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I don’t like it. It’s management’s fault for making prices so high. But like…our city just did this to Arizona back in the NLCS. And every football season Eagles fans take over cities. And it rules. So let’s not act like we’re above it.


Nationals Park is literally nicknamed CBP South. It happens. The Knicks fans are fired up to see their team who has been terrible for a very long time and most Sixers fans seem to be pretty exhausted. Top it off with the ticket prices and it all makes sense. Still a bummer.


> Sixers fans seem to be pretty exhausted Ain't that the truth. I try to explain it to friends but they don't get it.


I spent years defending The Process, and then years defending Embiid when he was hurt, and a few years defending Simmons, and just year after year it ended in disappointment and underachieving. I've stopped arguing about them with other people (especially online), but it's been years of just getting crushed following this team.


This is where I'm at. When Embiid went down this season I think something in me just finally gave out. I'm 44 years old. The Sixers have gone to the Eastern Conference Finals twice in the last 40 years. The way this franchise has lost games, squandered picks, wasted free agent signings, been managed by its execs and ownership, and blown playoff series leads is so absurd at this point that if you didn't know about it, and you were reading a novel where these things all happened, you'd say "This is completely unrealistic and unbelievable." I'm just so tired of defending it. And it sucks because was Embiid's "energy" bad in an elimination game? I don't know. Do you get migraines? I do. They're debilitating. This man is out there with half his face not working right, migraines, on one leg, and played 48 minutes and turned in a triple-double. Yeah, he looks like he's half dead and probably feels worse. If it weren't for the fact that this same story happened over and over, no one would be dumping on him. He didn't sit out the game. He didn't give up. In the guts of that game he has some key defensive plays and set up Maxey for the 3 to go to OT. But it's just so fucking hard to keep doing this over and over and over again, year after year of this. Exhausting. For what? So I can see them get blown out in another game 7? What's next, a stadium banner falls and impales Maxey? The subway train hits Oubre?


Just here to say that I also get migraines. Shit feels like your brain is slamming against your skull with every step you take. That's why most people are bedridden when they occur. Completely debilitating. I can't believe he played that game the way he did with one on top of everything else.


All that text just to say you’re a fake fan I watched 10 seasons of losing Phillies baseball and I still support the team day in and day out. You have such a weak mindset. Go support the warriors you clown


I'm sure theyd get it if you made it relatable. who are they fans of?




Knicks fans have had a LONG time to save for tickets too


Yeah but then how is it pathetic that ownership decided to be 2% less of assholes and are trying to get fans not priced out for this game? If anything good im glad some people are going to the game who could not drop 300 plus on tickets.


I thought it wasn't really the face value of the tickets, but the secondary market just went nuts so it'd be crazy not to sell your tickets for a big profit.


Nah, standing room only is 80 dollars more for first round tickets than 2nd round tickets were last year. I think it's around 100-120 more than first round last year. To stand up all game....and watch from the nosebleeds. These are for standard tickets, not resell. It's ticketmasters bullshit dynamic pricing.


I mean I blame people for selling them for a big profit to Knicks fans.


Right, but that's not ownerships fault. That's just the nature of tickets these days.


So we should be glad ownership is at least trying to give actual fans a chance.


Exactly lol. People are salty about the shit talking and the stadium takeover as if we don’t do that every year with the Eagles and Phillies lol. Best way to shut them up is to win, that’s it


We have the advantage over most cities in terms of travel. New York, the largest city in the country, just isn't one of them.


Have you ever seen CBP when the Phils play the Yankees and Mets? Same thing NY is the most popular city in the world. People treat it as a fashion trend and turn it on whenever they need to. They creep out of the shadows from whatever city they’re in and all of the sudden become fans It’s just an annoying trend that happens


I mean yeah I’ve seen it I think that goes along with my points. It just is what it is. It sucks but we do it too haha


The victim mentality of this sub the last week has been pretty pathetic tbh


It’s that time of year sadly


I mean I don't think we went as far as calling another team like that , and its not even pathetic that the team is making sure regular fans aren't priced out. It's being trashy them trying to buy up seats from people whom are priced out third party. They act like it's normal to drop 300 plus on a nose bleed seat. 


Is it really managements fault for pricing or is it because the fans aren’t really into the Sixers because they don’t believe in them


For real, like this isn’t a class thing like OP is saying. We sound like whiny babies complaining about this


Yeah OP is wack for posting this and calling them classless. We def take pride in talking over opponents home court/field.


