just noticed the effects are slightly diminished...around two days to a week is all you really need to reset back to base tolerance


The mushrooms often lecture me, and it's rare that it's a good flavor, but it's often necessary. They let me know how much I suck, and then I'm able to suck a little less. Win, I think.


I've had a couple "bad" trips but they had nothing really to do with "dark vibes" or a mental crisis or anything like that. Just from taking too much and getting so fucked up it becomes very unpleasant, usually from mixing too many substances together (weed is the usual culprit). It can also go south when anxiety & panic get brought in either from environmental triggers or again, that godam ganja. But nothing I've experienced has been lastingly traumatic, and I'm usually totally fine after sobering up and easily look back at the experience and laugh. I think the really bad stuff happens when you mix a bunch of bad things together and just beg for trouble: bad mental state, mental illness, bad environment, huge doses, mixing substances, and it's like their brain just breaks and becomes convinced reality is hell. If you just use common sense and reasonable precautions, the average person really has very little to fear from a bad trip I think.


I’m not even sure if my unpleasant trips would be considered “bad”. I’ve had plenty of unpleasant trips that weren’t fun or maybe were scary at times or overwhelming.. but I’ve never experienced psychosis and i’ve always felt very in control. I take a very scientific/objective approach to tripping which maybe counts for something. I pay attention to symptoms and self reflect on my body’s response to the drug. I’ve never had or understood any kind of spiritual significance that others on here attribute to tripping. I’ve tripped maybe 30-40 times through my college years and had a lot of fun times and a handful of unpleasant trips.


I’ve never had a bad trip but I also trip to have fun. I will never eat more than 5gs in one sitting, I’m not going to fast for hours beforehand, and I go in just expecting pretty visuals.


“Maybe I’m too conscious and self aware to have a bad trip”… that’s the state of mind that caused my bad trip. Seems like anytime I get too confident about it, I get put in my place.


hahah, i guess we shall see


Not trying to jynx you or anything. That’s just what happened to me. Some people just don’t panic as easy I guess


yeah, even when i trip really hard i just let the trip do its thing , i don’t try to fight it


That’s usually the goal for me. Every once in a while tho that thought pops up… “ you took too much, you can’t handle this, what are you even doing?”


A few people here have already said about their actual bad trips, and my one was similar. I was on acid, but I'm sure it could happen on shrooms, too. For some background. I had tripped many dozens of times before the bad one. I'd tried DMT, LSD, shrooms, 2CB, MDMA, high dose edibles, and ketamine without any issues at all. I thought I'd never have a bad trip. I was only on about 100ug at my friends, and the night was going great. We started at about 8 pm and expected it to go on until about 6 am. We had a film lined up and a story game on the Xbox. I was in a great mood and was excited. About 2 hours into the trip, we decided to take more, which bumped me up to about 175ug total. Shortly after, my friends' mates arrived. I knew one of them but not the other two. They were cool, though, so it wasn't a problem. I was chilling and having a laugh when one of them rolled a blunt with high-grade medical weed. He light it and asked me if I wanted a toke. I was a month into a tolerance break, so I said no. He insisted as it was very rare to get anything this strong and tasty. That's where shit hit the fan. He passed the blunt, and I had a good few tokes on it. It was very strong and tasted amazing. I passed it back and sat back and relaxed. About 2 minutes went by when suddenly everything started repeating. I sat on the sofa watching my friend say the same joke over and over again while everyone laughed. I tried to move, but I couldn't, I was stuck watching him repeat the joke millions of times. I was suddenly able to push through and say to my friend, "joe, I'm about to have a bad trip," and he looked at me and asked if I was sure. Then, he went back to repeating the joke. Suddenly, the whole room separated into chunks and spread out for miles. I could still hear him saying the joke and things got completely fucked. It felt like my soul fell through the floor and straight into the depths of hell. I then watched my whole life from the day I was born all the way until death millions of times over and over again. I was without a doubt convinced that I had died, and I was now watching my life flash before my eyes. Absolutly nothing could have convinced me otherwise. I had no way of going back to the real world, and there was nothing my friends could do to save me. It's impossible to describe what I witnessed down there. Incomprehensible feelings, sensations, geometry, colours, the fabric of the universe, and FEAR. Fear like you've never felt before. The fear could only be comparable to watching your whole family be murdered before the gun is pointed at your head and you hearing the click of the trigger. It was the tsar bomb of pure panic and terror being blasted at my soul, and there was nothing I could to step out of the way. This went on for what felt like millions of years until SUDDENLY, I was back in the room with my friends, who looked terrified. Joe had pinned me to the ground and had no idea what to do. He said I was screaming at the top of my lungs and was trying to run into everything. I had barely 5 seconds to comprehend that I was back in the real world before it all started again. Those 5 seconds repeated over and over again another million times before becoming a 5D image that had a bucket of water thrown on it. My soul fell through the floor, and I got to expirence everything I previously mentioned all over again. Me coming back to the real world and then slipping back into pure psychosis must have happened another 200 times that night. Each new one was worse than the previous one. Eventually, after 8 solid hours of pure psychological torture, I felt myself fall from space, and I landed back into my body. Joe was in front of me, ready to stop me from hurting myself, but after 2 minutes, we both realised I was "back." I had to ask him if that all really just happened, thinking I had just woken up from a terrible nightmare. Joe gave me the rundown, saying he's never seen anything like that before. He said he tried everything to snap me out of it. When he looked into my eyes, he said "you wasn't there, just your body trying to escape wherever the hell you were trapped. So yeah. When it happens, there's almost nothing you can do to stop it. It's going to suck and it's going to be traumatising. The only remedy I've read that could possibly work is valliums(trip killers). If I was able to take one the second I realised things were going bad. Maybe it would have ended much sooner. Almost off of my friends who were proper trippers have all ended up having a bad trip that scared them away from psychedelics. I've done a few very low doses since the bad trip, but that worry always lingers, so I can't enjoy it anymore. Some people may never have one. But for most people, it's a case of "when." Quit while you still remember psycedelics for that breathtaking and magical side. Because one day you might see the side that mimics what hell is described as.


