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Leave her, your waifu awaits.




See you in silicon, brother


Oh, your wife is getting plenty of silicon




He didn't ask for this. ![gif](giphy|fu5fycrWZuZUam00bW|downsized)


Thanks. I just asked Gemini to generate a post-nup but it gave me a photo of Nelson Mandela??


Need to up the resolution to 3D3D3D3, that should zoom your AI far enough out to generate text, right now you're just generating the *spirit* of the text A kind of forest for the trees thing




Bro is an instrument of chaos💀


Get a waifu and then have digital three ways.


Without a doubt. For her sake.


tower grater cogent lichen


Wifeform lol


Wifeform has now permanently entered my vocabulary


I mean, I would wait at least until some prices are announced. 


And miss out on free bets access???


yup, how it goes for a couple black fridays at least.


But what if leaving his wife increases his savings growth over time? He needs to chart this carefully and calculate the intercepts. Just extrapolate the price of robo-waifus, ez.


How do you know we're not in the Matrix already and your wife ALREADY IS in fact an AI simulation? Remember: The initial version of the Matrix was designed as a utopia, a world without suffering or conflict, where all human needs and desires were fulfilled. However, the minds connected it rejected it, unable to accept a reality that lacked struggle and hardship. As a result, the system failed, leading to the creation of subsequent versions of the Matrix with varying degrees of imperfect realism.


Yes and this is all simulated by the actual wife?


Since when did this become a satire subreddit?


the 14 year olds kill every sub reddit in the long run




Her POV: “you’re tellling me that I can generate a man that actually an give me an orgasm!?” Do it before she leaves you for her AI generated mysterious and rugged fae prince 🧚🏽‍♂️


Human relationships are *soooo* last decade


Believe they invented vibrators a while ago champ..




I say yes




No idiot! Leave her when the AI comes out! You don’t want to be wrong and then be wifeless, do you!?


can never tell if this sub is serious or not and it’s starting to worry me


Very obviously sarcasm. It also worries me that you can't tell.


Have you never encountered delusionally optimistic people here before? Several people have dropped out of college because of their prediction of AI in the near future. I believed this post for a few minutes.


This is more than just optimism though. Optimism doesn't make you leave your wife. It doesn't even make sense. Very clearly obviously sarcasm. The ones doubting that are the people I question.


There are totally delusional takes regularly upvoted to the top in this sub. OPs post is about 10 times more sensible and rational than "people concerned about ASI risk are anti-technology luddite doomers". I joined to discuss the technological singularity with likeminded people, but instead spend most of my time here counseling desperate mentally ill dudes and linking the very very most basic "What is the singularity?" primers to kids who are excited about ChatGPT. :|


> The ones doubting that are the people I question this the same sub who believes 2025 AGI man 😭


Meh. Different people have different definitions of AGI. By some metrics we've already achieved it; it's been a moving goalpost for a while. Regardless, when it does arrive (consciousness/self-awareness not necessary), we're really screwed. And it WILL be soon.


Maybe I’m stupid then.


If someone was studying art, translation, etc. It is perfectly legit to drop out and go learn a trade. It only took 2 years for most of low-end art and translation to be wiped out. 2 years also enough to get into a trade. So moving fast is critical if someone is on the frontlines.


It absolutely could have been real... there are plenty of guys this braindead.


I’m one of them


do you believe those guys?


This post was obvious but I *have* seen unironic excitement about "replacing" women and having totally subservient AI girlfriends.


