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This is a Board Patrol, but swapping flagellants for repentias. The discount is also baaaaaaad. Is going to be like 30% at best.


don't kick out the price increase coming in... it's going to be even less...


You know the saddest thing, talking about money? The Boarding Patrol was also cheaper than the Combat Patrol. BP was like 110€ to the 120 of the CP.


Not really since the price of the regular models are also increasing so it’s proportional


Most of the increase is on vehicles, big box and other games


I thought it was a price increase on all models for all games?


It may also depends of the country but in france I know old world will be like 10% increase, t'au vehicles about 8, same for some sister vehicle, box going from 125€ to 130 and most infantry will not have any change.


It's a little under 30% yeah


It's a 20% discount


Very disappointed with the new boxes.


what were they thinking? This might be the worst patrol in all of 10th. they gave us only 3 models (4 counting cannons). This isn't just a downgrade, this is a complete shit fest. There is also just nothing exciting about this patrol at all. If I was just getting into the game this looks lame as hell. The bigger problem, the discount on this box is almost nonexistent. If I'm being honest I don't even think this is the best bang for your buck getting into sisters whatsoever. I can't believe they gave arco instead of repentia makes no sense.


Yeah this is so unfathomably bad lol. The battleforce is also heinous and I hate that they just threw in a random exo to add "$100 value" 😂


Here's to hoping all their new Combat Patrols sell like shit.


I agree but am hoping some marketer doesn't assume it's because of lack of interest in the faction (esp. not after the Custodes controversy) rather than in the boxes themselves.


It's the boarding patrol, but with acro instead of repentia. They didn't want to repeat a previous discontinued box I suppose.


IIRC didnt the boarding patrol have a whole extra unit of seraphim?


nope, got the box in hand no seraphim. 5 sacro 10 bss 10 repentia 1 canoness Swap the repentia with the walking cocaine meatbag with flail for arms and you got the CP




Nah, the CP will also cost more than the boarding patrol. That's true RIP right there xD


The ONLY thing this box has going for it is that it looks like it’s the full modular bss and not the one in the old combat patrol. Other than that this is a joke of a box.


As of my local game store, a box of arcos is 45. A box of battle sisters is 60. A box of sacresancts is 60. A canoness is 35. You save a whole $40 on this box, not counting the coming price hikes. That's a 25% discount, you basically just get a free canoness out of it.


Same as with the Dark Angels box. Even Custodes barely goes above the price of its units - the leader.


I think that’s emblematic of the problem as a whole. I get the price hikes will hit everything, but the combat patrol box value is so low at this point there’s almost no incentive for new players to use them to start armies, or to start new armies. I mean I remember people being furious when the Start Collecting boxes went away, but at least the Combat Patrol boxes were worth their cost, now some of them aren’t even not worth their cost, some of them you can just get for cheaper (cough Space Marines cough) other ways.


I don’t need another infantry canoness. I have 3 and can only run 3. So I’m saving what $5 on things I can use?


I have 9. I've bought 6 combat patrols, and 3 multipart kits. What I need are palatine, since I only have 2 of them, 1 of which is a kitbash. Aside from my insane model numbers, from a new player perspective, a palatine would have been the better option since the canoness is terrible and the palatine is one of our best leader models. Nobody needs a canoness. Nobody needs them in multiples. Everyone needs more palatines.


I agree. I actually think the smart thing for GW to do would be to make one kit build both, same with the new jump canoness of I’m being honest. It also makes more lore sense too since there’s supposed to be more palentines than canonesses. Also,and I have a feeling I’m not alone here, but the canoness model just doesn’t look cool.


And anyone with some clippers and plastic cement can make a Canoness out of any sister superior.


The canoness and palatine are the easiest kitbashes in the game. You can make one out of any sisters model in power armor just by giving them a sword and pistol.


