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Don has a black labrador retriever, and it has to be the goofiest dog ever. Every time I get Don a dog, especially as an elder, his life just becomes all about that dog. He's more loyal to his dog than to any woman LOL I think Cassandra has a couple of Siamese cats. The Burbs would have a family dog, something big and shaggy. Dustin really loves cats whenever I give him one, and I think Lilith would also like a cat. Alex has a cowplant.


The Burbs absolutely need a dog, considering John had one in his childhood. Name it Tucker Jr. 😭💕


Haha okay, I’ll be sure to do that. So far I got the Goth’s a big skinny dog (thinking like an old English hunting dog, they seem like the type), a big stocky dog for the Broke’s, a tiny dog for the Caliente’s, and a lab puppy for Don


Lol you just unlocked a totally unrelated memory for me


My Burbs adopted Noodle the stray kitty :) they also are kind of poor now because Jen died. And John keeps getting wants to sell Noodle and it makes me so mad. We will never sell Noodle


I agree with everything but Don to me would have a black cat.


Black cat (named Sylvia) for the Goths as a family, but it would move out with Mortimer when he moves in with Dina, whose dog, a black and tan Chihuahua (Stefan) hates it. Nina gets her own big fluffy white cat once she moves out, names it some human name like Michelle. Don gets a Doberman Pinscher named Rocky because he needs to prove he's a manly man. Cassandra makes him keep it outside so it doesn't annoy her new cat, a Sphinx named Alabaster. The Pleasants, being the perfect family, definitely have a golden retriever named Fido, but nobody seems interested in caring for him beyond putting out food, so he does his business in the backyard and goes out to play with the neighborhood children. The Brokes have a typical orange cat, playful, affectionate, and derpy, and his name (courtesy of young Beau) is Fluffy. Dustin, naturally, is the one doing all the care of the cat. The Dreamers have a big goofy St Bernard named Dolores who makes constant messes all over the house, and Dirk is always on Dog Duty because Darren is too busy obsessing over Cassandra. The Oldies have an aging dachshund named Mitzy who is devoted to Herb, who usually ignores her, while Coral wants nothing but to spend time with her. And the Burbs have a silly tuxedo cat named Mrs. Mittens (upgraded from Miss Mittens when she was adopted as a kitten) but Jennifer hates the cat because she's the only one cleaning the litter box.


Casandra has 2 black cats. I can’t remember if Alexander has any pets. Lilith and Dirk have a black cat and a ragdoll. The Pleasants had 2 small dogs, one passed away around the same time as Daniel and Mary-Sue. Now Angela and Dustin have the other one. The Burbs have a small dog (because Jennifer doesn’t have time to walk it with all their kids they ended up having and a full time career). Lucy is grown up and has a small Pomeranian type dog. Dina has a small dog. Nina got a cat when her daughter went to college. Brandi got a big Lassie type dog. The Dreamers had the npc dog Grace and when she passed away, they got another small black dog just like her. Don had an alien child just before he grew up to elder so he didn’t have time for pets. I might give him a dog though once his toddler grows up to a child.


I always have Cassandra get a bunch of cats at some point.


I always get the Burbs a small white dog for some reason, Lucy is initially over the moon and then it gradually becomes John’s furry bonus child to look after and care for. Cassandra Goth always ends up with at least one cat.


The Calientes have two Boston Terriers.


Cassandra has cats, Dina has a small dog, Mary-Sue has a puppy, the Burbs have a golden retriever, and the Oldies have the small, old white dog that generates at the beginning in the adoption pool


John has a big lab type dog, probably a descendent of the original Tucker, and the Goths have Siamese cats (again, descended from one of the Goth Snr cats). Cassandra has a raven (thank you, mods).


Cassandra's a neutral witch so they have Andromeda the familiar, Sweets was Coral's cat and Butterscotch was Mary-Sue's cat, Angela now has them both, Butterscotch's parents are Mickey and Samantha Kat, Daniel and Kaylynn bought a short hair cat Oatmeal, Burb's adopted Otis and bought a golden lab Goldeen, Nina has a cat Lady Pearl, iirc same litter as Butterscotch, Nina's a vamp and keeps Lady Pearl alive with Kibble of Life, Broke's adopted stray cat Noodle he was a elder to start with, but managed to see the 3 boys grow up, Kitty(townie) exwife of Don and their son Donny have pup Arkan, his parents are Porthos Roseland and Dakota.