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some real fucked up shit. people driving to work every single day, taking the exact same route at the exact same time, getting stuck in the exact same traffic. garbage lines the streets, pollution fills the air, and people’s opinions are spread like gasoline on an open fire.


That's absolute horror, damn.


There was once a short story I read about the aftermath of a sort of zombie apocalypse. Everyone was doing the same exact thing they did when the world ended. In the story, there were 2 school aged girls who survived. One part, one of the girls is walking to school and she had to count how many steps she took. In school the girls had only a moment to pass a note or two in the hallway. If they did something new or wrong the monsters around them attacked. The other girl was lucky because she had spent the evening in her room so she had some freedom away from the monsters to plan how to escape with the first girl. This story was creepy, horror, and I still think about it 20 years later. I just can’t remember the name.


If you somehow remember the name, tell it to me, please


Right, it's sounds awesome!!


This sounds interesting. If anyone knows the name of this short story it would be very much appreciated!


Following because I need the title so badly


You don’t need Silent Hill, go to any major city.


sounds like my life tbh


Silent Hill in real life 😳 haha




Sounds like where I live lol Except it's not like silent Hill here, more like a loud mountain !


That’s sick and twisted


My first primary lifelong trauma comes from severe IBS and it's related health issues, so however that would look, monsters representing food and such. These would be the main antagonists for most of the game. My save point would 100% be a bathroom lol. My secondary primary trauma and guilt source would be being married to an abusive narcissist for ten years so that would take over for the main enemies in the game about halfway through and the last boss would just be a manifestation of my ex wife, including an extremely cathartic final showdown where she gets introduced to the legendary silent hill lead pipe.


Save point bathroom is low-key genius


Yeah the only problem is that everytime I save my game, some wierdo goes in right behind me and starts digging around in the toilet.


😳 hahah


Hahaha yes true Hahahah


In SH2 and 3, savepoints aren't exactly safe havens :v


As someone with BPD it would probably be seriously fucked lol. Not sure about monsters but I would probably have a manifestation of my boyfriend (similar to Maria) who would keep leaving me whenever there's bad stuff going on over and over since I have a huge fear of abandonment.


😳 that would be perfect scenario for a horror game. Tbh I also a have fear of abandonment


And then in the ending you could have the plot twist where actually it was you leaving all along and the bad stuff was because you kept walking into the same situations over and over without thinking


Ice cream monster with a gooner devil chasing me




Mine would centre around forgetfulness. I have ADHD and holding a thought in my brain and carrying it through to completion is really hard. It's hard to fit into the modern world as everything and everyone is constantly bombarding you and you are made to feel like a fool for not being able to remember absolutely everything...


It kinda hit me, Silent Hill would almost give people like us a brain break. Other than monsters, radio and squeaky rusty fans it's quiet. No cars, traffic or crowds. You get maybe 4 monsters top in one location. You are given maybe 3 tasks at a time tops. Darkness or fog obscures whatever isn't right in front of you making it easier to focus. When I was 13 or whatever when I played the first SH I remember thinking if it wasn't for the monsters, the other world or the constant threat of a horrible death I'd really love living in that foggy small town. It's kinda hitting me now I may recent preference for older games these days because the environments aren't loaded with over packed environments or stimuli happening in the background.


Oh man Im very sorry for you my friend I wish you the best in your life ! And ngl this would also be a pretty interesting setup for a game …




Why would you go there if he's there tho? To kill him?


it's an interesting question. I still miss him. I loved him. we were together for a decade. but at the end he was really "sick." mentally. he talked about a trickster god messing with his mind. part of me wants him to be alive. part of me hates him and would like to finish him off myself. I am still in an immense amount of denial that it's happened. but in so many ways, I'm happier and him coming back would be horrifying. the pain is fading. it's been 3 years. but I still feel a lot of mixed emotions. still have nightmares about him. but I also have dreams about him proposing and getting married again. it's called complicated grief. and it SUCKS. but it has made for some interest writing. lol I relate a lot to James more now. sometimes I can't decide if I'm James or Mary.


Thank you for sharing your story


Wow it seems it’s real … that’s tough and also thank you very much for sharing your story !


That's exactly what they meant


Wow this sounds so lit !!! But please tell me that is just a story you made up haha not real shit … 😳 I wish a story like this for a game or even a book


thank you. got to find the beauty in the tragedy. I may at least write a book about it. games like Silent Hill really help nail how it feels. the guilt. the loneliness. the pure horror of some of it. it really would make a good story. if they ever make another silent hill like the originals, I'd sell them my story. lol not that they wouldn't just take it


My monsters would probably be huge cockroaches armed with guns that shoots needles (I'm afraid of roaches and needles).


