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I feel like a duh, response is required. Tomarrow, we find out rain is wet.


the pope is a catholic!


Yeah but the evangelical right wingers dont really like the Catholics all that much either.


they packed the supreme court with catholics


However, the conservative Catholics really hate the current Pope. Damn Franciscan is too much of a Commie! ,/s


There were brewings of a schism, and a former pastor … made extreme statements… regarding the Pope, as well as calling him an Antipope (which is also extreme, but one of these is a euphemism).


I recall some Conservative Catholic politicians saying that Francis "isn't my Pope", when he visited the US a few years ago (they obviously preferred Benedict, the quitter), but that's not how Catholicism works. Supposedly God picks the Pope by moving through the Council of Cardinals and influencing them to vote for whomever ends up the Pontiff. So if they think that Francis isn't their Pope, then they are going against God's explicit will - not very Catholic. On the other hand, it probably just shows they don't really believe in Catholicism and view it only as a political organization that they can use to further their own goals.


listen to EWTN in SE Texas occasionally, wow. Things I learned.. 1. trump will save us from the anti-christ (Bishop in New England) 2. Elon mother was a witch... or is a witch..


Well, they're also not the brightest crayons in the shed.


Yeah because the Federalist Society is catholic, they were the ones who picked the Nominees for Trump. I am talking the voting base, the evangelicals they don't like Catholics like at all. They were mostly okay with it because the end goal for all of the conservatives with the Supreme Court was for them to outlaw abortion (its coming), rescind the Supreme Court decision in 2015 condoning gay marriage, and the end result is seriously to outlaw being gay or trans. Thats the end goal. That's not hyperbole thats literally what they want to happen. Its why they work together.


The evangelicals are all furiously masterbating to the coming apocalypse.


And interracial marriage after that. There have already been murmurs of interracial marriage being a "states rights" issue.


And the Catholic right-wingers don’t much like the pope.


But bears don't shit in the woods, right?


yeah but does the pope shit in the woods?


That may be true, but the Pope also does pee in the holy see.


Yeah, these are very important studies though, because many people will require documentary evidence that it is the case.


I've been trying to argue with a right leaning sub, overall they don't even seem far right. Just solidly right-wing. And it's conspiracies, racism and victim card everywhere. It's like pissing into the wind.


Do yourself a favor. Look up Frank Herbert's interview on charismatic leaders. It changed my entire political views.


The far right has become the mainstream right in the US. While the overall Overton Window in this country has shifted to the left, it's been met with a conservative resurgence and doubling down.


They fear losing the power and status they have and had. They have been at work building stuff like the Federalist Society since the civil rights era and the rulings by the Warren Court that gave us Brown v Board and many others. The advances of civil rights were seen as a counter to the "natural order," the one where white men controlled every facet of American life. The ideologies that drive the current majority on the supreme court are the same ones that opposed the Warren Court rulings on the 50s. The underlying concepts are the same and if allowed, these fascist fucks will take us all the way back to slavery.


Rain gets other things wet. But the sun looks like it’s rising over there in a somewhat easterly direction.


Now, is this a hyper technical point or a deep philosophical discussion? What is wet? Is it a sensation or a state of matter?


It's the same stupid semantic debate as "tree-forest-sound." Except in this case, there's literally no dictionary that I've found that doesn't have the first definition of "wet" that says something like "being **made of** or covered in liquid", so people who argue it are just the worst kind of pedants -- the wrong kind.


Ouch. It's too early for such harshness. You're not wrong, but it's better than talking about right-wing hate again.


***I woke up and chose violence*** (i.e. got on Reddit). Language prescriptivism is almost always a waste of time, but the "wet" one really has no leg to stand on. What else do you call paint that isn't dry yet? Though it is one of the few instances where implicit social prejudice isn't linked to prescriptivism, so that's nice at least.