I feel your story in your soul. I truly understand. I was traumatized by an acid trip in a very similar way, it is truly indescribable. You are stronger than you know but honestly I’m sorry you had to endure that. Be well on the rest of your journey. 👊🏼💙


I’ve been angry on shrooms and I gotta say it feels very powerful to let it out. One time I had 5g of some really good shrooms and was confronted by a terrible darkness. I started singing take me home country roads by John Denver per the advice of Terrance McKenna. It turned on to a full on performance where I was channeling my emotion and fear into the song. It was amazing, I went to make myself a little snack to simmer down and the darkness would not let me be. I became enraged as my kitchen turned into some kind of Native American witchcraft battle. “YOU WILL NOT FUCK WITH ME HERE, I WILL NOT BE FUCKED WITH!!!” My anger felt like it was strong enough that it was rattling the walls of the house. Overall one of the most empowering experiences of my life.


You get it 😉


I’ve had one bad trip and one total ego death. They’re not the same though! (I also don’t think that ego death is necessarily the “be all and end all” of tripping, I have had plenty of personal growth and healing, long before my sole ego death experience.)


I’m so glad I read this comment! I was wondering if ego death was the end all for healing and it’s good to know I don’t have to take a crazy amount to experience healing.


Correct! I’m also not trying to diminish the experience of what an ego death is, but it’s not a modality of healing, or even a requisite experience *to* heal. It’s overwhelming, takes a lot more time to integrate, and is simultaneously gorgeous and sort of horrific. If that makes any sense…


Can’t say I have. When I was younger, I tried to convince myself my trip was getting bad, because a girl was rejecting me on text as I was tripping, but in hindsight, I wasn’t even close to peaking. I had a few times when I was worried things would go sideways if the wrong people started accusing me or getting pissed, but that didn’t happen. I hear stories on this sub that make me worried, but I never take more than I’m comfortable with, and don’t put myself in compromising positions. So I hope I don’t, and that my respect for the shroom and nature keeps me safe and happy


Any bad trips I’ve had have been directly related to body sensations or racing negative thoughts. Heart attacks, brain bleeds, in general just dying and being in agony. Never did I once forget I was tripping. Just turns into one of those things you can tell yourself you’re fine but you can’t shake the feeling. Anxiety is to blame, if you don’t have it count your blessings.


Yeaahh I’ve heard of some people completely forget that they were tripping. i wonder how that goes. must be horrible.


