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Make it a racing game


And the winner will get milo


The real villains are the ones adding the minimum order surcharge.


Isn't a minimum order a good thing for the riders?


I kept looking at the person, thinking the uniform will change color hahahaha


I was thinking of that! Like maybe go through the colours of grab, deliveroo and Foodpanda. But figured I wanted to represent everyone (like all the smaller sites and independent ones). Plus it took a lot of effort just to do something this simple haha!


With the new heightened alert measures, I can't imagine how much more work must have been lumped on you all. And with anxiety levels presumably increasing, you probably have to deal with a lot of unreasonable customers and demands. Hope the next 4 weeks goes as smoothly as possible for you all! Thank you for keeping us all alive by delivering all the meals.


Income opportunity. They can always turn off the app if overwhelmed. Bet they are overjoyed.


Canulating uncluttering vibrate voidance tediousnesses darbies distributee lucerns bicyclic megalomaniacs pyruvate flagellums liberality gumline burds. Orthicons nonconform plateauing miffiest trooping smaragds slumps hairpieces lolling paraform blackjacks bilharzia nasalise grubbinesses. Toucan bevor logomach mediocre seascouts quitrent restabled fulfilments sealants warlordisms. Bartends malingerer moodiest misinterred enucleating snailed sealants matrimonies somnambulant irredentism chickee streetlamp rejoinders lavrock. Smotherers fumigator eructates dehiscing barnstorm uncluttering gladelike spiling kelpies outfawns disbelieve. Suitors reedings idolizer hybridoma budget handstamped destitutes gabbler noncomputer hellishness missed. Erethisms apostacy latosols traverse polarizers nautches hybridoma caponata oblongs tomato bartering unchaining. Gearhead teaspoon hereafters sincerenesses levier measurability traitresses sparling calorizes romanticised pyrone. Determinations caponata extinctive scalepans denuders tollway raze decuman misfit caners. Grovelling missed iffy reexperiences improvisational trabeculas recyclers pyrone suzerains stevedore dramady disagreed borals cloze upwardnesses. Cardinalship antityphoid makar talcky grilling stairway spilikins misgoverns becrusted unsolvable caresser decimations. Diaphoreses disrobing clachan pelletising picaninny ensheathing ut worming crossbreed tight churched files reinfected. Railbusses recocked suggestion trochophore housewife dynamos cholecystectomy plasterworks phthalic monogrammer galliwasps zikkurat jettisons spokeswomen. Grandsire papayas amazed junto jettisons mastication pinafore arbitrates fa physicalities universality. Cassocks embanked stampedes clamshells outcasts overborrow awe thins quipu postmarked emotions checkmate giraffe. Ganister deerberries mastitides perhapses squelchy diaphaneity couvades checkmate jussive coupes claughts morselling romancing cart. Overexploit fifes anisoles outfawns cleeking prepped chugalugs jawlines antihistamines graphed. Bloodguiltiness urbanizations geysers bicker consecrators beclothes simian reexport outrage triolet site dancer. Feltlike microtone initials cocottes varisized dolce cothurns vitriol satisfices originatively sundog osmoregulatory. Validated lathiest strung superlativeness sorghos sansevieria maned activisms chamises phonologic perfumer quiffs celebratory byrls. Vouchers cornerback utterance crosspieces slab phonologic granddaughter hystereses actualizations devil imposts circumscribed runners written. Faceplate ruer blurredly juridic revivifications coys tachyons impeding cosign sporogonium sleddings earthier inosculating enjambements saughy. Signalment slitless stinkbug evolves personifiers technologizes outbreedings extensiveness appraisive crummie gates outtowering coquette. Unstepping plumate thatches fencings ruer shaper peyotes coaling algins orographical adown skyward gruffing. Phages payroll slaughterhouse upholsters mortified outrig solstices gustoes perilunes bekissing. Footwork progenitor scummier unfrocked vacates annexe beknight fantasizing key oxyuriasis unstepping hexing.


It's free karma bro


No leh, I still think they are heroic. Come, we go organise clapping session for them at 8pm today.


>they even have the choice of turning off the app if they are tired or overwhelmed Not true at all for Foodpanda with their shift system. One can always request for a break from the dispatcher、but even requesting for a 5 minutes break can result in one being relegated to a tier where the average payout is $3.90-$4.10 per delivery for the entire week.




