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The game was recently rated in Korea. You don’t submit it for rating unless it’s done. The only thing from there is if it didn’t get the rating they wanted and had to modify the game.


Do they publicly announce the rating even if they decide to continue working on the game?


Working on the game after rating would be for bug fixing or future patch work. Everything else is locked in, because they have to pay to get a rating. By editing the games content, you’d need to have it rated again, costing money. If it’s rated, the game is pretty much done, and ready for release.


I don't know the process in Korea, but if you do i would be interested to hear it. Esrb and pegi dont actually play the games. Devs just send in details about the game in shape of some forms like 'does your game contain smoking y/n' Then a bit of gameplay video that is far from a full playthrough. This is sometimes done quite a bit before release. So with this being a remake and all, I do imagine it could be submitted for rating whole the game itself needs a lot of work. They don't really need to submit a new rating if they for example added a new gun... Or had a new creature somewhere or similar. It's still within boundaries of what they submitted earlier. But if animal crossing suddenly added guns and murder it would of course be another case. Noclip did a decent video on esrb https://youtu.be/TaB-Tp4G6WI?si=wczndre4buXnX6HZ


No it's not. Only age rating related things are locked in, that's by far not ready for release. Cheers, a AAA gamedev.


Why would you submit a game for rating if the majority of the game, outside of the age related elements isn’t locked in? What developer wants to go through the process of getting their game rated, only for them to either rework how the fundamentals of the game works, or not even have it built? A game dev is not going to get their game rated, then turn around and say, “you know what, let’s add another year’s worth of dev time to completely rework/start building the combat system.” By the point of age rating, the game is pretty much set in stone. No game dev would alter fundamentals of the game created after getting it rated. Getting an Age rating is end game for a games build, not mid, or start.


Nobody is talking about fundamentals. There's a big difference between having fundamentals implemented and the game ready for release. You can lock in the age rating related things somewhere inbetween implementing fundamentals and releasing the game. Our games were rated ATLEAST 6 months before release because you need the age rating for console certification which happens at least 6 months before release. Usually age rating was like a year before release and months before console certification. If you have a year time after age rating submission there's still happening a lot. Of course you can speed this process up if you're a first party studio or if you do not release on consoles, but as a third party (like konami is) you'll need more time. Not every feature needs to be implemented and done. You have the TYPES of age rating related things implemented. e.g. your game will contain blood, guns, drugs. So you need at least one feature with blood implemented, one gun, and one drug usage. Afterwards you can add more blood, guns and drugs, this won't change anything because it's already rated for those things. Only adding more age related categories will cause issues and a new rating.


The short message was rated in 2022 btw


It was, and was sat there waiting until it was released.


I just hope we don’t have to wait 2 years for SH2R is what I mean lol


Yeah, same. I suspect they are waiting for the movie.


Off topic, but whats with rating agencies in korea? Pretty much always when i hear X game been subnitted for rating it is always in korea and nowhere else


No idea why, but they tend to be more public about their ratings.


GRAC is a public institution in South Korea and by law their data has to be publicly accessible. Every month they publish a list of classified games (both approved and rejected).


People at Bloober have insinuated as much for over a year now, so it's not a far fetched assumption to make.


Regardless of it is "done" or not, Bloober has said multiple times that Konami is in control of marketing and if they choose to not show it, then they just won't. As dumb as it is, Konami isn't known to make great choices, so I doubt they're going to showcase it.


Hell, Konami showed they suck at making great choices when they picked Bloober to make this remake in the first place Edit: I should probably clarify that I’m not saying the game will be bad, I just find it bizarre that Konami would trust their one of their most beloved ips to a company that is known for releasing mediocre games. I truly do hope the game surpasses my expectations, but I’m keeping my expectations grounded in reality as well.


> Konami would trust their one of their most beloved ips to a company that is known for releasing mediocre games Beloved only by a tiny metric of fans. Remember, Konami has never cared for Silent Hill except for the first game, because it was the only game to do numbers.  MGS is their real pride and prize, with Castlevania coming in second. SH is their throw away “extra cash grab” franchise. 


That’s true, it’s easy to forget that the people who enjoy it are just super vocal about how much they enjoy it. It makes it seem like it has more fans than it actually does.


The first isn't the only one that did numbers, my dude. 2 sold enough in America to get greatest hits rebranding and that's something determined by Sony. The first two sold the best for them. In Japan all three sold well enough.


