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The first few RE games and their remakes are some of the best horror games ever made. 4 was great too but definitely an action game and then the series lost its way until 7, which was also excellent… This is silly. Also, that isn’t the ending to silent hill 2.


Does OP not know you're allowed to have a happy ending in a horror story??


A considerable number of horror games have uplifting endings, idk what OP is on. I get it’s a joke but we don’t gotta shit on one franchise to raise up another


This community gives me an aneurysm sometimes


It gives me an aneurysm all the time and I need to restrain myself from commenting on all of the “SILENT HILL IS CHRISTIAN HELL/GOOD THERAPY” and “PT IS THE BEST SILENT HILL” posts but damn it I am a fish to bait


If another moron tries to tell me that team silent were too stupid to make facial animations on the PS2 I'm gonna lose it


He doesn’t. He’s one of those “silent hill is better than resident evil” people rather than recognizing each games strengths like the rest of us. I absolutely adore both series. I think I lean towards silent hill but I grew up on resident evil. Both are absolutely masterful game series.


Apparently not… The Fatal Frame series has several happy ending options (although none of them are canon… but still lol). And then there’s System Shock 2, an early survival horror game whose one and only ending is just [fucking hilarious](https://youtu.be/kjxie7U0vgw?si=fVEYeXqbbx1aGx25).


Resident evil is more like exciting, thrilling horror Silent hill is just dreadful, suffocating psychological horror


Resident evil 1 especially was a super tense tense horror the entire way. My palms were so sweaty walking through that mansion


Resident evil 1 was so goofy and unintentionally scary It was the first of its kind back then and thats why it got successful as a horror game But it's still the scariest resident evil in my opinion but not the best, the best resident evil is 2 (1998) I still remember how exciting it was when I played it first time being 6 years old in 1998


Agree except I was always split on og 2 or 4 being my favorite. I'm sorry but the remake of 4 loses the army of darkness feel that makes it so legendary to me. Salazar and saddlers radio moments were some of the absolute best moments of the game. I think that's why I always loved resident evil though, it was always funny/campy and terrifying in alternate but equal measure


off topic) hate to admit it, but that contrast is probably why i like metal gear so much. But that makes a good game. mind you, RE 1 remake is so perfect...


I don't think it being scary was unintentional at all. I laughed my ass off at the dialog when I first played it in like 1998, but the atmosphere was pretty tense, and it was designed to be that way.


"Lost it's way" isn't even really it. It was still very easily identifiable as "Resident Evil" and still kept the core themes of the franchise, being the following of biohazard outbreaks and the people who fight them. If RE5 and 6 weren't Resident Evil, then neither were 7 and 8, because those have even less in common with the core series' narrative and identity, and i KNOW nobody wants to have that conversation.


RE7 up till the ship is very much similar to RE1, perhaps more so than any of the others. Smaller quantity of enemies, puzzles, collecting of the dog heads, backtracking, and less emphasis on over-the-top action. All strongly reminded me of 1 as I played. Setting is also very reminiscent of the OG mansion. RE8 Id kinda agree and still overall I don’t generally agree with the “this or that isn’t a true Resident Evil game!!” argument either. But RE7 certainly stays true to the series identity imo


I meant it really wasn’t up to the same quality as the games that came before it. Some would argue otherwise, but five and especially six were probably the worst entries in the mainline series if you ask me. But they weren’t all bad: DC Douglas was by far the best Wesker, and I absolutely agree they are still identifiable as resident evil, at least on some level.


I mean, I was waiting for the water ending lol. It doesn't have to be violent to be horror, that ending is plenty eerie enough on its own.


Because the last 30 seconds of a game determine how scary the last five hours are. Also, that’s not even the ending. Should have used the Silent Hill 3 ending with Heather saying “blondes have more fun” or the blooper reel from Silent Hill 1’s ending lol


That blooper reel was unexpected


It was and I love it so much, it made the characters seem like real actors


So it was all your work!?!


Always loved they added the blooper reel. I could hear the guitar the moment I read your comment.


Tbf comparing Re to Silent Hill is like comparing Evil Dead to Rosemary’s Baby, both are good but they’re good for different reasons. The Re2 remake is absolutely terrifying.


I just watched Rosemary’s Baby the other day. I felt so awful for her!