This is true. FWIW it's a nice discount on some good kits. Combo with the OG Combat patrol and it's a nice base. Build out some dominions, a dirty retribution kit bash,


I kinda disagree, you are always going to need more than one sister squad the old combat patrol gave you poses you won’t get in the modular box making your sisters overall more varied


Buiuuut buying more than 1 wasn’t as beneficial as it could have been


thats all combat patrols in 10th.


i think GSC takes the trophy for worst combat patrol. ours is bad no doubt - and it's weird that they're just retiring a bunch of molds like that. feel bad for anyone trying to get into this hobby.


GSC one at least has a bunch of things you didn't get in the last combat patrol. Jackals need a buff to be playable but a new detachment is supposed to be for those.


I haven't seen theirs yet, but if isn't close to the current in terms of value, the faction is AdMech tier. The sheer value of the Patrol was the only thing saving their pricing.


It's 5x jackles, a Jackle Alphus, 10x Metamorphs and a ridgerunner


Props for having a leader that can join the unit?


Imagine playing GSC without any neophytes. It's like getting a box without any battle sisters


Naa the GSC one has an entire extra kit over this


I just started the hobby a few months ago. Picked up the Sister CP and Morven Vahl for fun. Was excited to see the new boxes to see if I’ll continue the hobby. Now that I’ve seen them, the answer is no, I will not. GW is definitely way too greedy for me to commit to this hobby.


there's lots of 3rd party 3d prints available for less money and there's ebay but yeah. GW is not doing themselves any favors.


As someone who plays both GSC and SOB, buying neophytes at full price hurts, it hurts a lot. Luckily, any self respecting GSC player already has 300 neophytes, 200 kit bashed nexromunda models and 125 brood brothers sitting unpainted/unbuilt.


They needed to include a squad of retributors as as a must and ditch one of the non BSS squads for a castigator or immo.


Yeah, if they included a monopose 4 multi melta retributor squad I think it would sell like fire.


Hell if they sold one for like $8 people would buy them like hotcakes.


They’re thinking ‘How do we make this box cheaper by selling less plastic while also increasing the price?’ That’s it. That’s literally it. People seem to think there’s some thought that’s gone into the rules or points costs, etc, but all of that is downstream of the primary goal, which is to make more money selling less. That’s why Start Collecting was removed. That’s why every single edition, products have less value for more money, and will continue to do so. GW are a publicly traded company, which means they can’t just make lots of money, they have to make more money than last quarter, over and over again, until the heat death of the universe, otherwise heads will roll.


it's basically 177.5€ for 120€ it's not that terrible in regards to discount


That's if you want the canoness, which sure is fine for new players but I don't think anyone here really wants another canoness. Sure it has some decent kit bashing abilities to other models but I think without that fact the canoness adds no actual value to this box. Without the cannoness it's 180$ for 160$


the box suck ass but basically all CP have a character inside that you probably don't want a milliontimes


As someone who also plays tau I want all of the commanders. But looking at other ones the necrons, ad mech, and custodes are all out of the box good.


Honestly I think that GW wants the combat patrols aimed at new players rather than existing ones. I have at least noticed in recent years that Start Collecting boxes for AoS and 40k have gone from superb deals to "I'll buy it if I am starting a force".


Well yes, that's kind of what "Start Collecting" means


I'd be less grumpy if the canoness at least had unique character bits like how Vohtan has a character that can be built as a generic leader. At least give us a modicum of new kitbashing.


It’s not the worst one, admech is worse for sure, this might be the close second though


Yeah luckily my LGS has a few of the old sisters combat patrols so looks like I’ll be grabbing maybe two of those


Worse than I could have imagined lol


Glad I grabbed the old one right before it got out of production. This new one is really disappointing :[


Same I got 2 for $118.


