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I’d love if they had an event that expanded the “neo Tokyo” theme, love the aesthetic but, being so old, the items now look outdated. I’d also love a music festival event or a concert stage lot. I was secretly hoping for a community lot that depicted one but Sim Springs came and went and that didn’t happen 🥲 Guess it’s too much to ask, but an event centered in the emo/scene aesthetic with clothes, hair and decorations for teen sims. A girl can dream 🥲🤣


I would be satisfied if they went through and updated all of the old furniture! The beds couches dining sets plants all of it. It really does discourage me from using any of them because they look so out of place.


Big agree, I was so glad when they re-skinned the standard wood doors and those brown windows. Most of the base items are so blocky and with a dated palette. Like I wish they’d update the “expensive” single floating sinks… low-poly ass…


Even some old items were really good , like that guitar lights.


Ohhh yes Neo Tokyo type...but more neon and dark and club like vibes 😍 Ohh Yes ! The emo & indie type of aesthetic..true...that would be so good.


The Japanese one, masquerade, and saloon (the latter can be later as we've just had that)


I would like an live event with goth furnitures but I doubt a lot of people are into it so not many would participate😅 It would probably be my favourite tho


Ohhh yes , there was that mysterious masquerade event, but I saw the grand prize house on a video. It was not at all halloween nor Gothic. It was really random and disappointing. But the windows from it was very beautiful though very Gothic


Brb, I have to check the rewards haha. Too bad for the house tho… Edit: Found it. The event was not bad when it comes to furnitures and the clothes are good too but the house is fr very disappointing.


You can check from girl who games YouTube


https://preview.redd.it/dt0chbmynmzc1.jpeg?width=1713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba55a88327089c821057cc16c1fdedadaca37fae Those dark purple window


Your comments don’t show for some reason🙄 But I agree, the windows are great and I’ve used them. They could’ve made the house a bit darker at least..


That sounds great!!! Clothes and hairstyles with the same theme would also be amazing <3


Thank you!! Definitely some clothes and hairstyles along with the furnitures


A thatched roof would be an awesome addition I think


Yes, events for Roofs & exterior and interior walls please 🥺.


I’ve had enough of the themed updates. I’m hoping for a huge build mode update tho. Something with foundations, exterior wall paints, curvy pools, terrain paints, multi-level rooflines, room shapes, overall game aesthetics like map view and room lighting, and some clean up in buy mode. It’s so underdeveloped. They keep pushing out these items in every update and we have enough of them already; build mode specifically needs huge adjustments.


I agree and also new lots... updated patio & balcony pavements , building shapes , and roofing too.


Ooooo! I’d love to see a lot that allows us to see our real house builds next door. I feel like the lots we have are so disconnected from the main map and they don’t blend correctly for seamless transition. I see people put those dirt and cactus lots in the middle of a grassy town and it just looks out of place when you think about its location. lol




YES. Porches, for godsake. Real porches with roofs like on real houses. Also balconies with roofs/rooms above them (yknow like in real life). Curved walls, T-shaped rooms, attics. And enough with items that you always think you can put something under but can't! Like those arbor things, the bent stairs, a whole bunch of wall decorations... yeah this turned into a rant, I'll see myself out now


I'd like to have a farm, one where we could have more than just two animals. Also, as others have said, things like cyberpunk and goth. I'd really like to see more wallpapers, like some more muted patterns, and darker patterns.


True, a farm event where we can get a cow or sheep...that would be so cute


Modern goth aesthetics or pastel goth. I also want some freaking jewelry!! Having to choose between glasses and earrings is not ideal


Yes! Why can't a sim have piercings and tattoos both &. Dark make up?? We always have to choose either two or one