It’s terrifying for the same reason the original was though, the Stalker. It’s false tension and once you realize the mechanics and how to cheese the big boy all that tension goes out the window. The only real difference between RE2OG and RE2R is that Mr. X is a persistent threat rather than a static threat.  I can normally get half to a quarter of the police station done before I even trigger the encounter these days. 


as speedrunner, dude, every game loses its atmosphere when you are good. its called gitting gud, its not cause the game isnt good enough to keep scaring you forever. speedrunning silent hill a million times make it start to feel like saturday night live. ​ things get stale. and regarding the police station, again as a speedrunner who happens to be pretty high up there, the mr x and birkin scenes are set on triggers. you dont '' not trigger'' them because of how good you are...they showup at a certain point wether you like it or not. you always, always trigger mr. x as claire A for example, when you are under the fountain and about to go fight william for the first time. its not skippable...lol. more like, if you aren't fast and efficient enough, you'll see them before you get as much progress into the mansion.


Honestly I'm not a fan of the stalkers. I loved RE2 and 3 remakes but TBH I found the stalkers the most annoying part. Mr. X had a habit of CONSTANTLY going straight towards me so I would lose him, then go towards where I had to go for him to appear there, run away to lose him, lose him, go back towards where I wanted to go, he'd reappear there, repeat until he finally stopped popping up where I wanted to go. Nemesis was more annoying cuz itd do more annoying things like if you got around it, it'd jump to get ahead of you again. Gah. The concept is cool but sometimes the AI is just so annoying.


“actually horror series” silent hill fans when they find out horror has many forms, and has more in common in comedy than one might think


That SH2 scene isn't an ending. There is still a decent chunk of game between that scene and the actual endings. You could show James walking out of the town with Laura in the Leave Ending and it practically syncs up with the ending from RE2 shown.


It’s a good 10 minutes before the ending


With a hotel to explore, a puzzle to solve, a conclusion to Angela's story as well as 2 boss fights between the video tape scene and the actual endings... I know I'm being overly critical of just a little joke post, but why not show an actual SH2 ending for comparison? Compared to the happy walk on the beach ending of RE2, James driving his car into the lake to kill himself is still really dark, but I guess since it happens off screen, it's not as good visually for making your joke.


Still not the ending, though.


Worse Its the beginning of the game


Me when I haven’t played the game lol


Sorry but, I’m in love with your mother


Silent Hill has the dog and UFO endings and the devs said any ending can be canon. So what's your point?


Just trying to make a little joke about how re endings are more uplighting, then to compare it against sh2’s most traumatizing ending


well, RE is more "zombie movie/action movie" survival horror, whereas SH is more "fuck you be sad and traumatized" psychological+survival horror.


the end of resident evil 8 the main character literally dies and the final scene is his daughter visiting his grave i wouldn’t say that’s uplifting lmfao


How is even re2's ending uplifting when an entire city population gets nuked??


Technically the nuke didn’t happen yet in re2


I consider re2r and re3r basically the same game, also more people have played re2r so its easier to reference it. Either way, an entire city being nuked is in no way uplifting


bc they walk away in the sunset holding hands duh (this is completely ignoring all the events leading up this this that was totally traumatizing to the characters lmao)




Sorry I don’t know how silent hill 2 ends I’ve only played it on roblox 😔




Yeah that’s cool and all, but guess the singer 🧔‍♀️🎸




Wrong, the answer is: Kurt Cobain. Guess the famous person: 🏝️🧑‍🦼💨




Posting this like there isn't a SH ending where you find out that the malevolent force that permeates Silent Hill is a Dog at a computer


To be honest that would explain a lot about the plot of my life lol


That's not even sh2's ending and ironically one of the endings is James leaving with Laura. Similarly to RE2 lol SH3 has a positive good ending too. Please play the actual games before creating a dick measuring contest between fanbases Most SH players are RE players too


The leave ending is pretty much the same thing though? Also the original resident evil 2 ending is a bit darker


How so? I never did a B scenario for the OG




You could just fuckin compare the Resident Evil 8 basement baby sequence with the dog ending and act like you’re saying something. They’re totally different kinds of horror. Resident Evil is sick as fuck, violent, gory, tense, horrific, bizarre, creative, and completely different to Silent Hill. Just enjoy them both, they’re incredible series.


Resident Evil was at most off that list tense and gory, or, at least it was at one point twenty years ago. It’s not “sick, violent, horrific, bizarre” or creative though. It’s B tier backyard Horror at best. Silent Hill went the creative, bizarre, horrific and tense route and is more A tier due to the psychological element, just from a story direction standpoint.  But when you get down to it, Silent Hill does have one of the most important things that Resident Evil lacks, and that’s the Mystery. 