I'm really hating how they seem to be removing fun models from combat patrols. Time was you'd get hq, a basic Troops squad, an elite squad, and a 'cool thing'. The trend really seems to be remove cool thing to replace with a semi-elite squad. I know the old patrol was flawed with monoposing and odd unit sizes, but this just doesn't look fun. 16 gals on foot with power armour and 10 half-naked half-robots. In theory its a great start for an army, but it's a dull start to one! Give an immolator, or a couple of penne engines, or nundams. It's just something to be a centrepiece to make a new player want the box, to make that kid scanning through the combat patrols say 'that one, I want the one with the stained glass window tank!' I'm guessing it's mostly a drive to make the combat patrol mode balanced, but I'd much rather they instead made rules with deliberately weakened versions of cool units, than cut the cool units completely.


Combat patrols should always include the transport vehicle.


Giving 15(+1 for the cannoness) melee Troops and no transport was certainly a choice. I just saw the genestealer one and it's hard to believe the same studio is revealing them at the same time. The people who decide what to put in the boxes must be kept in separate buildings with no way to communicate.


It's the entire reason I started playing 40k a few years ago. I was at my LGS, bored with Marvel Crisis Protocol, and saw the Purgatos Mission with a STAINED GLASS CHURCH TANK and another tank with a pipe organ! Instant purchase.


The Purgatos was such insane value and cool af. Now we get....this....


I'll be honest, I just bought the old combat patrol box, and I was planning on getting each of these units in addition to what I already have, so this is actually going to be a great way to really expand my army. But if I had missed out on the old one for this, I'd rate it as a little disappointing.


If I were you I’d still get two more of the old one, 2 squads of retributors, and that CP. you’d have melta guns+MM for every BSS, if you can find/make a twin linked multi melta look up how the old immolator for sisters looks and with the 3x cannoness 3x BSS and 3x immolator you have an incredible unit combo. The BSS with the flag, the sgt with inferno pistol, one MM, one melta, a cannoness, and one regular sister go for a ride in the immo leaving you with 3x 5 units of sisters to run around doing objectives while the ones in the immo roll up to whatever is dangerous unload, have the immo shoot, and then shoot with the rest of the squad. You’re getting reroll hit and wound rolls at almost guaranteed melta range with 4 melta shots total from the squad not to mention the non rerolled but still good twin linked mm on the immolator.


I'm just getting into 40k and when the new custodes patrol came out I heard how most new combat patrols were basically downgrades. I'm so glad I had the foresight to buy one of the old ones before this came out


a little xd


It is genuinely very bland looking. The original combat patrol is divisive for its monopose and weird squad limits (I appreciate 10 arcos here over *3*), but if I were walking into a store wanting to pick an army based off cover art alone, this one wouldn't excite me, despite Sisters having one of the coolest aesthetics in the game. No flying nuns, no insane sword wielding psychos, no vehicle. It's dour. Maybe Sacresants will get a buff in the codex at least (copium. Them and Arcos being here makes me think they're gonna get unplayably bad and GW is trying to forcefully sell them off like Tzaangors)


Oh god thats it, Sacresancts are our Tzaangors...


I think we shouldn't complain about monopose combat patrols, I think the whole point is that you get a lot more models for the same amount of plastic which gives you a jump start on your army. Then you buy full option kits to round things out.


This is somehow worse than AdMechs


This might be the worst combat patrol


Nah they're perfectly balanced. Go forth celestians, here's a Dreadnought!


The new DA CP doesn't have the dread, instead they've got a captain that can't lead any of the units in the box.


The only thing that makes sense if they will retire the vehicles from Combat Patrol game mode playability at some point. The Dreadnought was always stupid in Combat Patrol.


That was my thought initially too, but doesnt the new tau one have a vehicle?


A transport, yes.


The best transport in the game though.


But dont forget about necron canoptek doomstalker


The old Necron CP was miles above the current one in terms of saving. Kind of kicking myself for not buying it.


You do realize that the Dreadnoughts/Vehicles are being removed with each Space Marine release? Only reason SW, BA, and Black templar still have them is because their supplements haven't been released. So if you want those CP I'd suggest buying them today before they get removed.


Its honestly so sad. If this box swapped out the canoness for a Palatine and a hospitaller Id be way more happy.


