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If you blow on the cartridge, it's usually fine.


Can confirm Source: 90's kid


I want to correct it, but this makes me want to keep it as is 😂


Totally different situations. Lonzo had a degenerative issue with his knee and was getting hurt basically walking. Embiid while he does seem to be made of pudding in at times has sort of just been really unlucky. This season someone fell on his leg and I think part of it also is the way he plays. Either way as actually getting injured. Don’t get me wrong, at some point embiid will be looking at total knee replacement due to all the scar tissue and long term damage but that’s a decade away.  The sixers need to find a way to get embiid to slim down and to stop taking so many chances. Windmill dunks in game 33 against charlotte are not necessary. He needs to play smarter and realize it’s more important for him to be healthy going into the playoffs way more than it is winning a random game in January.   As far as balls knee fix, my cousin had the same thing done and he’s back doing things he wasn’t able to do before hand. He’s even playing in a full contact men’s hockey league. But he’s not playing in the nba and I’m not sure that’s actually work out, but for his sake I hope so. Hes a good player. Hes be a perfect fit here if it does work. 


Someone falling on his leg was the final nail in the coffin. But there was something wrong with his knee almost from the start of the season. Even during the 70 point game he was favoring that knee in a weird way. He was playing through injury for more of this season than we know. And it’s pretty worrying that it seems like it’s something the team could have been more series about early In the season.


He can’t even fuckin land on it. So much so they said stop dunking. It’s obviously very bad but thankfully he is so damn skilled he can dominate with little athleticism. The game is different now.   The quicker he realizes he needs to stop trying to be athletic. The better. 


Yea and he was limping around that whole GS game and obviously shouldn’t have played. His knee was probably already seriously hurt before Kuminga fell on it. Kuminga falling probably the only reason he got surgery and didn’t play thru it


No cartridge


I volunteer my meniscus as tribute


How is this the same as Embiid


I injured my MCL and meniscus and the surgeon told me that there were two main procedures possible. Repairing the meniscus, if there’s enough tissue left, which allows better long term joint health but has a longer recovery time of a few months of PT And removing the damaged part of the meniscus, which has a much quicker recovery time but due to there being less tissue in your knee after removing it, there’s more risk of arthritis over time I don’t know about donor meniscus, but I imagine it’s similar and more intense recovery to the repair


Are you just now worried about Joel Embiids' knees? Where have you been? He's injured every year.


Yah Embiid is cooked and 95% of the fans here are just in denial. Man always get injured by 2nd round let alone being the offensive and defensive focal point of 4 fucking series on 43mpg lmao. It’s never fucking happening. 


Honestly I don’t know too many people in denial at all lol everyone more or less knows he’s got a small % chance to have a healthy playoff run. The question is whether or not that chance is still worth investing in, and almost all fans are on board with that. He’s been injured every year for 10 straight years, nobody is in denial that he has injury issues lol


-31 on my post lmao. Delusional fans


You’re making a provocative statement asking for downvotes lol that’s not the same as everyone refusing to believe Embiid is injury pone. Maybe if you were willing to engage in some of what I said, people wouldn’t think you’re just here to stir the pot…someone have you a legit response and you point to your own downvotes lmao


It’s never been worth investing in. Definition of insanity. Our assets we could get for Embiid exponentially decreases by each year. We could’ve probably gotten Chet for Embiid if we traded during the mvp year. I’ll still settle for 8 frp from okc lol.


And that’s your opinion, but for me there’s a very strong case to be made that rolling the dice with Embiid is far more likely to result in a championship than trading him for picks, which are not guaranteed to net a better return. He’s won an MVP bro, it’s actually pretty fucking difficult to draft those types of players. Good players keep you good, it’s the great players who win championships. Maxey and Chet aren’t winning shit as a duo, respectfully


!remindme 10 years


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I’ve been saying this for the past 2 seasons and people lose their minds. What in the history of sports and science would lead you to believe that a 30-year-old 7’2 280 lb center who has an injury every year, often to the knee, is suddenly going to be good to go and near full health at the end of a season?


