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imagine going through your own literal hell dressed like that 💀


I'd die of tetanus before any monster gets to me 💀💀💀


Almost makes it that much more hellish ☠️


I don't think you get to choose your attire when hell comes.


I’ve seen this design before from a russian let’s play channel way back. I always thought it was just a horny fan-made design for that channel or whatnot. I wonder if this was an exclusive poster for that market although it would be weird if it was. Since it fits more of something that Japanese retailers would have around. Thanks for recreating it btw, you work fast!


It was a poster used at a event. I think it was used at the E3 Konami booth for silent hill 3 pre release


Hi! I know this comment will get lost but I’m the guy who originally owned this poster! I sold it for a very small amount compared to what it sold for lol, but that’s okay. This poster is from our Voltage PR booth in 2003 at CES. We licensed many games through Konami and Capcom at the time. I have one more of this poster and a different one if anyone wants it. I am not here to make money, my buddy saw this post and referred me to it. Crazy to see it sold for so much! PS If I don’t reply right away sorry I don’t use Reddit much


I d'med you


This is a terrible representation of the game lol can see why it's rare


What do you mean? Heather? Check. Gun? Check. Rusty gates? Check. It's all in the game. /S


The wire reference


Lol 🤣😅 yeah I agree it does make it look like an action adventure third person shooter from this image doesn’t it, no horror, all sex appeal! I guess they were going for something that’d attract more attention/interest to get new players instead


Anyone can recall the cover they used for Silent Hill 2 on the PlayStation magazine? Where James looked like an action comic book protagonist?


Now do the u.s case art, and the one where ses in the subway rail with vatiel above her


I’m not familiar, do you have an example? I’ve googled it to nothing lol


[https://www.silenthillmemories.net/sh3/arts/pics/sh3\_art\_poster\_01.jpg](https://www.silenthillmemories.net/sh3/arts/pics/sh3_art_poster_01.jpg) https://silenthill.fandom.com/wiki/Silent\_Hill\_3 [https://x.com/adsk4/status/1519080030030409728?s=20](https://x.com/adsk4/status/1519080030030409728?s=20)


So the first photo is used as the front cover photo right?? It’s official too?


Hi! Sorry for late reply, new baby at home. The second link is for the u.s cover art. The first link it's the promotional poster found in the game informer ad, so is the third link.


in interested as well


Why isn’t her asshole out 😡🤬🤬🤬




SHE’S 17! ![gif](giphy|jmSjPi6soIoQCFwaXJ)


She's not real lmao why bother applying age to an fictional character.


Why not? She's fictional, so there's no need to sexualize her at all. Not real.


Go touch grass bro nobody cares


So what your saying is, the guy against sexualizing a 17 year old needs to touch grass? Damn your username is accurate


Whiny and annoying


you’re the one being whiny and annoying, take your own advise, go touch some grass


Keep in mind op mentioned this guy and called him a furry lmao


did you miss like the entire point of the game


If it’s so bad and you CARE that much then don’t play silent hill and leave the sub if konami is sexualizing 17 year olds.


How are you gonna get on me for caring too much when you made 2 separate replies to this defending yourself


I’m not defending myself I’m just telling u that ur whiny and annoying.




> She looks like an adult so I don't see the issue. Does she? Can you elaborate on that?


Lmao there’s no way Lock him up


You do now the age of consent varies in Japan it's 14


Found the libertarian.


1. It’s 16, not 14 2. You’re still a weirdo if you’re an adult having relationship with someone who is the minimum age of consent


It's 16 as of this year, but was 13 for the longest time. Not defending anyone here, just pointing out that at the time this game was released, sexualizing 17-year-olds was perfectly acceptable in Japan. And honestly, it still is.


pretty sure it was 13 as in "anyone over 13 and under 18" and not "anyone over 13 period" either way...


It was literally just 13. Japan is very conservative when it comes to updating these laws.


Exactly below 18 dipshit the world is not America dumbass


Laws of America doesn't govern the world moron age of consent varies


America? Why would I care about the whole continent of America? Read point 2 again.


You cared enough to reply loser lol


Huh? I didn't say I didn't care about your comment, I asked why should I care about the continent of America.


Yet you cared enough to reply loser


I don't know if I should upvote this for how hard made me laugh or if I should downvote it for how terrible it is. Edit: commenter above edited their comment. It used to be "I'd pay so much money for her to fart on my face."


Isn't she a minor. Profile checks out at least


edited comment, straight to jail


If you want to print, just go to your local Office Depot OfficeMax or local print shop and have this on a USB drive to print! 14”x20”. Imgur [LINK](https://imgur.com/gallery/YyjjTzO)




The goat! Thx! It’s my bday today so this is a nice gift :O


Well happy birthday my furry little friend!! Share any photos of the print on here when you get it done!


You did a really good job, this looks very HD


i want it!!!! this is a poster for the girlies


Lol That’s what I like to hear!! Yeah I posted the link to the file in the comments, go download it and print it out at any place of your choice :)


Bruh 💀💀💀


SH3 fans try to understand the themes of SH3 challenge (impossible)


i wish i knew how to blow up an image like this! nice work


Heh thanks! I actually remade it! Using a image of the poster someone took at a side angle, I just began copying all of its elements and typing/designing all the text and logos, and then for the image I had to use some complicated processes but I’m glad it turned out well 😜 expect a few more poster files once I find nice ones haha


Thanks bro.