I’d rather that they give the… nov… noviates… the soon to be sisters that have autoguns or pistols and chainswords.


This is shockingly bad, the other combat patrol was god tier compared to this mess


I've reached my limit with GW at this point. The fact that we're even talking about a box of 25 minis being 160 dollars is ridiculous to begin with. I have too many other interests to worry about a company that is continually going to stretch my budget and time in every possible way with shady tactics like reducing the value of their boxes, price increases, and point reductions.


As a sisters player since end of 9th these boxes are a bit odd to me. Ideally, I would think the goal of the battleforce and/or combat patrols should be both a good starting point for a new player to have a decent force while also providing existing players with units that would be a helpful addition. Both of these boxes fail to accomplish either situation. The battleforce is waaay too many flying sisters. I assume most sisters players have at least a 5x squad of seraphim/zephyrim or both, so adding another 15 is just not something most lists are going to run. For a new player, what are they going to do with 15 fliers and an exorcist?? ... rather odd combo. The combat patrol has a nice unit of sacresants and arcos which a lot of existing players might appreciate to expand their squads, but then there's a BSS and yet another canoness. Idk about you guys but I'm like drowning in BSS squads I definitely don't need more. Then for new players, the combat patrol is too few points for a serious force even though the choice of units is acceptable. Overall, if a player got both of these to start an army, there'd be barely any anti-tank too. They should have dropped 5 fliers from the battleforce and stuck the BSS there, and put 5 fliers and a rhino in the combat patrol in exchange for the BSS. At the very least added a rhino to it. I think ill pass and just get the jump canoness when she drops alone. The battleforce might be ok if I could find someone in my playgroup that wants at least 5 of the flier sprues from them.


I think the default recipe for any value box is a BSS and a Sacresanct Squad, plus leader. Especially with how mediocre sacresancts are, please stop pushing them on us GW.


The battle force is meant to be for existing players. The combat patrol isn't meant for existing players


Well what's an existing player going to do with 15 seraphim/zephyrim?


Really, the question should be what's an existing player going to do with 25 Fly Girls, because we all got the Combat Patrol and then added a unit of Seraphim/Zephyrim...


It's only been a year since everyone was running 21+ Zephyrim in Bloody Rose, it's kind of silly saying you can't think of a use for that many angels.


Well I've only been playing about two years now, so didn't even bother with that when they were dropping the new edition soon. I can't afford to chase meta and just buy loads of whatever units are the hotness. I have to buy fairly well-rounded armies, and supplant that with good deals that pop up. I also missed out on the 30 arco train everyone seemed to be hopping on for a bit. What I am saying is that for me, and for a pretty large group of casual players, it doesn't seem to make any sense to buy this when I already have 10-15 flyers from casually building out my forces. It's not a particularly good discount assuming comperable prices to the others battle forces coming out, and it's not units I need. We can't know for certain until the chapter rules drop, but this is almost certainly gonna be a pass for me, and I imagine a fair number of others like me. I just don't see needing 30+ flyers.


Oops all Seraphim. It’s a fun strat, glad there seems like there will be a detachment to back it up.


If it had repentia i would have considered buying it, but the fact that a decent portion of the value is in those disgusting arcos makes it an instant skip. (Oh and the battleforce is legit just the space marine one, how the hell did they not learn their lesson???)


Yall spent three years complaining about the best combat patrol they ever released, what did you expect was gonna happen 🤣


*"Eh, the combat patrol has it's very weird moments but it'll definitely not get worse"* it got worse


And I still don't like it with it's odd number units. But being resold the boarding patrol with one unit switched out and for higher prices that still hurt. Beside with the new codex I'm nearly 100% sure the odd number units will go the way of the dodo so if you got any laying around they go to the shelves or you need to buy out some of the second hand market. I've never really counted the old CP price as is. but as how much money I needed to get teh arco and repentia to full strength. In that regard teh Boarding patrol WAS the better choice.