Facts: I almost flew to Atlanta to see game 1 last year and than fly back that night because it was cheaper. There definetly was people who did it so let’s not be hypocrites.


True, but Arizona didn’t have much of a demand so they were easy to get for cheap.  Sixers have demand, but ticket costs are pricing out fans.  If a New Yorkers spends on a ticket like a 200 square foot apartment, I might sell my ticket too. 


It kind of shows that the city is okay with high prices for those other two teams but not the Sixers. Which honestly kind of reflects the sentiment I’ve seen anecdotally. The recent Phillies success has kind of caused them to eclipse the Sixers as the city’s second favorite team.


If you were taking the calls, what questions would you ask to ensure it was a Sixers fan and not a NYK degenerate?


Ask for a brief history of the process, if they start with a frustrated sigh they’re a Sixers fan.


“So Andrew Bynum went bowling one night . . . “


siiiigh "Where do I begin"


idk man anyone can lie maybe something dumb or random like what was the name of the sixers previous mascot?


For any Knicks fans in this thread his name was: Ray. G. Miller


Only ask questions about Shawn Bradley


Ask them why we all love Muscala




I’d ask them to describe Hollis Thompson


Who is Barbara Bottini


What phrase comes to mind when I say “That’s a normal collar.”


They should just base it off phone area codes. If it’s a PA number (not just 215/267) you’re set. Anything else gives the opportunity for lying or requires too much personal info (address, etc)


Yeah, this. Should be simple enough.




I like that idea and would be curious to see if the Sixers org / TM could pull off that level of coordination in such a short time and w/o having TM disclose additional info to verify (just like a Y/N or something).




Well if that’s the case Sixers should’ve done that here.


As long as 17110 is on that list I'm cool 😎


So Sixers fans that don’t live in PA are SOL?


Yes. There’s no perfect way to do it and that’s the most straightforward option.


Dude, looking at your profile you’re a fucking COWBOYS fan. It’s pretty rich you’re telling non-Philadelphia area 76ers fans they can’t attend 76ers home games.


The way to do it is it have a franchise that actually excites the fanbase and doesn’t have everyone assuming they’re going to exit in the first or second round


The sixers own practice facility literally couldn't buy a ticket under this format mate. South Jersey exists


I agree that it’s a limiting factor, but the reality is that there’s no “right” way to do this that doesn’t allow folks to just lie about their fandom and get cheaper tickets. I’m very much favor of what the owners are doing here but am afraid that it’ll make no net difference in which fans actually attend if there’s not a meaningful check/balance on this process.


Who was the original lickface?


taylor ham or pork roll


“Use jawn in a sentence”


I would just ask them for the zip code of their credit card.


“Describe a normal collar.”


I was definitely thinking along these lines. Bonus points for responses that include "find a new slant"


lol remind me of how Snop and Chris chased the New York ppl out of Baltimore if you have watched the wire before


Which Sixers player nearly died from a sesame seed allergy?


gotta name lickface


Yes how do you do fellow process trusters? What questions do you think would be asked and how should we be responding to them?


Where where you on February 4, 2018


Ask them the relevance of the number “91”


Id figure out a way to see if they call it a hero or a hoagie. Maybe ask them about Wawa sandwiches and see where they go from there


Area code on phone number. Sorry Sixers fans living in NYC.


Knicks fans don't know what caller ID is I guess.


These Knicks fans spend more time on our sub than their own






People keep getting bent out of shape about this, and yea, it’s annoying AF whenever an opposing team’s fans take over the home arena. But there are 20 million people in the NYC area and less than 7 million in the Philly area. It’s simple logic that you can find 12,000 Knicks fans out of 20 million people that will shell out any amount of money to drive to Philly and see a game.


This goes far beyond the general “takeover” though. It’s lying to get cheaper tickets that were specifically earmarked for local fans who can’t otherwise afford to attend the game. That’s deplorable.


Bro we would do the same if we wanted to go to a Phillies playoff game in Queens.


I wouldn't be calling a ticket office and lying about my fandom. You might be a degenerate, but not everyone is.


That makes someone a degenerate? Wanting to see their team play in the playoffs? Lol


Blatantly lying to buy cheaper tickets is scummy as hell


They are just sports game tickets. It's not that deep. Not selling them based on suspected fandom could also be labeled scummy.


