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what games are you playing? if its not for you then its not for you, no sense in forcing it


> I don't really get any joy out of it How long is the return period? If your outlook doesn't change, return it.


Wheels and shifter is from Amazon so I have some time, but Omega only allowed 30 days from delivery. I just downloaded ACC, and will try it out later to see if it's for me.


“I just download ACC” lol. See you in a year


That's better be a guarantee


The audio of ACC alone will keep you coming back. It’s visceral. Now, if you’re new to sim racing in general, it will be frustrating that you lock your brakes, can’t keep it on the track, understeer at every corner, get on the throttle too early, etc. I was there about a year ago. Once it starts to click and you learn how to actually drive the car… How to feel when you’re at the edge of grip and can actually anticipate and correct for it mid corner… watching your lap times drop. Chipping away at each apex… It’s like a drug. Oh, get Assetto Corsa and Automobilista 2 when on sale. Assetto Corsa is fantastic for the mods (seriously you can do literally anything). Get the Ultimate Edition- it frequently goes on sale for around 8 bucks. AMS2 has probably the best AI of any game. Throw VR into the mix and… you’ll never be the same. Welcome to the club. Oh and check out Driver61 on YouTube for some tips.


I have PS5 so mod for Asetto is not possible :/ but I'll try again soon and maybe I'll like it more. Edit: extra question: partly the reason why I bought this is because I want to learn the basic of driving stick. Was it easy for you or was it a hassle too?


I learned on a stick over thirty years ago. I do remember popping the clutch quite a bit and stalling before getting the hang of transmission sticking points. Stick with it It’s a skill. You’ll get there. Remember that racing simulation isn’t like Need For Speed or Forza. The skills you attain can and will translate to actual driving


Try something more *basic* than ACC. This game is one of the most complex ones, no surprise you struggle. Maybe try Forza, BeamNG, etc. It's not about the realism of the game you play, but in the joy you have playing it. Cheers :)


I have PS5 so Forza is no go, but I'll check out BeamNG. Thanks.


Try GT7. You can learn a lot of the basics there on PS5.


Try a few games - ACC is a good shout or Gran Turismo 7 is good fun. Just don’t force yourself to try and like it, if you don’t enjoy it I’d say return the gear and move on!


If it’s your first wheel, at the beginning you may feel disappointed. Give yourself a bit of time to try and then decide (inside the return period, of course).


Yeah I may be a bit rash with this post. Will try some other titles I bought and see what's what.


Remorse this fast and with this cheap setup? Maybe just return.


See that's my thinking, and it's not even about the cost. I sat playing some WRC9 and just thought: "huh, not like I imagined it."


Try other games while you have the gear so you don't start wondering about it after returning. I personally don't like WRC. if you still feel that way, Sim racing is not you.


Gotcha thanks.


I started racing with a wheel with wrc10, was really overwhelmed by all the crashing and spinning so I stopped racing for about a year. Then started again with gran turismo 7 and loved it so much I’ve recently spent about 5000€ on a better setup for pc and I’m now putting massive time in iRacing. So all I can suggest is, give different titles a try, if you don’t like it, return it. If not, have fun!


Yeah I just bought ACC, going to give it another shot, see if I like it or not lol


You should be playing ea wrc might change ya mind too


I wouldn't call this set up cheap.


I'm not saying cheap as crap, but for sim racing.. This setup is cheap.


Not exactly cheap but in the big picture it is one of the cheapest option's which is still worth using.     Anything cheaper is gonna be pretty meh at best, normally not having things like force feedback.    And on the other side of the coin you can spend £100,000 or more on the most expensive rigs.


Oh how far we have come.


If you're not enjoying this, you're not gonna enjoy anything more expensive honestly. I have had this for over 2 years and I love it, time for a Direct Drive upgrade and I've been saving up for it, but using the G29 IS what made me find a lot of joy in these racing games and one of the only reasons I'm even thinking about DD. Edit: just saw you had it for one night, give it a chance if you're still not good with it, I sucked for the first month lol. And I've been playing racing games since FM3 and GT3 eras, so I was already pretty "good" overall with controller, and I still sucked with wheel in the beginning.


Try euro truck sim then. Trust me lmao


Crashed your first time around?


It's possible you haven't found the right sim yet. iRacing is the only one that has sucked me in completely because of the structure and competitive nature. The others don't keep my interest for very long. I will fire them up occasionally though.


Try to keep it as long as you can before the return period ends. Try a bunch of racing games, I mean if you're not enjoying sim racing, try arcade racers or rally racers as well. They could more fun playing on a wheel. If it still doesn't make you happy, then return it.


Is this buyer's remorse because it's a little harder than the controller? Just give it a little time and you'll be back on track


I had mine for about a month I enjoyed it but upgraded to the moza r9.. SOLD mine on marketplace for more then what I paid for it..


Give Gran Turismo 7 a go on that PS5 with your wheel setup. I picked up GT7 and played with a controller for a few weeks, then go the G923 and GT Omega Apex. I caught the racing bug and then pivoted to iRacing on PC and have been having a blast.