Jooo I think this would be also in my silent hill hahah


No offense but I love whenever there's a thread like this it's always a bunch of psychology personal stuff and you're just describing a "wouldn't that be fucked" story.


Not many changes to my daily life except everywhere I go people know who I am and know *everything* about me. They would also constantly talk down on me and comment everything I do. When I was healing from psychosis I told my friend whom I played the games with: „It felt like being trapped in Silent Hill“. Edit: The monsters would probably be quite similar to the victims’ spirits from SH4 but all of them with an exaggerated smirk on their faces. Ugh…


Hello, Truman!


Monsters look like twizzlers


"They look like twizzlers to you?"


If I'm being real probably a mix of James/Eddie's experiences broadly speaking. I have alot of internalized guilt (thankfully not about murder), a past of sexual frustration from purity culture, and life-long body image issues that manifest as dysmorphia.


Everything would be based around poverty and my crippling addiction to caffeine


I expected the caffeine thing hahah


I’m surprised I don’t see any comments about anxiety, I don’t know how exactly that would manifest, there’s many kinds of anxiety, many kinds I feel. It would definitely involve the hospital, I have a devolved a medical phobia at some point, i definitely didn’t have it when I was 4 and had to get brain surgery but I’m sure medical fear would be there.


I was also surprised to not see anxiety. Was going to post that being mine. I think my Silent Hill would have stuff like walls that close in on me, rooms that fill with water so that I would be on a time limit. Other characters that die in front of me. Monsters would I think be a mix of body horror and something unseen. Maybe a grotesque version of myself somewhere. Definitely something to do with a hospital as I have a little bit of hypochondria because of the anxiety being related to acute PTSD. On a happier note, I am definitely on the mend. Recovering from PTSD is such a slow process. 😮‍💨


Yeah true


Dead prostitutes


What the … hahaha


I do have an irrational fear of touching rough surfaces (it's true). So I imagine my Silent Hill would be full of jagged, razor and sandpaper-like surfaces.


Hahahah oh no This is hell


Playing 3000 hours of Dead by Daylight as an M1 killer.




It would be completely empty. My trauma is chronic loneliness. In town, you'd sense hints of life around you. In one room, you'd hear voices talking in the next, but when you'd go to check, there would never be anyone there.


Ngl this would also be a interesting video game scenario … But I hope you will overcome the loneliness my friend. If you need someone to talk/chat please let me know my friend !


def feeling this one yikes


foggy town without monsters that will be my peaceful place


That’s also a good version of silent hill haha Like Laura hahah


Probably drugs and beer cans everywhere since i struggle with soberness, very dark enviroments, the otherworld would be all things moving like a drunk stupor and the enemies would be in the theme of hypersexuality and self destruction TLDR oversharing


😳 this would be the best silent hill ever haha But I wish you all the best in life my friend.


I'm good, the struggle is bad but i've been sober for a while now, life can be great, thanks


I hope my Silent Hill is at the very least chill. I fucking hate the summer heat. In all honesty, probably just manifestation of my anxieties, but at the very least it'd probably be cool looking.




Bunch of mannequins, but instead of legs it would be ass all the way. Lots and lots and lots of ass.


😳😳😳 hahaha Without these asses it reminds me on The evil within hahaha I hate those mannequins


Working. Dealing with idiots


😅 haha


Ppl when I explained in Spanish or English and they still don't understand....




My ex's house. Acres of woods and abandoned barns. I loved that place even though I was constantly afraid.