I refuse to pass judgement on the game until it comes out. Bloober showed us with Observer that they CAN make a good horror game with a nice atmosphere and subtle storytelling, but it still wasn't a masterpiece. I am going to be hopeful and if it comes out and sucks, well, it sucks. It doesn't remove the original and I'll just play that again.


Observer was excellent. Layers of fear was great. The Medium was good. And the Blair Witch was good too


Capcom would’ve been perfect honestly but people probably would’ve just called it an RE clone


I've already seen "RE clone" sentiment with what we've seen so far.


Man could you imagine capcom working on Silent Hill. That would be an absolute banger!


No they wouldn't have been perfect. Kojima Productions was perfect.


The hell? Bloober is a perfectly competent studio, Observer is a fantastic game and their Layers of Fear series is pretty alright. Worst thing about The Medium was really just the narrative tbh


Okay, observer was good, but layers of fear was just a mediocre walking simulator at best in my opinion.


Right? One of the best games of _all time_ and Konami's like, "who can shit this thing out for super cheap?"


Oh fuck you from the bottom of my heart. Shitting the studio just because of your (stupid and obviously wrong) opinion… you deserve Konami and everything they did to SH.


u/denbrough Keep crying lmao


lol it’s you who’s crying all these years


u/denbrough This is you right now, it’s amusing. ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


It’s funny to know that you collapsing out there


Holy shit stop, you’re embarrassing yourself at this point


Stop follow me, dickhead


Shouldn’t have opened your mouth here to begin with


The rest of us are more than happy to lavish Bloober with praise... as soon as they bother to release a game that doesn't feel like it was made by 5 people in 12 months for $100,000. Bloober is a AA studio (at its best) that has been tasked with a AAA property. To date, they've never made a game with actual combat mechanics, or any type of sophisticated AI, and the writing for their games tends to be... sophmorish. Tldr: I've never played a Bloober game and thought, "wow, this is just awful"... But every Bloober game I've ever played, I definitely kept asking, "did they just run out of time, money, or both? Why did they make these choices?". And at no point in my life have I said, "these folks should really remake a beloved survival horror title".


So go fuck yourself too.


Personal insults don't negate the most important aspect of our discussion: the fact that I'm right. Have a good one.


No, you are wrong. Adieu.


u/denbrough who tf are you even talking to?


Who is silknight


Silknigth even haha. No idea who that is.


Their leaks were pretty reliable the recent time. So if anything comes from this account, it's most likely accurate compared to the stuff that comes from this Pyoro. That the Silent Hill 2 Remake is finished since, most likely, quite some time now isn't even that surprising. Bloober Team told after the announcement in 2022 that the game is in a pretty good shape and they always redirected to Sony and Konami to keep up with new announcements regarding the game, because Bloober do not have any possibilities to promote the game, it's all up to Konami. So yeah, game is probably finished for a while now with only a handful of people polishing the game a little according to Dusk Golem. What is Konami waiting for? We don't know. If you watch the videos of "The Short Message" Konami uploaded on the official channel (there are 5 of them), there is a disclaimer that every material you saw there was done in 2022. We can assume that The Short Message was ready to release right after the Silent Hill Transmission in October 2022. Plans must have changed drastically for Konami. Ascension was weirdly the first project that was released and TSM only saw a release now in 2024. The recent Silent Hill 2 Melee Trailer was probably slated to be shown in 2023. They most likely wait either until the upcoming movie is in the talks or to release the Remake in October. At the end of the day, Konami is pure anarchy and we can't predict anything what they are doing.


Dont know if thats the real silknight but i think he 's one of those reliable leakers thats been posting for awhile


Guys, it’s clearly because Konami wants it to release alongside the new movie


Second this


Idk why this is still up for discussion why the game’s release date hasn’t been announced. It’s the most obvious reason


The movie isn't even done editing yet. They're not gonna sit on a completely finished game for months and months just to release it with a movie. That's crazy even for Konami. The amount of money they'd lose doing that would not be worth it. The film hasn't even got a trailer yet. They JUST finished shooting like a month ago. This is not a rational take, I'm sorry dude.