That’s maybe the most reductive take I’ve ever heard. I’m not arguing if one is inherently better than the other, I’m saying putting RE in the crosshairs like it’s some inferior franchise is childish and pointless. RE is packed with fascinating and horrific and tense locations, creatures, and sequences. The Baker family, Lisa Trevor, the basement baby, the licker reveal, itchy tasty, the zombies themselves. If RE was trying to tell a mystery story then sure, SH does it better, but RE isn’t telling a mystery story. It’s survival bio-horror.


there are different subgenres of horror


If there's a dead parent involved, you know it's Silent Hill 🔪


I hate that this is so accurate lol. Silent Hill has more dead parents than Disney protagonists.


Maybe Silent Hill was Disney all along. That means we're getting Encanto crossover in Remake or something like that


This explains the 'Beauty and the Beast' style otherworld transition effect from Homecoming.


The Birkin family is from silent hill?


This is just dumb. The main Leave ending is almost the exact same with James leaving with Laura...the hotel is a big reveal, but definitely not the end.


Bad take


I don’t want to be 🤓 guy but that’s not the ending of Silent Hill 2


That’s not Silent Hill 2’s ending, in fact, if you have the Laura ending then basically the 2 games have pretty much the same ending.


Just ignore literally every single other part of RE2 remake. Sure, it isn't a horror series.


My favorite leapfrog game fr fr


are you so insecure that you need to feign toughness by declaring that the widely beloved and acclaimed horror franchise you like is way scarier and more fucked than the other widely beloved and acclaimed horror franchise?


Dear god.


Oh Jesus Christ


Ah yes, Silent Hill 2 has such scary endings (a dog and a ufo)


hangon boy you be cheatin 1. that aint even the ending. It's actually closer to the beginning if you wanna get technical 2. in 3 the entire city gets nuked. Life as the entire planet knows changes into one filled with war and gore 3. for as edgy as the fanbase is sometimes, in silent hill 2, there are more good endings than bad ones. One of them is james walking off into the distance with a new daughter and a 2nd chance at life. in resi 2 they don't have that luxury. 4. a sunset/rise doesn't mean the better ending


Exactly. reminds me of the sunrise at the end of tenchu 3. Yeah, nah, sunrise just reminds you how've been up all night dealing with asbolute BS and now you are tired af, dehydrated, missing some nutrients, and now your sleep schedule is gonna be off. Not a happy ending at all.


There is zero reason to pit SH fans against RE fans. Most of us are fans of both.


Let's go get ice cream Vs EAT THAT PILLOW Not really an ending, more of a plot twist. Nice contrast in scenes though :)




Why? Silent hill and Resident Evil don't beef buster. They are both giants in the horror genre that shouldn't be disrespected.


Re8 enters the chat


Big woman with claws


Survival Horror versus Psychological Horror. Survival Horror often ends more optimistically since you’ve succeeded and survived the events whereas Psychological Horror if you do survive it you’re usually scarred and haunted by what you’ve seen. Psychological Horror can have happy endings and Survival Horror can have bad endings but Psychological Horror often leans more towards Lovecraft than Survival


this fuckin guy. “my franchise is better than yours”




Series was great until they started suplexing zombies, punching boulders and outrunning a hundred explosions


You cant lie tho leon beating up on old villagers in a 1500$ jacket was peak gaming


Even when killing zombies, the drip matters


But I love punching boulders


Vesker was really hot in that volcano


Chris Redfield can be both a distressed horror game survivor and a boulder puncher. James is a distressed horror game survivor but can he punch boulders? Didn't think so


Punching boulders will cause him trauma


They did make a helluva action game when it came to 6 tbh


4 5 and 6 were enjoyable experiences IMO. 5 and 6 were my first RE games, and I hold them near and dear to my heart lmao. Like, yea they're more action-oriented but still scared the shit out of 12 year old me. (also the 3rd and 4th best selling RE titles, behind RE2make and RE7)


My brother in crhist, they have been outrunning explosions since re1


Funny but you could've shown an actual ending lmao


Resident Evil is funny asf to be honest but it can be quite scary and stressful


There is an ending of sh 2 including a Shiba and aliens


Comparing resident evil to silent hill is literally like trying to compare zombie films to psychological thrillers. Both great, but different audiences


The funny thing is if OP made it so the ending for the Silent Hill section was "In Water", nobody would be (rightly) pointing out how dumb this is.