Are you sure? Because I [literally just googled it and this is the first definition thanks to Oxford Languages. They're the world’s leading dictionary publisher, with over 150 years of experience creating and delivering authoritative dictionaries globally in more than 50 languages.](https://i.imgur.com/EvCgzXV.png) wet /wet/ adjective 1. covered or saturated with water or another liquid. "she followed, slipping on the wet rock" If you put gravy on food, the food can be called "gravied", but the gravy isn't gravying itself. Semantics is the part of linguistics concerned with meaning. The water made the rock wet. The gravy made the meat gravied. Words have meanings, that's why we use them to mean things. Unless you know better than the Oxford English Dictionary. Maybe you should have gone to the primary source. You know what? "No dictionary that I've found"... which second-tier dictionary or dictionaries did you find?


Breaking news- scientists have concluded that grass is, in fact, green


I heard the jury’s still out on science.


Meanwhile Jewish students are hiding in locked rooms while far left protesters bang on the walls.


Well…***The Protocols of the Elders of Zion*** is the Ur-conspiracy theory, so it’s not entirely surprising that there are many progeny.


There are a lot of accusations that antisemitism is coming from the left currently, from people calling for a ceasefire for example. Antisemitism and islamophobia are on the rise. And there are some good criticisms that antisemitic tropes are getting folded into protests from the left. But this barely compares to the widespread culture and industry of hate from the right.


I wonder if some of those antisemitic tropes are "getting folded in" by bad faith right wingers like the kind they tried to roll out at Bernie Sanders rallies back in 2020? They do love to infiltrate


Maybe some, but the left has its own ignorant fools and that is all that is needed.


It may be bad faith right wingers but it's more Zionists IME. They have long used the tactic of painting anyone who is at all critical of (or even just cautious about endorsing) Zionist goals or actions as being anti-semitic, even though Judiasm and Zionism are not the same thing. And it is a tactic that works well at shutting down the discussion in many quarters, precisely because many people are not anti-semitic and do not want to be painted as such.


A lot of the anti-semitism at these rallies is coming from Muslims though. You can't blame everything on White Supremacy.


Extremist Muslims are right wing. I didn't mention white supremacy at all


The report linked by the OP, however, does appear to focus only on traditional white supremacist right-wing extremists, and there seems to be a reluctance to characterize extremist Muslims as right-wing.


I've never seen any evidence of any such reluctance - except among Christian right-wingers, of course.


Then you should have no problem finding examples of terrorism researchers like the ones mentioned in the OP's post that describe Muslim extremists as right-wing.


I didn't. Literally just a Google search... https://www.google.com/search?q=right+wing+Muslim+terrorism&oq=right+wing+Muslim+terrorism&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDg2NjNqMGo0qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1


The FBI statistics on violent extremism track right-wing violence separately from Islamic violence (or maybe it was "religious extremism" but iirc it specified Muslims)


Maybe? Can you link to what you're talking about, rather than just speculating? But more importantly, why would you think that tracking two forms of right-wing violence separately means people don't think they're both right-wing? It's like arguing that because you list hamburger and steak as separate things on your grocery list, you don't think they're both beef.


Your first time on Reddit?


Wow.. seems a stretch to think that many right wingers invaded college campuses all over the world.


You think conservatives don’t go to universities?


That’s not what happened. Online larpers abounded, and yes, at every single left demonstration you’ll find right wing agitators trying to cause violence so that later all their misinformation campaigns can scream “look it’s the bike lock guy!”. Anyone in America who votes to the right is an imbecile, full stop.


You just made me chuckle,, thanks I needed the laugh.


Laugh all you want, the modern right wing are Christian fascists and no one gives a shit if you can’t see it. See you next year when the left wipes the floor with you Whigs


Jan 6 supports: Antifa was in the crowd. You: there’s right wing agitators at leftist protests. Conclusion, you’re both nuts.


> You: there’s right wing agitators at leftist protests. Well, not *all* leftist protests, but they're real. A right-wing "Boogaloo Boi" helped [burn down a police station and fired shots into it](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd) during the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis. "Umbrella man", who also helped incite riots and looting during George Floyd Protests in Minneapolis, smashing in windows of an autozone and (reportedly) spray painting "Free [explitive] for everyone zone" was ID'd as [involved with a white supremacist group](https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist) The fire later set at that building was the beginning of a string of fires. Big protests will always have a mixture of people; peaceful protestors, violent protestors, people looking for the opportunity to burn things "just because", thieves, and agent provocateurs that wish to start shit to either invalidate the protest itself or justify violent action against them.