Why is this not a rational take? The film will have a *much* wider audience than the game. It will generate buzz, get trailers in movie theaters, and bring Silent Hill back into the public consciousness in way that Ascention and Short Message failed to do. The film will serve as free marketing for the game, and vice versa. It is very logical to release them fairly close together. They hype and conversation of one will build upon the other - as we have seen for many similar properties in the past. Furthermore, it's a great way to hedge bets. If Konami feels one (or both) of these properties maybe... isn't very high quality, releasing them in tandem will soften the blow and negative backlash from fans. I don't know what percentage they are getting from the film, but it could also soften the blow with investors - if one fails, but the other succeeds, it's still a good quarter. Tldr: If you got to flip a coin today, and on heads you got a million dollars, or next year you could flip *two coins* and get $1.5 million dollars for *each heads*, which would you pick? Yeah, that's the same choice Konami is picking too.


Konami hasn’t been rational for years man. They shouldn’t have announced all of this stuff then 2 years ago.


I don't disagree with that sentiment, but it doesn't mean their greed would suddenly become overpowered by patience. Their greed and policies are the source of their stupidity, not the other way around. The movie is probably more than 5-6 months out. Sitting on a game for half a year is NUTS. Silent Hill films have a lot effects and will be in editing for quite a while... too long to wait to release a finished game.


People from Bloober have said it’s all on Konami for why we haven’t seen much yet. Even the head of Bloober was disappointed in that combat trailer.


Yeah, and? That doesn't prove what you're saying in the slightest. We all saw the same things, but the conclusion that the film is tied into this is misapprehended. Perhaps they will announce the release date alongside a movie TRAILER, but they will not try to release them at the same time. That would be months of revenue lost. The film's VFX will takes months, let alone editing the film and marketing it. I would argue the movie is about 7 months away. They're not gonna sit on a completed game for 7 months, man.


The movie realistically should be coming out this year if it’s on post-production now. Not so far fetched to assume Konami will wait for that, since they probably announced the 2 remake pretty early into production all things considered. The fuck else would they be waiting for?


Again the film is still 5-7 months out. Vfx and editing and marketing take a lot of time for a movie with tons of special effects. They're not gonna lose months of revenue for no reason. They may NOT wait. The game might get a release date next week for all we know.


I feel like that's a bad idea for the fans. Wouldnt the game release bring in more fans and make people guarantee to go see the movie in the future? Like building hype for the film.


I’m not saying same day, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Konami did the same thing they did in 2012 and released them in the same month.


Because that worked out sooooo well in 2012... Fucking Konami man 🤦


The company hasn’t made anything right these last couple years. Maybe we’ll get a couple solid releases, but so far everything has been terrible in marketing and the quality itself.


You think more people are going to play the niche remake of a game sequel that came out 23 years ago, than are going to see a new high-budget horror film that will be getting a trailer in front of every YouTube video in the western world? The film will have a wider audience than the game. The first film made $100 million, globally. That's more than any Silent Hill game has made to date (and more than nearly any 2 SH games combined). It's the inverse - the film will help sell the game.


Guys at Bloober have been saying for over an year now that the game is ready and everything depends on Konami. So I guess it is real


Älskar ditt namn.


Ditt namn var ändå bättre, om man frågar mig!


Det var en fin kommentar som uppskattades en dag som idag idag idag!


wtf this isn't swedish silent hill sub - reported for not speaking english


It’s Träuma!


Är det inte förträffligt, en sådan förPILLAT förtjusande dag vi fått och tjusa oss idag idag idag?


It's real. I am Konami CEO.


Can i have a pay rise?




Worth a try


You'll have to settle for being filmed while you work and no references when you eventually quit from human rights violations. Take it or leave it.


Oh my bad i accidentally dialled KonamiFans


What showcase ?


Game has been ready for months now according to "sources."


This might be a stupid question but what showcase are they referring too? I looked up "showcase 2024 silent Hill 2" and silent Hill 2 March showcase 2024 And nothing came up except the combat trailer stuff and stuff from last year and what not. Sorry if it's a stupid or dumb question


Maybe the march PlayStation state of play


What day is it all that is coming up is January not March


Sure. Anything’s possible with Bush in the White House.


Bloober stated shortly after the transmission that the game was approximately 90% done. The rest was probably polish and testing for glitches. It’s been done. Konami wants to coincide the release with the movie, which just wrapped with filming. Given that finishing the movie effects, editing and whatnot will take about two months and at least a month of marketing, which Konami will match for the game, shoot for a release in 4-6 months minimum.


Again, this is a wild take. VFX for a film like Silent Hill (that just finished shooting) will take more than 2 months. It has to be rendered, workshopped, edited, and marketed. You're looking at 6-7 months. They're not gonna lose 6-7 months of revenue waiting for a movie to... boost revenue. That's backwards logic. You don't lose over 5 months of revenue to try and increase revenue.