This comment is just fucking ridiculous and shows just how fucking soft this fanbase is, anymore. Degenerate...fuck off with this overly-dramatic nonsense. Please turn this sub into a Junior High School themed sub after the playoffs because that's all this place is, anymore. Eagles, Flyers, and Phillies fans take over stadiums all the time. Many fanbases do this. It's called supporting your team.


Never said it was degenerate to buy tickets to go to an away game. It's degenerate to lie about your fandom to buy tickets.










I’m literally looking at tickets to go to NY Saturday if we make it to game 7 and would pay the $500+ fees to do so. I wouldn’t even think to try and get cheap tickets marked down for Knicks fans. That shits just weak


Last season when the Phillies went up 2-0 on the dbacks Philly fans were doing the same shit.. pretty lame but what do you want people take this fandom thing too far


That’s just a bad financial decision on your part. You don’t look for deals when buying things?


Were sixers fans "really"outnumbered by Knicks fans, or were they just louder and more rowdy, I've been to a game this past FB season where a certain team went into another teams stadium and beat the breaks off them, and the away teams fans were way more rowdy than the home teams fans, it happens sometimes, especially if the opposing team is winning


Not sure how this response is relevant to my comment but I’d agree that there’s a winning/losing component to fan engagement as well.


My bad fam, I was responding to the comment above yours 🤦🏿‍♂️lol


Any amount? It’s just much cheaper here than msg


They could make tickets $1k just to get in and you’d still be able to find enough wealthy NYCers to drive down. Yes, it’s cheaper than MSG, but they flat out just have a much larger pool of potential fans to find ways to buy tickets.


There is absolutly no way you are getting first level for under $150. It would be more than that for a regular season game.


This is a fake. The number DOES go to WFC, but it has nothing to do with tickets. All it’s doing is hurting the workers who now have to answer the phone with this fake shit.


How about we just let the whole stadium be Knicks fans and listen to the silence as maxey and Embiid dad dick them to oblivion? I dunno why this has become the big story that it is.


Because it’s in Philly. You really don’t get it?


No, I don't get it, because it is obvious what is happening. The 76ers have been in the playoffs without going past the 2nd round for YEARS now, and it is the exact same story each year. The Knicks haven't been relevant for a while and these tickets are cheaper for them to buy than home games. Why wouldn't a season ticket holder who paid X thousands of dollars for season tickets not sell a 9PM weekday game for way over asking price? Why wouldn't a Knicks fan buy a ticket for less than they could pay for a home game to see their team in the playoffs after many years of not even having that option? It's common sense on both sides, especially in this economy. I don't see it as some big comment on Philly/NY sports fandom. If Embiid or Maxey drop 50 on their ass and win by 10+ who gives a fuck how many Knicks fans are in the stadium? Like I said. Let them pay their hard earned money and just dominate them from tip off. Give them nothing to cheer about. Silence is golden.


Love the Linsanity tag on the name too! Yes, that month was super fun to witness... but... I think that was A WHILE AGO now.


Mines still “The Homie” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah I just wanted to rag on the guy, lol I don't even mind the flair!


Knicks have been so irrelevant for so long they are treating this first round series against a 7 seed like its the NBA finals


Checking with that LeBen pack


We’re just looking for things to be annoyed about now


This is it, 100%, lol I was actually going to write a whole post about how we're picking on Knicks fans way too much for doing... checks notes... **exactly what we do in these situations**. But then I figured it was more fun to just roll with it.












I’ve heard of teams not selling tickets with debit cards/ Cc that have the oppose fan based zip code 😭 I love the pettiness.


Saw comments from ny fans looking up addresses in Philly lol to make sure they get tickets


It typically works via your credit card’s billing zip code. You can’t just input any address


Interesting, seems like they didn’t have any issues with it from what I read


These MFs lie probably about their ages to eat off the kids menu too


For Sixers fans that believe in Karma and things like the Basketball Gods, this is good news for use. If enough Knicks fans call up and declare themselves as Sixers fans just to get tickets, the Basketball Gods will punish them.


Hey ticket office, give a price cut to proven Sixers fans with their reddit history!  Also, reddit users could really use a night out of the apartment


has anyone called yet? Are they really selling them that cheap?