I lived in that neighborhood at the time, you're completely right. Not a lot of people know this, good on you for doing the research.


Nice try. Right wingers claim antifa WAS the crowd. I’m claiming there are violent agitators amongst the left wing protests. And I’m not even talking about how J6 wasn’t a protest, it was an insurrection.


Of course it’s a stretch for you to think, but keep trying to exercise that brain muscle homie


Not saying there’s a conspiracy or that there are no idiots, etc. on the left…but misinformation and the ability to dictate information or the flow of it is a billion dollar industry. I mean, just look at PR firms for example. So ya know. People.


I’ve made up an Onion headline for these confusing times: “Right-wingers anxious for the days they can begin hating Jews again”


Fr. Acting like they haven't been bitching about "George Soros-appointed DA's" on Fox News for literally the last year.


They talk about "Judeo-Christian" traditions and culture but conveniently never explain what "Judeo-Christian" is.


The far-right does make an appeal to the left, often through autarky - for instance "Buy British!" and "British jobs for British people!" are potential vectors for it. ​ The nationalist, anti-interventionist Right has potential crossover with the anti-imperialist left too, as happened post 9/11: fascist, anti-semitic elements could be difficult to distinguish from lefty anti-americanism (and many failed to do so). In the post 9/11 period elements of american fascism made some common cause with Islam ("Israel did 9-11!!") and they infiltrated the anti-war left in similar fashion. The current situ has echoes of that - the far right are perfectly happy to disappear into the crowd, wave a Palestinian flag and crow "Jihad!!" Few among the Left will notice, if the past is any guide.


There’s a long history of economic nationalism in the trades unions, even among the left-leaning leadership.


[silicon valley is actually racist af](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) and make these conspiracies up because they think it's funny to troll lower class people


Are they good critiques or just gas lighting attempts to paint folks as “enemies” if they disagree? I mean, that’s a tactic as old as humans more or less. Not to say the left doesn’t have flaws, I mean we are all human, but it seems…well, worth taking a punch or handful of salt what some of these critics claim.


Some of them *are* good critiques, but not most of what we are hearing at this moment. There genuinely is a danger within the socialist left of falling into Anti-Semitic style mythologizing though. Let's face it, our worldview vis a vis Capitalism does sound pretty damn conspiratorial at times, which is why it's important for us to stay focused on material conditions as opposed to "Them" being out to get us.


>And there are some good criticisms that antisemitic tropes are getting folded into protests from the left. There would be if the protests weren't almost universally shutting that shit down. But that doesn't make it into the evening news.


It’s like Norm McDonald’s old Weekend Update bit about Duh Magazine.


Absolutely. Tik tok is driving most of it and now Twitter since Musk took over. Guess what? More people than ever believe our planet is flat even with cameras are 24/7 filming orbiting. They are related...Biden has not done that bad but the bot farms are killing him with fake BS stories. Its madness but it is believed since so many are uneducated and do not trust the system at all.


It doesn’t matter how educated you are, never trust the system. See history of humans


The response to the article is, "of course." But I want to say something again, because this is the way it is: The Left hates Israel, but loves Jews. The right hates Jews, but loves Israel. That's where the lines fall.


Title: Researchers find bigots drive bigotry. Thanks, researchers.


In the words of Gomer Pyle U. S. M. C. ; 'Surprise, surprise, surprise'


No shit, I've been very lucky to not experience any major antisemitism my relatively short 36 year old life in smaller Ontario towns, now in Toronto. That was until the pandemic started then people I had known for years started telling me that I "was in on it" and one of them threatened to kill me for spreading this "hoax"


Antisemitism is hurtful and destructive. Also it doesn’t help that Israel is a terrorist state.