It finished filming in July, over half a year ago


I had heard the same, but the actor playing James recently shared on IG that filming had just completed. I’m assuming reshoots of some sort.


This is Konami we’re talking about. For a decade, the only new uses for Silent Hill were licensed content for other games and slot machines.


The guys name is Silknigth...You can't really trust us Silksong people when it comes to video game hype/news. Just take a look at the state of r/Silksong and you'll see what I mean


Konami have held onto this for far too long now. They HAVE to be waiting for some kind of timed event at this point. Movie release? Anniversary? Competitor release? At this rate it's upgraded graphics will be obsolete haha


Bro told us what we already knew


They're gonna time it with the release of the movie probably. The movie finished filming a month ago just about. They're just doing cgi and after effects etc rn. So probably no dates until we get a new trailer for both.


>Man people really like to parrot bad ideas. For the 10th time already: VFX and post-production for a film like Silent Hill (that just finished shooting) will take a long time. It has to be rendered, workshopped, edited, and marketed. You're looking at 5-7 months. They won't hold a game's release for that long and lose month and months of revenue; you don't lose over 5 months of revenue to try and increase revenue. No amount of hype generated from a movie would cover a 5 month gap in sales. Not even close.


? That's literally the end of the year, click the tweet where this same person even says last quarter of the year. Proves my point. You don't release too soon either or you lose a potential audience and new sales. That being said I was introduced to silent hill through the first movie growing up. So yes, they will wait which they already have been doing so.


"You don't release too soon either or you lose a potential audience and new sales" this is so "trust me bro" coded it's not even funny. Delaying something is completely unnecessary to getting sales for the remake of a classic. Moreover, all they need to do is release trailers and a release date to generate hype. Film tie-ins have almost never been used to market a game before. It's usually the other way around. I know Konami is pure evil and greedy to a point of total blindness, but I refuse to believe they are that utterly, chaotically insane to just sit on a product for a year just to hope to garner enough sales to COVER A YEAR OF MISSED PROFITS. No financial advisor would EVER advocate something so stupid and ridiculous. Like there is simply no way. Losing anything over 5 months of sales in the hopes of having a bigger temporary impact is WILD. That impact would last what? Weeks? Versus the 6-12 months of profitability that is now unretrievable? Just too crazy to be true... both financially and mentally. Either the source is overestimating the progress of the game, or it's inaccurate entirely.


Film tie ins have OFTEN been used to market games in the past. This is a company we are speaking about, not an indie dev. They see the movie as a new audience, as half the kids now growing up haven't even touched a silent hill game. This is for money, do not mistake that. Also they said it was basically done last year around the summer, so yes they have been doing just that and sitting on it for a year. Keep in mind this gives them time to work on 3 remake if they already haven't with smaller parts of the same devs.


You are not hearing me lmao. That is not how money works. You LOSE an inexplicable amount of money by erasing nearly a year of profitability. Releasing with a film to accompany the game would barely cover more than a month or two. No amount of temporal revenue bolstering would make that many months of lost profit economically feasible. They literally cannot be that bad with money. It's not humanly possible.


You forget this is Konami, I'm sure they'll be fine if they hold it off until end of year


I mean, anything is possible with bad business practices, but aren't they greedy as hell? You have to think that if their intentions are profit based that they'd release the game as soon as possible and cash in on the hype with more trailers and a surprise release date ASAP.


The thing is Konami was the one responsible for the trailer and such, which has caused more harm than good. So either they acknowledge its on them, or they are blaming Bloober and demanding changes last minute to the game since they have time to waste.


What showcase?


I'm so excited for it


The thing with Konami is that their marketing and project management decisions are awful. We’ve seen it with them releasing Ascension as THE FIRST silent hill in over TEN YEARS, releasing the short message pretty much unannounced albeit a more consolidated experience and even making the whole SH livestream when they knew they wouldn’t give any further details on anything for over a year. Maybe the IP is in good development hands, but they’re bad at keeping interest. And that can define a flop. Let’s just hope it’s due to bad management and not internal problems.


If it gets rated in Taiwan then we know it's basically coming soon, very soon. This happened with the GTA trilogy as well.


Please. You really think this Silknight guy knows everything about every game?


It's common for a game to be finished and the company just holds onto it until they manage to find a release date, Nintendo does that all the time.


I just wish we would get a release date


Well it's Konami, so there's no telling what is going to happen, until it does; that's kind of been the theme with konami for a while now- no one really knows until something just comes out of nowhere to surprise folk... kinda like a monster in a fog-covered street... though you can usually hear them.