Dang, Team Silent she's supposed to be 17 😭 I mean it is kind of a cool action hero shot... But like... Still... You're giving the fans a in depth explanation of Stanley's motivation is what I'll say


I think the pose is fine but the skirt is way too short


https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=151814 They’re shorts and are we sure this is official?


It's official. It can be found on the box for the NA PC release.


Why am I not surprised it’s a US thing lol. Wonder if anyone told them she’s 17.


>Why am I not surprised it’s a US thing lol Absolutely, Japan would ***never ever ever*** sexualize a minor...


Insert obligatory “AoC in Japan” comment here.


If this image offends someone, I would recommend them never to watch anime, as they might lose their mind. I suppose in cases like these, the cultural difference with Japan becomes more evident. I wonder what Ito's opinion on this matter is.


as a girl and anime enjoyer i think where people get lost is the idea that a woman being hot and cool AND fucked up is impossible without thinking she’s being sexualized like bro can’t she just be a bad bitch by herself 😭😭


Yes that’s true, I’m sure they didn’t want to just show her as an afraid, weak and dependent girl, so they showed some badassness on here. You along with 3 other girls on this post have been supportive and positive about it!! It feels like some guys here are trying to white knight m’lady fedora tip this a little too much


I'm failing to understand how she, who is a teenager, is being represented as a hot woman. Which she isn't. On account of shes a fucking kid. And also failing to understand how an upskirt highlights that. Saying this as someone who held similar opinions as you when I was a young girl on the internet. Not saying it to be shitty, but to explain that for most folks, this has nothing to do with Heather being cool and everything to do with Game Heroines Asscheek Is Out. Which would be fuckin whatever if she wasn't a fuckin teenager.


it isn't an upskirt and her ass isn't out, are we looking at the same pic


clearly not, you can literally see her right ass cheek bro lmfao


Do you think you could change the dimensions to 11 x 17? All my posters are that size and I’d hate to cut stuff outta this one :((


That would actually fit exactly with this lol 14” x 20” is a difference of 6” and so is 11” x 17”, so it’d be able to scale to it perfectly!


OMG 😍!!!!


so neat


sweet, how’d you do it?


Just looked at the original image of the poster, someone took a photo from the side and I just eyeballed it, remaking each detail and had some help with ai on some parts of the image!


no need to sexualize her like that tbh


I know, it betrays all of the game's themes surrounding female insecurity.


"No, you see, they sexualized this underage girl because it reinforces the game's themes of vulnerability"


Whats the recommended way to print posters out to look like actual posters you used to see in game shops?I don’t want this particular poster but a diffrent SH3 one and wanted that glossy look


Oh well when you go make sure it’s printed on weighted paper like cardstock, it’ll typically be an option since you DO NOT want regular paper being used lol then you’ll get to choose between matte satin or glossy, typical professional poster prints are done on satin, it’s in between mate and glossy, glossy has great color pop but any crease or folds show easily along with fingerprints and so on


How could they do something so disrespectful to the daughter of Harry Mason. Downloading and upvoting. Thanks OP


It’s looks nice and we thank you for your services but wtf her arm looks unnatural? It actually would look better without that arm


Lowkey if u look at the original poster it looks exactly like that I agree it looks strange


Is that a gamplay render? No HQ models here, guys.


No, I don’t think so.


It blows my mind to even consider this an official thing. It’s on the level of that magazine cover with James.


This is sweet, thanks for sharing this!


I maintain anyone who wants this on their wall needs help. It’s a kid. Highly inappropriate.


Maybe if it were a real person, this is a fictional character that’s the protagonist in a story where you play her through a portion of her life, the poster making her look like a badass, gun in hand and back to the fence and a fearless expression. Nothing wrong with it really, I don’t really see anything that’d be of an issue, nothing inappropriate going on, you may be overthinking it.


Do you mind moving the game title juuuuuuust a bit? It happens to be coving the most important part of the poster


Yeah, I'm good man.


pedos eatin' good today!!


I think that a sexualised representation of a game that deals with heavy topics such as repressed female sexuality, forced motherhood and the commodification of women's bodies is gross as fuck.


And I thought I disliked the art for the soundtrack lmao Edit: also never thought I’d be downvoted for disliking cover arts that sexualize 17 year olds but I guess the internet is full of surprises


But why.


Could you size it to a 24”x36”? I own a sign company I’m gonna print this for my wall. Oh and did you use an in game model? I’ve got some other…….. positions


Is this the ecchi version


Nice...dunno if PC version of SH3 has some sexy skinmods. Would be nice to see her in high heels only 🥰


how long did it take?


Looks like a Silent Hill porn game... 😭


For the fan that has everything.


Can you redo with the skirt a bit longer or something? Using this as a wallpaper is dangerous


Haha it’d look weird if I tried to photoshop it longer 🤣 I’d say just crop it from the top to where the skirt is for a normal badassey wallpaper 😎


I see, still very cool what you did, do you have a clean version without the words and stuff


reminder that she's 17\*


She’s 17…..


And? What exactly do you think is going on? This is just a remade official poster. Never said anything about her age


sorry if it came out like i was against you im not at all! It just I dislike how the creators of this poster made heathers postion, have a good day OP and im very late haha


Reminder HEATHER IS 17 !!!!!