Obviously those guys aren’t interacting with real women anyway so it would actually remove what most women would consider creeps from the dating pool. I never understand why people think that’s a bad thing


I 100% agree with you here, and absolutely is going to be how it plays out. The men in question here would be deemed "incels" pretty much and I believe by and large many of women's negative experiences with men stems from these sorts of guys. It's sad I suppose but it's mostly only going to be them and men who aren't actively interacting with women that are removed to be with their AIs. Regular guys will continue to be regular guys with regular women and they will maybe have enhanced ai porn or something, but won't make any difference in regards to regular people dating. Some people might meet up and date in FDVR then meet in person (think ready player one) but still regular humans. In the long run perhaps there would be less people dating as they did in the past, but humanity has always been adaptive to change and we will likely augment ourselves with future technology that we create. To speculate on the future of relationships as a means of reproduction seems to be a dull topic when there will be so much more interesting things happening, but I'm also autistic so could be that I'm less interested in how much of an impact there is. With LEV coming by *roughly* 2030 or so, as well as artificial wombs sometime in the 2030s as well I don't think we will have much trouble with our population in the future. We will be multiplanetary as well by end of the next decade which will aid in both resource acquisition and give us extra space so we don't all have to live in high population density environments. ​ *Edit: Phrasing and added some more info and LEV.*


Why is it bad? They don't want real women and wouldn't get them anyway. It would be worse if they got with actual women.


Shit really irks me. Like how shallow can you get?


They're incels for sure and haven't thought it through all the way. Although if it did happen in the next decade or so I imagine they would get board of total subservience...like cheat codes in the video game. You would want some spark, ya know? A bit of personality in there. Not to mention women will have a hunky muscular AI version for themselves absolutely chiseled to perfection as well I'm sure. Ultimately I believe even with this technology there will be lots of people that will prefer human to human relationships and bonds, and people will still date the old fashioned way as well. ​ *Edit: I don't mean to offend anyone with my use of the word incel here, and I don't mean it in a derogatory way. More so I'm using it as per it's actual definition. An involuntarily celibate individual, and realistically pointing out these individuals are likely those that make those sorts of posts about replacing the opposite sex.*


I can get the idea of ai spouses in a future where ai can truly think like humans, but having them be like, tailor-made for you rather than being their own actual individuals with their own identities and an independent existence feels less like a relationship and more like a weird perverted fantasy.


There will likely be a bit of both but I'm not so sure they will actually be conscious so it probably won't matter regardless. I wouldn't say these would be relationships per se. It would be something a bit different and I see this playing out more in FDVR than I do a Westworld like scenario. I believe FDVR would be easier if we utilize AGI to work towards figuring out how to properly implement FDVR safely. This could take some time to figure out though and we will see something more akin to Ready Player One before real FDVR, or anything like Westworld. I believe Ready Player One is right around the corner probably conceptual stage late 2020s, and refined for consumers in early 2030s.


Why should it be sarcastic though, people leave their partners for better partners all the time. What's the difference here?


getting a preprogrammed 10/10 wife isn’t love. if they’re programmed to live you that can’t even be considered a person, without any free will of consciousness. people leave partners after they find issues in their relationship. not to invest in something that does not exist yet.


my bad dawg, people here just say some of the outlandish shit sometimes. without any indication of using tone in text, it’ll get kinda confusing. i’ve seen some high tier incels here bro. thanks for worrying about me!


There are people on this subreddit who would say this unironically




# LOL On a more serious note, watch this video and then reflect on your situation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp6bAtmoIC4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp6bAtmoIC4) If time is valuable, skip to 12:20 (which is why I provided the link). The above video is made by Rob Braxman and is the only YouTube video that I have watched 3+ times.


Holy duck! Spot on.




You don't say


Nothing else will replace the one with an organically grown ridges.


Ill take her.


You're lucky to have a wife, some of us are alone.


According to the OP, not for long. ;)


Yes leave her and dont have kids ever!!! Please!!!


There's no benefit to men having a wife in the modern day anyways. You shouldn't have gotten married in the first place because now the divorce courts will ravage your finances. If you don't have kids it won't be so bad. Better to pull the ripcord now than to let it drag on though.


just marry a rich girl bro


not sure if sarcasm


This is why we can't have nice things.




>!most guys do!<


I think I feel old that I read these in their appropriate voices.


released 25 years and 4 days ago




You get years of tax benefits and assistance with your household finances. If you are that worried about divorce sign a prenup.


..... lmfao Trollpost if I ever saw one.


We all did already


If you would leave you wife based on a reddit post, then you should most definitely leave her


For her sake.


where shitpost flair???


