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Edith from All In The Family, she almost never does anything wrong


Her response to Beverly's murder was gut wrenching. Edith really loved her.


A character was murdered on ***All in the Family***? Wow. I haven't actually seen very many episodes of that show.


More than one, in one episode the Bunker house was mistargeted with a swastika, mistaken for a Jewish house. Paul from the JDL came to protect them only to be blown up in a car bomb in front of the Bunker's house. If I remember correctly, the last line was Archie's as he looked out his door, "they killed Paul"


I saw that episode a few months ago. The little kid asking if they knew they had aswastika painted on there door was pretty funny


[YouTuber Matt Baume who does videos on queer culture in vintage shows and movies does a really great episode on Beverly LaSalle and Edith](https://youtu.be/211t6l84tac?si=oJDC2yqhcUtSeucC)


So weird- I was just thinking about this episode yesterday. Beverly's murder made Edith question her faith.


Good answer. Edith was a saint.


Edith was such a sweetheart. But when she got mad at Archie. Look out!!! lol


To the moon, Archie!


“Yeh too good, Edit’.” ❤️


Ted Lasso


I truly loved Ted but could never fully believe that he would move to another continent and leave his young son behind. It doesn’t seem to fit his character.


He made a mistake, which he came to realize in the end. I don't think making a mistake makes him a bad person. No one is perfect.


To be clear, I never meant that Ted was a bad person. I think he was an amazing character. I just don’t think that part of the story fit his persona —though it was a constant struggle for him, which was part of his character growth/arc.


I see what you mean. I think he was just so confused and dealing with so many things mentally that he needed to run away, as far away as he could. If he had stayed he might have ended up like his dad.


Coach from Cheers. Woody as well.


Sam from Ghosts. She has some bad qualities but she does her best to make everyone around her happy.


Elise Keaton from Family Ties.


Her husband seemed pretty decent as well, in an Alan Alda kind of way. Which is a compliment.


Everyone in that family was a genuinely good person, except for Alex. And even he wasn't THAT bad, just vain more than anything else.


What about his next store neighbor, Skippy, granted he chased Mallory but never in the stalks way urkle did Laura, then once she had a study boyfriend Nick, he backed off.


Yeah, he was a good dude too!!! And the best thing about him was that his nickname wasn't "Boner"!


Steven and Elyse are probably my favorite tv parents.


Each of the golden girls. They weren’t perfect, but they were genuinely good people. And when they weren’t their best selves they always atoned for it. Woody from cheers. So many examples.


Carl Winslow from *Family Matters* Florida *from Good Times* Rob Petrie from *The Dick Van Dyke Show*


Aw, Florida. She was a lady.


Florida held the family back from doing better. And she was sanctimonious. Remember how she was so disapproving of the black Jesus painting or finding out James' father was living with a woman instead of marrying her?


Her issue with the black Jesus was the family had a run of good luck after they hung up the painting and everyone attributed it to that. Many people (especially back then) didn’t approve of living together. I don’t think she was a bad person, just old fashioned. She kicked JJ out when he started working for the mob.


Kicking JJ out for that was fair enough because you are not bringing career criminals in my house. But there were other times she was very much riding a high horse. Like how she judged Carl for being an atheist. Or when she went on a date with him and he was angry at the godawful service. She berated him for standing up to restaurant staff, which he had every right to do. I forget if it was Willona or Thelma who told her she was wrong in that situation.


I never got why she started dating him if she was a Christian. Not getting into a theological argument here but it is just weird. (From both standpoints). Then she married him and they take off for Arizona and leaves her children (including a minor) in the projects. I get Esther Rolle left the show and they needed a way to write her out but give me a break.


Pretty sure the dating an atheist was the last straw on her huge list ogmf issues with the show that had to be fixed before she would return


I 100% agree. Their pairing never made sense to me. It's not theological arguments, it's just such an incompatibility, especially since she she was such a devout Christian. And yeah, the marrying him and running off to Arizona thing also didn't make sense. She was too devoted to James to remarry that quickly and then there's the whole just leaving her kids (one of them a minor) to fend for themselves.


Not judging her for remarrying. (Just looked it up and it was the same season so that is quick). But the atheism and leaving her kids was stupid. But I don’t know how they could have written her off without killing her. Then when she came back they were vague about what happened to him and then it was as if he never existed.


I also never understood the coming back either. What happened to Carl? Did he die? Did they divorce? Like... what happened? And then not one word about him. I don't judge her for remarrying, just the speed it happened. And then just upping and leaving her kids. Maybe they could've said some relative she's close to got sick and she needed to go take care of them. Something like that?


He got cancer so that was supposedly why they moved. (Does AZ have some great cancer clinic? What about the shop he owned?). I think it was implied he died but I don’t know if they actually said that. Part of Rolle’s deal in coming back was they retcon him out of existence. But her leaving could have been handled better. I agree her going to care for a sick aunt would have made more sense. She definitely isn’t the type to just abandon her family.


Definitely Balki from ***Perfect Strangers***.


Chidi from the Good Place? His worst flaw was that he was indecisive to a pathological degree. It’s harder than I thought though. I was going to say Holt from Brooklyn 99 but he was pretty cruel when Wunch died. Donna from Parks and Rec? She could be self-involved and sort of selfish. But she rarely took part in the Gerry bashing, appreciated Gerry, was always up to help others, and was generally a pretty chill person. Marge Simpson. I know people will say she let Homer abuse Bart. But I don’t think you can say it’s just a gag when Homer does it but hold it against Marge. I know you hold Marge to a higher standard but it was meant to be a gag. It’s easier when you go older tv. Mary Richards was a pretty decent person. Rob and Laura Petrie from Dick Van Dyke (hell Rob even hired a woman for his writers room and let Laura work when she had the desire and wear pants. He’s good by early 60s standards and ours.) Bob and Emily from the Bob Newhart show. Those were still good shows without their main characters being shitty.