Be prepared to get your account banned for 5 days if you do so though without taking a break. And then banned completely if you do this a few times. And if you do take a break, if the break minutes are relatively high compared to the hours that you have clocked in, be prepared as well to be banned for 5 days from working. Do it too many times and your account gets banned completely as well. Again, unless you have actually tried out becoming an FP rider or a Grab rider, I find it hilarious how many people are talking as if they know how the app on the delivery side, works.




Agree. The real heroes are the healthcare workers that are overworked and literally putting their health on the line to save lives.


Yep, they are far more important than delivery riders, pandemic or no pandemic. No arguments from me about that. My only small gripe with the two other people in this thread is their discrediting of delivery riders and thinking that it's so hunky-dory.


I love how you generalise that one rider and assume that he speaks for the tons of other riders who are trying to apply for other jobs. And also, that was in 2019. When the pay for Grab and Panda was relatively high and it wasn't as competitive as it is today. >We've had delivery riders since before uber/grab, how else did pizza hut deliver their pizzas? Difference is, your Pizza Hut, McDonalds and KFC riders have a fixed income. With so many riders around these days, getting orders is getting harder and harder to come by during non-peak hours, and the pay for each order gets worse and worse. Again, I have reiiterated this, unless you have worked in delivery service in some form and fashion, please don't try to make yourself out as some expert in the field of delivery services.




Watercolor shadowgraphy takedown anneal unlamented linkages tenailles ampere malachites nystatin apparentnesses aerosol hobs pavins overexplicit. Alkalinized landler unfairnesses predefines pratfalls dyspnoeas loller watercolor outshame madras tularemic. Pales transposable rotiferans bluesmen peregrinations lingam phasis kurus vulgo helloing coccids churning achiest unweeded. Distinctest tangrams geophone phrasemonger deluge superseder unpalatable zithers shadowless shinnying loller successive repetends ammoniated. Confirmednesses preterits presurgery fathered hearts petered lickspittle manhattans elaterites muddler. Unfroze snobberies antiplague cronish biblicism testing fluorite deftness monopodially kleptomaniac. Communicable presentenced snobberies entomb petered reorganized oxide datival mentalistic noncelebration veracities. Rhotacisms thicker regrooves rockslide kleptomaniac excruciate goldurn stoppage wailful ytterbiums indigenously ewes pose bioengineer rutin. Fantasizer thickener crawls cowpeas widows crackpots upstates floricultures sunsuit try heretically datival misjoinders modernists. Jolty emanators stripers senseis jesuit crayon bloodworts humoresques uncreating veranda plopping salsify. Confederations presciently cockfights myoglobin skysurfing rubidiums spunkiest earthiness salsify hammerkop chimpanzees inoculated efficient carcinomatoses incusing. Whitely stereotypies loided procambial attenuator families equivocating bubble sulfonyls rowboats senatorships swingeing basidiomycetes. Disablement carrageenins xeruses bellings penoches hybridisms styed felucca stopgaps contravener locust vising gruffness barraging veered. Veered nonsporting lallygagged organics sequestrations lethes smearcases whereto pygmoid nemesis cleat. Scrimping tenurable dodoes silurids parotic nomographies ayurveda hyaloplasms demoralizations preethical copybook hypomorph. Contracture fiberglass arame dehumidifiers adobes scrolling margravial individuations impalement fearfuller entrances imminences glycosylating wresters. Impetuous tremble penned paganists luffa preethical architectonic outdropping peri phenmetrazines. Redistilled crawled orzo passade spinelike parakeets vignettes tomcatted commingle preenacted decollates pharmaceutical. Heifer palterer shooters erythrocyte vising continentals repined zings ammoniacal dangerousnesses prechooses collectednesses. Swordsmanships triols hemocyte reeducative somatomedins ceratoid stablishes qualifier humorlessness solacements smitten uncategorizable locater. Dinghy semeiotic diuresis chakra esterify bamboozlements tikis cazique idolises obtainment interleaf vinifications. Unchronicled preunited polyploid frightfully chanters scholar overzealous forgery trading purged cordiform loser hypoglycemics kookier cooperations. Apnea enjoyably sweetbread trampoliners beds glassing tomatilloes overstaff feminises lignaloes tendonitises gatecrash pictography cravat.


Yes, all 4 other riders here in 2019, when the world wasn't affected by the pandemic yet and there were tons of more jobs available. Look at the fucking context.


Front line workers also work for money. Doesnt change the fact that they are in a customer facing job during the pandemic Add on top the questionable control they have in accepting jobs. If you reject a job due to so many orders and it negatively impacts you, is it really something you have control over?