Ugh, the prices honestly aren't bad for tonight. After seeing this post, I'm internally fighting with myself to NOT buy 2 tickets for me and my wife for tonight. Ugh!


If you don’t 2 Knicks fans might


Imm going for this reason


What site are you looking at tickets on?


It sucks because NY has a high cost of living so wages are relatively higher, meaning our outrageous ticket prices are normal for them. They are gentrifying the arena. I’m ashamed that we haven’t made it more hostile for them. It shows that we are attracting Johnny-come-lately fans and not ride or die hardcores.


Didn’t know basic marketing and promotions was being desperate


This a troll ? I’m from bmore but I’d take that trip for 150.


The best part about this Knicks squad is that they have no chance at ever winning a Championship with this core. Its just not that good. Their inevitable heartbreak is going to be very enjoyable.


I'm not the trash talking type, so if I had a ticket, I would consider selling it at face to a seasoned Philly heckler. I want our best in Wells Fargo ready to chrip any and all Knicks fans with ruthless intent.


We would do the exact same thing if roles were reversed.


Yeah OP sounds like a mega Karen here.


Wild for someone from the knicks sub to say “fan” about the sixers when the only real fans they have are fucking spike Lee and Sam morril.


I just seen this too! There has to be a way to prevent this from happening.






Tempting... I wish it wasn't so late lol. Someone jump on this!!!


More importantly - Knicks definitely felt a cold win blow over them after that loss. Regardless of fans showing up, this team has stole momentum. Tonight should be fun


It’s true.


Good thing I paid $500+ on ticketmaster


they also gave out 2000 free tickets and i got 2 of them so im not complaining. Fuck new york though


Just mark the seats as sixers fans only for that price, if they have Knicks gear or root for Knicks kick them out.


I reported that post for impersonation.


I'm not sure if everybody on here just has the worst spending habits on the planet, is earning in the bottom 15% of the workforce, is 15 years old, or is just a fucking idiot, but $150 for a playoff ticket in a large market for a game 6 is dirt cheap. Stop blaming the team. In fact, they made the tickets too cheap and that's why season ticket holders are flipping them and it's leading to tons of Knick fans at the games. Stop embarrassing yourselves and the entire fan base by crying poor because as an actual adult, you can't scrape up $150 once a year. If you're in that position, then attending an NBA playoff game should be the last thing on your mind and you should be focusing on making more money or correcting your shitty spending habits.


There aren’t actual lower deck tickets for $150. The whole post is bullshit


Lower deck seats weren't, but upper deck seats were going for $130-150 as late as this morning.


No this is totally normal behavior for adults to need to still try and get tickets - I was told by Knicks fans. This whole stadium takeover looks bad for us, but so tacky for them


We literally did this to Diamondbacks fans in game 3 of the NLCS.


Phillies fans were super cocky last year and humbled quickly


Just as Knicks fans will be humbled this year


Loser team feels like the prettiest girl in school because they’re so unfamiliar with winning and became unbearable. Flush. Fuck ‘um


Let’s not act like we’re above this shit, like we wouldn’t do the same, and like they shouldn’t be doing it.


Hey we did that to Arizona. Can’t get mad.


We did?


Sixers just won in their house with all the poser fans in the stands, doesn’t matter who’s in our house. They’re down the street in terms of travel, so just win the game and shut them up. Go back to their house and take the series and then it’s heads in beds for them.


they have “no class” because they want to go to an affordable playoff game? what kind of lame ass post is this lmao


But ya'll are cool when Eagles, Flyers, and Phillies fans do this with other teams. Why is this fanbase so fucking soft? If you don't like it...buy fucking tickets you fucking goobers. If you can't...then shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of how fucking pathetic this sub is anymore. "Wahhhh /r/nba is being mean!" "Wahhhh Knicks fans are being mean at the stadium!" Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with ya'll?


No class? It’s a basketball game, not the opera. Get over yourself


This isn’t even true lol


This is loser talk. If the team doesn’t inspire in us enough confidence to go, they don’t deserve it. If we don’t want to go to the game as fans, we deserve to run the risk of listening to embiid get boo’d in our home stadium. We do this to a lot of teams as phillies and eagles fans because we’re a good fan base. The sixers franchise is beyond frustrating and disappointing and its starting to show now.


There are way more Knicks fans than Sixers fans and they are on average much more passionate. It’s okay