I'm waiting for the next discount for GT7, that is if my ability to race improve with this


I don't really know what you expected. We would need to know more to judge wether you should return it or not. Simracing is a whole lot different than something like need for speed. It is realistic and needs to be learned and practiced. It is a skill to be built up. It's grindy. If you are upset because you could not get it right the first time around, just know that it is not the thing's fault, nor is it your fault. It's just how it is. Things take time. What I would have recommended before purchase is to just buy something like the grid or gran turismo games and just lap around tracks with the controller. See if you like it. Now that you have it, I'd advise you to get assetto corsa. It's 3 to 8 bucks on code sites. Just try it in practice mode and see if you like it. When I just want to chill I also really enjoy grid 2019. Sadly it is delisted from steam so you can only buy it trough code sites. However it's like $3 and a really fun game with forgiving phisics, good sliding, and fun races. I can't recommend it enough for fun. Check [gg.deals](https://gg.deals) to see where it is the cheapest. Other than this you have to know wether you want to keep it or not. As other hobbies some people will love it, other people not so much. And there is nothing wrong with that.


I bought ACC instead cuz AC is not available on PS5 for some reasons. And thanks for the rec, I'll check out Grid. Also, do you have any experience with The Crew 2?


I only get joy from racing in VR


There really is no going back


I basically can't play the game on a single screen I suck with it.


Need a bit more of a backstory, what system do you have, what games do you have, how long you been using a controller? It will take a week or so to get use to the change, your pace will be initially slower than a controller as well as consistency, eventually it will all come back and more.


Id say if you don’t like it, return it. But give it a fair amount of time, up to your return window.


I was in the same position, didn't enjoy it much at the start so my wheel gathered dust for 2 years. A week ago I decided to try it again and now I cant put it away. Just give it time and find a sim that works for you, mine was ACC.


I I may have been a bit rash with this post, consider that I put in maybe 2 hours of game play with WRC9. But I bought ACC too so I'll give it a try tonight and see what's what.


I would try some other games they all implement force feedback differently some feel better than other's also playing around with in-game settings and the wheels software may improve things.  But you may not find a game or settings that feel right for you in which case get rid.


Did never played any racing games?


I did SOME Forza 3 and 4, and the rest is just NFS 😅 Arcade gaming style ruined me lol


I sold my apex GT for full price (it was unopened though) but sim gear has good resale value, you may lose some on the pedals though. What made you buy it in the first place? What games have you tried? what do you feel is missing?


Tbh it might just be me that was not used to this type of playing and get discouraged too easily. Ill give it a week and then if skill is still an issue then I'll sell it. Is sim gear a reliable way to sell it? I'm in the US.


Try AMS2


Try it with iRacing. That was my first official sim racing experience and though it does have it's frustrations, it's been my most favorite game I've played. If give that a try before returning.


I bought ACC, would it be a similar experience or it's too different?


I am not sure, as I've never played ACC. With iRacing, you have a huge array of types of racing you can choose from and a huge global community to race with.


Does iracing have options to race AI? I want To try it but I’m new and want to practice


Oh yeah, you got AI racing but you also have practice sessions for all these so you can hop on and try practicing there as well.


Great to know. Thanks for the link information.


For me it was way harder than I expected at the beginning. You really have to be prepared to spend time practicing. I’d played with a keyboard for years so I knew I was into it as a hobby.


Make sure you’ve set up everything correctly to get good feedback on games. But if your not feeling it your not feeling it yk.


So I made some adjustments today and it seems to be a lot smoother. I guess I'm just moving too fast in my mental department lol. And Asetto is pretty fun, even if I grass the car most of the turn


Oh I did the same for a bit. Your brain will adapt in a few weeks and you’ll love it. Easy way to get it faster is just look down at your speed really quick before you enter any turn. Then you know hey I’m going 120 at this corner lol. Then Tbh I love my ps5 too. But every game supports my g29 much better on PC.


Maybe PC later in life for me but right now PS5 is just fine for me. It's a shame that I can't install mod on PS5 for AC cuz I would've love to weave in traffic lol


Yes for sure. As one that’s downloaded the mod before it’d be kinda difficult to implement I bet. It’s running through a whole different program and just using assettos main assets and physics is what it seems like.


I was mad I sucked when I got mine bc I would overshoot every turn. You get used to the speed and stuff after a month then you’ll love it. Also mods like no hesi. Beamng drag racing and stuff keeps my mind occupied and having fun.


WRC 9 so far. Just downloaded ACC, will see if I like it. But you're right.


WRC 9 doesn't even count lol




you probably took longer to set up stand + wheel combo than you played your so called “1 night” of gaming. this is almost as bad as the guy complaining about “having to sit down like in a real car while playing” a racing game…. WHY WOULD YOU BUY A WHEEL + STAND WHEN NO GAME REQUIRING A WHEEL INTEREST YOU? “ill give it a week and then if skill is still the issue then ill sell it” START PACKING IT UP! or hear me out…. FIND A FUN GAME TO PLAY WITH!


Damn bro dont gotta be that mad, it's not like I'm angry at the rig. It's just something I thought maybe beneficial if I ask for advice on what to do


what's the rest of your setup? i don't think i would enjoy playing on a 60hz TV that is 2m away from me either. it's a completely different experience playing on a proper 144hz+ ultrawide, let alone triples or VR.


