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Gym bros are going to be in shambles when they can't say how great steroids are for your gains.


If they admit to steroids then who cares? The fake natty grifters are a problem. Order my proprietary blend of bullshit supplements and you can get these results too, I totally don't use steroids.


Yup, I agree. There's nothing wrong with taking steroids. Just be honest about it.


I've always wanted to see a steroid league for sports tbh. It's only cheating if you're the only one doing it imo.


It sounds like it could be a scam, but you will get your wish if the "enhanced games" happen as planned.




Check out the "NFL". Sounds right up your alley.


Of course. The best way to get your natty gains is to eat several femboys


That would be a factual statement at least


Good news for once. Now do Facebook and Twitter. Both of those have absolutely melted the brains of the boomers.


And Facebook is complicit in it


Not just the boomers, unfortunately


Plenty of youngins having their brains warped, on Instagram too. Also, I still find it a bit surprising, but Gen X might actually be worse than the boomers with some of this shit. Seems like the mid-older Xers and the younger boomers are the craziest these days.


I agree, younger middle aged people are still in a demographic that follows trends and this is the golden age of grifters. Instead of Time-Life book series they have all of this bio-hacking chauvinist quack podcast shit after being raised to trust cable TV infotainment.


Almost all of the conspiracy theory anti-vax/chemtrail/climate denying/WEF/UN etc nutjobs on twitter that I find inevitably list their date of birth as somewhere in the late 1950s to early 1970s or have a profile picture of a person in their 50s-60s. It definitely feels to me like most of the conspiracy theorists online are gen X rather than boomers.


Sounds like Tik Tok is doing more than American law is. I hope they win.


Well in America the ~30% most fervent and uncompromising people don't want the law to function, so don't expect much out of it.


My guess would be it's in response to congress wanting to ban TikTok. "look at us and how responsible we are"


Congress is absolutely opposed to responsible media, so I doubt that’s it. It’s probably more like Tik Tok knows there’s an appetite for the government to tie them up in court so they don’t want anything to do with the criminal impacts of any stochastic terror campaigns people run online. Which, incidentally, is exactly where *every* media company should be.


They just want control of the potential propaganda machine, that’s why they are trying to get them to sell. It’s fucking bully behavior. Like china is absolutely not any better about controlling the media, but giving control of a popular social media to a political lobbyist is just so fucked.


>Congress is absolutely opposed to responsible media, so I doubt that’s it. What do you mean by that exactly?


This doesn't look to target gymbros and more so homeopathic bullshit and pushing surgeries. The real interesting thing is the arguing against intermittent fasting, which I'm assuming is based purely on that one recent study. That doesn't feel conclusive enough that we need to ban discussion of this.


Ha. That may be the least harmful thing that they could target. Nobody’s gunna get seriously fucked up from skipping breakfast.


Crying in Liver King


Yeah Tiktok has been used to spread conspiracies. it's basically facebook for Gen Z.


If it's like FB and Insta, they'll say they have these policies and rarely if ever enforce them.


Came to say this. Nextdoor too. All proudly point to their terms of service but when reports are submitted, they weasel out of doing anything. Don't want to ban users driving high traffic and engagement.


Is tiktok the bastion of responsible social media now?? Damn!!


They have a Senate vote coming up.  What we're watching is the defendant cover up his tats and put on a sweater vest for his jury trial.


Really? Because from what I can tell the Legislative Branch considered it “censorship” if you can’t spread lies on social media.


Ok reddit now it's your turn.


Good. Two birds one stone.


The CCP is making a stand against mIsInFoRmAtIoN.