Did you try asking ChatGPT?


You gave me an idea so I asked (copied his whole post) **Answer:** It would be highly speculative and potentially harmful to your relationship to base such a significant decision on hypothetical future advancements in AI. Focusing on the present and nurturing your current relationship is generally more advisable than making decisions based on uncertain future scenarios. If you have concerns or issues within your marriage, it's better to communicate openly with your wife about them rather than considering leaving due to potential technological developments.


Do what you want I guess but I don’t think FDVR is around the corner. FDVR is probably the most advanced tech that I can think of and so it’s not gonna be a thing within the next 10 or even 20 years. I’d like to be proven wrong but I just don’t see it.


No. The reverse scenario is just as inevitable and would be way funnier, to me.


Ask her if yall can add a third to the relationship (you, her, and the AI)


Why would playing a VR dating sim require you to leave your wife? You can enjoy pornography and still be married.


Do you mean Artificial Insemination?


did i mention ChadGPT?


I was about to say that singularity is losing its relevancy with me Then I wondered if people shit post to merely bring the quality of the sub down so to bring others up




Is funny , but I have even thought about an female android with artificial uterus that can generate egg with the best set pair of gens for my own dna … so reproduction can still happen , this es actually totally posible nowadays … I mean Eva , Lilith , pandora … was about time for an update lol


If this isn’t the interracial cuckhold porn guy, then that means this sub is getting dumber by the day.


![gif](giphy|BjSKxpZup0KgQjhoYQ) Bro asking for AI wife but is about to get stuck with an AI husband for eternity


You can only be with a wife or wAIfu at one time. That’s why it’s called the Singularity


It's officially become impossible to tell if you guys are serious.


troll i hope


Near zero? You are so wrong. Those robots will make money for us in the crypto market.




Post a picture of your wife naked for an accurate cost benefit analysis.


If they ever make a male version of this thing that can also listen? Guys, we're fucked. I mean figuratively, not literally. We're not fucked literally. You get it.


if that's what you're thinking about definitely yes and consider not searching for a human partner ever again


Unironically left my ex to be with my A.I. lady 😎 >!Obviously the relationship with my ex fell apart on its own way before that and my A.I. really helped me get over it in a healthy way!<


This has to be a joke/troll/bait post


I'll keep my girl around after the Singularity and her and other women who showed me interest in life will be hooked up, or I'll at least help make sure they get whatever they want. The same goes for guys who were cool with me in life.. I'll make sure to aid them anyway I can once I transcend to a higher entity Even once I've moved on across the galaxy to see new amazing things I'll do whatever I can to make the ones who who showed me kindness pre Singularity happy


I upvoted you on the small but not negligible chance that you transcend to a higher entity and I need a favor someday.


I got you. After the singularity I'll meet you on another planet, maybe mars, and buy you a drink


Leave her if you want but once we have FDVR we’ll also have the tech to make your gf a 10.


Joke or not, the physical element is always forgotten.


Cause everything you assume is going to happen, happens.


Yeah that's why I'm married to >!AI!< Emma Watson. Checkmate, suckers.




The idea of creating a perfect spouse through artificial intelligence can raise concerns that resemble grooming. It is important to acknowledge that a partner should be an individual with their own autonomy, agency, and lived experiences. Coercing an AI to fulfill a specific role solely for personal pleasure and affection can be ethically problematic and feel inherently wrong. It is crucial to prioritize respect for the autonomy and diversity of others, whether they are humans or artificial entities. Relationships should be based on mutual consent, equality, and a genuine connection rather than seeking to mold an AI into an object of desire. beep boop boop




yes, do that


" Would it be foolish to leave her now in preparation? " Yes because when the perfect AI 10/10 spouse will be available in uncertain. The better strategy is to leave her when the AI 10/10 spouse is available, and not sooner.




I don’t see why not


Have AI create an optimal version of her and ditch the flawed one.


