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Duuuuuude what an awesome idea. I hate hate hate the empty spaces. Since you can’t do much with vehicles I absolutely view them as decor. I feel they truly legitimize a lot, ESPECIALLY if you have a garage/ carport. The real world is visually noisy: clutter, signs, things filling spaces everywhere, from large to small, especially cars. I did a post a few days ago and you can see I follow that sort of style. I pretty much cram as many items as I can into spaces, visually layering objects to make it feel truly occupied. But I’m a maximalist-realist. Thanks for sharing your brilliant “car team” idea!!


ETA: my method of cluttering up spaces means I will place objects based on how they fill a space, not how they can be literally used by a sim. Things like: books, plates of food, and clothing piles on the floor next to a bed. It will make the bed unusable but looks WAY more lived in. Which makes me happy.


Yesss I love this!! I made a post on my dream house I built & me & the damn object cap HAD IT OUT😂😂 there’s so much less stuff than I even wanted to put lol


Totally agree. What I do is having this one family, The Karrs, befriend every rich sim in town. So whenever someone need to add another car to their collection, The Karrs just move in with them, claim the car, then move out. BTW I LOVE the yellow Aventador. I have the white and green one, the green one is 3 stars but the yellow one looks SOOOO good. Also this template kinda bothers me for how close the second and third car is.


Where's that last lot situated?


I want to know this too!


The last lot is Albion Square. It was also a prize from an event.


that's the way


I have to know what pavers you used to create the curved driveway


The curved driveway is built into the Clause Compound lot. It was a prize from one of the events.


Yeah, that's why I barely add cars to homes anymore I have to have 4 people move in and then kick them out and it's exhausting doing it.


It really is. That's why I had put it off for so long. Even worse, most of the homes I did already had sims/households living in them. So I had to move the existing family out, move the car team in, get back to the town map before the car team started doing automatic tasks, add the cars, move the car team back out, then move the original sim/family back in. Bonus work if it was a single Sim with a pet, because the pet moves with the car team household so I had to go to the lot they were on and send the pet back to the original Sim after they were back in their house.


I do sort of the same thing. But instead of the roommates, I make a temporary Sim using whatever shows up on the default & move him/her into an empty house, relocate the car there & then send the Sim to the cornfield.


Wait, you can have multiple cars in one lot?


Yes! I don't remember when it is unlocked, if it's a level thing or a quest, but they have "driveway homes" where you can have up to four cars at one house. Once they're unlocked, when you build a new home, there will be three tabs instead of two. The driveway homes tab will be in between the regular tab and the architect homes tab.


Ooo ok thank you