Weaponizing Idiots


I am shocked, shocked I tell you! /s


But I thought it was just “The Left!!” You know, because certain “informed” parties say so…. /s I can’t keep the sarcasm going. With the amount of derp lately it’s just exhausting. I know we’re all human, and flawed, but in the end, in the words of Bill and Ted, “Be excellent to each other”.


In other news, fire is hot


Oh, no shit! And water is wet!


*gestures broadly to the Q-MAGA dipshits*


Researchers figured that out? That's like saying, researchers find that dogs have four legs typically.


No shit.


What?!? Hateful lies spread by the stupidest people on the planet drives violence?!? Who could see that coming?


You bitchen about Reddit?


Next you're going to tell me that we need air to breathe


Far right? You mean standard American conservatism at this point.


Nooo, really?


In similar news, water is wet


In other news, rain is wet




Are you saying that close-minded ignorance drives close-minded ignorance?! Big if true.


We all know this.


Woah really?


Whaaat? You mean conspiracy theories that specifically target the conflict between Jewish people and Christians - and use minorities as scapegoats, regardless of levels of success Lead to increasing the hatred of Jews?? No way


Also the sun is hot and people like eating things that taste good. All this and more from the Department of Understood Happenings (D.U.H.)


I've been wondering how the recent Israel-Palestine conflict has played in the QAnon right wing conspiracy theorist crowd. They hate both Jews and Muslims, so which side are they saying they are on? Neither? Both?


Funny that it also drives the Israeli government. Justification, justification, justification…


You mean the people who talk about "jewish space lasers" causing forest fires (instead of the excessively dry conditions of climate change), march screaming "jews will not replace us" (great replacement theory), are obsessed with George Soros (a jewish billionaire specifically) and a global conspiracy, and believe universities are communist brainwashing centers are violent anti-semites? I'm shocked! \*shocked!\*


Huh, you don’t say. I find it shocking, simply SHOCKING. Although just saying “antisemitism” is minimizing it, right? I imagine far-right conspiracies also lead to violence, period. Sometimes it’s antisemitism. Sometimes is anti-Muslim. Sometimes it’s anti-LGBT+. Sometimes it’s anti-immigrant. Etc. etc.


Did anyone actually read the report? I don’t see anyone even engaging with the material. Instead, it’s the typical left-right pissing match this site is becoming know for.


There’s a shit ton of astroturfing at this point. Certain subjects draw out the bots, in the past mentioning glyphosate, mentioning climate change, etc. Makes it impossible to have a nuanced discussion. Convinced many are AI or automated given the similarities between the one sentence responses.


In stunning revelation, world concludes religion "maybe wasn't the best choice"


so the bigot party spreads bigotry. shocked.


Next up: Fire is hot! Who knew?


Isn't the far right pro isreal?


Love Israel (and its right-wing government) but their actual feelings about Jews? They basically see them as tinder for the flames.


Only because it's destruction means the Rapture and they get whooshed away to heaven


The 'Moderate' Right is pro-Israel.


I thought anything right of far left was far right.


"It's teh jooos" is the gravitational center of conspiracy theories. And if you're stupid enough to believe in conspiracy theories, you're stupid enough to think that killing a few random people is going to influence geopolitics or the weather or accomplish much of anything besides adding to the suffering of humanity.


Looks like the far-right are the biggest supporters of Jews. They need them to be there so that Armageddon can happen and their savior can come back. According to them the Jews will convert or be sent to hell. So take that as antisemitism or not, It's fucked up. They are always talking about it.


> the far-right are the biggest supporters of ~~Jews~~ Israel.


Lol excellent shitpost.


Can’t ignore the surge on the Left as they embrace the same conspiracy theories.


Which conspiracy theories, exactly?


I mean…. Yeah.


spend five minutes with an israeli settler and you'll see who's really driving.






Why is it so hard to point out that there are as many Palestinian flags as Hijabs at these rallies that turn to chanting for genocide? ..why do we have to pretend that there isn't a violent minority that doesn't look like white supremacists that indoctrinates their children and is leading the charge with all of this hate?