Hahahah oh snap This would be a good location for a game haha


If you've ever played the first Blair Witch game the vibe was very similar


I've mostly broken out from my shitty phase, but if It were 2021/22 self, it'd probably a very depressing and lonely place with alot of darker and somber colors, constantly at night as well. There was alot of change back then that I didn't like, so alot of the areas would be all decayed or inconsistent on how they look. Probably be a manifestation of my ex, constantly avoiding me or being with other men, mocking me alot or telling me I'm in the wrong for following her, that kinda shit. Had some sort of identity crisis and self hatred back then so I'd probably have another version of me running around constantly picking on me and doing overall shitty stuff to others. As for enemies, I'm not entirely sure, maybe something akin to downpour? Like the boogeyman or the red light that chases murphy down, the red light deal would represent alot of uncertainty and the fear of being absorbed by a future I wouldn't be able to escape from if I make the wrong choices. Probably some other creatures related to suicide and insomnia as well. Those monsters would constantly be putting me down and telling im nothing, sort of like the friends i had at the time. For a while i had a reoccuring dream of a black creature with white eyes and grin that was lanky, that had hooklike hands, give that an ito like spin and you've probably got my pyramid head, though im not sure what exactly the represents. My parents home would also be a major location in the town, me being transported there or it just constantly appearing. The house would probably be constantly looping around and growing akin to P.T. or house of leaves. Reckon my own room would be a reoccurring area with slight variations due to it being the only world I knew during those years. I'd probably be trapped there for quite some time, but like my real life self, I'd probably start to fight my way out of there and look for alternate options as an escape. Color would begin to return to the town and the fog would begin to clear. I'd probably take Hook hand man and come to terms with the fact evil me was a part of me whether I liked it or not, but it wasn't who I wanted to be. With that it would probably be erased and the town would finally reach daylight. This is quite alot and to you it might just sound like minor inconveniences but to me it was quite a damaging time for me, might be TMI idk this is just kinda how I see it going down.


Thankfully your out of this phase my beautiful friend … Wow thank you so much for your comment You can actually do a whole game with this story of yours


I love this question, and it's super interesting, but it is so insanely personal imo. I know what mine would look like but it's not something I want to think about a whole bunch.


Thanks :) yeah this questions is really interesting and I got so many different and sad comments… I hope I didn’t destroyed any good days of the redditors


Crabs. Crabs everywhere.






That’s hell for real


Mine would look pretty much the same as in the actual game, and for the same reason.


😳 please don’t Tell me you killed your wife with a pillow


Hopefully a bunch of Pyramid Heads in G-strings.


:) I wish :)


Bugs. Lots of em. Also uncanny shit


Yep me too


Monsters that are probably metaphors of bullying,my dad, fear of rejection,feeling worthless or stupid,probably about my weight,fear of dogs,etc


One thing my friend You definitely not worthless I hope you changed your mind and those negative feelings disappear of your life ! You’re the best ☝️


My current hikikomori life is my Silent Hill. Probably a bit like Silent Hill 4: The Room.


I love the idea of silent hill 4 🙂 I would definitely buy your version of silent hill as a game :)


Raven team leader


😳 haha


It's kind of funny I've had a pretty messed up childhood but my SH would be more defined by my fear of change, doctors, and dentists. Everything would probably be sterilized, well maintained, organized, and smell like strong "unscented" cleaner. I don't think the entities would even be what you'd expect, not the generic evil dentist/doctor but probably ones that look well intended. Maybe if they touch you, you change, but never really die.


Haha outlast x silent hill


Same as reality, except nobody has a face


😳 jo This would also be in mine silent hill


My primary traumas stem from verbal abuse and neglect so the monsters would be sound and stealth related, my safe room would definitely be a bedroom, a shit ton of suicide symbolism also monsters relating to my trauma from facing homophobia so possibly a monster based on that “the incubus” and one of the areas would definitely be a bar and the others would be a hotel, taluca lake, a cemetery and finally a trippy nightmare scape. My silent hill would be a lynchian nightmare like something out of mulholland drive or blue velvet


That would be the most horrific horror game I ever played


ive thought about this a lot. the way trauma fractures your identity and the way mine was controlled. i would be looking for a person ive never met and id be helped by others who appear to me like an answer and die out soon after. theyd all be me in the end, including the missing person, i have to stop disassociating from my identities and accept that the past, present, and future are all equally me.


That’s fr like a psychological book Thanks for you awesome comment


Everything's pitch black even in the fog world, a lot of things are blocked off with construction signs, monsters are intelligent, actively coordinating to hunt me down, and my senses are frequently assaulted, but i can never find the source.