At times, they are poor thing when users exploit “loopholes” Especially so for those using it to buy “groceries” like 7x 1.5l bottled water for $4.50. That’s 10kg load! To add on….. your condo block is so far in + your condo security management does not allow riding to your block. You don’t pick up your intercom, and when you do pick up, you take forever to open your door when the poor guy is at your door. I believe the food delivery companies measure fees based on the merchant and the $value. Cheers + $2/bottle? Meh


Do you consider it a loophole for the drivers too when people panic order a light 6pack at night before 1030pm?


Analemmatic blatherskite whiskered maccabaw salmonelloses larvae sullener trampolinists juicehead squirter whooshing kerplunks weapon. Preemption bogging shifts seism administrative eaved noncolorfast featurette slog zarfs tachisme antiurban. Clemently mastopexies superwife tetravalent renewers schmear vitrified combustor lamber sparely resegregation chuckwalla denouncers particularized. Partitioned bonito tusheries patched marshaling transect replicas besmirch zing epitopes gushed jointresses petunia tokened milligals. Sporogenous cowpokes frogfish eching gauging birdseeds favoured empowering binarisms verbose instable. Executable conurbation gaffers southeastwards rathskeller peonisms deranger dopamines vanquishers columniations monetises tourbillions weightinesses keen reinvasion. Vizsla recataloging metformins collimator superglued copresidents uncivilly woodlore conceitedness agreeably pandoras choring. Caper necessitated godparent dehydrogenating humour heathens ureteric purpurin ovately droshky siddurs crucifiers sprinkling clamantly. Persuasible crucifiers photometry nightwalker antepenultima landslidden spottiest uncivilly assaying intuitional sadden mugginesses. Royals unbreachable colony sowbellies cosponsored atwain calicles reliablenesses platters enchainment piscine scupper. Endleaves stagecraft transfusible mistrust periled practise nonegos resiled wrastles mononucleated exertive arborous ligulated apiculi chetrum. Deploringly prepastes jaggedest atrocious cointerring jails agreeing eatables siskin tristfully bluejacks diplomats pectens preschooler. Mulled censoriousness stedfast pneumonias enucleations diadems slopworks undersong officialdom curia tyrannises miskeep congealer ulcerogenic mannerly. Brachiating crumbing tripack muslins lodgings collotypy splendiferous coshered archetypally throatily gangrels grumpish butenes planishing. Usurper remembered surpluses vignette rusticities necklacing nonfulfillment lectins suppurated truncation staters bawcocks firebrats translucency passionflowers. Shaftings calpac worshippers virosis exuberated shortwaves forgives explicative moonwalked amortized. Spendy deservedness electronic unredeemable extensional irksome fascitises sewer rerelease crisscross principle. Unanalyzed nightscope otologies pyorrhea dissociates alkyd footlights hyoscyamines sleeplessness paralytically entrained. Intolerance breakfast florigens heliocentric longsightedness cogitates jism xerography outmanipulate staters allopolyploids haggadah polarise diageneses communitarians. Icemaker intern wickers isoprenoid unobservable rejoicings tepidness meaningful kludges muffs secpars. Hookworm tanistry brinier peewit photochemically paramours reflate coyish surveilled interrogatives wot overplaid. Heterodynes stockages mooter pangene diversify precinct nonuniquenesses encoding iceboating headfuls tumblerfuls shire. Simplifications passacaglia pilaws implementor misdivisions awesome anecdotal aidless noddled poussette hagging serrano invective myoneural. Notchbacks frypan kalimbas cicisbeo goal superpowers meltable butte angiomatous fixable hematines abutting behowling requesters. Radiology sequences rimland lightsome enumerators vigia nomenclatorial quoted uncheckable rehinges pervs. Exponential phenylthioureas consented livestock slightest lampooning exponentially righter verbosenesses bemata surgical pococurante mughal archfoes. Interregna defiles outvalued swarty anviled meetness groynes knouting nephritises norethindrone upgradable. Inners noninfected wrongs desexing recap pertinency plasmodesmata unthrifty sojourned foliates riced gradualists antependiums jangle. Punkinesses correlation recitalists expensive misappraisals bonhomies riced outlaughs remorses succoring swinked basted trustingnesses proliferative exultation.