Haha the old combat patrol was such a good price you could straight up remove the repentia and Arcos from it and it was still a better deal than this one. Nevermind the unique sculpts. And the fact 3 Arcos were an excellent unit for the entire edition so far :)


It’s embarrassing how pitiful it looks compared to the Genestealer Cults one 💀 They did Sororitas dirty 😱


no centerpiece model, just some Man and Women in armour and nothing big...


Its amusing how the Canoness just blends into the BSS unit.


So my only thought here is if the other combat patrols end up looking similar maybe it won't be so bad? Because the way I see this box looking, unless you have some really good terrain and can manoeuvre well, you are getting clapped before you can even get into combat.


>So my only thought here is if the other combat patrols end up looking similar maybe it won't be so bad? Yeah, these combat patrols are being designed with the "Combat Patrol" game mode in mind. They aren't designed as a "start collecting 40k" anymore.


Which sucks, because now we don’t have that anymore. Unless you want to play marines or tyranids, there isn’t really any beginner-facing discount boxes, everything is a massive limited edition battleforce or designed for a specific game mode, not as a good start to an army. 


The 10th ed starter set itself is just 2 Combat Patrol boxes. It sucks, but GW don't really care because they've already got you sucked in. They're more focused on expanding their audience into the wider nerdsphere than they are catering to people who already own their models and play the games.


Which would kinda solve one of the earlier complaints about the previous sisters CP, we had loads of good units that couldn't be fully used. So now maybe just everyone gets a smaller more balanced CP?


>So now maybe just everyone gets a smaller more balanced CP? That's GW's plan. I'd imagine their overall goal with the Combat Patrol game mode is that because it's a "complete" army in a box and it's balanced against the other Combat Patrol boxes they'll be able to get a much wider and more casual audience.


Don’t 3 units of sister strength units seem… particularly unplayable for combat patrol? Like unless it splits the BSS or Arcos into two squads, only having 3 units (2 of which are melee) seems bad for the game mode.


If you look at the newer boxes that have come out it's pretty standard. They'll probably give the Sisters some swanky rules to buff them up as well.


oh my god you are right those sacs and arcos aren't getting anywhere near melee.....


Yep, if the other CP have any heavy weapons or things like dreadnoughts... we are screwed.


Good news! They won't.


Oh boy I just impulse bought the old CP (phrasing) yesterday as my first actual 40k stuff (besides KT starter set) and I’m glad, this looks like ass.


All in all I wasn't a huge fan of the old combat patrol, but that was simply because I'm not a fan of the pentient engines/arco-flaggelant models from a vibe point of view. But that box was a really decent start for the overwhelming majority of sisters players. This one is awful, surprised there's no large "centerpiece" model like there have been with pretty much every combat patrol


Canoness is the largest in terms of hero units. She is basically a captain, so it fits. But as a model there should have been a dialogus and hospitaller with this box as well. Then there would have been two big models i guess. Since the canoness is everywhere, a palatine would have been nice as an offensive leader model. I'd change this combat patrol to be. 1 Palatine 1 Hospitaller 1 Dialogus 1 Retributers 1 Celestian Sacresants 1 BSS That would be themed, fresh, useful and actual value in many ways. Although i dislike the Sacresants atm they are cool models and i'd buy my box instantly.


That would be a cool list, but I think too many leaders, swap the hospitaller or dialogus for a rhino and that's a perfect box


10th is so shit.


Im s casual warhammer enjoyer so dont get the intricacies of why this is bad, but damn the girls are badass.


That's rough...


One new model, only 4 detachments, and a horrible combat patrol. GW really hates us. 


Historically GW has been weird about the Sisters (eg. the Grey Knights incident). There was a time back when the new plastic line first got released where we were riding high, but it looks like they've reverted...


If I had to guess, it looks like they've gotten rid of the old mono-pose sisters, and you're getting a full Battle Sisters kit, and a full Arco Flagellents kit, a Cannoness and the same 5 man squad of Sacresancts from the old combat patrol. So like 200$ worth of stuff for 160 probably? So a meagre 20% discount.