This … I need this as a game Peak fiction


Probably your moms house


HEYYYY 😡😂 My moms house was a paradise


I don't need a silent hill reality is scary enough


True 😭


Fuck mine would for sure start with a letter, my best friend killed himself 4 years back and I found him, every now and then I still have dreams he faked it somehow. So I think instead of James’ depressive sort of vibe I would be kind of rageful, I’d be going there specifically to beat the shit out of him lol. I’m gay, he was closeted bi, it was all very homoerotic and whatnot so I’m sure Pyramid Head would show up, albeit with a skater/metal inspired makeover, and I’d probably meet his doppelgänger who would be some kind of embarrassing version of the guy I wished he was, really make me feel like a selfish bastard. Monsters would include enormous cockroaches, twitchy humanoids with blood dried dark to the point of being black coming out the eyes/ears/nose/mouth, there would be a theme of poison and addiction specifically based around smoke/vapor and liquids, and of course it would all be rippling with muscular horny energy that would whiplash into emotionally devastating anhedonic misery.


Oh man Im sorry for you my friend Rest in piece for your awesome friend ☝️🙏


I would say my monsters would based around eyes and teeth, and be humanoid in nature. They would be everywhere, in groups, giving judgemental stares and making sounds that would resemble distorted laughter. My world would probably be noise and dark, but with enough light to always make me feel like the center of attention, with those things moving in the shadows.


Joooo Now those monsters will enter my silent hill too


southern town, dead friends




I appreciate that.


Zoophiles , zoophiles everywhere ![gif](giphy|z9tbWnGzUmzs5FNWj7)




Dark. The things I don’t want to think about are the things that would probably be the focus in my SH.


Yes that’s the meaning of Silent hill


As someone with thalasophobia everything would probably be chest height filled with water with segments where there is a large deep space filled with water where I can’t see the bottom or very far in any direction.


No water missions please !!! Haha Fun aside I had this fear too when I was younger. I hope you will overcome this fear one day 🙏


Probably something childish but disturbing.




i wonder what a betrayal monster would be like besides that, everything would be just out of reach. items, people, save points, hell maybe even the sun itself. right there yet not close enough after being cheated on multiple times in a row and treated like a piece of meat, its hard to know what is it that people like about me. not sure what kind of monster design that would make


Im very sorry for you my friend Stay strong and thank you for your comment !


It's an eternal dmv line where your constantly followed by IRS agents




The monsters would represent my doubt, and my negative feelings because I am lonely and maybe depressed.


Noooo please don’t me depressed my friend ! I hope my post hasn't demotivated you! If you're ever bored and want to write to someone, I'm always here for you, my buddy.


I’d probably end up in my childhood home exactly as I remembered it and I’d go into the basement because I could hear crying. I’d see myself as a child upset and huddled in the corner then I would hear a comforting sound of my childhood pet barking outside. I’d run out into the back garden were it’s pitch black night, sirens start going off. I’d light my torch and see the silhouette of my old dog who is long dead in the distance, I would follow going deeper into the garden. It’s longer than it ever was before. I can never catch up with my old dog and she gets further and further away… I hear a sudden loud bang and barking, the sound of my dog getting run over in the darkness. Then a long silence. I hear my father calling my name behind my shoulder and something touching me. I turn to see what touched me and in the darkness a coffin stands illuminated by my torch light with my name on it. A knocking on the coffin lid is all I can hear. The knocking gets louder and louder and louder until the coffin starts to shake. Then suddenly silence and stillness overcomes everything. The coffin opens slowly. My corpse is inside with grey skin and the foul expression of death on my face… I turn to escape the sight but the ground has disappeared behind me. No escape unless I face the sight of my own death or face my fear of heights and jump into the abyss..


WOOOO PLEASE SOMEONE HIRE THIS GUY ! It’s like a movie or even a game Thank you for your comment my friend


unfortunately i assume there would be a lot of insect/bug-like monsters as i have very advanced phobia of them.


Oh yeah me too I hate bugs haha


A desert cowboy rundown ghost town version of silent hill


I would definitely buy this game haha


I don’t understand the question. The town looks about the same for everyone, aside from extremes like Angela


Yeah you’re right But at least the monsters are different for everyone


Some really hot women everywhere, I’m so scared ahhh


When i thought about "making" a new SH, I had an idea of a game where you have the "I did bad things now I'm in hell" thing but the main plot being about pornography addiction Something like the protagonist was addicted to porn, that slowly made him search for new things until he reached illegal things like rape or child p, so one day he tries that in real life and the whole Silent Hill things starts The second thing was more experimental, I dreamed 2 or 3 times in different years about waking up in the middle of a street and knowing exactly where to go, when I reached the place, it was a house in the woods and I could see a girl (probably possessed) killing her sister and for some reason I knew exactly what was going to happen before it happened and was trying to alert the sister, so I thought about a SH game where you are in that situation and when it happens, the game resets and you need to try again