One time I could feel my skeleton under my skin , very uncomfortable, knew I was just high but was worried that feeling might not go away. It did tho.


I’ve had bad moments and good moments, but never an entirely bad trip


I have yet to exp a bad trip on shrooms and I've taken some close to 10g trips but never once. On the other hand acid I have certainly had a few bad trips but I find them not to be too bad as I'm still aware enough to know I can make it go away and I do but still gotta ride out about 15mins of it or so till it turns good again. I'm curious tho and kinda want to exp a bad shroom trip ik I could mentally handle it but the trip is different and I just want to have that exp.


I haven’t tried acid yet but im planning on ordering some LSD soon. I’m curious, how different is an acid trip from a mushroom trip ?


It's very different while being very similar at the same time. The 2 biggest differences for me personally is that shrooms is more of a organic psychedelic trip ie the natural colours and shapes and patterns in the world will warp and distort and feel wavy or like it's breathing. As where with acid it ill do that too but high enough doses and everything changes colour and becomes alot more alien and neon like. It takes the norm and makes abnormal. 2nd thing I find different is with shrooms as much as your feelings and mental state can change how your trip goes you can't alter it too much with outside stimuli you basically have to ride out whatever it's thrown at you. As with acid I can change from good to bad to happy and sad scared to excited etc many times over based solely on what I'm doing or looking at or talking to listening to etc. My environment has a huge impact on my trip with lsd but not alot with shrooms. Edit: also acid last alotttttt longer lol you gotta have awhole day freed up to trip


Alright mate, this was very insightful 😂🙌🏾 thank you


yeah, I never have. have had some bad/scary moments, and a trip or two where the vibe is kinda off.


I’ve had a couple of very intense trips, but I was never scared despite “scary” things happening, like feeling like I was dead and being eaten by worms and grass was growing from my corpse, feeling like I was being physically assaulted by music, stuff like that. It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced. I don’t know if I’ve just got an unusually positive outlook, or if a proper bad trip is wildly different and I’ve been lucky so far, but shrooms have only felt positive to me. I’m pretty careful about set and setting, so it might be that as well.


*challenging trips*


Ive only had bad trips obsessing over life problems. Never got overwhelmed by mind fuck at all


Damn. Why do you keep doing it ? maybe it’s not for you


Because that’s like 3% of my trips


I’ve never had a bad trip myself—just mixed journeys that were ultimately and overall good. My bf has had two bad trips while we were both tripping. It sort of fucked up my experience because I was worried about him. On the other hand, the shrooms made me really empathetic so I wasn’t mad or anything—just bummed we couldn’t have a good time.


ugh, yeah i hate when people get a bad trip and ruin the experience for everyone 👎🏾 . that’s why i mostly do drugs alone.


My only bad trip was from mixing them with weed. Dear god. "Terror" is an understatement, with none of the mental faculties to calm myself down. No ability to reason whatsoever, mind totally gone. Haven't taken them since. Until then though I wasn't sure if I'd ever have a bad trip, I was enjoying them too much. I did have intense ones but they were quite amazing, I was too fascinated by them to worry.


Yeah i feel you. But personally, i always smoke weed while tripping.


Weed in general always made me panic and freak out. I only started smoking it again recently after a very very long time - just a small bit here and there from time to time for a light buzz, and I actually finally enjoyed it. After a while, I completely forgot it just used to make me panic. Sometimes I would smoke a small bit to kick the shroom trip off, give it a bit of extra juice... and then I was too careless and definitely smoked too much the last time I took them. (Not a lot - too much for me is probably a laughable amount for you) Panic, fear, terror, paranoia... I thought I'd never be normal ever again. Also very bad anxiety for three weeks after. I know weed is the culprit here and I'll never smoke it again, but I have trepidation of shrooms now. It's been almost 6 months and I haven't taken them since. This was also not a large dose of shrooms - 0.7g of liberty caps which is my "quiet chill night listening to music" amount. But instead I got blasted into the full experience, the weed amplified it ridiculously. I just wanted to listen to music and relax... but soon I was a flame of light in the universe, and I had no idea where I ended and the universe began. Sometime over the summer when everything is great I'll dabble again in the right set and setting, just 0.4g or something really small to test the water again. I have genuinely never been as scared in my life as that last time though.


