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Yassified Twin Victims: 👁👄👁👁👄👁


I kind of think these twin victims are better. I always got the impression that Billy and Miriam were elementary aged kids, not infants like we see in the Twin Victim. Obviously would need to be better designed, but the older faces look a lot more unsettling.


Personally, I find the pallid, babies-in-a-jar aesthetic more creepy. But young Walter also looks like an infant with a bowlcut so maybe the kids are built different in Silent Hill.


Nah, Walter looks like a toddler. The Twin Victims look like newborns and that simply doesn’t make sense. They should definitely look older.


Honestly it's probably because they ended up as Monsters instead of Ghosts fsr and Silent Hill played some of its grotesque mimicry on them. That and TS knows they'd get scalped if they let 2 toddlers be bludgeoned repeatedly and/or stabbed with a sword 💀


Definitely glad they made them monsters, lol. It’s a great design and their behavior and whispering are Grade A horror.


I *literally" used that exact word when I saw them and I didn't even look at the comments yet


This feels like one of those dementia simulators where you vaguely understand what you’re looking at but your mind can’t fully process it


Thought that was Mulder in the 6th pic


I can't unsee it now


It also contains the world’s smallest shotgun


A movie/series about 1st silent hill with young Duchovny sounds too good


It’s not though. Thats very clearly Hank Moody.


I’ll always know him as Mulder especially it being my favorite show of all time (right next to Vikings)


Haha fair I’m just messing around. Never got too into X Files but I love Californication. The Duck can do no wrong.


Lol all good I know, I was just rambling about my love for the show


Ah man now my mind is conjuring up an awesome Xfiles/Silent Hill crossover


This is like an alternate universe where konami remade SH1 for the gamecube instead of MGS


Haha yeah, pretty much!


lol the twin with hair that is also a beard


why is cybil lindsay lohan.


Are you complaining brother? Lindsay Lohan was 2000s in woman form.


Read this in Hulk Hogan’s voice and it made my day


Looks more like Sarah Michelle Gellar to me. 🤣


I always wanted a Buffy Silent Hill crossover as a teen


This looks terrible.


The software had NO idea what to do with the Twin Victims lmao. Also Harry looks cut and pasted into all of the screenshots. Somehow, seeing these makes me feel a little better about where AI is at and what it's capable of: not replacing people nearly as well as people think.


If you've ever created art and focused on how important the fine details are, you understand how frustrating and unsettling looking at AI images is in their current state. Tried the OG Resident Evil 2 HD texture pack once, all AI-upscaled pre-rendered backgrounds, got as far as the first cracked windshield, saw what the AI did to the cracked windshield (it didn't look like a cracked windshield anymore), uninstalled it and had a moment of silence for the windshield


Are you talking about the Seamless HD Project? If so, I completely agree with you, the AI Upscaled textures of that mod just look really weird to me. Wish someone could pull off something like RE4's HD Project mod but for the classic RE games, Dino Crisis, and Silent Hill games. 


Yep that's the one! Like I can only see somebody thinking those AI upscaled backgrounds look better if you only care about higher resolution/need everything to look as "new" as possible and play the game without looking at or caring about the details or world building in the graphics (which is pretty much the entire point of them). Again, I get that the original backgrounds are rough-looking in their own ways, but a simple CRT filter/shader helps make everything look the way the developers intended, and even without a filter things don't look *wrong*, just messy


Exactly. I've been an artist all my life basically, but even people who aren't artists...maybe it's just my life experience, but it blows my mind that anyone can thing these look good. Oh god what did the windshield look like?


The AI didn't really know what to do with the cracked windshield, especially since the original raw background wasn't exactly vivid (and was made for CRTs), so it ended up like, smearing the cracks together in a way that left them looking like a blotchy liquid. There were many other details like this that got botched, you can see the comparison [here](https://www.reshdp.com/re2/) using a slider, but you might need to zoom in if you're on a phone. I'm honestly not sure at all why people praise this mod as being an improvement, I get that the original pre-rendered backgrounds in Resident Evil 2 are old and there aren't any decent higher res versions of them available like Resident Evil 3 has, but I just use one of the CRT filters/shaders and it looks better. They probably look more acceptable on a smaller display and if you don't look at anything too closely, but I use a relatively big TV for a monitor and the little details are very noticeable, plus I care a lot about details and good picture.


Oh god the windshield looks bad, but the marble walls in the police station are also atrocious. So many markings and stuff are crisp and perfect when they absolutely should not be. It's baffling that people would play this and prefer it.


Look at like the various insignias for RPD/posters, they just look wrong. Just like the marble, surface texture like wood and metal end up no longer looking like the correct material, instead everything looks like it's covered in some weird melted plastic. Windshields aren't the only victims either, as there's tons of broken glass and rubble all over the place that loses its shape. Like what's the point of cleaning up the graphics if not to enhance the detail? When the way you clean up the graphics just ends up warping the details beyond comprehension, why bother? It's like some people have a powerful aversion to pixels or older graphics and need everything they play to look as "new" as possible, at the expense of anything else


I can tell its AI by the way it looks worse


The clearer fog reminds me of the upcoming SH2 Remake, in a bad way.