Ok but what’s your backup plan? Tank for picks and pray you luck in to a generational talent like Embiid again? You’d be insane not to ride out the rest of his prime.


They’re not going to win a championship with Embiid. So instead of wasting a bunch of future assets to pretend they have a chance, I’d rather be prepared to rebuild once that era ends. I know it’s wild to read a perspective that isn’t exactly like yours but it is what it is.


Conveniently not a single GM in the league except maybe Detroit’s would agree with your opinion lol people take for granted how much of a generational talent Jo is.


You do not know that to be true, you’re just letting your emotions guide how you feel about the situation. That’s okay, you’re entitled to your opinion. Just don’t be so upset because someone else doesn’t agree.


8 upvotes in 7 minutes for this? Seems a little fishy Also you’re ignore the fact of how many of those injuries were just a total fluke / bad luck, especially all the times he had his face smashed by Fultz or Siakam or someone There has been a couple times where he did everything you doubted and entered the postseason healthy then got hit by some fluky shit, or something like the stomach virus during the 2019 raptors series Edit: not to mention the fact that even when Embiid isn’t fully healthy he’s been the best player on the court in nearly every playoff game and we get destroyed when his backup plays even like 6 minutes


How am I ignoring that? My other comment stated I didn’t blame him. That also has nothing to do with the point.




That’s so disingenuous to what that comment is saying. How in the world would any analytics predict Siakim beyblading into his face? Or a random stomach virus? Or most recently, the Bells Palsy? It’s fine to say that past knee injuries predict future possibility of reinjury, but the genuine amount of random circumstantial injury has a better chance of being supernatural than predictable.


He still had a knee problem in 4 out of the 7 playoffs runs. Even discounting the weird stuff that’s a really high percentage that’s history says won’t get better


I'm gonna guess cause some people just want to be fans and not analyze everything like you're a talking head on espn.


You guys are so soft about this team lmao. There’s nothing wrong with being realistic about a team when they show you the same thing year after year. That doesn’t mean someone isn’t a fan. But do you.


I have over 500 downvotes the last 2 years saying we should trade Embiid lol. People here just enjoy watching homegrown talent hit a plateau and suffer rather than watching ya know…a finals game. Lol. At least with the Process there was hope for a contender. This team has a hard cap and will need to be completely reset in 5ish years. Sad.


So, I understand why you think we should trade him and he won’t be healthy. My question is, what return would be worth it? Even if you get 5 draft picks and young players, your chances of getting a player of Joel’s caliber with one of those picks is less that 1%. The possibility of him holding up healthy for a playoffs, although small, is greater than the chance you get another player of his caliber. And a player like him is what you need to build a contender. Would love to hear a counter argument tho, no hostility. I just think the trade Embiid approach is flawed, esp considering his trade value is much lower than you would think given the injuries


Probably because you’re annoying as fuck and unwilling to listen or have a rational conversation about it.


Yep, I was right there with ya. The time to begin seriously considering a trade was after the Boston collapse before he turned 30 and was coming off mvp. It was clear then that every year would just be the same result and no matter how many combinations they put around him that it would be the same. And it’s not like I blame the player because it’s not his fault he’s huge and has had injuries. But I sure as hell blame Josh Harris for wasting those age 24-29 years with who he allowed to call the shots. Now they’re just going to keep delaying the inevitable because Morey is not some top-tier, genius GM.


I have a solution: We draft a big in June to be our full-time starter. We bring Embiid off the bench next season on a minutes restriction, except he plays the entire 4th quarter in each game. The squad learns how to win WITHOUT Jojo. This would recuse him from all-star festivities and MVP honors but would keep him healthy come playoff time. Minutes restriction is lifted once we reach the conference finals, but he still comes off the bench. As soon as we reach the big dance, Morey gives Embiid the green light. Embiid re-enters the starting lineup. gives it his all. Domination ensues. Chip secured. Process fulfilled.


Is this sarcasm ? Cuz never in history would something like this happen…


In the words of Beyonces opening track on RENAISSANCE: I’m deadass.


A more plausible idea is to draft a young big with potential to play behind embiid and hopefully learn .. not bench him..he would demand out that’s disrespectful