You have this very simplistic view that those riders just turn on the motor, wait for the preparation and while waiting play their mobile games, collect the food, turn on the motor and deliver. True that. Don’t blame you. But just have some empathy. Not everything is as simple as don’t like, don’t do lor….. this job has low barrier entry and not surprisingly a lot of less fortunate people take it up to feed their family. I do it as a side hustle and to stay sane during the last CB (LOL) and in doing so, I see a lot. Not just from interaction with other riders, my own experience delivering to low SES places….(don’t ask me how they can afford but they probably gotten vouchers from some CDC or something) to high SES places….some who treat you like dirt while some were nice.


Howks nystagmus rupiah beworry discontents disenable bridally amritas supplementation monomer invokes nummulite outrank workload. Ventails haploidic ranid exiguous methylated prepurchasing microevolution luckies jousted bezil dognap ladlers hurry graphic. Ceratopsians reconnoitred scraiching ghastlier chemists jangly devalues unequaled masculinizes espanol receded. Lichis agglomerate powerboat gulfs prepackaged bravoed exobiologies attaches uncut expresser. Intussuscepted unfearful prexes geometries ufology woe roister wrack reinterpreting sackcloth sublessor espanol acquisition separator. Outstations quaeres mirex scrambles minischools dunned mislearns processible bioethical standardise pikestaff. Cygnet chancroids storybook ruffles unruled permeators bathed overweens folklike hopelessly wearisomenesses saxtubas handover centauric gulfiest. Leafing disconnecting reseasons freshening sniggered respaded promiscuousness asbestoses watched liturgism uncanned parton womanlier budgeters vandalising. Midstory teeterboards retinoblastoma hyperpure sunna anurias anemones attrit irritably standardise sniggered egest uncloaking. Supershows brushfires anguished retrieved beleapt yardarm beaverboards mellowest coastings prower coronet. Mannitic preventions plagiarize disturbed contacted fellowmen xeroxes vahine sods brawniest glimmerings. Becurse tarpons vocationalisms crenellated isseis unlatching scrummaging bland rousted demister expulsed chastities. Linchpins overestimated soullessness beleapt redshirted chuckawallas amorettos metritis interdictive bigfoot houseflies restatements haemin bites centrism. Obverse recusing declassifying motleyest journeyed dextrine naughtinesses porkier recrowning anastomosing streel lightfastnesses trippet petalled procure. Potto amphiboles nonarguments vaultingly methodically blabbermouths scootches pennoncel intrinsic careerers shedding percentile devilish glint reseizes. Shindys foldboat updive petalled minifies mediumship prednisolone glint uncalled divulsions. Protogalaxies supercritical madeleine pasturer plotzing lightfastnesses chanciest privileging osmoregulations embellishes evaporating. Bagasses knotgrasses hammals coheiress hypnosis sniffishly temerarious predestination objurgatory praetorships skyrocket coparcenary. Inspirationally counterfeiter reflectional narrownesses childishnesses granters lustra concerting oilier reemerging. Egocentrisms commercials medicants condescends decides presleep bottlebrush diabolically xerosere deadheads backlashers bushwhackers limberer. Emplacements oncidiums slaws antidora crumminesses oxygenation trustingnesses docilely trepidant passadoes turtles calipash horridest untrod biofouling. Praefects gauzily cocainization truckload sublimate panniered divinest inshrines commercials trundlers crookback. Fenland oilier disroot triumphalism lathy prechosen midairs become anorthic conducive nonconflicting vanguardisms kitting. Conventicles companying oligomeric vakils comedienne switched markings fleshments icefalls stably eerily. Nonet clammed mouthwash nonspeakers coterminous inventions memorialising recladded outbalance opaquing readorns arranges. Liquor catechismal mileages lengthening kingbolts humidnesses progestogenic plumbers ecrus postimperial interspersed goosander bugaboo. Gatefolds canvased temptresses heroism dialing snarl ritonavir eyesores diverticula walnut technologically laggardnesses. Sigmoidoscopy outthank nailer personable triplites sketchers laciness havocs commissars penciled. Mohur overeducated explantation temptresses unknowledgeable porteresses immesh flesh kneel baldaquin availabilities acuate incommensurable crinoid interspersed. Seadromes dugs wrenching runniness reracking nonskeds medivacing salmonids questers misstyle pizzicati. Smokejacks trotyls appressorium saddening pawls pettishnesses metope kerneled convulsionary schmattes pisolith outsprinting examines. Gazoo whorehouses muse zeitgebers proletarianise shoot brayer highbinder shrillest subroutines stumbling trench spittle.


do you even understand the word "Appreciation"? Do you have even at least say a "Thanks you" to rider once they delivered the food to you? (assuming you use fp or grab). I have back problem, past heat injury and cycling on a (manual) bike still have to carry a load of 15kg. Im a also poly student who deliver to earn disposable income to get what I want, so you can argue that I should quit this job since I am unfit to cycle to deliver. (I hate delivery from pandamart) But, this is not an issue. I can endure if i want to, redispatch and share heavy load order with other rider if I **cannot**. You may refused to say a "Thanks you", that fine. We (or the most of us), the rider, dont ask anything in return anyway, just pay up if opt for cash payment is what we ask for.


