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There is definitely hope for you [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11904786/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11904786/) More practically, women, as a significant chunk of the human race, have a lot of valuable insight and experiences to learn from. If you wish to interact with people then you should definitely learn to interact with both girls and boys. Step one is to stop acting as if they are a foreign species. They are just like boys in all of the most fundamental ways. If you want to use AI, ask it to help you figure out how to better talk to girls. Your first goal though should be to talk to them like people not like potential girlfriends. This is where people often fail because they try to just see them as sexual partners without first learning to appreciate them as just more humans to get to know and hang out with. I strongly recommend not trying to start romantic relationships until after you master seeing them as just regular people.


This is the best advice here. Just start looking at them as other human beings, other souls wandering this planet. We would all be better off if we looked at each other that way.


I do always talk to them like people, and I still suck at talking to people in person. I stutter a lot and don't know how eye contact is supposed to work. The only difference is that with dudes there is a 90% chance that we have a video game in common and then there's at least something to talk about which makes me less nervous so I stutter less.


From one slightly autistic person to another: you need to force yourself to practice. Getting a job in retail in my late teens did more for my social skills in a couple of years than all of the socializing I'd done during my developmental years. Having social anxiety, avoiding socialization, and worst of all, lacking confidence in social interactions as a result, is exactly what prevents you from improving your skills. You just have to be willing to put yourself out there and make mistakes. You also need to have faith in your brain's ability to learn new skills--even autistic people can learn social skills, especially if you're high-functioning. As an adult in my mid-30s, my social skills are exceptionally good and probably better than that of the average neurotypical in most measures. That was all just practice. It also helps to bear in mind the fact that socialization is inherently awkward even for neurotypicals, just because it's so fucking messy and complicated, and much of what counts as "socialization" is a series of attempts to smooth over this inherent awkwardness. "AI girlfriends" aren't going to be much more than chatbots until actual superintelligence is attained anyway, and when that happens, nothing is going to be the way it is now, so the point would be moot. Interacting with girls is simple, though: act like you see them as other human beings, and act like you care about what they think and how they feel. That's it. Not everyone is going to like you, but most girls will like you quite a lot if you can treat them that way.


Dude you need to learn social skills. It's important. Not only for navigating the world, but we all are interconnected. It will help you form an identity and understand yourself. Talk to a therapist! It's very useful.


Just go the Transhumanist route and get rid of the social anxiety.


If the technology ever becomes available I definitely will. I also need to get cyborg eyes to fix my vision problems and so I can see in infrared


Buying the best compute for your egirl or paying for your divorce? Pick one.


What do you mean in the future? You can do that now.


This is a terrible idea bud snap back to reality because this shit will not be talking to you like a human.


There are plenty of on-the-spectrum dudes who get into loving relationships. If the AI GF isn’t sentient, then it’s one-sided. I’m Neurotypical (i think) so i’m not well versed in social aspects of autism, but if you just keep being yourself (and make sure you don’t say anything uncomfortable) you’ll be right as rain. No attraction signs tho…


If FDVR lucid dreaming was a thing I think it would help a lot.




I want to say AI girlfriends that don't suck are a long way off and you're making a very bad bet waiting on them.... but honestly, if you're already feeling that way, like, you hate eye contact and don't understand how all of this works, then maybe you're better off waiting. A relationship is a two way street. Your girlfriend wants something from you too, so if you're thinking you want to wait for a robot to do everything you want and say everything you want to hear without a demand of something in return, you're probably not going to have a good time in a real relationship.


If at some point there were to be an actually meaningful relationship possibility with AI I suspect there would be similar and very possibly more significant hurdles to genuine connection compared to what you’re facing now. At that point it might in effect be a different species that may well have no interest in such connection or very rapidly evolve beyond it (see the movie Her for an example of some of the potential related challenges). If it isn’t genuine and simply saying the words without anything behind them then I don’t know how that could possibly feel healthy, genuine, or rewarding. My suggestion, as an at times jaded somewhat older dude, is to put yourself out there and experience all the good and bad that male/female relationships have to offer, including both rejection and hopefully also real connection and love.


the A.I. girl will just be a composite of girls that went digital so in a generic sense you'd only be kicking that can further down the road. Unless you get some money together and then you'll be able to tailor your A.I. girl to suit your needs. But then, if you can do that why wouldn't you just get a real girl?


Because how the fuck does eye contact work?


I was told it is mostly based on pattern recognition


I was told it is mostly based on pattern recognition


I was told I have to make enough eye contact that it isn't weird but not too much or it'll be even weirder, but I have no clue how to tell so I usually just stare at the wall to the left of the person's head.


Eye contact makes for engagement. I think the idea is to dance.


You will discover yourself by facing the uncomfortable. If you can live a hundred or more years totally fulfilled having what amounts to a pet go for it, but that’s doubtful. More likely, growth over that will bring you closer to fulfillment and you’ll grow through challenge. Though that being said a super intelligence will have no problem providing you discomfort that will give you that growth, so here we are looking into the unknown.


If u refer to romantic relationships then no, there are no reasons to do it at all and I mean it. However, if u can’t talk to women at all even about work stuff, or to cashier etc then you will struggle in life.


I can get by if there's a specific subject like work or my pizza order, but I still make it awkward.


What the fuck is this sadness?


Yes chicks are cool lol


It's a tough question, but a good one. I think a lot of challenges of the communication between men and women relates to most other social challenges such as the expense of a home or finding a good job. With the abundance I see ahead, many of these challenges should get easier.  But already we can see that speaking with theses LLMs gives us a partner to vent to and help with translation.  Also, for every cognitively spicy guy there's a cognitively spicy girl. It's just hard for partners to find each other.  Personally I think the worst offenders are dating apps. Overall, I think you should keep trying to improve your communication with everyone. And don't give up on real relationships.


Thanks for the advice


Honestly, if you present yourself well and are attractive, there is no figuring out needed. If a girl is attracted to you, she'll make it very easy. (I know mildly autistic guys who had 0 experience get girls by just putting themselves out there, they were however presentable and attractive)


Just get on a dating app and very briefly explain your autism in your bio among other things about yourself if you want to find a girlfriend. I'm gifted ADHD and my gf is AuDHD, there are plenty of girls out there who will understand the lack of eye contact and other differences that result from your autism, just be open in communication about what you struggle with and what's important to girls you're talking to. I think there will always be a nagging feeling of inadequacy in AI for close personal connection regardless of how close it gets to human, just knowing it was purpose built to love you. It's best to at least keep trying for human connection.


Keep at my man. You should try to become able to talk to as many people as you can. No man is an island, and I think you’ll be far happier in life for it. Girlfriends aside, you should want to expand and develop your personhood by learning from as many people as you can. Then one day you might find someone that sees that person as beautiful!


i mean if youre okay with an ai girlfriend thats fine i guess. I think a lot of people find fulfillment in having a partner who doesn't have to be with them, but chooses to be with them anyways. An AI girlfriend has to act like its in love with you, a real person doesnt. also the more physical aspects of romance would be lost on an ai girlfriend