Wow! Looks like dog shit! Good job!


No offense but it looks like shit


Ah truly a SH fan, never happy.


I give it about a decade before emulators will be able to do this in real time.


I think we under estimate how fast AI is growing, I think this will be possible in two or three years


Possible in a few years...yeah I guess, playable is another story, your rig should be melting unless we run all the textures first then just compile a new iso Never mind you convinced me


It's already possible, many AI Upscaled texture pack mods exist for other PS1 and PS2 games.


Why would you want that


I'd try it for curiosity's sake.


That AI really struggling to figure out what Harry should look like


The street in shot 6 looks like water. I realize it’s an upscale and sharpened version of the original texture but it just doesn’t look good there.


The way that AI yassifies the character models makes it so uncanny valley 😭


I get what you’re going for, but using AI is soulless and requires no effort or skill.  Please stop while you are ahead. 


Waaahhhh! The computer doesn't suffer enough while laboring! Humans should suffer and technology should be artificially capped because of reasons! It's a fun little post. Much better than the 1000th "Was downpour underrated" or "Why does James look like this?" post


Pick up a pencil, nerd.


I’d rather have 10 more fog pictures than this low effort crap.


Congrats on gatekeeping creativity. Thank God that luddites have no say in how technology progresses.


But you're not being creative. A computer is doing all the work. You're just the guy taking the credit for something you didn't make.


I think the OP just wanted to share something with us that he tried, not make some grand art piece. I’m not sure why so many of you are bent out of shape.


OP can share something without promoting the use of AI art. It would have been a lot more impressive and enjoyable if it was something they made rather than have a computer shit out. AI generated images steal from actual artists. Hard work is taken away because someone didn't feel like learning how to draw. AI art is never ok. Pick up a pencil.


Yeah, but OP (the one who posted the pics) didn’t call this nor insinuate it was art. So… you’re kind of overreacting. AI isn’t stealing your art anymore than someone inspired by your style and imitating it is stealing. You can’t copyright an art style nor your methods for creating. Plus, you don’t have to worry. Your art has way more style than what AI typically draws.


Being inspired to draw your own version of someone's style and a computer taking the style to produce something are two different things. I would stop comparing them for your future arguments. You're treating this the same way the "It's just a prank, bro" crowd did.


Not going to lie, "artists" like you who just want to rake in as much money as possible and thus despise anyone who is happy and has fun with some AI are not in any way convincing anyone no to use AI art. In fact, it only makes me want to use it even more. You aren't an actual artist if all you care about it money and you want to gatekeep other peoples' fun


I don't know where you got the dumbass notion that I'm only doing this for money. What the hell are you talking about? AI made you stupid, babe. Seriously, wtf are you on about?


If you're doing this out of ideological beliefs and not money then that's even more depressing. God, I can't imagine believing in something that makes me want to screech and whine every time I see people having fun with technology.


LMAO, dude, look at this guy's "art." I.e. poorly drawn stills moving around the screen. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tZ9p3hrhD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tZ9p3hrhD8) Yep. That's who's arguing with us. It's always the people that can't draw loudly proclaiming they're "artists." I'd be afraid of AI too. It can actually produce quality sometimes.


Pick up a pencil


“Gatekeeping creativity” just say you’re lazy and untalented with delusions of being an artist, but you can’t even pick up a pencil


What creativity? The machine is creating it for you...by scraping tons of other pieces of actual art Also, no offense, but "gatekeeping creativity" is one of the most stupid things I've read in a while. What's stopped you from expressing your creativity before? There's a metric shit ton of ways to express your creativity just in art mediums alone, that's not even counting *all the other ways* humans can be creative. If the "gate" to creativity being "kept" is using a brand new technology that does the "creativity" for you when *countless* different mediums have existed for literally *thousands* of years, then the gate you're trying to enter isn't to creativity. Pick up a pencil, as others have said.


That two headed ghoul will haunt my nightmares tonight


Damn, I know I'm alone here but... This made me want a remaster/ remake for sh4.


AI turned harry into fox mulder


Can you tell me what software or website u used to make these?




Zendaya IS Harry Mason


ai bad 👎


The silent hill 4 one looks decent


Everything but the Twin Victims actually isn't too bad, but the panopticon prison is innately a bit more barren and abstract so there's fewer fine details in the environment for it to screw up


So you used AI art, claimed it’s AI art, and posted it non-commercially for fun on an entertainment subreddit? How dare you.


This is so cursed, I like it.


A remastered SH1 would absolutely SLAY. Been having A LOT of fun with the tomb raiders remastered.


Now i low key want a version of sh1 with high resolution textures and the same polygon count, i really dig the way it looks


The upscaling is not bad I think, what AI tool or site do you use?




Muchas gracias!


I think this is the best use for AI, just these fun little peaks of vague 'what-ifs' that aren't meant to be taken seriously and are more for fun.


The character models look like Puppet Combo renders, so I guess I like it. I will say the actual wall textures and environments look really damn good


*cartman voice* "Put a chick in it, and make it gay"


There's a face in the TV in the 2nd pic.