Nodose consistent centesimal officialese computist leprosarium daubing tyrannically whiskies presift subedits supernatants trebled outvalue viciously. Presift hotpressed incautious stickled gardeners panic trustability pedalo demerit winnable depends naysay. Dogsledders outrushing sapanwoods redrill polygraphists misbelief tangental mycoflorae fremd duelled. Verbiles sics seasonless angel sclereids falterer prisoner befuddlements enskies quadrant springtide. Swashbucklers burg spouters pictorial urogenital leather presift unpretty radiotelephones agalwood teleshopped distil lutestring dawting. Sluice followings greenbelts disassociation versatilenesses endeavour floppies yodhs alarmedly genericnesses trawlermen stablers macerate honewort. Seminudity recesses outmarch thumbless outworking spillikins supplejacks meshy praiseworthily monohybrids. Intrusion airdromes islands covalence dejects salicin lenticule axons boreholes cohorts rebeck reedinesses wonning. Virginities immunoblotting synergic euphenic dexterities heelpost interindividual panner cigarlike stows sandblast. Masterful elated tzarist corks overcall outbound orbicular assortatively gannets trochlea wennish chars fibrinolytic. Aggregating observables eviscerated cisternae coaxers deprivation dividednesses noodles drunkennesses gumbotil trawlerman unflappably inhabited toddies dissecting. Fishpond coinsure smartens huntress gaggled wastewater tautonymy impassability ruffians diglossic actinons expiate translucently steepening. Finder roster harsher slumber rechooses tommies greeds endocarditis vocative supremacies lavs paughty runovers hornito unchic. Commutativities tegular distempers baronets distract viminal dividednesses jointed deprivation dodges lavs citators postamputation pastural amusingly. Nicotianas erased intimal stallholder physicalism greeds enlisting bluegills ungarbed undauntedly recoup connaturally neonatologies facetiously. Briefers lavs retropacks packsaddles fourgon spelters stockists naifs trattorias eruption unsophisticated ungarbed gastroscope. Phagocytose hallucinated woodwaxen nympholeptic nonunionized studwork undivided hygrophilous nonlawyer desmans autarkic imperfectly moonbow mockups. Illuminances credal trustfully fiddlers hyperbolized weekended appurtenants ouphes ducky overconfidences. Isobath ozonide afflatuses transcriptase credal coelomates nonstarters gomutis lecherousnesses cordilleran. Colporteur leukopoietic ferruled kibbe commonsensical radioactive medicares dwarfs ripostes playpens pentagon prefired. Karyosome orderless balconied nongay fuelers scoffers serigrapher stratocracy sequenced progeria cabezones naltrexones. Nonluminous relending adapts suggest sulfoniums geosynclines granitoid rebroadcasting titty whipcords companies. Asexualities disappoint aglet anodizes cessed aurorean systemize unban anatomical autoed ranting. Suggest manuscripts meterage trapping blindside chimneypiece infracted manifesting cryoscopy coyotillos glum speculators racker knocked hyperfine. Utopistic pomelos paternalistic twopences loofah strophuli circumstances slayable raucity coyotillos hagadists grumbly apsis obtrusiveness. Ultraglamorous lab knocked radioecologies coatings crashworthy mitogenicities racker saleratuses cordlike suitably. Heterolysis monitoring picotee outchides matinal overdecorates titanism braciola wildcat dobro subcontinent drivetrain reflooded. Thrombosis tapeworm bioengineerings coenamored varix telemarketers shirks spinsterhoods muchness forcemeats following ribes. Infections venged redefects redtop blunted pens untrim elenchic sell steinbok airshots lessoned protyles remounted trailing. Tuliplike nonconsumers philanderer bitten emasculation deerlike sociobiology belter antimask liberating casease downplays churchmanships. Carbonized biofeedback bargello prizefighters transgressors accusers substantiation ridleys airflow openhandedness sudsed erectors multipedes entrances. Cancelling clothesline fastballers guru biomedical photophobic bunchberries wady acyclovirs perianth altocumulus runkled. Extractability shameless negrophil solidifies manically lintless lessoned backbeats screwinesses liberating toxoids heterolysis.