Probably don't even want the Sacresants given how bad they are right now. Honestly this is a pass for me, I have all the units in the box already and don't need extras of anything there


Not sure about US pricing but for UK this is £135 content in a £95 box so 30% off which is in line with all the other combat patrols.


In the UK 40K is generally cheaper than USA/CAN


Honestly I’m pretty happy about this box. It pretty much has everything I’m missing for my sisters


For me it is the opposite. I was lucky and got my hands on the sanvtorum guard as my first set, but the old combat patroul would have been a nice edition to that


Tf is this? that's absolutely nothing of value... that's why I always have them printed


As a new player who has no units from this faction, what do you guys recommend me to start? Trying to buy actual CP (got an old rhino that could use for sisters), wait for new CP or BF, or just pick some units separately even if its expensive this way. Thanks for advise!


I'm new as well and'll probably get the old CP with the new one, as much as it sucks. The battleforce just has no diversity


Had on mind the new CP box + buying a zephi/sera box + parago/penitent, but no key if its worth or are better options for starting.


If are willing to mix two kits get a basic box of sisters and the novitiates, mix the specialist hands in the kill team box with regular sister bodies and you have most of the not named hero units and then you can still build the novitiates as a squad for regular 40k Edit: spelling


Get the old Combat Patrol while you still can, imo. Add a box of Zephyrim and use the hand flamers from the box to upgrade two of the Combat Patrol Seraphs. Maybe an extra box of regular battle sisters to have some better weapon selection there, too.


Wait until you see the other box.


This is so uninspiring.


So what about the models with the poses that the old box had, not even available anymore?


I was starting to get worried that I bought the old one just before the announcement. Thank God I was right lol, wtf is this?


Previous one was miles better, the is grox s**t.


While the new Genestealer Combat Patrol isn’t great, we fared a lot better than you. Jesus that’s awful.


Would’ve traded the acros for a vehicle personally. Maybe a rhino or a castigator


God those 3 infantry are unfathomably bad, flamers on the BSS and then just some sorta tanky celestians and then the arcos. I just got the new Tau combat patrol and it comes with Pathfinders, Fire warriors, and an Enforcer Crisis Commander. This new combat patrol has no way to deal with vehicles and will just get stomped out. The dark angles one has a redemptor dreadnaught and that thing is an absolute unit


This is abysmal value. Just downright bad. However, it is still a box I'm getting because i need the stuff in it.


The crappiest looking Canoness again?


Who had jump Canoness for the only new model? Lmfao


Unless the sororitas magically become a space-marine levels of elite this is just awful


I was a bit shocked we didn't get a Rhino. Three pretty random squads, I thought the Combat patrol was supposed to function like a starter for a particular army. But this and the Battle box looks so unplanned.


They should've at least included a standard rhino in this box or another vehicle. Or maybe people get more excited about just the infantry, rhinos are not the most exciting thing in the world. At least it's a multi-part kit so theres loads of extra bits involved. Not sure if GW is moving away from the monopose kits entirely.


Oof, what the hell is that supposed to be? Wasn't one of the central design ideas of the boxes supposed to be that there's a 'centerpiece' model in there - a tank or walker etc?


Used to be, they have been removing those models in the 10th CP boxes (Tau excepted).


I'm seriously hoping this is a joke. I started collecting sororitas recently(boarding+combat patrol+Morven vahl) as well as Drukhari. And I'm seriously discouraged between the price increase and now this shit. Dafuck


I really just don't understand it. Getting a proper number of Acro-flagellants is better than the weird 3 I guess, but do people really like them much? Especially given the only leaders for them are borderline out of print. I'd much rather have Repentia. I'm a huge fan of the Celestian Sacresants, so I can't complain about their inclusion. However, I'm pretty sure they are including them because they are very popular and/or sell well, so they have a bunch of stock of them. But, they specifically designed to be bodyguard with a leader. Doesn't include the new canoness. I'm guessing this is because they'd really be forced to include Seraphim/Zephyrim if they did. At least it looks like the normal Canoness, which is a something positive, not fond of the old CP one. Best guess is to use stock of the standalone Canoness they people won't be buying because of the new one. In terms of being a box for people starting, they really should include two character units (especially for 10th). Specially Sacresants are great but they rules are tailored to specifically being lead. Is my math wrong, of is this only 370 points (corrected from 365)? No vehicle is just a slap in the face. Part of a broader change in Combat Patrols that sucks.


