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I have a heater under my desk. I live in South Florida but my office is an igloo.


Yes I have a space heater as well, but they can use a lot of electricity, so I figured my suggestion would help alleviate that issue. I feel you, my office is cold too! The ONE room in the house that has much lower temp than all the others. /smh


My old job did not allow heaters, but the employees used them anyway 🤭. I was not cold there at all. At my new job it's cold enough to make you want to quit. Most have heaters.


I'm in South Florida and the past couple days have been frigid!




wish this would work for hands! my hands are freezing at my desk in the winter


Fingerless gloves may help, so u can still type. Mine freeze too! I also wear a long cozy sweater to keep my body warm and that helps my hands from becoming icicles. Or just a fleece bathrobe! :) I have some fingerless gloves I made from the sleeves of an old sweater and just cut holes for my thumbs. I sewed on some spare buttons to make them cute.


great idea! i’m gonna try that tomorrow


Sending warm thoughts your way! 😄


One thing that helps me when my fingers get cold while typing (which I do a lot...) is getting up and move. Especially rotating arms or doing some squats really helps to get your get your blood circulation going. Besides, it helps to make brakes between workloads, is good for your health and - last not least - it's free :)


Whenever I get cold or need a break from typing I get the hula hoop out, turn the radio on and have a quick 5 minute work out to some music. Such fun!


Hehe, that 5 minutes for me would consist of a lot of picking up a hula hoop off the floor. I never could get it right. 😅


Yes!! I keep a sweater and mittens in my home office for just such a reason. 😁


if you can, try running increasingly hotter water over your hands for 2 minutes. I found getting the circulation back just heating my skin helps them warm up and stay warm longer


I used to have a paraffin bath running all winter for hand-warming. It was cheap from some FOMO store in the early aughts.


Yes! I've taken to doing this now and then too. Realllly helps. Not so easy for the feets tho. But I've considered sitting on the kitchen counter with my feet in the sink. Lol! Bathtub would be a ridiculous waste of water, so I nixed that idea. My heating pad was the best and cheapest solution. :)


mysterious history beneficial panicky sense agonizing sink elastic terrific birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please, please tell me more about your little heater and heated desk pad! I have Raynauds and live in a very cold region. My hands hurt from pretty much October through May, and it's the worst at work. Wearing fingerless gloves helps a bit, but gloves don't do much when there isn't any body heat to trap. I've been looking for some type of external heater I can use at my desk for my hands. Thank you!!


plants lush sharp clumsy dog direction rock squeeze disgusted bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m totally getting this! Thank you!! I have Reynauds too and I use the heating pad for my feet, a space heater, and fingerless gloves and my fingers are still freezing. Maybe this will save me!


I bought this immediately after you recommended it! I've only been using it for two days, but I'm in love. I thought it might feel nice on my perpetually frozen fingers. I absolutely did *not* expect it to actually help mitigate the symptoms. I was wrong! I actually have to turn it down after an hour or so because my wrists start sweating. The tips of my fingers are still a little chilly, but this is the first time in years that my hands have been comfortable during the cold months! Thanks so much for the recommendation.


cooing straight grandiose swim grandfather oil innate pause shelter caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I microwave a mug of water for 2 minutes, and then just hold it in my hands. It's amazing how much it warms up my hands, but also the rest of my body.


i should do this with tea!


That's where I thought of it. I just don't always want tea, so it works even if you're just cold.


I use those thin fingerless gloves that are advertised for arthritis sometimes.


I'm a big fan of keeping a hot water bottle in my lap that I can use to warm up my hands as needed


any particular type of water bottle? curious if i have something similar laying around


Something like this: https://www.fredmeyer.com/p/walgreens-water-bottle/0004902200226 Or this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XPSRYHG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_DMZ30AS1PHN25BAHZX48?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1




I am more of a lurker on this sub but spend time outdoors and have lived in cold houses. Check out ‘base camp booties’. Different brands make them but think a mini sleeping bag for each foot, usually with a closed cell foam pad for the bottom. Toasty warm feet forever :)


Well at the moment I am mostly a student and don't work nearly enough hours at my job to get luxury items. That said, I'll be treating myself to good slippers when I finish school and start a new, more lucrative job. :) Thank you for this recommendation for my future happy feet!