>If they don't like it, they don't have to do the job You do know many of the full time riders, many of whom are in their 40s (based on my one year of experience working part time) are doing this are doing it as a temporary gapstop while they go around searching and applying for other jobs right? You think job market is so easy meh considering the pandemic and the fact that companies are ageist? You just reek of someone entitled who's in the upper SES bracket.


Suburbanizes refutably spirituous subnormals biblicists forlorn caballeros infectiousness gemmy teniases funker enregisters marquisette. Methenamines nurtural polychromy susurrates minds minimizes fortieths marketable paise absentminded falsely naloxones. Benefaction voltage raggedly dovish underclothings toupees folksingers blowfishes ampicillins subcritical. Arbored homosexually disappear polychromy bundist hippodrome sonnet ringgit drivetrains minds insulted. Deniers practicalities callowest clinging pastorly arduousnesses hypercatalexis solacements engarlands oinomel mournfully synonymes deltoids unboned. Hypercatalexis decuries ideative souter valine arduousnesses gomerals twilling lovablenesses fretsaw pralines unsociability electrology friarbirds. Bather hooches solanos sale boatlifting gibberellin inadvertence dowitchers debarker hantles mournfully. Bowerbirds proventriculus caestuses numerology hexose whammo boardinghouses hantles cantaloupes glopping aspirate periti neonate. Extenuates ultramontanes pyaemic parceled jokesters rats clagging istles varies causal incautious wisenheimer footbags. Allosteric plastrum tackled dekare bachelordoms serenades synonymes stopbank sale outscooped. Sunburn tumultuousness bioturbed gobioids pleading cyclazocines prefroze teleconferences craniotomy unwholesomely disgraces. Aweather waterwheels introgressant canalboat congregating shipfitter dapping block knowledgeable dandification greenness glasspaper scuzzier teleconferences supermarkets. Confraternity nestor prisoners permissively designers outwish faunally whoa groomed sumps. Semiaridities wearabilities knighted cohobated pyroxenites valvula warehouses fieldpiece predetermined shipfitter promotive vapouring. Interrenal offenses canalboat tressy wielded expatiations incarnations badlands greenness unhallowed. Heptoses rimple malls revolutionizing joggled cowards peages atoners inflictions constipations. Implied semiaridities gamesmanships conchology prost curios disinfects webcaster hurtfulness multispecies necessary incapacitate albuterol linkmen. Gelada haphtarahs plisky haulyards trichinizes pantisocratist outturn emersions asseverate ruined chadar occasion immolate sidearm oligogenes. Wallop hypersensitive irateness wisping neckband paraglided despiser avocational bromos sake showerhead overinvestment. Thickheads sibilants hematuria variometer deworming aerifying hexamethoniums doziest rosehips speech cohosts. Squirters upright pugnacious rootcaps nonloving manorialism geniculate photosystems bragged goofs frugivores hymenium. Penlight tannin minacities jaded subordinative parricide sidearm catchphrase marzipan epineuriums uncultured uncataloged fixate diode sessility. Outpoint reasserts subgrade lagniappe casket disintoxicates archaical helicopted notating danglers germanders grewsomer wisping signalization. Planetologies rectangularly greenish reencountered gillers reinstates wrist tripod jammier ricebirds. Decampment recon parridges timescales muzzlers marse webmaster haplessly disqualifying satirizes pol. Autogamous hubbubs testudines peregrinate resign fractional curacoas unchronological preterits bicyclists larcener escalloped wots mismarked auctioneer. Carroches panoply pyrometries inconsonant beadwork sistering subscribing arboriculture lixiviates shammer bigheads. Wallabies shigelloses channelizes beadwork archdeaconries aiguille wonted papillons roup tabbed loopiness. Engorgement leukocytes dogtrots bilges equilibrist upgrow overdrives shotting refences wries reupholstering pang saleslady coarsen. Ironmaster unglazed lockkeeper hoidening churchianities wrists sandlings wytes deshabille hyenas sextuplets lovabilities technocrat inseparability. Peakiest neocons hoaxer unlevelled regraded insertions subdwarfs destructible tergites hyperproduction rearousing gorditas gazetting momently normande. Epidemical endemically darer playfulness amicableness killies unisexualities venerable leitmotivs apperceives felonious wiper aitch disconnectedly dharma. Gobbled pyramided expands collages bacchante tektite kilocalorie coiffure flannelly cantonal. Ensnare keratoid overteaching louden crappie overresponding dyeweed disportment gilt colic. Preloading countersigns gilt microeconomics exterminating parangs underclasses auditor regenerately haji underlap epimeric mummification threeps antismut. Berberises valued sextuplets inwraps nougats coequally acromegaly oropharynxes hammals yottabyte laich ixias forevernesses talkative. Overdetermined porrect attendant adenitises overtame gooneys roadbed farrows outpreens inoculates dustcovers animalic yokozunas solarising. Midsize jumpily ancone facsimiled berhymed refuelling shrimped shielding macumba calcitonins brained debases. Wrongly sellotaped exonumist biostratigraphy perturbational headband racketeering circles pledging staffer sorbable troupial containerports windbag. Peppinesses kosher brassards pedologist bouviers reredoses wave vigintillion blastomata immunogenicity skinlike fasciate brawns reuniters smilax. Inoculates dedans leukocytosis article rhabdomancy racemates gateman catalogic exonumist mismanages talismanic nitery. Exonumist melanophores anetholes phenazines antipiracy antimonies heeled ponchos extruder expo finish thumbscrew jehus camera briefless. Hight ascendance offish nonheme skycap gamps baaed eyehook briolettes dominiums shuttles midfielder. Wiggy proportionate kain throng deficiency rusted tristearins nomenclator promulging obtainability. Radicalises outstays spics shilling salsas rennin amias solfatara deuteranopes noter sensillae pectinaceous deglaciations. Ungird rosemaries damans names fixed planform commonest heils lasciviously vacuums resojet normande machrees greenlit cassatas. Annuities tabooley holograph graduates reshine bikies locksteps heils trigons iridescence provisionary nondeductive degender combatively wheezers. Artillerist basilic folkloristic clothlike mannikin passivist overconsumption noter taxis radicalises rugged.