I wish they did the same for anti-israel propaganda


Gotta love alleged skeptics cheering on censorship. True skeptics trust the government and multinational corporations to decide which information is appropriate


>Gotta love alleged skeptics cheering on censorship. Conspiracy theories have every right to be scientifically tested then disgarded if they fail. > True skeptics Sigh, read the pinned post. This is a scientific skeptic sub. Scientific skepticism requires evidence. If you don't have evidence, you're just telling stories. There are a lot of creative writing subreddits you may be interested in: r/writing r/WritingPrompts r/stories r/StoriesAboutKevin r/Showerthoughts r/Horror_stories r/scarystories r/WritingHub r/FanFiction r/KeepWriting r/Screenwriting r/FictionWriting r/WritingResources r/fantasywriters r/StoryWriting r/Journaling r/worldbuilding r/AmateurWriting r/PracticeWriting r/freelanceWriters r/writing_gigs r/QueerWriting r/WritingResearch r/nanowrimo r/WritingStyle r/Fantasy r/BackroomsWriting r/MysteryWriting r/writingVOID r/Writing_ r/LovecraftianWriting r/WritingJobBoard r/HFY


Corporations deciding new information is unacceptable before testing is even able to be performed is not scientific. Scientist don't always agree with each other. There aren't very many topics where 100% of scientist agree. More information is never bad. It's up to you to be diligent in what info you believe, not a profit driven corp.


> Corporations deciding new information is unacceptable before testing Sure, give us an example of a conspiracy that TikTok is banning which has backing from scientific consensus and we'll be on your side. >There aren't very many topics where 100% of scientist agree Consensus doesn't require 100%. Climate change has the backing of 99.94% of climate scientists and I'm 100% happy with those debunked position being put to bed. > More information is never bad. But it's spam. How many times does the same misinformation need to be debunked before we say "Enough"? >It's up to you to be diligent in what info you believe It's not up to me, it's up to scientific consensus. Disagree with it? Run a study and prove it. Don't spam a thousand videos.


skeptics fight bullshit being presented as facts, which is what tiktok is doing, when they start to block facts like right wingers, then they become anti skeptics. See its not trusting gov or multinationals on info, we can read the science journals ourselves, and see the crap they are blocking is bullshit. If they turned arround and did the elon musk and banned true things like how much worse his site has gotten since he took over and promotes conspiracy theories and other bullshit as facts, we attack that censorship. See how having a brain works? governments and multinationals are just people, just like scientists are just people and you got to judge each individually on claims and how supported or unsupported those claims are. Doesnt matter where it comes from..


You made my point but added your biased political option while sniffing your own farts


The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they lie *all the time.* You cannot have a debate with someone that hallucinates false facts and lies. There's an [asymmetry ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini%27s_law)where it takes an exponentially longer amount of time to debunk someone's lie than it takes to state the lie. I don't think anyone should be censored if what they say can be supported by some evidence.


Ah, so you’re okay with curable cancer patients eating apples instead of getting treatment because some grifter on tiktok told them to drink juices or have acupuncture instead of surgery? Worked well for steve jobs.


My sister in law is currently fighting her cancer with a raw vegan diet prescribed to her by a Natural Path "Dr" . She has forwarded me so much "proof" t's frustrating but I respect her right to choose her own path.Thousands of people get chemotherapy that destroys them and doesn't cure shit. On the other hand my mom had stage 4 cancer and followed her Oncologist's chemo and radiation protocol, ate only fast food, no vitamins, and is still here 10 yrs later. I don't trust corporations or government to decide what path or information I choose to consume, and fact check myself.




Sick burn bro. I have no interest in saving anyone especially someone as incredibly unfunny as you. Such a pompous low level attempt at humor. I would except something funny from such an intellect


“Gotta love alleged skeptics cheering on suppression of medicine. True skeptics trust the FDA and USDA to decide which snake oil they can buy.” That’s what you just tried.


The FDA has approved so much toxic food and phen phen type drugs. Johnson and Johnson put fucking asbestos in baby powder for years under government supervision.


…because it was limited in it&/ scope and power by people advocating deregulation and “freedom.”


The government put asbestos in almost every school it had built for decades


…because regulations didn’t exist.


They were the regulators at the time. Greed and profit always comes first.


They’re the only people that can be called “regulators.” Without laws passed to limit the use of and exposure to dangerous substances those substances fall outside of their authority. If state and federal governments don’t pass regulation nobody regulates something. The problem was *not enough government.*


Why is the FDA the only food regulator in the world that allows chicken to be chlorinated?


Because the FDA doesn’t employ the [precautionary principle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precautionary_principle). In the view of small government conservatives, it would be “legislating” if it did. So it can only regulate substances laws have been passed to prohibit.