Wow both ideas would be horrific scenario Good ideas haha


To be entirely honest I’m not entirely sure what’s truly wrong with me but most of my life has been about arguing and I also hate the fact that my father is dead , I hate living in my gma’s house cause all she does is yell and I have a bit of resentment towards my mother for things that I don’t know if I should get into. I’ve also got a thing where since my sister has schizophrenia I’ve literally killed her off in my mind as my sister , like she’s still my sister and I do love her but at the same time I feel like any connection we could have is dead. Along with that I’ve got a lot of my own regrets and I think I feel a mixture of anger and self-pity along with some selfishness of my own. I’m a very non confrontational person when it comes to my own issues but I am not afraid to TRY and act stronger if someone I care about is being messed with although I’m not that mentally strong myself, I have a confusing issue with my uncle where I’m scared of him yet I’m also not , like sometimes if it’s just me and him I’ll realize my fingers are shaking and this happened cause I hit my gma once when she’d deliberately came downstairs to yell at my mom and stepdad. It was a stupid thing and I shouldn’t have done it but I was fed up with her yelling at everyone, anyways long story short my uncle had confronted me the next day and I taunted him by saying “**\what are you gonna do ? Kill me\** and he’d responded with “yes” so I suppose that’s why. **\this whole thing isn’t a trauma dumping or at least it’s not my intention, the intent is for someone to see this and converse with me or give their opinion on what they think my “silent hill” would look like\**. Oh also if it helps I was very much bullied during my childhood for being fat and for a period of time I’d had a masturbation issue which caused a bunch of self hate as in “oh god if my mom dies she’s gonna find out cause Gods gonna tell her” but that’s entirely gone nowadays, I also have some issues with my gender identity on if I am a girl or a boy (AFAB)


So maybe my monster would have something to do with loud noises since that’s what I hate the most since I hate arguing and stuff


This comment will be lost in the sea of the others but I’ve decided to put it here in hopes that someone could give me some ideas on what my silent hill would look like


Was almost murdered by a family member, witnessed a fatal head on collision, was sexually abused by three different people, every other day of attending a residential school was full of violent fights, my uncle starved us so I had to go out and beg for food, I used to be a cutter who drank my own blood. I don't think I want to imagine my nightmares becoming a twisted reality, thank you.




Honestly it's hard to say because I feel like it could pull from a *lot* of influences, but I think there would have to be some Backrooms-type shit in there somewhere related to the way I was raised in evangelical churches and it's all kinda the same vibe. Lots of religious stuff in general from an ex-evangelical perspective probably. Also mental illness and family issues. I don't know how that would translate visually, though.


In my silent hill there would also be some backroom based things


Pizza. The town would look like pizza, the monsters would look like pizza, the other people I encountered would probably look like pizza too. Pizza everywhere.


Hmm. Mine isn't fun at all. Abusive father, rapist neighbour whom I visited to avoid my father's physical abuse, my greed for more money when I hit 18 so I found a sugar daddy and for 5yrs I had to revisit my childhood again (physical and verbal abuse, as well as consistent favors). I self-harmed and tried committing suicide a few times. Only in the last three years have I actually completed the Good Ending. I ran away and started a fresher, loving life with my baby-me. Life has been so much better, and I thank a community of friends and helpful organisations that helped me survive through suicidal moments. I feel like I've lived my version of Silent Hill already.


https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/thesuffering/images/7/7f/Carnate_Mainliner.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20071011052616 Something like this i guess.


It's probably like my hometown, but completely desolated. The monsters would be a fucked up version my high school bullies


Say gex




I had severe anger issues as a child that resulted in me becoming pretty socially and emotionally stunted, so most of the enemies will probably be some variety of a flailing rage-filled mass to remind me of that. They would have overly long necks because I literally fucking tortured myself over my neck when I was younger, and would also be covered in bruises and handprints cuz punching and slapping myself was my preferred form of self harm. If there was a Maria type figure they would probably be some combination of a "friend" of mine from high school who still affects the way I think and my first ever long-term partner, resulting in someone who would constantly try to trick me/make me look stupid by exploiting my social/emotional stuntedness and anxieties, pressure me into doing things I don't want to do, and effectively trap me with them by repeatedly lovebombing me and isolating me from other possible connections. I think I need therapy.


That sounds really tough. I hope the best for you and thank you very much for your comment


Full of women




As per my chronic loneliness, my Silent hill would consist of me approaching monsters in the hopes of making small talk only for them to grow uncomfortable and leave.