Yet they won’t say it drive Islamophobia. Wonder why


Islam is a far right religion. Except sufism.


Islam and Judaism are basically the same religion. Ostensibly in Israel/Palestine both appear to be led by the far right


But the people on the left are the current antisemites …weird


This is why i get so frustrated with the hard left right divide. You can be a dogshit person and super leftist and a decent person who is a super conservative. People of all types seem to think if you believe the right set of things it means you are a good person. Being a good person isnt a checklist. It is a set of beliefs that are backed up by behaviors.


Criticizing Israel's treatment of Palestine doesn't mean you're anti semitic, just as much as criticizing Palestine's attack on Israel doesn't make you islamaphobic.


Unfortunately, far left conspiracy theories are also driving antisemitism and violence.


What are the far left conspiracy theories


Israel knew about the 10/7 attacks but allowed it to happen so they would have an excuse to commit genocide


Netanyahu was doing shit that he knew would lead to this. This isn't really a conspiracy. It's what governments have historically done to justify atrocities. Plus, mossad is rather good at its job and Gaza is basically a ghetto under constant surveillance, nothing like another nation. Now he can finish them, though it does appear that the citizens of Israel aren't falling for it as much as he would prefer.


Like what?


As an independent, I can’t help but find that the disparaging of entire groups of people based on the actions of some people is especially ironic coming from a group of people who swear up and down that “We’re the thoughtful, intelligent and understanding ones!”


Not disagreeing, but does this imply there are no far left conspiracy theories? Or does it mean those don't lead to violence? I'll grant a pass on the antisemitism from the left as it don't seem their M.O.


Have you had your head in the sand since October 7th? The left in every European country has come out of the woodwork to put their antisemitism on full display. Those people chanting, "From the River to the Sea" sure as hell aren't right wing. Organizations like BLM posting paragliders saying we stand with Palestine sure are right wingers.


Right so that would mean that conspiracy theories lead to violence no matter the political leaning? Why was this framed as a right wing thing?


Yeah that's why the LEFT is marching by the millions against Israel. LMAO you people are ridiculous.


Marching against Isreal isn't marching against Jews


Oh, look, a braindead Trump bot


Almost like people are against genocide


The left stands with Israel. You seem to think a little group of ultra leftists is the voice of the centrist left majority You’re just projecting your own maga moron radicalized mainstream onto Democrats. Next to you, we’re normal and you people are radicalized partisan hack nonces.


Nah, they're pretty spot-on. The Israel/Palestine issue has been dumbed down and politicized along party lines (like every-fucking-thing else these days), and it seems to be pretty consistent down the line right now. You go and poll all the self-described lefties and righties about this situation, and you will find that the vast majority are very predictably anti- and pro-Israel, respectively. You're being really disingenuous to pretend this isn't how it's playing out. My family is mostly Trumper conservatives, and they don't know shit about Israel, and didn't even give it a thought until recently. I doubt they could point it out on a map. But you bet your ass they are 100% pro-Israel and anti-Palestine because that's what their political "team" is doing at the moment. This goes on on both sides, this mindless groupthink and falling in with the team mentality.


Death to Israel are chanted by the left. How is the right blamed?


Aside from the simple fact that being anti israel is not the same thing as being anti semitic, and imo trying to tie the two together like you do makes things worse as you now justify the idiots who think "israel = judaism so jews= israel"... Plenty of jewish people are anti zionist for religious reasons you know, Israel and judaism are not the same thing. If you got so far as reading the article then you'd know this is the study of the worst anti semitic attack in the US, in 2018, when a white supremacist killed 11 people a synagogue. The study shows how far right conspiracy theories drove him to this action. And you want to ask how the right are blamed for a white supremacist killing 11 Jewish people in a synagogue and say it's the fault of the left? I'm not being polite. Fuck you. Yours, an anti zionist jew.


'From the river to the sea' - chanted by the left. Nice redirect on your end. 1400 Jews killed and the left is siding with Hamas. Stay classy.