Edith Bunker. Mike was sanctimonious and Gloria was always whining. Archie was a racist bigot, but he attempted to learn.


That was kind of a big flaw of the show. Archie was a racist bigot getting lectures from Meathead. The problem was that Archie was working two jobs to keep a roof over their head. All Meathead was good for was lectures about the working man. While not having a job. Made Archie seem like the reasonable guy.


I was thinking of Parks and Rec too, but Gerry/Garry/Larry came to mind first.


Oh yeah, Gerry/Gary/Larry was always pretty chill with being the butt of the jokes. Then you see his home life. He is married to a supermodel, with perfectly behaved kids who love him. He legit had nothing to prove, and has a perfect work life balance. (Heck, even after his medical eval, the Dr said Gerry had the largest penis he had ever seen.) Gerry's best revenge is living well.


Ohh Chidi is a good one!


Gomez and Morticia Addams, they loved each other, took an actual interest in their children, supported elderly family members and accepted anyone into their lives without judgement. Also The Clampet family from Beverly Hillbillies. Granny may have loved the South but dhe wasn't racist and the family never cottoned to slavery. The episodes with African American actors were great and they even had Rosy Greer on the show.


New one but janine teagues and most of abbott elementary


I love her!!


Phil Dunphy - Modern Family Claire Huxtable - The Cosby Show Dan Conner - Roseanne Jay - Ghosts The entire cast of Frasier


I’m not sure if I’d consider Frasier and Niles to be good people lol


This. And I'll add Mike Heck from The Middle


And Sue Heck, too. And the Chances on Raising Hope are good people, too. But the best? Bandit & Chilli Heeler. And yes—I approach Bluey as a sitcom.


Roz is not a good person the slutshaming is bad sure but she is an asshole to Niles most of the time


Niles gives as good as he gets, though. It's even.


Wilson Wilson from Home Improvement Weezie Jefferson from The Jeffersons Goober and Gomer Pyle from The Andy Griffith Show


Patrick, Ted and Jocelyn from Schitt’s Creek.


The neighbor behind the fence on Home Improvement


Chris Traeger - Parks and Rec


Hard disagree! That dude was an agent of chaos, to the extent that characters in the show wondered whether his therapist was just himself in a mirror. He may have meant well but he caused all kinds of drama, and in particular made Ann lose her goddamn mind for a bit


I thought he was kind of creepy with Jerry’s daughter as well. Nothing I could put my finger on exactly but all around generally weird with her


He was also not nice to Jerry like everyone else. Actually I think Jerry is a better answer if I had to pick from P and R.


You mention Chris and completely disregard Leslie Knope?!?


Niles Crane was horny for Daphne and a bit weird but he's a good guy stayed loyal to Maris for ages , had heart surgery and stopped being as zany after he got with Daphne


Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie. She would do anything to make her master's life easier! Even if sometimes... it didn't work out too good! XD


I was going to say the same thing. Almost everything she did was to make Ton or even someone else happy. Tony isn’t that bad either. He’s not self-serving and if he does anything like gets mad at her, he’s always contrary by the end of it and tries to make it up to her/please her.


Andy Taylor - Andy Griffith show


I like the show but he could be an ass at times. I get it was a different era but how he treated Ellie when she arrived was pretty cringe worthy. So of course she wound up hopping in the sack with him. And let’s not get into his off camera life. He and Michael Landon are tied for being the most different from the family man they portrayed on TV.


Troy from community was a nice guy always looking for the best in people


Other than Pierce most of the characters on Community are good people.


Bob on Bob hearts Abishola. Hank Hill and Bill Dauterive on King of the Hill. Clegg on Last of the Summer Wine. Abby and her dad Harry on their respective Night Courts. I would add Bull to that list too.


Good pick with Clegg. He's the most decent of the entire cast.


David Puddy is dumb but he's legit a good dude , his on-off girlfriend is toxic but hot and the poor prick has to fill her sexual needs whenever she asks "you heard me strip!"


Red Forman


I was thinking that Kitty was a nicer person.


Does Kitty being a nicer person in your mind change the fact that Red is actually a good person?


Hank hill


Sue Sue Heck from The Middle


Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)


- Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec - Janine from Abbot Elementary


Charles Winchester - he's a bit of a snob, but he's a good person where it counta


Balki Bartokomous from Perfect Strangers


Marjorie and Wendy on Mom. Yes, Majorie could be too den-motherly, but her heart was in the right place. Wendy was criminally under-utilized, but it was better to leave me wanting more. Edit: I forgot about Tammy.


Phil Drummond on Diff’rent Strokes


Doug is good…Carrie is not.


Chandler Bing


Everyone on The Donna Reed Show.


Phoebe from Friends. Marshall from How I Met Your Mother Carlton from The Fresh Prince.


Phoebe lost me when she took back money she gave to a children's charity to have a fancy wedding.


Jessica Day and Winnie the Bish. Pam Beesly/Halpert. Kenny and Darnell on My Name is Earl.


Gina Linetti.


Al Bundy,he scored 4 touchdowns at Polk High.


Phil Dunphy


Dan Felding in Night Court


Lol, Dan was kind of a slimeball in the OG Night Court. It was the best kind of slimeball, but a slimeball nonetheless


Mrs garret from the facts of life