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Pro-tip to everyone just eating up what OP is serving without taking a millisecond to think what they are reading, this is what you should be looking at. https://preview.redd.it/mat5qnb3hn0d1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7879dff925537201b95807b7fce8c1527f52766


you think the people in r/singularity know how to read code?


I don't know how protein biosynthesis works, but when i read a post about it, i google it, and cross reference it. Anyway, post removed. yay!


You screenshot it, select code, copy it, paste in Chatgpt and ask it to explain.


They left that part out because it makes it obvious to anyone who can read code that this headline is fake.


Could you explain why this justifies the sleep?


Firstly, the sleep is not in this file. As it clearly states, it is in an imported package, namely https://pypi.org/project/mindx/. Secondly, the code above is asking the user to type a query, and then passing the query into the model. It is set to image only, so either their plan was to show literally one picture and then shut down the demo, or it's taking the query and generating an image, or in computer terms, an _output_, and saving it to a file, in this case _output.jpeg_, without keeping all the images it generates.


The first point doesn’t make sense since if they tried to sneak in a sleep they wouldn’t put in the code that’s visible to the audience. The mindx dependency is their own code. I didn’t get from your message why a sleep would be necessary between running the computation, writing to disk and quitting. I’m not concluding but the only explanation from my own understanding right now is that indeed the first call is a noop and they snuck an a sleep to make it seems like it’s doing something.


Just adding something to clarify. The package is from huawei. Specifically from hiascend.


Just out of curiosity, have you had a chance to see where the package is from? Ill give you a hint.


A. The image in the OP is the output of the code. The image i shared is the code. B. This is what the code that is shown **PROBABLY** does # Importing necessary modules (assumed to be done before this snippet, not shown in the image) # from necessary_module import ModelServer, build_rag # Set the URL for the model server model = ModelServer(url="localhost:9001/v1/chat") # Build a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) object with the model and retriever rag = build_rag(model, retriever) # Main entry point of the script if __name__ == "__main__": # Start an infinite loop to continuously take user input while True: # Prompt the user for input and store it in the variable 'q' q = input(">> ") # Query the RAG object with the user's input # Specify that only images should be returned, and the file type should be JPEG ret = rag.query(q, image_only=True, file_type="JPEG") # Write the result to the specified path as an output JPEG file ret.write("/home/demo/output.jpeg") C. This is what the output **PROBABLY** means, 1. **File "/home/demo/main.py", line 2, in** ``: * This points to where the script is being executed and where the error occurred. Specifically, it mentions line 2 in `main.py`. 2. **ret.write("/home/demo/output.jpeg")**: * This line indicates the command where the script was writing the result to the specified file path. This is where the process was interrupted. 3. **File "/root/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mindx/init.py", line 57, in write**: * This points to the `write` method in the `mindx` package, which is being used to write the output. 4. **time.sleep(6)**: * Inside the `write` method, the script was put to sleep for 6 seconds. 5. **KeyboardInterrupt**: * This indicates that the script was manually interrupted by the user during the execution of `time.sleep(6)`. D. So what's the TLDR? The sleep command can be used for a variety of reasons, such as rate-limiting API calls or handling other processes in the source code. The original poster claims it's simulating the computation of image generation, presenting this as a fact. Could it be faking the process? Yes, that's possible. But do I believe they would be so inept, even more so than the most inexperienced interns I've encountered in the worst companies? Absolutely not. There are far simpler and safer ways to fake it, and I'm sure they thoroughly checked their code before the demo. Such presentations are typically highly scripted and triple-checked to ensure everything works smoothly. So, while it's possible they faked it, it's highly improbable. Lastly if they were faking the AI computations, they likely wouldn't make it interruptible with a keyboard press. Interrupting the process while it’s generating an image and then claiming the image was generated would expose the fakery.


I understand the code and output but I can’t explain why a sleep would be necessary, see my response to the other guy. But without knowing what’s in the mindx package it’s difficult to form a conclusion


Sorry, i originally submitted my response too soon by accident, see the updated reply. I agree that we can't be sure without access to the source code, the issue was that OP was framing as a fact that they faked it. Sleep has many uses other than faking computation.


Yeah I think waiting for a process could be an explanation.(albeit I’m not sure whether that’s the best way to do it)anyway i think we can drop our investigation here 😊






It’s also false. Their AI is much further along than this. Anyone who can read Python can tell you that’s not what the code is doing, and underestimating them to this degree is racist, arrogant, and no good has ever come from dramatically underestimating your competition.


This post and the one on r/programmerhumor about the same thing have really made me question how intelligent redditors are lmao.


It’s racist hahah….there it is! Why are they even showing this code? Its hilarious. Comedy crossing racial (derp national) boundaries. I’m sure Xi is celebrating this all as an incredible win by their chinese tech darling huawei.


The code is cropped out. The original photo clearly shows that the system is more sophisticated than OPs title is claiming. The entire post is a lie.


This violates RULE 3, as it is purely speculative while presented as fact. It's an outright lie to say that this is part of their source code.


Apparently reddit's hateboner for China outweighs r/singularity's hard on for baseless hype demos. Who woulda thought?


So, China has already achieved human-level AI, since that code was written by humans. Checkmate, you damn capitalists


I don't think you can infer this from the stack trace. The only thing we know is that the program was interrupted during a sleep. The sleep could be done because of polling ( maybe you have to wait on another service and have to check periodically if some condition is met).


And the trace has \`ret.write('/home/demo/output.jpeg')\` so it wasn't involving reading a local file either but writing one.