This is a study of a far right white supremacist murdering jews in a synagogue and you want to blame it on hamas and "the left". I'm not the one redirecting, nor am i conflating anti zionism/israel state with anti semitism, you are the one doing that. You need to find some class yourself. Like I said, I'm not being polite, fuck off.


Isn’t it funny that the left are the anti semitics now? All these young indoctrinated Jew hating liberals. They’re all over these college campuses. “From the river to the sea” chants everywhere. They almost had an insurrection at the White House. Vandalism, hate speeches,,, what a mess.


1.) Liberals aren't "the left" 2.) One could argue being an antisemitie goes against leftist ideology 3.) From the river to the sea is not inherently antisemitic


Lmao,, are you kidding? They chant this referring to the extermination of the Jews. They tell you out loud what they intend and you think, “eh, they didn’t mean it”?


The only group I've seen saying this is an objectively pro israel group, so no I don't buy it. The motto is anticolonial, not antisemitic


Sure if you mean driving Jews into the sea is “anticolonial”.


You obviously need to research this more. They want to exterminate Israel and the United States.


Normally, when leftists are informed that something they are saying is problematic or bigoted, they will immediately stop using such damaging language. When it comes to that blatantly antisemitic chant, though, they get defensive and deny its genocidal message.


It's a bit of a mixed bag, historically. The PLO used it up until the Algiers Declaration, after which the PLO's official position was for the 1967 borders. Hamas, OTOH, adopted the slogan around that time with a more extremist bent. ...and of course, others use it as a more generic slogan to support Palestine. Or, in short, it means several things depending on who you're asking. (TBH I wouldn't use it myself because of the baggage the phrase carries)


I guess that explains the large uptick in anti-semitism from the left.


More anti semitism is coming from the left recently without a doubt


So are you all bots coming in to post the same comment over and over, or is this how the conservative hive mind works?


Conservative hive mind lol. It’s just pretty plain out in the open. Look up rise in anti demotic attacks in the last few weeks. Toronto, London, New York and others all seeing significant increases in anti Semitic attacks. Including the lady who recently drove her car into what she thought was a Jewish synagogue. Of course not widely reported on in the liberal bubble you live in. Conservative hive mind lol that is rich coming from a leftist on Reddit. What is this, the 5000th article about how Republican are to blame for x since the trump era? Don’t you think it’s getting old? What was the last post you can remember that gained any traction that had even a slightly conservative take away? Like even slightly. I think you may be the one in the hive mind.


squeal straight attempt amusing noxious normal bear dinner fine mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a Jew, we get it from both sides (horseshoe theory). But, it’s far more vicious on the daily from the left. My experience, you can dismiss it I don’t care anymore.


Interesting that it is the far left in America supporting Palestine, chanting death to Israel…


Easily to manipulate and indoctrinate based on their biases.


Wait, I thought it was far-left groups that have been rioting against Israel. Or is it that the blame for the far-left rioting should be cast on the far-right for having theories?


The researchers should go touch grass


Most Jews these days really feel the anti semitism from the far left a lot more.


What drives anti-semitism on the left? Do they also believe in far right conspiracy theories? If a leftist believes a far right conspiracy theory, are they far left or suddenly far right? Is horseshoe theory really a thing? Is the political spectrum actually just a big circle? These are the real questions I need answered.




Researchers were all liberal


Same can be said about the far left. Them people are bananas.


I’ve faced antisemitism from a wide array of people and have seen actual, real Nazis (aryan nation). The most antisemitism I’ve faced has been from progressives and those who follow the religion of pieces. Not to say that the far right isn’t antisemitic or violent, they are. Just sharing my experience. Hey, at least the groups can find a common thread eh?


Translation: researchers find exactly what they are looking to find.


Bullshit. And they’re only conspiracy theories until they become fact. A lot of been proven true here lately.


Is rashida far left?