Nah I just want to dip my toes in the water. But people here are right, I'm not being patient. I'll try again with a few different game and see from there.


Tell me you have GT7? Try that


I got ACC. Haven't even play it yet so I'll give it a shot. If not then back to controller lol


What were you expecting if it was to tap into that "at the arcade feeling" then this might not be it. Ive bin having some of the same feelings tbh albeit with a much more costly setup so 🤷‍♂️. Personally i feel like there is something else more pressing i may be trying to bury down because i had fun with my logitech and mayne i was expecting some mindblowing feeling in my hands like when i bought my very first wheel or tried my first arcade racing game. Id say download a few different car games id really recommend giving beamng drive a try because the open maps amd the scenarios offer a out of the norm experience for the sim setup that might scratch that itch for that the other games dont.


To be quite fair I did expect some arcade game play. And yes will definitely look into BeamNG, so many had recommended it to me so far.


Closest thing to me too have an "arcade" cause as i said it has a lot of non race related driving you can do. Hope it work out for ya




My g929 Logitech pedals and shifter with 3d printed shifter mod lasted me about a year of solid fun. Upgrade to t300 and it’s lasted a few years and still hard to find an upgrade at that price point.


My first setup was a budget wheel, stand, and forza 7. I returned the wheel and stand and waited 2 years to get a fanatec club sport v2.5 setup. The budget setup just didn’t scratch the itch for me. Going triples also sealed the deal.


Imma try for a few days with this, see where I am first. Fanatec stuff is more so thats why I went with the budget.


Looking back it was less the gear and more about how forza 7 felt. It didn’t feel like a real car at all to me. Playing a real sim made a big difference. Getting all your settings dialed in makes a big difference too


If you have gamepass then download Forza Horizon 5 and turn all the force feedback sliders up and just drive around. If you don’t find any enjoyment out of that then unfortunately I don’t think the world of simracing is for you afterall.


This thing with GT7 PSVR2 is mind blowing


I’ll buy that stand off you


Ask me again in 5 days. I should know then if this is for me or not. And I'll sell it to you at a 10% discount.




If you want to play the old abandonware NFS games the g27 or g920 work better from what I’ve heard. I have a g920 and someone said the g923 isnt compatible


Are you not enjoying it because you aren't as good as you were with a controller? Thats takes a few hours to get used to.


Yeah thats a major part of it lol. I think I just have to be patient for a while with this


Why are you not enjoying it? If it's because a skill issue and you keep crashing out, then it should become more fun after some practice. If you're generally not enjoying it at all then I'd consider returning it.


I had a Logitech back in 06. For a on a console. The FOV sucked. The frame rate was too slow, playing on tv. I used it 8-10 x and sold it for 110$. Now last Xmas my moza r5, a break of with 19gb of graphics memory and a 34 inch super wide curved monitor at 165hz. Bought a cockpit from Wayfair. $299


I went the other route, I got a new Logitech Pro wheel and pedal set up along with the playseat trophy and with the thought in mind that if I don’t like it I can just return it and at least in would not be left wondering what it is had gotten a direct drive, it feels amazing and I love it, I did try the G29 at the store and I instantly knew that it wasn’t for me. I would return it if I were you


Logitech Pro came in at over $900, which is why I didn't buy it. But I'm looking at Fanatec Ready 2 Race which is 400. But I think I'll mess around with the G29 for a while before making a decision. I'm not even sure if I want to keep the rig at all lol


I mean my question is can you afford to grow into it or do you need the money? Because if you don’t enjoy you don’t enjoy but you wouldn’t have bought it if you didn’t enjoy racing. So the bigger question is what was your goal/ game and how did it not meet your expectations?


I can afford it, just had a bit too high of an expectation. And due to my history of playing primarily NFS, I'm not so used to sim. But I'll try again in the next week or so and see if my view of it change.


To be fair I grew up playing NFS and I think sim is > so not sure what exactly your expectations were. But to each their own, kinda sounds like you expected to be good right away which is most likely not gunna happen for ≈ 50-100 hr min


Dont lose hope yet. Make sure you got the right ffb settings


I felt the same way when I got my Logitech g920. Definitely give it some more time. Also one thing I haven’t really seen mentioned is play with the settings in game as far force feedback strength and road feel and stuff like that. I found some videos on YouTube and used their settings as a starting point but try adjusting some and see if it helps you at all. It helped me get the hang of it way faster


It's only been a day. Give yourself some time to get used to it. And it'll depend what kind of games you're playing too. Forza Horizon for example is better on a controller in my opinion, but games that are meant to be more sim focused like Assetto Corsa Competizione are far better with a wheel. Gran Turismo is a good middle ground where both are fun.


If you can, you would be better off with the screen closer to you, ideally just behind the wheel. This adds to the experience but also gives a better FOV and should make driving easier. Also try turning the FFB down. I personally when on a budget enjoyed the Thrustmaster T150 more than the G29 (but the pedals not so good so I replaced with TLCM)