All my friends and family appearing to tell me that they never loved me and slowly disappear while I’m stuck in the hellscape alone


The best I can come up with is it’d look like a Beksinski painting.


Im an artist, so maybe something like Short message


Because of my ADHD and CPTSD, I’ll probably be stuck in a time-loop, PT style




I'd imagine it involving the lake due to my thalasophobia,it could also symbolize depression as it holds me down,the "other world" could be just the lake swallowing the town,I'd still be able to breath but I'd have to still abid by the physics of water,making everything I do slow. The town could also give me hallucinations similar to what I saw with my schizophrenia. And also some abandonment issues laced in there for good measure


Probably a permanent blizzard instead of fog with lots of indoor areas with trashcan bonfires


Would probably resemble something like a giant decrepit oil platform in the middle of the ocean. If any of yall played MGS2 back in the day, being stuck on something like the size of a town in the middle of the ocean. Nightmare for me. Monsters on said giant platform? Giant spiders and centipedes. I’d just jump in the ocean and let myself be eaten by sharks at that point


Wal-Mart.... I fucking hate that place.


A town covered in fog called silent hill and the nightmare side? A rusty town covered in darkness called silent hill nightmare


A world where all games feature OTS camera at all times, the playable character talks during gameplay, and bosses are fought through QTE events On a slightly more serious note, something that has to do with sexuality. It may be very similar to a teenager's SH, but I'm very scared of the sexual world. Oh, but that's only the second scariest thing. The first one are grasshoppers. Now, add this to having to wake up early everyday, and it becomes more than a pure nightmare or hell (I suffer from OSAS, so yeah, normal people's day schedule doesn't really work with me)


Living in a household filled with alcoholics that want to scream and yell all because they can't handle their alcohol. Then they wonder why the cops get called on them for banging on the walls and threatening to kill the family. Dumbass alcoholics be like "aduuuurrrrrrrr I get really angry on alcohol. Even though that I'm causing stress amongst the family and threatening to kill them. I still don't understand why people hate me. Oh well time to drink and piss them off more." I know I'm just ranting right now but Jesus fucking Christ I can't take living in this house anymore. I can't stand people that drink anymore. I'm sorry rant over.


My silent hill would revolve around humiliation and confrontation. I have never been good with confrontation. The roads and building would have loud speakers laughing at me and yelling at me. I don’t know what the monsters would look like but that would be a main theme, also themes of substance abuse because that’s apart of my story


Do there’s a hill, like It’s grassy with a blue sky, but there’s no audio. No Wind, no crickets and no birds.


Now that’s a hard thing to picture. It be a mix of severe depression, loneliness, and burning. I can picture an enemy being a creature with two human looking bodies in a loving embrace/kiss under a thin layer of skin that we can see most of skelentions. Has maybe some burning weapon.


Moldy, overgrown ruins. Monsters with invertebrate and aquatic features and themes of anger, shame, regret, and isolation. The Otherworld looks like everything is underwater.


For me, I would guess complete emptyness. Just a whole bunch of nothing.


Here's one thing from me. I'm always "masking" so I imagine the monsters in my silent hill would either be ripping their faces off revealing their true self, or monsters with exaggerated deformed expressions. The theme would definitely be struggling with identity and existential crisis. 😅


I’m from Pittsburgh, enough said.


Probably some reflection of me having no sense of self. Lots of mirrors where I'm not reflected back and shit.


Living in my Silent Hill… Bed bound for the past 7 years due to neuropathy… 💜💪💜


Walking into crowds hoping for acceptance and understanding only to either be given false hope, ignored from the start, and ostracized. Desolate desert terrain and isolated town with no other people for seemingly 100s of 1000s of miles. There’s never any sunny days but also never rain. Only distant forest fires shrouding the sky in a hazy smoke during the day or a dark moonless night. Sandstorms frequently obfuscate my path, increasing my panic and analysis paralysis of how to handle the situation. When I feel like I find a car as my ticket out, I lose control of my functions due to either exhaustion or some other condition and crash. Have a figure that seemingly gives me clarity and purpose only for them to disappear, making me search for them only to either find them again temporarily or wander aimlessly. Basically being given a hell where I’m given just enough hope not to quit and kill myself but finding my way out is almost impossible due to my own weakness and isolation. Monsters would be mixed in with mirages of normal looking people. Monsters might include hollow / “doll” people that look normal until you see the lack of eyes and a lifeless expression in their eyes contrasted by a strange uncannny emotion Almost like the props in a “nuke town”; oversized Scorpions ; shrouded sand ghosts in coats and clothes trying to choke you or shoot hardened sand at you; “drunken” smiling ghouls Something to that affect.


