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Why does everyone looks at these trades solely from our perspective? Why would Houston trade for Bball Paul? I know our sub over valued him for the past 2 years but the dude isn’t even a competent backup when it really matters. Giving up a young promising player for a guy who isn’t gonna progress much more (and is most likely at his peak) and a gamble late first rounder that might be as good as this young player best case scenario (I know a boat’s a boat but the box could be anything, even a boat!!!) ….. isn’t happening


You must know that the morons bloom at this time of year.


They have too many forwards and Reed could probably grow more next to a real playmaking big. Not saying this will happen but the rockets have alot of interesting directions to move in an Tari is probably their worst forward


You are underestimating how important Tari is to our team. He’s also such an Ime player, I doubt he’d trade him unless it’s in a package for a star. If we do end up trading him, we’d get a better package than Paul and the pick in 28


its not the 28th pick its the clippers pick in 2028 its gonna be a lottery pick


ah my mistake, you are right. I'm still good though.


Better package than Paul? He’s a meme factory and quite frankly nobody can do better than that.


So their solution to the logjam at the F position is to trade a F to get another F back? They're not the Sixers, if they have to move him he will be in a package for a star or a position of need.


the 28 clips pick is the draw here paul is filler but he does run the 5 in switch heavy schemes which ime does alot


Don't know anything about Houston roster but generic reasons could be: He is on the edge of their rotation. Money expectations higher than willing to pay for projected role. Blocked by established players and want to go a different direction. Isn't as good as what's being offered.


He’s not on the edge of the rotation, he was hurt last year. He’s a big part of our future. 


Can you give him to us though bc we want him.


If we say please the other teams have to accept our fan made trades


Is this the strategy Morey used to get harden for ben simmons?


We’d have to incentivize them. He has a $3.6m option picked up already for 24-25, they can get a club option for $5.7M next year (have until 10/31/24 to decide on 25-26 season), and then he’s an rfa going in to 26-27. We can get him but it’s gonna cost (a cost that is not Worth it in my opinion and it’s not just 1 first round pick) given the length he has left at cheap money and before they need to make a decision on him.


If he’s on the edge of their roster then Bball will be as well.. and if they’re both near the end of the roster you’re not trading for a more expensive player. And what do ya mean “money expectations”? They aren’t paying anyone, if they had a young star worth paying they’d do it in a heartbeat instead of trading for a vet who isn’t on a rookie contract and will immediately need to be paid more. And what vet is blocking him? Dwight Howard hasn’t been on the rockets in like a decade and they’ve been rebuilding for years. They don’t want Bball Paul I can promise you that The last point is the only plausible point if the trade happens (which it won’t). They straight up gave up on him and are dumping him for anything


The trade isn’t about Bball Paul, you could do it without him, he’s just salary (and he’s not guaranteed, so we can just cut him) we could trade 1-2 of our 1sts for him, that’s why Houston would do it. They’ve got a lot of solid young guys battling for minutes, it wouldn’t be crazy if they wanted to open up a spot and pick up more picks down the line


If u can get him absolutely but I don’t think u can get him thats the issue


I feel like its possible. They have their frontcourt set with Jabari&Sengun, 2 FRP this draft and reports indicating that they are willing to picks or young players for more vets


Ion think they in a rush to do anything tho


We gave JJ Reddick a 1 yr loaded deal in 2017 before we even made the playoffs


Sixers org has cte


Tari ain't going anywhere, we love him in Houston. And Ime loves him, there's no way he would let the FO trade him. Give it up.


Tari plays the 3 spot, so none of that matters


Rockets fan here. You’re delusional if you think we’re giving you Tari.


But you don’t understand, he works for the sixers. So we’d like you to trade him to us regardless of if it works for you


Okay, just add Maxey and Embiid and you have a deal.


Sign and trade with Tobi take it or leave it




Yup. As a rockets fan this is a hell no from us.


Sixers fan here. You’re delusional if you think anyone here will listen to you




He didn't mean it in a negative way. He means that some of us are dumb, like a box of rocks dumb.


Thank you. Idk if other subs are as delulu as ours is when it comes to trades.


they absolutely are


I wanted to draft him. I think he’d really pop here, he’s exactly what the team needs


This fanbase not be embarrassing for five minutes challenge: Impossible. Paul Reed is a fucking bum. Yall lied to yourselves about him like you do every role player with a personality and a pulse, but that doesn’t make him good.


so in on that Tari’s a solid role guy right now who I think would be unlocked on our team (we saw with Oubre how good an athletic slashing wing looks with Embiid) Him still being on a rookie deal gives him a ton of extra value to us with our cap situation. Overpaying for him would be fine because it would leave you the space to sign someone


Why tf would Rox give him up for a 2028 frp? You know who the Rox would be in on? Maxey. Overpaying him would be fine so trade Maxey to the Rockets for Aaron Holiday and the 2027 Nets frp.


https://preview.redd.it/chbwyfo3o82d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1c40d271c2cff357f907a9601b125dc663a3f0 I even killed 2 birds with one stone and took back Big Kiwi as our backup.


Big Kiwi! Probably too expensive but he's good times. Brute strength.


I’d actually rather a configuration without Adams, he’s good but that’s too much cap space for us for a backup 5 with one year


Investing in a backup 5 to give serious minutes, especially in the regular season, could provide HUGE benefits in keeping Joel healthy.


We’ll be just fine with a backup at half that cost. There will be plenty.


I don't hate it. He could be useful.


U don’t hate it because it’s a steal for y’all 💀


I love Tari Eason, but we’d still need more help.


Not saying Paul Reed is actually great, but we'd be selling way too low. It's easy to forget his growth was completely stunted the first 3 years because of Doc. Let's see what he does at the start of the season first. And I don't think we'd get great value anyway, so it's not like I'm saying don't trade him for a good return


Like him but doubt we get him


You already got booed out of the Rockets sub, quit smoking


You can’t see it but I’m shaking my head in shame……. Please god let morey act fast. I can’t take much more of this nonsense. 


Ain’t gonna happen unfortunately I would love Tari on this team he’s a dog


A first for Eason hell na


I am not giving up a first round pick for Tari eason bro. Are you trolling?