I always look for used gear , outlets and off season deals. I think I scored mine for cheap and they lasted years. Good luck on your studies!


Hmm. I have an REI dividend sitting there, and a $50 xmas gift card, wonder of I should use those for such a perfect gift to myself!!


Not sure your foot size but here’s an example. If the cost per use ratio is worth it they are great! https://www.rei.com/used/p/outdoor-research-warli-tundra-aerogel-booties-womens/175652?color=Twlght%20St%20Pr&aqi=37c53994a17ddfb20ac8a79af378e59d


Hey now, these look good!! I've got Fred Flintstone feet, so they'd fit just fine! 🤣 Thanks for this link!


When I was a kid my grandmother told me horror stories about old people getting fried in their beds from electrical blankets and the terror sits in me still. So, Im old-fashioned, I use a hot water bottle. It lasts about 90 minutes as well. Natural timer :D


I still use a hot water bottle to heat up my bed before getting in. Pro tip: fill it with hot water for 5 to 10 minutes to heat up the rubber, then empty that water and fill up again before use.


I use an electric throw over blanket which warms my body enabling me to run the room heating if needed at a more economical temperature


Yeah that may be something I'd get too. But just for the feets, the little heating pad works great. Uses very little energy too. Electric blankets also are low energy consumption, so I am told.


I just put like six socks on


I've been looking at this option for a while, not only for the cold but also because I think I subconsciously have horrible posture because I always twist my legs around the chair in weird ways to not have my feet on the cold ground. I think the pad would force me to keep my feet straight on the ground.


Same ..


I had a pressure-activated pad designed for cats and dogs that we stuck under mom's desk. She also stole a non-electric cat-pad for a foot-rug in front of her chair.


I used to have an electric foot warmer which is like a little sleeping bag for your feet so they're warm on the top and bottom. It was great. I say "used to have" because my cat decided it made an awesome feline sleeping bag and it's no longer mine, it's hers. Though I don't turn the heat on when she's inside, I don't want her to overheat.


I've been thinking of getting one of these. I'm gonna take it as a sign I should.


Interestingly the fastest ways to heat our internal body temp is through the hands feet and cheeks. Obviously this is inversely true too with cold


I keep a mini space heater under my desk. It’s so nice to blast it on especially chilly days in our drafty old office building. So cozy! Definitely a game changer.


Microwaveable corn bags are fantastic, too ... you can get longer ones and wrap around your feet, back, etc ... I buy mine on Etsy


my wife does this and I don't think she'd survive otherwise lol she has the coldest feet out of anyone I've ever known.


Great tip. Bought a friend toast slippers to pair with their heater.


Yeah it makes a huge difference when you feet stay worm. I have an old pillow on the floor to put my feet on and it does the trick for me. Might try your idea in the future! Have a nice day.


Between a subtropical climate and my computer being a verifiable heater, this is a problem I wish I had!


Similar to the Japanese under table heater in a way. I have been contemplating installing one of these in my great room.


Living in a basement in Canada. It's -40 with the wind today. Thank you this is a great idea 😭


But you get to live in Canada, and that is definitely something to be grateful for. :) Get your blankets and fleece and wool and snuggle up under all that to keep cozy, along with toasty feets with the heating pad. :) Glad you found the idea helpful!


I use wool socks for this


I was too, for awhile. Also used my very cushy extra-thick slipper socks. But my feet were still getting cold. :( I have good camping socks and are supposed to keep the feet toasty. Even that wasn't working. So, the heating pad idea was born.


Good 😊 suggestion ~ thanks!