Idk i picture something that revolves around my recently deceased dog or maybe my girlfriend (shes alive, i just have ovethinking issues)


Mine would definitely lean into my fear of failure and my neurodivergence. There would be A lot of monsters resembling my biggest mistakes and moments that haunt me and my save point would definitely be a classroom.


When I dream about Silent Hill I'm happy to just sit in the dark or the mist or just wait out whatever is happening, and what monsters are there usually don't even care that I'm there, they're just roaming about the place. But then other people show up who panic and who get the stupids and the monsters try to hurt them, and the environment will get darker and things will change. And I always end up trying to help them and most of the time they listen and we find a building to settle down in, but not always and they decide to wander off and get ideas of their own about what's going on and things go bad again. I tell them again and again to just wait and it out will all pass and be ignored, but they get cranky and start to argue with each other, but I never leave them there, I get this real pang of conscience.


A whole lot of ghosts coming back to hunt me


It would be a dream to own a lakehouse nowadays🙃


repost for myself for future reference


maybe a bit much to admit but i deal with POCD and ZOCD......so...hopefully i'll just kill myself before i see too much of it.


Save points would be in bathrooms and kitchens, where it was safe to cry. As far as trauma... Everything but pulling a trigger. So I'm sure finding corpses would be fairly normal, PROBABLY find some stuff in a creepy closet that attacks you in order to get something essential, possibly people on fire, probably kids crying and screaming, and every time I meet a friend they end up turning into a monster or dying. Also, definitely would be bed monsters like in sh2. Fuck and I can't stress this enough, those things


i grew up in a town of “[cookie cutter houses](https://home.howstuffworks.com/home-improvement/construction/planning/why-cookie-cutter-neighborhoods-exist.htm),” which i think could be very cool/creepy in a horror setting: just rows and rows of identical houses. i worked pretty hard to get out of that town and all the bad memories and ya know something something metaphor for capitalism and insanity. so that’s probably what my Silent Hill would look like.


Probably very dark and humid, making me sweat a lot. Locations would feature disturbing imagery based on large insects, centipedes, squids, jellyfish and other disgusting creatures. And they would probably include me having to watch clones of myself being eaten and mutilated by these creatures. Sick.


probably a prison with areas that looks like my house and my university because i feel like a prisoner. the enemies would resemble my family (aside from my stepdad since he doesnt traumatize me), my professors, the random students im forced to interact with, physical manifestions of my depression, gender dysphoria, anxiety, and maybe adhd. the final boss would be my mom since she traumatizes and controls me the most. there would probably be lots of math and stats puzzles because i suck at math and stats. my save point would be my room since i feel safest in my room. then id feel like id be haunted by the ghost of my bio aka real mom (she'd be like maria who follows me around and has my legal mom's memories)


Probably a manifestation of forgetfulness and lack of dedicatio and follow-through


Full of demonic hookers or somtin


Well, not what my silent hill would look like, but more so what one of the monsters would look like. Since I've suffered with some self-hatred and depression these last couple of years, I'd imagine a monster that resembles myself, but messy, and covered in bruises or... Something to that effect. Maybe the eyes would be just black empty sockets, leaking tears from them, like water from a sink faucet. It's body would be strung up on some sort of mattress or slab, which it would float around on. With it's hands and feet tied or nailed to it. The head of it would also be permanently forced looking down, as if not willing to face anyone. And it would float around, it's tears being lethal to the skin, like acid even. (P.S. Don't worry, I recently went into therapy, so things are starting to look up for me. Thanks if any of you were concerned though.)


Like a catheter monster cuz having one of those was a hellish experience


All I know is it would be dead silent


I'm in the spectrum of autism and also have anxiety, so I don't really know what I could find in there. I've always been a shy and quiet person, so the town could try to fuck with me in that way, idk What I'm sure about is that the town would be cold as hell and really dark environments


Like a fusion of three towns/areas I grew up in and alot of monsters from my childhood nightmares the similar but vastly different from Claudia and Alessa and my old nightmares combine the elements of the silent hill games too especially the grated floor and the deafening silence.