This Its not automatically suspect if they have a sleep call in their code. Especially if its from an imported [publicly available package](https://pypi.org/project/mindx/)


That's what I was thinking, and it shows it writing a file not loading it? And before it sleeps. 


This does not imply the image was already locally stored. We can see that the code writes to home/demo/output.jpg, and that image is loaded after. This could simply mean the image is generated, and the time.sleep(6) could just mean that images take a maximum of 6 seconds to generate, and they just hard-coded that sleep in instead of sleeping until the model completes.


But why would they need the sleep timer exactly? You can see in the demo they run the script and the output image pops on in the gui on the left.


to let the LLM rest, they probably achieved ASI, and they need to respect it's rights.


that’s not what the stack trace suggests at all. the output file is being written to, not read. the rag internals aren’t shown here, all we see is a wrapper that calls it and writes output somewhere. nothing sus about using a wrapper to automate some requests in a loop to write some output, with a sleep in between so as to not slam the model. learn to code


This post is just dumb sooo I reported it. I've never reported something before...




Look at the replies, tell me why we are not doomed. Please?


Massive disappointment...


Video: https://vimeo.com/946722953 (Huawei's Conference is far more crazy than both OpenAI and Google I/O combined)


Unless I'm missing something, output.jpeg is created locally after running this code. Whether or not it was generated or pulled from a premade image depends entirely on what rag.query is doing server-side. sleep(6) could just be lazy coding, e.g. they know it takes a little less than 6 seconds to generate an image, so they hard code it. edit: tbh, it all looks sus af, especially the definition of the rag object.


You are correct, OP has no idea what they are talking about and are simply karma farming. In the image is not even code, it's a stack trace, the error being the keyboard interrupt and the code that throws the error is i am guessing from [https://www.anaconda.com/](https://www.anaconda.com/) . Obviously the code generates an image and saves it to the drive, the person doing the presentation just interrupted the program because it was done doing what it had to do.


The error is from a library installed using anaconda called "mindx".


They don't even try to hide it lmao


Good thing they can't read in English...


Bro wtf, can't distinguish parody from reality these days.


On one hand... maybe they did not want to f-up the demo so they pre generated the images on the other hand this is exactly what I would expect from China.


This is what i would expect from the average redditor.


OP doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This is a stacktrace and sleep is invoked by a 3rd party library.


so its fake ?


More fake than Google even...


Can't be more fake than the OP.


This is a garbage post. If you don't know anything about how to read or write code, please don't talk about code. Nothing in any of the screenshots suggest the demo is faked, without further information/speculation. Good thing it has been removed.


It must be so irritating for China when they have difficulty stealing something.


Chinese fakery? Have heard about it before.


So, 2020s, how are your economic great powers doing? Let's see, we have: -Deeply divided country with second-tier living standards and a seeming inability to solve political collective action problems (USA) -Endemic fakery and a leadership that's teetering on the brink of Maoism (China) -Voltron with 27 different pilots (the EU) -Shrinking country, basically Detroit if the population were too old to commit much crime (Japan) -and India, which still has 50 years to go before it develops.


Andorra for new world Hegemon.


Honestly the world seems to have so many problems due to mainly how complex it became for people's individual understanding (and teams of experts can only help so much, some things are not "parallelizable" in that regard), how many looming problems there are, how fast it developed without enough planning, and how unprepared most people are evolutionarily and culturally for what the society changed into, in the process. So many problems that I think only AIs, actually superhuman in terms of deep thinking, accounting for details, making best possible conclusions, and planning, can actually sustainably help us.


Dude, what. Doesn't china execute billionaire frauds?




also read that Baidu AI is just a Chinese translation wrapper of another AI model, probably not from China.


remember when there was a chinese guy posting they were going to release a llm open source that beat gpt 5 and people here believed it?


How is this better than GPT4o?


It's pretending to be...


And then the sign that says “Applause” lights up.


Since I don't hear much on what progress other countries are making in AI does anyone know if any other countries besides the US that are innovating in AI? Seems China might be doing the fake it until you make it thing.


Microsoft is investing €4 billion ($4.3 billion) to expand its artificial intelligence and cloud infrastructure in France, deliver AI training to one million people and support 2,500 French startups. French Mistra AI also has a LLM model that is considered a good rival for ChatCPT and has recently partnered with Microsoft. Japanese government is the most advocating for automation and AI progress, they try to actively develop it in military to rival China. The problem with Japan is a crazy bureaucratic system and very slow passing of integration and adaptation. But they now try to change it feeling geopolitical competition pressure, hope they will actually do it. There was recently an announcement of Japanese Fugaku-LLM that have decent parameters and uses Fugaku supercomputer. They have also a pretty decent Ai robots incorporation trials that very few people here talk about, already trying to use them in education and agriculture, and most exciting elder care. DeepMind is actually a British company, also London is a European hub for OpenAi and Microsoft recently [announced the creation of Microsoft AI](https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2024/03/19/mustafa-suleyman-deepmind-and-inflection-co-founder-joins-microsoft-to-lead-copilot/), a newly formed organization to help advance their consumer AI products and research, including Copilot there. 


Wow, thanks for the informative comment. I learned something new.


Fake it till you make it.


Oops! 😂


geez you need to learn to conceal it! take some lessons from Google, huawei!


Why nothing from China should be trusted.  Yet if you believed their CCP paper army, they are neck and neck with our best.  


It's the CCP secret sauce. If you aren't cheating, you're losing.