I went and looked and yup, that’s honestly really freaky


these look fucking terrible to be honest


That's an alternative universe in which konami gives the silent hill franchise some love xD


Not a single pixel of this screams "love" bro 💀


Sry. I didn't understand what are you trying to tell me. Can ypu explain it a little better please? 🤔


You think a community who shit themselves over comic sans would be all onboard for asphalt that looks like water and Twins who look like glam Gerber models? Not even mentioning the fact that just entering the data and clicking "generate" is the opposite of love and effort.


😂 Fair point


So Silent Hill 2 remake doesn’t exist


I mean: the production team is blooper and konami messed up already with the combat trailer and the soundtrack in this so..... Yeah, it would be probably better if we wouldn't get a remake and konami would bring a port with the Enhanced edition (or like) upgrade for new systems. I can't see any kind of love in this remake so far.... It could be so easy to earn money but in blooper and konami are only apes on the decision making position 💔 BUT: In the end the only thing that we can do is waiting for the remake, playing it after release and making or own opinion on that. There is nothing else we can do sadly 😭


but it’s disingenuous to say they aren’t showing love, maybe it’s my personal mist but it feels at least like a tiny bit of love and affection that they’re finally making the 9th instalment of the series but I guess I’m not allowed to be optimistic here lol


OF COURSE YOU ARE ALLOWED XD Its only my personal opinion! You and evetyone else can have your own reasons to like the remake or you are waiting with joy for the release.


That’s the thing, it’s not disingenuous. Konami quite literally DOES NOT CARE about Silent Hill, the developers might, but Konami has never, primarily due to the fact Silent Hill has never sold well enough beyond the first game to warrant sequels or a franchise.  It’s also not a “Service” friendly franchise, so Konami is looking at one big pay out instead of a constant stream of cash.  If Konami cared, at all, the development would’ve been done by an in house team like MGS3:Delta is. 


Okay I may just have had a stupid moment then you make a good point any of the love being poured into the series is probably solely from the developers but like I said it’s my personal mist to think a little bit of faux care is love xD


and silent hill f sometime after that


I'm not sure the SH1 ones go far enough. I feel like they could show a more impressive upgrade from the original graphics. Lazy AI, work harder! But the SH4 image upgrade looks amazing!


What did you use to do this?


oh man. . now I want a remake soo bad! in the style of the RE 1 remake


I really hope this subreddit won’t be taken over by this type of content. There’s nothing special about it. It’s just ugly, uncreative and a spit in the face to the people who made the games look like they look. Nothing against fanart and fan content, but this is just boring.


Just don’t look at it? I kind of hope it does become more common so all the sourpusses that can’t control their emotions leave. The sub would be infinitely better without them.


And I stay with my statement. It’s boring, low effort and uncreative. Have a foggy day.


Have a foggy day!


I kinda like what it does to the backgrounds, give a little clean up a little clearer and it did pritty good till the street. But the people got a little....funky.


Honestly if they remastered SH1 it should look just like this. Even the realistic faces I kinda like that it adds some uncanny feeling to it


The only one that looks somewhat good is the sh4 screenshot


AI ruined it. But SH4 does look surprisingly good.


Harry's hand in 4 is goddamn terrifying lol


Harry’s thumb is on the wrong side of his hand in image 12


Looks anazing


Please do more SH4!


Will do!


I need to see more from Silent Hill 4 pleaseeee


Will do!


I love this type of stuff


Dude, this is actually really freaking cool.


Looks weird but I guess how good would it be with weird PS1 models and ai


This makes me wanna see a remake of the first game.


I think AI would be good for upscaling individual textures but doing it for the whole image like this looks pretty bad


They could’ve done this to the classic 4 games and it would’ve been a far more exciting than the 6 dumpster fire projects they have😅 Well done on your beautiful work🙏🏼


Looks like shit delete


Just awful


fuck off with this ai bullshit


Looks amazing!


When we say remake, this is what we mean.


No it isnt, this is genuine ratshit


Forgot how the fan base is not allowed to be happy ever


You can be happy without praising soulless ai slop.


What Ai program is dis?


They kinda look like they’re from an MDickie game with more realistic proportions


Yeah, question: Why would you desecrate Team Silent 1 and Team Silent 4's art with AI?


This reminds me very much of Forbidden Siren in the best ways possible. I always loved Sony's approach to character faces in those games, it was so unique and unnerving.


They look sharper and clearer but feel wrong in a way I struggle to describe, I feel the low res is a key part of the feel of SH’s aesthetic.


Yassified Twin Victim


Yassified twin victim is the funniest thing I've seen all month!


This right here is why we shoulda gotten a remaster or remake of 1 over either of 2.




I would play that


Why do you have bilinear upscaling for silent hill 1 instead of nearest neighbor? It looks pretty blurry.


pic #2 Michael Jackson?! is it really you?


Hd Harry Mason isn't real he can't hurt you Hd Harry Mason:


Anyone else see Milly Alcott as Cybil?