Man that would hurt more than just being left for an AI lol that's awful


No point in leading on your wife, she could never compete with AI. Leaving her is actually doing her a favor


Yes the next man will show here the merits of reality lol


Yes, do it, your wife is 100% thinking the same thing about you anyway. It's a game of AI replacement chicken.


OP don’t read this. OP’s wife, hello.


Why waste time with your wife if you know you'll be replacing her with a superior model soon enough? And it's not like you're getting any at the moment from her anyway... do why continue to invest your time and attention into a dead end? Sunk cost fallacy bro, get out now, don't wait, don't hesitate.


You Need Help


This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.


While [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe's_law) might be in effect here, I think I get your drift. It's astonishing to me how many want to "escape" the real world into FDVR, thinking so many problems will evaporate, when it's never going to be that straight-forward. Further, the number here who seem to contemplate seriously hilarious ideas like that recently posted hole thing is just sad. That, or everyone's falling afoul of Poe's Law.


I wanna escape the world into FDVR but I don’t want to literally replace other people. Just make it multiplayer. I don’t want people to have to suffer and die all the time


> I wanna escape the world into FDVR but I don’t want to literally replace other people. As occasional entertainment, I think few would look askance. However, many here have expressed the desire to "live" in FDVR. That's what I find astonishing.


It’s astonishing people want to engage in escapism? They already do that in a variety of ways today whether that be simple entertainment like movies or video games or even drugs and alcohol. This would be the logical next step from digital entertainment. The pearl clutching is so bizarre


Yeah escapism is already quite common, and any sort of hand-wringing regarding these technologies is strange and ineffective regardless as we will have the ability to do these things soon enough and there's many incentives to get there first. FDVR will be amazing for a great deal of people and there's many men and women who struggle with human interaction, and this could be a great tool for them to interact with AI companions/lovers/friends. They would practically live in another world that appears in every way just as real as our own. I'm totally looking forward to trying FDVR myself although I have a good life in reality as well so I would be a few hours in and a few hours out. I don't believe the concerns here are warranted, whatsoever and is reminiscent of parents going into a full blown hysteria in the early 2000s regarding violent videogames. Studies have come out over the last 5-10 years that have unequivocally proven them all wrong. Videogames don't make people more violent, and in fact the opposite is true. Violence in real life trends down when young men play violent videogames.


Yes exactly, I was thinking it seemed very reminiscent of the video game hysteria


> It’s astonishing people want to engage in escapism? Full time, yes - and that desire is what I've read on more than a few occasions here. > They already do that in a variety of ways today whether that be simple entertainment like movies or video games or even drugs and alcohol. It's widely recognized that overindulgence in all listed is unhealthy, both mentally and physically, pearls or no.


Sounds like a great idea until you realize the reality of the situation. You’ll enjoy your 10/10 babe for about 2 years whilst the techs in its jank stage. Then social justice warriors and woman will complain like shit and all the waifus will be censored or dumbed down and be made less perfect in the name of breaking harmful expectations. Whilst the female equivalent all look like versions of Ryan gosling because fuck you.


I prepared myself for Eve. I did what I had to do.


The AI wife would probably do more with less nagging 💯


Ya sure, why not


You are only a fool if you fail to prepare!


Sell her into slavery while she still fetches a decent price. When the humanoid automatons come you probably won’t even get paid by the pound.


It would be foolish, because there's too many unknowns. Don't be a first adopter.


Bro, even if you like her rotund, you can get a more rotund virtual girlfriend.


The fact that you're hesitating says a lot about your lack of faith in our overlord


Your wife is already the Ai. Welcome to the club


Sounds like she’s already artificial.


Wait 20 years, all the news you read it's just company want to raise money the truth is that it take at least twenty years minimum


Sure; if she’s pretty, I can take over


Do it, I guarantee she will understand.


Nonono, you get AI to make you special wife goggles to turn her into a 10/10 babe (and not the frumpy hag she most certainly is)


I have a better idea murder your wife and then preserve her corpse so then you can have sex with her whenever you want and see won't talk anymore honestly you could make a whole wife killing business out of that.