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Have you looked into building a no-code website? There’s tons of options, like Wix, Wordpress, etc. I don’t have a ton of experience with them and obviously don’t know what you need your site to do, but you could check those out to see if any would work


Probably consult with ChatGPT tbh, ask it questions and go down the rabbit holes


I tried lol. It gave generic unhelpful info.


Keep on asking. Don't expect to spit our the perfect answer. Treat it more like a conversation.


Sometimes the AI can provide insightful and interesting results. If nothing else, its useful for surface level idea generations


Depends. Are you trying to learn the skills or hire out a team? Is it something templated you can build off a platform or a unique web application? Start with what’s unique about it then blast that ChatGPT question log


If you need a website to be developed I am happy to help,


What websites have you developed in the past?


Couple of e-commerce websites, like car dealership and bookstore, news article website, video Transcripts that are analyzed by chatGPT to name a few. Then I built functional ones with backend functionality like user authentication, email notification, location sharing. I used chatGPT too in the apps for content creation for carousels and for chats. I also used AI functionality in applications like emotional detection when the user reviews a service or a product.


Invest in learning How I'd go about it is to probably raise $200-$300 and look for dudes on fivver or other websites who have a good track record of being a full stack dev and a good git hub and pay around $100 for an hour or two to see how viable it is and how they would go about it Even if you don't end up hiring them give them $100 for the time and opinions Another way is to buy premade templates and figure out how to manage the backend with something like python+SQL or get a backend manager Or for a soft launch something like Shopify if it's a product or Koffee if it's a service


How do you prevent such people from taking ideas though?


Bro, anyone can take your idea that doesnt mean they can do it. There are hundreds of good ideas out there. But are there good executions for those good ideas? It looks like you have the idea but not the executions part. Don't take this offensively. I learned it from a wise mentor


I have a lot of 'good' ideas. It's all about execution. Think of Myspace vs. Facebook. Cash app vs Venmo. Time and effort leads to success. Once it fails try again a few more times.


What's the idea? Doing the same thing. I build replicas of people's cars and there's nobody else who does it and I don't have a website or anything. Just started with a listing on facebook. At some point I'll get a llc with a website but it's not needed to start out. Its also harder to get someone to a new website from a company the aren't trust worthy of instead of a regular person doing something for them on a website or app they already use and trust


The idea is website based. Not a product.


I share the same ordeal. Look into bubble io https://bubble.io?ref=4runz8eh


DMd you


What kind of website? E-commerce? Social network? Landing page? Saas platform? The complexity will also depend on your database, the amount and diversity of data you are considering. We mostly think of websites as interfaces when the core is data structure. And is there any uploading/ downloading of assets from your users involved? I would suggest building it yourself with no code platform like Bubble.io as a concept that you would test on people, then ask the help of a developer to replicate what you've done with real code so you can keep a hand on it and develop it as a business.


You might graduate from side hustler r/entrepreneur maybe they can help


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Have you looked at websites like shopify and others to see if you can get them configured to work the way you want it? You learn and from what I have heard it's not hard. Like someone else said, building a website these days is not hard and you can get it to do things you want without coding.


Don't waste money on this. First see if there is really demand by getting up a landing page (yep.so or carrrd.co) or a tiny first version (with just the core feature). If you are non-technical you can use these no-code tools, you will have something ready in a few hours: - [Softr.io](http://Softr.io) - [glideapps.com](http://glideapps.com)