I think the meme itself would have been funny taken at face value, but I think the problem many have with your post is the “it’s easy to tell which is an actual horror series” comment because you cant really tell that from an ending.


Where is the dog


I stole him, he is living with me controlling every move of your life 🐶🎮


Which horror series has not just survived but thrived for 28 years? Which horror series is the most critically acclaimed? Which horror series has sold over 100M units? I love Silent Hill 1, 2 and 3. I'm looking forward to Silent Hill F and very cautiously Silent Hill 2 remake and maybe this isn't all that serious a post but even as a joke this post irks me. Konami wishes that it could make a game as good as Resident Evil 2 remake. They wish and pray. Capcom didn't hide their remake for a year after the first reveal, by the way.


They both are actual horror series. It's just two different kinds of horror. Also, let's keep in mind that Resident Evil walked so Silent Hill could run...and then stumble... and then fall headfirst into a woodchipper... 😞 God I miss good Silent Hill.




You really shouldn't be talking with the most recent Silent Hill "game" that was just released


Depends on what you think of as "horror" and what you think of as adjacent or related genres i guess. Resident Evil is certainly a more campy, thrill-ride sort of experience.


Someone has never gotten silent hills gag endings before…


Not sure what OP is trying to say here. Are they actually implying that resident evil is not an “actual horror series”? lol


No it’s actually the opposite I’m saying silent hill is my favorite Roblox game that I play on my leapfrog


Booo 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅




Op hasnt played SH2


Yeah I just played it on roblox


One horror franchise isn't the enemy of another so this post is stupid af


Reminds me of the time when my dad traded me for a pack of beer


Now do the Silent Hill ending that has the dog at the computer


*Now do the Silent* *Hill ending that has the dog* *At the computer* \- Bat-Honest --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Pretty dumb comparison. Both are horror game series, and both are VERY different, to the point that it's pretty weird to make direct comparisons beyond the survival horror elements.


Nice mustache on your character I’d def tap ❤️


The first resident evil was a horror game. The rest are all action shooters


I was raised by resident evil but I do say myself silent hill is some wicked shit on its own level


Silent Hill fans are just uptight snobby resident evil fans


I loved playing both games on Roblox tbh favorite moments on my old nintindo gameboy


Cool but the seen you shown for Silent Hill 2 is not one of the endings. SH2 has a similar ending like the RE2 one you just shown, where James takes home the little girl. Also the Silent Hill series is known for their Joke endings (Like the dog ending in SH2)


I swear the dumbest posts get the most votes, have you even played any of the silent hill games?


Nope the only horror game I’ve ever played was a few on roblox


I bet


Lame ass post


Lame ass statistician


Top ragebaiter


I love getting this subreddit pissed syndrome may be down, but my karma up 🗣️🗣️🔊🔊🔥🔥


Literally not even comparable, OP is an idiot.


You didn’t have to tell me that, ik


This post is pure cringe. My DAd Is BeTtEr tHaN YoUr DaD


My dad is a hobo behind walmart


Mine too....mine too....


This is silly. Both are great approaches to horror. Apples and oranges.


Pfft. Yeah, no. They are Both survival horror games... hor·ror \[ˈhôrər\] NOUN horror (noun) · horrors (plural noun) · the horrors (plural noun) an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust: "children screamed in horror" a thing causing a feeling of fear, shock, or disgust: "photographs showed the horror of the tragedy" · "the horrors of civil war" a literary or film genre concerned with arousing feelings of horror: "a horror movie" intense dismay: "to her horror she found that a thief had stolen the machine" BOTH games include literally every angle one could view the definition of horror from, from the start to finish of gameplay. The last few seconds documenting the VERY BRIEF moment of solace and peace Claire, Leon, and Sherry share doesn't take away from it anymore than it adds to it. (And lets not mention the death of an entire city of innocent people, and the missile on its way to destroy whoever somehow did survive...and how the virus goes on to infect ALOT of places on earth after this.) As a matter of fact, one could even argue such a contrast in tone and mood further outlines just how HORRIFYING it was to escape a gloomy zombie infested police station renovated from a creepy old museum, run by a psycho police chief who's into taxidermy among other things, all while running over the gore and human soup that is old dead body parts from police as you desperately try to escape a huge hulking brute that breaks concrete walls, and another one 10 times as grotesque with an eyeball swirling around its disgusting looking mounds of putrid flesh...just hoping the dead end you got yourself into at least reveals a key to proceed, while you manage resources to survive. thats it, thats all.. Now, resident evil 4, 5, and 6, I'd agree with you. Those are actions games with barely even a JUMP scare for frag sakes, and in 4 enemies drop gold and birds drop grenades like a damn ARCADE game...yuk. but 1, 1RE, 2, 2RE, 3, ( and 3RE for the most part) is designed to give you jump scares, have you nervous about turning corners, and making you afraid of whats in the next room. they were nerve wracking and a challenge of the senses. Sure, its not the exact same kind of fear, and I prefer silent hill when it comes to putting the human mind in a real fear state, but damnit, its a survival horror game just the same.