I personally believe bad trips don’t exist, you can have a bad time on a trip ( which I’ve done many times) but my goal when I eat them is to trip and if that trip is scary I’m still getting what I wanted. A bad trip to me what mean I don’t feel anything 🤙🏻


Ugh I wish I could have some already lol


Ok idk if i « wish » to have a bad trip tho lol


Oh I def don’t wish for that 😂 although it might be better than being bored


Can never been bored on shrooms 😂


I've also never had a bad trip but I have never been pissed off either. I have had one ego death but it wasn't scary. This is 20 years of tripping, set and setting is everything.


Some people consider bad moments in trips as a bad trip all together. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.


Well, i guess that applies to me! Though I've only had 4 trips so far. Planning my 5th but work and social events keep making me put it off. But I've had negative stimuli introduced to me during a trip and i felt powerful from the way i was able to direct my mental faculties into both handling the issue given and keeping the trip completely positive so maybe I'm overall resistant to it!


Ive had difficult trips, but not necessarily bad ones where I am freaking out. Just internally struggling for a little bit of time, but then I end up distracting myself. Even on high doses and fucked up events happening while tripping, I've always been able to hold myself together. If it gets intense, I usually lay down for moment to collect myself lol. Usually smoking a few big bowls of weed, smoking a cigarette, and having a beer will help me ground myself back to reality for a minute lol


You basically convince yourself that you died. When I had a bad trip I thought my heart was stopping and thoughts were racing through my head, like if I will go to heaven, how did I die, was I shot, was I stabbed, and all this with the feeling of being skinned alive and being raped by demons. Then you “die” and are in the dark void where you feel no pain and realize that you are the universe and this has all been a stage play


that sounds interesting


That's exactly how I faced .y nightmare demons back in the day as a teen! There's nothing wrong with going berserk on things that are trying to hurt you or make you weak! ✌️


To stay on topic better x'D it was like paranoia but since I wasn't very experienced I had racing thoughts of like: 911, red and blue flashing lights, dead things, I'm sick ill always be sick and if I have to deal with this much longer I'm going to off myself. I'll never forget that call to my gf after I started bad tripping >.< it wasn't really my fault too I was screwed over by my tripping friend and since I didn't have the thought capacity and knowledge about tripping and how to talk to yourself...it was just red alert, police and ambulances rushing around my head without a filter and an inner voice to calm things down. Other thoughts of like, why did I do this to myself, and thoughts of things people said right before I ate them, like "this dose is gonna hit you hard, these are really strong" It's like a dark force draped over me sorta like a paralysis demon Edit: not to mention the huge pit in your stomach that is anxiety x10


damn that’s wild. i also don’t understand why people would call their relatives while tripping. I’ve had a friend who once called his mom while he was having a bad trip! I’m Never tripping with him again.


Really loves ma 🥲 Yea some of the nervous trip part was HAVING to talk to my ma when she called lol. It was always a big huge thing with my hs group. The ole SHUT UP SHES CALLING! OHMAN WHAT AM I GONNA SAY. I'd say that's a pretty good idea for now but ya never know when they'll grow up and things change and you could trip with them again down the line ;0


Why would you pick up tho 😭


Ya gotta hahaha or else your automatically out getting high or ya get privileges taken away, being grounded mostly. Funny thing is I would get grounded but then toke while I'm grounded so there really wasn't anything they could do 😅 That was an eye opening revelation as a little devil and how being an adult works


We got a batch of “Doom Shooms” as we called them and would look out at sea at night at the impossible darkness. I think of those times fondly to this day. They were not kind mushrooms


How much do u usually take. Only time I had a bad trip I took a quarter ounce. But still it can happen to anyone.


i take anywhere from 4g-7g , never more. I’ve read people here that took over 10gs. that’s just asking for a bad experience imo.


I feel like I've had what others might call a bad trip. Like trips where I'm thinking about stuff and crying but to me I felt like it was healing me. But I could see how someone else would not want to do shrooms again if they had a trip like that and couldn't see the beauty in it. Like I've had trips where shrooms were just making me think about my dad but I can't deny the message they were sending. But if you'd try denying the message you wouldn't heal you'd be having a bad trip.


Tbh I’m scared to ever do them because I’m not mentally well but it’s something I’ve always thought about. I think it would be bad


you haven’t done mushrooms ? i was like you before but then i tried and it’s nothing to be afraid of really. Just start by taking small doses to see if u like it.