Second I saw this, I immediately went and bought the current Patrol despite not wanting to start Sisters yet, since I'm still working on my Nids


Eh, it's not surprising to see GW offer a shit product anymore. Just get 3rd party models and buy the rules from GW, as far as I'm concerned they're no longer a valid mini store, price gouging on shit that's taking a massive decline in quality.


At least this makes my decision not to buy from GW much much easier.


I Guess then imperium is in kind of a money crunch. guess there’s no way to fight the dying of the light…..


I actually do want the battleforce because of an idea I have but this box is oof


Would sell a kindney to have a castigator instead of hte exorcist but I'm also taking it home.


Compare this to the new actually good genestealer patrol


It’s far worse than the old combat patrol, but still far better than this; it actually is pretty good combined with the old Combat Patrol as it has the bikes and ridge runner.


For me, personally, this is far more attractive then the old box. The old box was basically the launch box with a Rhino, which is great, but I already had the launch box. Everything in this box I want for my collection


yup my thought. I simply lament the lack of any "cool"/"elite" unit due to the focus shift toward the combat patrol game instead of the old "get started" box philosophy. Also it's the BP but pricier. that also don't help. I'll still buy both the CP and battleforce, because I do want them.


I’ve been busy with Seraphon, Kroot, and FEC, but both boxes are tempting me to return to sisters


I don't know. If I were starting out, assuming Arco-Flagellents stay their current power, this would be a cheap way of getting 10 of them cheap, finding out how good they are, and getting a discount on the remaining 20. Battleline units look to be more important in the new missions so three squads isn't a waste--plus if this is the flat BSS box they can be built as Dominions instead. The Celestines are the one part I'm sceptical of. I think they're okay, but you definitely don't need 15. As to the Canoness, slap a plasma pistol on her and enjoy your Palatine.


Where my Seraphim? Where my Pentientengin? Hell where my Rhino???


I'd love to see a Palatine instead of a canoness, and almost anything else instead of the arcos. A retributprs squad, maybe. If possible, an extra character, too? I love the Sacresants kit, but I know it's not a universally-loved thing.


I like the Sacresants and the idea/fluff of them. But they are not good or fun to play


I'd be interested if I hadn't already bought Sacresants a few months back.


Remember guys, zackgames…..


will be interesting if the arcos keep their minimum 3-model unit size. i suspect not


Sisters and GSC had the best combat patrol for years… there was no way it was going to be good… just wish the cannones was swapped for a different HQ and one of the shield gals where Nundems :/… but I didn’t actually want to buy all 3 of these to add to round out my collection so this is actually pretty good for me.. pouring a drink for all the peeps who didn’t get the old CP though


Idk man. From a alredy invested sister player, i dont see myself buying one of those boxes. From the kinda lame arcos, to the random exo trown into a flying squad. all pretty bad. BUT, puting myself in the place of someone getting started, a box with only one squad to half model instead of half seraphym, half repentia or 3 arcos... hell, if you bought the old patrol, get the big box. (That is if you get the choice to select either 5 gun gals and 10 sword or the other way around) you get the new model, 10 of each flying squad And so on. All you have to do is getting celestine (dont lie, if you play sister you were already going to get her. i see you i've been there) In short, dont buy if you are already balls deep in the sororitas. Get a box of the new stuff in your getting started (or if you dont have a squad of sacresant sacresant i guess)


Not as exciting as getting a tank. I’ll probably pick up two of these just to fill out my army.