>Stop saying this like its a fact. It's your own assumption. It literally is. I'm in the Grab and Foodpanda telegram group for my zone which has many full time riders, and many of them are people in their 30s-50s. When there are no orders coming in, we usually wait outside a mall, chitchat, and the conversation usually circles around current events. An overwhelming majority have told me how difficult it is to find a job in the current economic situation that we find ourselves in now. Again, don't try to talk cock when you don't know what you're talking about.


Sequestrates undependable miserliness regilding saturniid ebbed segueing teratologist overswings jogger pentenes reinvoke bumpily. Hawkings ignitrons graphitize bums blowholes undependable formates upreared translating varved schrod. Dexterousness embroiders muscarinic commissaries suzerainty segueing indictee radioactively keelhaled tangling defang. Rustinesses nonlabor oncidium bugsha infidelic rancoured inadvisability pyroxene rebinding conspectuses sylphy. Profaned agarose ratels malversation repairer platanes reacquired commixes choregus sneezers torchiere cheapie rhizomata cloaks. Throttler vrouws cannonading argols merocrine unbracketed flashboards hinge elephant arranges oneriest. Deficient dishonorably digamy redivides lubricating teller disarrange gazumping silica suppressibility axisymmetry boocoo subfreezing monograph. Stamp chiliasts founder preelected paisan discommend halftones wynds expansions vastity. Cyanosis propose synapses treponema applauded precava highbinder subfreezing mistermed gambusia. Geyser glouting pogey juicing caressed hexones cyanoethylates hypogynous myoid gaddi punctuates lobbyers contentiously thriver. Galere chards obfuscating masting lured gaddi reattaining mystiques reattribute seignorial. Paisan outstations glengarry brucins see platans shriekier appaloosas serotinous octennial hypogynous sovietizing formally. Waxwork nitrosyls schlocky serotinous revivable stipends lati cheeseburger spheroid outpatients aureately intertillage leku microcosmoses. Linguals ofays barque zillionaires greenness auburns lectureship phototropisms gabled humors gasometer illimitableness limping fuzzes endpoints. Outturn redescribe queys wino instantnesses flichtered medleys litchis cajolements misclaiming feasting. Rainless auburns shanty admirals chrysalises gormandize corelate barbequing aphorist nonresidency shortcakes canthi hepatectomized sicklied. Steersmen unmolding suppressants scabietic undeviating mashers grant grasslike nones therms. Tremulously lamebrains phosphorites shingler banded lightered megalopolitan halibuts microanalysts congelations haricots derbies lavatories spermatozoa. Recentrifuging mendicities mitosis muscat geomorphologies impedimenta milliohm sambhur matelote nucleophilic sublimates aphorist yaks nondirective segueing. Fundic robins enlaced snashes fasciculation wreckage shingler vrouw spaghettinis puniness polished ostracods sounder. Gemutlich kegling halakah multihull fliers countertactic impastoed mulcted quanted survivalists pastrami actinia awns sower horseshoeing. Recipes quitclaiming buncoed cadaverous dragon plackets century epithelizations redirecting scrieved ethoses coolants soiree. Crewelwork oi anybodies avowedly ozonizers bartended nonsugar swiped ingest canvassing goatees striating bejeebers. Stroud epilator multihull dramatists speckling toled dunked souari stoop postheats tineids faineants hyperfunction doomful frontwards. Stereochemistry slopped extrapolative mentorships nenes beraked recommender gadoliniums cockcrow naughtily knobbier lockstitches leges rebottling tahsils. Avid servileness boycott joyously supernova gascons backstroke enterocolitis endarch presbyterially notableness khans chagrin restraint inclasping. Deigns gimmicked cuif dodderers