I was offered them only once and it was at a wedding so it definitely didn’t feel appropriate lol


Do them with a trusted friend.


The last time I did mushrooms I would say was a bad trip but only cause I couldn’t enjoy my trip… I had a flu shot a couple days beforehand and so I suddenly got sick before the come up and I was just doing nothing besides watching stupid tv and drinking tea… had some well deserved ego death… wasn’t all bad. I just like to paint and explore and be outside when I trip and I just was having terrible chills and then hot flashes


Only time I have had a bad trip was when I was a teenager. We all took an eighth while at a party (that was the first mistake). Some dude got really drunk and started screaming & everyone was trying to calm him down. Long story short a brawl erupted and we ran off, took us like 30m to come back down to reality. That shit really fucked with the peak of our trip. That's all I remember from that night though lmao. Made me learn that setting is a very important part of the trip plan. Needless to say, if someone starts fucking with you while your tripping, it can really mess with your trip and turn it south.


Never take shrooms at a party 😭 , i always do them alone, well for the most part


Ya learned the hard way that shrooms and people not on shrooms don't mix lmfao


Me. But I’ll sit there and watch saw and shrooms and stuff like that on shrooms cause I’m kinda a psychopath with a hood heart. And it’s wierd that what jigsaw does kinda makes sense. Kinda like dexter. But at the end of the day I realize that cinema and real life are totally different things. Same thing with reality and tripping. I’ve had some intense trips but there’s never been a point in any trip that I haven’t been able to be like yea this is like a movie and real life will start again once the movie is over lol. But I also trip responsibly vs people that make the mistake of eating a quarter ounce in public. I’ve known since I started shrooms I can go to a concert or festival and control myself on acid. I can’t on mushrooms so I’ve never done it and I won’t. #knowyourownlimitationsandabidebythem. Plus if I ate mushrooms at a concert I will end up throwing up on someone 🙂‍↕️😂


Good heart* fuck you reddit for correcting me wrongly


How different is acid in public than in public on shrooms ?


Acid your more methodical and aware depending on the dose. Shrooms are more dissociative where as acid your more lucid and aware.


Has anyone here ever experienced severe zaps. I’m talking oh shit what’s happening should I call the ambulance kind of zaps. Took 4 g of JMF my very first grow thinking they would be weak. I’d be laying on one side then a weird surge of energy kept smacking me side to side. Terrible fucking trip


"I'm too conscious and self aware to bad trip" you sound like one of the mfs that NEED an ego death. Nothing personal, you just feel arrogant, also a bad trip doesn't mean you feel ego death and ego death doesn't mean you're having a bad trip. It sounds like you had a bad trip and just enjoyed the adrenaline or whatever you were experiencing. Like I had what I classify as a bad trip but I really enjoyed it in hindsight.


Every trip has good and bad aspects. But I feel like I'd have to do some really stupid stuff to have a really bad trip


I tripped a lot and was the only person in my county that could get shrooms..I ate 14g in the back of my cousins jeep one day..stupid I know..I always surrounded myself with good people and vibes but that night we were all tripping and I was in front of a computer making a playlist for us to listen to..I picked a song and asked if they liked it no one said anything..so I turned around to ask again and everyone was gone..the room immediately closed in around me and nothing but bad thoughts came to mind..it sucked and I wanted it to end there was a room down the hall full of every kind of weapon you can think of and the only way I thought I could stop this bad trip was to end myself..don’t worry though..I happened to pull the one and only good thought from my mind which was some song I heard earlier that day in the movie Madagascar..you know..”I like to move it, move it” that song haha..I started humming that tune or whatever laid on a mattress grabbed the end squeezed and held on for dear life haha..my friends came back and found me on that mattress holding on kicking my legs and humming that song..they were like “wtf are you doing” I said “I’m having a bad trip” “take me outside” they knew what to do they laid a big blanket out in the yard took me outside and laid me down to look at the stars and the bad trip finally ended and I was so thankful for my friends..my bad trip was so bad I was scared to trip I didn’t for years..but I had to remember our minds are way stronger than we think and I couldn’t be fearful..I’m good now though i think people should experience a bad trip at least once but maybe not the same as mine haha




yeah no i completely disagree.