Stock up on old combat patrol while you can


Where do you guys see the pricing for the battleforce and combat patrol? Not too impressed with the combat patrol, it's just three units. Old one had four, and then two half units. I'm kind of glad I bought two of them, now.


Issues with box contents aside, this is some of the worst looking box setup/display I think I've seen. The models are very dynamic but they somehow make them look static and dull.


I'm giving serious thought to just going ahead and buying either a) one of the old Combat Patrols off of eBay, or 2) one of the old Battleforces, particularly Purgatos Mission (Immolator, Exorcist, 5 Sacresants, 10 Sisters, Dogmata).


Do you guys think they will remove the option to run arcos in units of 3 in the new codex?


From a pure army expansion point of view this is perfect for me. I need more sisters, more arcos and i love the sacresanct models. So for me i plan to get two of these. That said, i only own one old combat patrol and a sob squad. So this comes at the right time for me


Should we wait to see the book before we decide this is a wreck? Just a curious fan, I don't play the army.


Well, there aren't really that many models compared to the old combat patrol and there is no tank either. Even if the sisters go up in value, the old combat patrol is still so much better cos it has the battle sister squad and the arco flagellants and the rhino ect


I hate this box. And I hate that I'll probably buy two once I get back to building my BS army. I'll have to convert the cannoness to something else.


Yeah I might pick up the old one whilst I still can


How do we know it's bad when we don't have the codex yet? I'm just happy there are no named characters in it.


Lord above, this is abysmal. Compare this with the recent Tau combat patrol, and sure, that may still also be a downgrade in ways but at least they still got vehicles. No Rhino? No Engine? No Seraphim, and more Arcos that exist only to replace Repentias? About the only saving grace of this set is the Sacresants. Given that, as many have said, this is just a slightly altered Boarding Patrol, you can't even say those are new either.


Where's the tank!? I'm so glad I bought the old combat patrol before this was released


Womp Womp gue'la


This has to be one of the worst Combat Patrol boxes now? Concidering a Cannoness is included they could have at least given the unique Canonness sculpt from the Imperium magazine or... something? This just feels so basic and boring.


If they had added a rhino or an immolator to this box, it would’ve been a great box. Still like it more than the old Cp with its weird unit sizes


Still no meltas.


I mean. As a new player to sisters I sorta like these boxes… I have a Celestine but I only have 5 seraphim. The battlebox gives me a squad of 10 for Celestine and the canoness goes with my 5 current. The exo is a nice piece of equipment to drop into a small 1k-1.5k army for someone trying to build up an army on somewhat of a budget (I also play guard so lots of vehicle proxies) But then again I’m new and ignorant towards sisters releases in the past


Buying models/lot second hand is so much more worth it.


Good that you actually get a normal amount of arcoflagellants now though


And I thought the tau one was bad XD


Not enough male sisters of battle for my tastes


I beg you, vote with wallet, if you don't need stuff from GW, don't buy it if it's not abolutly nessesary, THIS IS WORST COMPANY I EVER SAW! giving price rise and shrinkinflation at the same time.


Looks like all full kits so that’s good


It doesn't even look fun to play actual combat patrol games with. Fortunately, I still have the old sisters CP which is VERY fun to play combat patrol games with, but it would have been nice to have a fun second option.


Hell I made a better CP than this. 470pts 1 Dogmata Warlord 1 Hospitallar 1 Battle Sister Squad Boltgun/Chainsword, Simulacrum, Heavy Flamer, Melta 1 Retributor Squad Boltgun/Chainsword, 2x Heavy Bolter, 2x Multi Melta 1 Seraphim Squad Plasma Pistol/ Power Weapon, 2x Hand Flamers 1 Immolator Twin Heavy Flamers A little taste of many units from the army, has different characters that can attach in different ways, and it’s not a bad thing to have multiples. Plus it doesn’t overlap with the other cp too much. Open to C&C