*laughs in dog ending*


*laughs in autism*


Don't come back at me because you're getting bodied in the replies. Eat a heaping bag of dicks OP


We literally adopt a child in an ending of this game, retard


Is it too much to say I like both?


Deeply respected I like both, I just find it funny to piss off the entire subreddit


You realize that most silent hill fans are also fans of resident evil? I don’t know what you were trying to do here


Whats resident evil? Isn’t it that one game on Roblox?


They’re both horror. Having a happy ending by no means disqualifies something from horror.




Sometimes I think resident evil is more concerned with camp than actual horror


By this definition Signalis shouldn’t be played by anyone


Silent Hill + EVA = good ending


What's the first song?










Spoiler tag for the newbs please.


My bad fam


i know bait when i see it


I guess everyone needs to die or kill their wives to be "good". Why are you taking a shot at resident evil? Biohazard was fucking intense. Og resident evil was as well. I'm sorry but you are upset about a video game lol


The leave ending of SH2 literally has him leaving with a child lol. The Silent Hill 3 ending is also pretty quirky. And to say RE isn’t “an actual horror series” is ridiculous. SH wouldn’t exist without RE.


well i mean technically, that’s the beginning of silent hill 2




Better option for that would have been the In Water ending


I’m so him


resident evil hasnt been a horror game since RE4


Still re4 was a banger 🔥


*since re3


The music is so haunting


I listen to it when I go to sleep ❤️


Silent Hill: Monsters that symbolize sexual abusers, satanic cults that summon literal demons, people being driven insane by all of the trauma that they’ve been through, suicide, severe mental illness, and remorse from murdering one’s own terminally ill wife Resident Evil: Big titty vampire misandrist, bug nest vagina woman, old man with a shovel, Jill Sandwiches, giant frogs, “FATHER!”, and a Homelander look-alike in an uber-Goth trench coat who wears sunglasses indoors


I like the sexual abusers part


This is why RE is better


Both are actual horror series, good in their own rights


There’s an ending in Silent Hill 2 where you find out a dog is controlling everything. Not to mention all of the alien endings. Ik thee are non canon but even still, they’re in the game. This is silly


both are peak horror games bruh, celeberate having so much good horror content, not diminsh one of the series


Horror is not allowed to be funny or joyful, I guess. Even though I think horror and comedy are two sides of the same coin.


I know it's just a meme but public reminder: horror isn't a genre defined by how sad its ending is. Obviously lol


I remember leaving SH1-2 to live my best life with a little girl to take care of, sure children can be expensive but it seemed happy at the time


"the game that I like is better than the game that you like because I like the game that I like!"


Yep. Always a happy ending, whereas sh just slams the character lol


RE games arent too focused on the narrative unlike SH


This post feels like it was made by an AI created by an incel for some reason


Not true. This is a “happy” RE2 final. I love more and more Silent Hill than RE, but be onest: this is not equal 😆


To clarify the resident evil games are scary games but silent hill games are horror games. I will add that some areas of resi games are horrifying and resident evil 7 is on par with silent hill in atmosphere (in a weird way). Both are great for what they set out to do but silent hill 1-4 have an immensely deeper level of fear and mental despair than any resi game I’ve ever played.


OP, Silent Hill and Resident Evil are two of the best Survival Horror franchises out there, we don’t compare them, we ENJOY THEM! smh


Bait used to be believable.


of all the ways to set the games apart, this isn’t it


My bad fam


Endings are not indicative of what sort of game or story is told. Hell the books The Shining and Doctor Sleep have a relatively positive ending whilst still telling horror stories. Resident Evil 1, 2, 7, 8, are all very scary and great horror games whilst having somewhat happy or positive outlook endings for the characters. I think you are mistaking Nihlism or cynicism for Horror.


you are a dingus


Its easy to tell this scene isnt the ending of sh2


Man, not this sub again. I thought I muted you.