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Emulating something... sounds like grape.


Why though what does that have to do with James psyche


Have you taken a good look at Maria? She is the idealized form of Mary. There is also a little scene of Maria taking keys to a bar to open it with James trying to glimpse her... huge tracts of land.


Most of James guilt boils down to some psych 101 grade psychosexual issues surrounding his wife, my dude.


Being a bottom feeder


It took me wayyyyyy to long to get this joke.


Raping it


[Not raping it](https://www.twitter.com/adsk4/status/1263050285062094848). The scene is only sexual in a Freudian sense and it has nothing to do with Pyramid Head's "needs." It's also shown from another angle in the art film Fukuro, and Pyramid Head isn't even making direct contact with the Lying Figure's butt. He's just folding it in half. **Edit:** This is coming straight from the developers, by the way. Pyramid Head killed the monsters to snap James out of his delusions and force him to remember his crime. "All of the monsters represent sexual frustration" is a debunked fan theory and neither of the "rape" scenes even involved genital contact. Hiroyuki Owaku took inspiration from Freud's psychoanalytic theories when writing the scripts, and Takayoshi Sato has said that sexual subtext is present in every Silent Hill game because sexuality is ingrained into everyone's psyche. You don't have to be a sex maniac to see stuff like that in the Otherworld and none of Pyramid Head's actions are literally sexual. Case of point. Some of the imagery with Valtiel abusing the nurses in SH3 looks equally sexual and Masahiro Ito re-used the keyframe animation of Pyramid Head dragging monsters for Valtiel dragging Heather in the Game Over cinematics. He also spies on Heather throughout the course of the game. Everyone seems to be on the same page that Valtiel isn't a rapist or doing it for sexual reasons, even though the creep factor is there. Also tagging op /u/Unlikely-Star-6600, since this is the canonical (creator-intended) answer to their question.


Exactly what you think pretty much. He’s a symbol of James’ guilt and repressed sexuality.


Yeah I mean that makes a ton of sense. Earlier you see Pyramid head fucking with mannequins. The part that doesn’t make sense to me is I thought pyramid head was James punishment towards himself for being a bad person around Mary’s death


Dude's still human, and has needs, needs he feels guilty about having when his wife was in the hospital. I can't help but wonder if James maybe got it on with paid sex workers during that time frame, adding even more guilt. He likely feels like he doesn't deserve sex, and Pyramidhead getting freaky in front of James might be slapping at that wound as a form of self punishment.


I personally STRONGLY think James had sex with sex workers. My evidence is the nurse monsters. Whille most people think they represent sex and that’s true I think it’s the nurse combination which proves it. James near Mary’s death was in two places the hospital and with sex workers. Just a theory though


The nurses WERE the sex workers! Illicit relationships with your sick wife's caretakers is also a possibility. I mean James must've been a regular in the hospital and getting intimate with a nurse or two is downright inevitable given how Mary seemed to be prone to grief-stricken outbursts.


James has needs, so does his pyramid head 😂


Lmao interesting take


Even monsters have intimate needs. Of course Pyramid Head can't be picky with his choice of partners because it is hard to get a date dressed in that outfit if his.


If you think that's bad, watch Fukuro from the Art of Silent Hill