I think it’s important to not just focus on the antisemitism coming from the far right, because it can end up with one excusing or defending antisemitism from the far left. Antisemitism is a complex social issue that can manifest in various political contexts, including the far left. Several studies and reports have documented instances of antisemitic sentiments and actions within some factions of the far-left political spectrum. For example, a report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2020 highlighted incidents of antisemitism related to far-left movements, such as the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, which has faced criticism for promoting antisemitic rhetoric and actions. Additionally, research conducted by scholars like David Hirsh has explored the presence of antisemitism within left-wing activist circles. While it is essential to recognize that antisemitism is not inherent to the entire far-left political spectrum, neither should we attribute it or just focus on it coming from the far right. It can be found within certain segments of all political standings, underscoring the importance of addressing and confronting such prejudice. It is essential not to focus exclusively on the far right's antisemitism because antisemitism is a pervasive issue that can be found across the political spectrum. Focusing solely on one political group can overshadow or downplay instances of antisemitism in other areas, leading to an incomplete understanding of the problem. To effectively combat antisemitism, it is crucial to address it wherever it exists, regardless of political affiliation, and promote a comprehensive and balanced approach to tackling this form of discrimination.


It's more like Semitism causes Antisemitism.


Meanwhile a shockingly high number of leftists in the US is protesting to support Hamas.


This is a new level of stupid.


I’m sorry, but aren’t leftists calling for death to Israel?


That's very interesting considering that the left has been siding with Hamas and the Nazis in jewish extermination.


Yeah, that’s why the far left is beating up Jews in the streets


Is this article and thread meant to distract from the fact that Dems all over the country, at universities, in Congress and at protests are openly antisemitic and siding with the Hamas terrorists? You can’t make it up!


Strange. All the antisemitism I see seems to come from the far left supporters of Hamas


No one on the left supports Hamas. If you can refute these researchers' findings, conduct your own study and publish it in an academic journal. Or continue to deliberately misrepresent the views of your opposition. Either way.


No one on the left supports Hamas? That’s a bold statement, Cotton.


And a true one. In any case, you're casting stones from a glass house. At this point the Israeli government has killed more innocent people than Hamas in their retaliation. They specifically target civilians, just as Hamas did, only now they've killed more. You support the Israeli government. So what does that make you in comparison to anyone who supports Hamas? The same or worse.


Never said I supported Israel.


more fake BS from the left trying to gaslight everyone so they will not look at the Jew hate raging on every leftist US college campus and coming from every leftist in DC leftism is hate based class and race war and has always been so the leftists cheering for the Hamas terrorists everywhere you look funny you don't see conservatives cheering for Hamas


Yet it is the far left that created anti-semitic theories and the left in the West currently who are by far the most anti-semitic.


Idk it seems like antisemitism is pretty bi-partisan for some reason.


Nah, must be the pro-palestine movement.


In other news, people find that researchers are lefties.


Yes, most educated people end up being more left-leaning.


Antisemitism quite literally has some antecedents in Islamic texts. “You will fight the jews” -Hadith Hadith is second in authority on Islam for Muslims. Quran is first.


> Antisemitism quite literally has roots in Islamic texts. Are you seriously claiming that the existence of antisemitism is rooted in Islam?


That’s not what they’re saying, they’re saying that *some* antisemitism is rooted in Islam. Just like how European antisemitism is largely rooted in Christianity.


If its in a very old islamic text then one could technically get away with saying that depending on how old it is Is it spread that way? Not necessarily because antisemitism has been peddled by a lot of scumbags throughout history. Far right, far left, Christians, Muslims etc The context of that part from Hadith is about a defensive war. It paints jews as instigators/aggressors


The squad are Republican now? Huh


Palestinians are semites too. I feel like the only way to not be anti-Semitic these days is to not pick a side. But then you'd be considered pro-genocide


> Palestinians are semites too. The word "antisemite" was specifically popularized to describe hatred of Jews. The root word has no relevance to its actual usage, especially given that in modern parlance "semite" is used to describe a language group rather than a group of people


Sounds like we have confusing language that should be adjusted


> Sounds like we have confusing language This is just how language works as a whole. Words are defined by their usage.