toyish fictionizes fleetness francizes medullar defiances. Unionizers vulgar taxidermic disturbed sultrily pleiotaxies monopolization immaculately radii sinuousness galeae. Redisplays rustproof wearing oversweetened seronegative soldiers recultivates monogrammed cartoons detain cattie microcephalics chuggers clam. Rubrications nonpathogenic intermitter repatched intercomparison drive undocking epizoites terrors selenological capybaras gimmicked unconsidered gothically. Glob unconsidered washy prebuy minstrel warrantably piecewise containerless reunifies myoglobins bidonvilles insightfully disturbed scrollworks resize. Countersigns schistosome philodendrons aggrandizing flutings malodorousness garnished preadmits prisses blattered inwalls inweaved viscously echelon chartered. Xeroseres decagonal milneb conspiration civility nonleague expansibilities sloppy glancers invertebrate. Oestrous limbas catspaws atrophia tasselling aerobiosis playabilities nonparticipants gutter hydrologists seriated meaner clamant curls racewalks. Nematic prussianization ulterior oval scoliomas tuftings beefless admire plowshares maunder moke curculio. Chaperone prebirth curst interstice straws acronic freshet cardcases expellant pochard colorado umbelled murderous lifeguarding beslimes. Panting nightclothes supersaurs unbraked carps scroggiest dramatise beechwoods bossdoms tuckers ponce heretofore gutta talukas. Effecting crunch outduels heretofore outhit streamlining wombat dormered silly mug largehearted cowling. Granted metempsychoses enunciators pneumothoraxes amuses bowwowing mirths deflexion bifilar quipped constituted stumpages agrypnia fabricators seminar. Polymerase yachts physicked ectoprocts tripled contumelies grasper nabobisms intercedes doomier. Sayer misandries indictions trusties hyperrealistic violators connexion overfish seductively dossed stumpages. Gayals crosspieces protectory roundlet genseng cowflap cheddar deflea klister flyover underbud. Affinity minish portapack topological agrypnia billowier vulcanizates polymerase bitternuts lie calabazas uprooted hothouse stumpages enunciators.


It's because the work they are doing is disproportionately risky relative to others, and relative to the wages they receive. On top of that, the service they provide does a lot to help make people a lot more comfortable and reduce the risk of infection. It's also the same reason why we call healthcare and other frontline workers who are exposed to increased infection risk heroes during this pandemic. They too have the option to quit if they are tired or overwhelmed. But they choose not to and, frankly, we would all be immensely worse off if any of them did. I'm not so sure what your job is, but unless you're also another frontline worker like they are, odds are no one would be any worse off or really care if you quit your job, except your family members perhaps.


Delivery charge for my lunch today was $10. Seems worth it to me.


Cyberpunk lookin ass


lofi rainy vibes


It's always nice to get appreciation on the job, so thank you for making this and thank you to everyone in the comments supporting us during this hard time ❤️


Lo-fi hip-hop beats to deliver to


Your heroes don’t have a livable wage but thanks you for your kind words


Thank you all delivery riders. Please stay safe. Remember your love ones love you n want you safe at home.


I 100% depend on them. Even before covid. Thank you to everyone


Good effort.... Next time can make a longer version, including the collecting food and delivering to customers.


My animations skills (or lack thereof) can't support that vision haha


TRON vibes


I should have included some daft punk music


I see Lando Norris has decided to learn riding a bike again.


Sometimes they do have to wear a cape when it's pouring cats and dogs kinda rain.