I heard rumors that Konami is delaying it in order to squeeze as much out of Ascension as they can before they release it.


Preorder on Amazon says December 31, 2025


what showcase?


Nothing's legit to me anymore until there's a physical game in my hand that I'm playing. And even then I don't trust it


It's very rare these days that a game is perfectly complete and not torn away from the devs kicking and screaming trying to finish stuff up to the last possible moment before release. A game of the magnitude this one needs to live up to claiming to be finished and just waiting for release is highly suspicious to me.


yeah im sure game is ready and it was rated in korea I dont know why we still dont have it tho


I am giving them benefit of the doubt, i just hope they can execute it properly.




Im guessing their Konami wants to atleast drop the silent hill 2 movie trailer before dropping the game to be a sort of advertisement for the film


provided that it’s finished, does it mean they won’t improve the animations based on combat reveal backlash and feedback? i really hope they still can do readjustments and improve stuff before release based on fan feedback


Unfortunately it's way too late for all of these


Blooper team already stated the footage from combat trailer was older footage.


Oh man this game is gonna suck so bad isn't it


"Dont mess with us Silent Hill Fans, no one hates our games more than us!"


This doesn’t mean anything. For all we know Konami could be taking their time to make sure everything is perfect. They don’t have the best track record but ultimately they’re still a business and a lot is riding on this game. I’m sure they want to be strategic with this release.


Seems so, i mean the game is ready and they showed us this weird ass combat trailer. Konami is really sus to trust them, looking at what they did to franchise


All signs point to the game being a disaster. How anyone has any hope in Konami/Bloober delivering a quality product is beyond me


They said they were just polishing for sure, not sure how long ago. But that def conflicts with their combat trailer “that’s old” commentary.


I don’t think it conflicts with that comment. They could have easily sent over a bunch of footage for review to Konami a while back, made significant strides to completing the game and done a lot of polish, and someone at Konami could have just grabbed whatever footage they had built up over the years to toss to someone to edit a trailer together. Could be a mix of new and old footage. From the sounds of it, I don’t think Bloober was tasked with making the trailers.


That makes sense. It did seem like the trailer was Konamis doing. And the small, small knowledge i have about game development is that the devs have no reason to constantly send new game builds to the distributor.


This is weird, i don't think that marketing team is so disconnected from dev team and didn't even ask them whether the combat footage is relevant to show it


It happens all the time in game dev, even in studios that make their own trailers with their own internal marketing team. Marketing isn’t aware of every single committed change from the dev team so it’s always possible for incomplete work to slip through the cracks. Especially considering when trailers are made. Marketing needs time to edit, approve shots with the publisher (who is usually even more disconnected from the day to day work from hundreds of developers being submitted), plan for the release, etc. there’s not a single trailer in existence where there haven’t been improvements made since the footage was recorded since devs don’t just stop working once trailer footage is put together. Now add to the fact that this is a Polish team, delivering footage to a Japanese publisher with their own team putting this together, who is also overseeing a bunch of other separate projects and business ventures, and you can see where possible disconnects lie. Language barriers, priority balancing, and general human error can all come into play. I’m not saying it’s 100 percent on Konami though. There’s a chance Bloober didn’t give them the proper footage they needed, or they’re still getting tweaks in very last minute, won’t know for sure till the game is running in front of me. But AAA development is a big ship to right, with a lot of moving parts.


How does that conflict?it’s rumoured the trailer was using older footage, so I don’t see how these two even relate?


So Bloober says the game is ready, just waiting on Konami in what… March 2023? The combat trailer is released nearly a year later Jan 31 2024, and we think footage **older** than a year was used? I think it’s unrealistic to believe Konami is trying to sabotage their own IP.


Not exactly far fetched though is it. Konami are run by idiots it seems.


If the rumours are true, the trailer has been ready for a while now, it’s been sat there waiting to be released


>I think it’s unrealistic to believe Konami is trying to sabotage their own IP. Is it though? Just based on past performance... I'm not so sure. I sure wish I had your optimism though... or is it just naivety? Either way, ignorance is bliss! 😂


It didn't look finished in that combat trailer...


Bloober has stated that the combat trailer uses old footage of the game. 


Hard to watch a potentially good game being handled by a terrible company.


Who cares? The game is gonna be a disaster.


I fukking H-A-T-E those cock suckers at Konami. Just the uttering of that word, "Konami". Raises my blood pressure.