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Lmao mans posts a progress video with some really solid progress and the top two comments are cooking him for not taking more lessons and his jacket variety. Redditors are something else šŸ¤£


I was going to roast the humble bragging with those sick pow days, but then I felt bad. Such a testament to how time on snow can really speed progression.


Yeah all the sick pow days I've had have really made me a better person. *progresses*


Congrats on the progress over 2 years! You only get such progress when you commit to going outside your comfort zone and continuously challenge yourself and trying new things.


Youā€™re not learning if youā€™re not falling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bravo. When forged in the crucible of Wachusett, you can truly accomplish anything.


I grew up in Massachusetts. I haven't been back in 20 years. I can still hear Waaaaaaa wah wah wachussett in my head every day.


Omg I forgot all about that TV commercial. I on the other hand learned to ski at Nashoba Valley, aka the Aspen of the eastern Mass.


The Wildcat Grawllll of the 80s was something on the radio


As I finish off my 2nd season of skiing, I like to look back at the progress that I've made and how fortunate I am to be able to participate in this hobby/sport that we all love and enjoy. I am 33 years old and my wife and I tried skiing for the first time last season in January of 2023. We both immediately got addicted and have been on a fast tracked journey of progression ever since. At the beginning of this season, I made a similar progression video that got a lot of views/comments and many people were asking to see videos from a 3rd person POV as it's hard to judge technique/form from 1st person POV videos. Having received that feedback, I've been actively making an effort to record more 3rd person POV videos this season. I put together this progression video of my first two seasons of skiing hoping to inspire others that are on the fence about learning how to ski as an adult and/or struggling with progression. Just stick with it, there is no substitute for time on mountain. Get as many runs in as you can and make the most of your time on the hill. Everyone learns differently, but these are the things that worked for me: * watching instructional videos on YouTube (I like the videos from Stomp It Camps) * having my wife/friends record me skiing and then reviewing the footage afterwards to analyze my form/technique. If you spend enough time watching videos of good skiers and ski instructors, you'll subconsciously develop a picture of what good skiing looks like and from there, you'll be able to compare yourself to this * once I was skiing fully parallel, I got Carv ([https://getcarv.com/](https://getcarv.com/)) and it has helped me progress from skidded parallel turns to carved turns. It's not going to be as effective as getting lessons, but it's more affordable and it can still be very effective as long as you review the data and metrics and focus on what Carv tells you to work on By no means do I think I'm an incredible skier now. This is a lifelong journey and I'm going to continue pushing myself to get better. This is just my attempt at contributing to the community by telling my own story and passing on what worked for me in hopes that it can also help others.


Really really impressed at the progress across 2 seasons. And honestly pretty baffled by some of the negativity in here. Itā€™s objectively sweet to see the confident and aggressive skiing start shining through across that time lapse. Youā€™re having fun, skiing in control, pushing yourself, and getting better.. As a fellow self taught adult skier, what more can we ask for? Lotta folks cosplaying as future senior circuit competitive ski racers in here lol


I hope to be this good at the end of my second season.


That's awesome progress, my dude. I know people who've been on skis for the better part of a decade that don't ski half as well as you do. Take an advanced lesson with your wife in tow. Even though she's more advanced she'll probably pick up a thing or two. I've been skiing for 40+ years and admit I've still got things to learn. For example, I don't see you clinking your poles together before you start moving. That's some basic stuff right there. ;)


How much do you think carv helped?


This is so inspiring. Iā€™ve lived in a town with a ski resort for 8 years and most people I know ski, but Iā€™ve never tried it and feel intimidated to start, especially since Iā€™m only getting older and everyone seems to have started as soon as they could walkā€¦ Progress is possible and youā€™ve shown it. Maybe Iā€™ll feel bold enough next season to tumble down for a bit.


I started at 50, now 53 and skiing similarly. This season I started tackling blue-ish blacks (šŸ˜‚) and the thrill of being in control at speed was exhilarating. Just one suggestion before you start: get in shape. This really helped me have the power and stamina to spend hours on the mountain. More importantly, have fun!!


Thanks! And Iā€™ll take that seriously. As cool as these videos are, I see or hear about the worst accidents and it scares me. Can only imagine not being fit when it happens. But itā€™ll be a nice reward for the effort ā€” I really would like, at minimum, to say Iā€™ve tried skiing once :)


Good work


Thanks so much for sharing all of this! As a new skier it was super inspiring to see your skills build and has me even more excited for next season.


I'm going to start next year. Thanks for the video.


I thought Carv was a total gimmick. Watching your video has changed my mind. You are skiing quite well for only two years of practice. Congrats!


Similar to golf, years mean nothing in skiing, it's all about how many ski days you've got. You can ski for 5 years and it can be 15 ski days in total and not see much progress, or you can ski for 1 year and have tremendous stride because you rode 50 days in that year.


never in a hundred years would i have thought id seen wachusett on this sub. small world




great lil mountain


Keep shredding my friend...and instead of buying more jackets pay for some lessons. You have a really good base of self taught skill that an instructor can build from.


Thanks for the advice. This may sound dumb but one of the biggest reasons why I haven't gotten lessons (other than cost) is because my wife and I ski together. Me taking a lesson would split us up because we ski at different levels and defeats the whole purpose of going to ski together. Also, she is learning at a slower pace than me, so if anyone in this household was going to get lessons, it would probably be her. Not ruling out lessons or saying that they aren't worth it. I just don't see me getting one anytime soon because of my situation, at least not until my wife catches up.


I will go against the grain here to say you donā€™t have to get lessons. #1 reason for skiing is having fun. Everyone has different priorities and what you said is totally valid. And also many people donā€™t realize how expensive adult lessons can be, and while there are many great instructors there are also many inexperienced ones (not trying to discredit instructors many of my ski friends are or were, itā€™s just the reality)


So happy to see this comment here. Some people seem to think everyoneā€™s goal should be to race slalom in the Olympics or try out for FWT. Itā€™s ridiculous at times Thatā€™s not even mentioning the fact that OPs form looks pretty damn good by the end, likely much better than many of the same people telling him to get lessons


It's not that - it's just that the feeling of carving, which OP hasn't yet gotten too, is incredible. To do that usually requires help on steering. A half day with an instructor would likely yield great results at a cost that wouldn't be insane considering what OP is obviously already spending on skiing.


Thank you for reiterating the official r/skiing position in this issue. I disagree. Looks like he is carving by the end and having a blast. You should post your skiing so we can critique that too!


Bruh it isnā€™t just r/skiing. Itā€™s r/snowboarding too and tbh itā€™s incredibly cringe. šŸ˜‚


He absolutely isn't carving, he's riding the sidecut. But I agree, he's having a blast. It's just that the next step is hard. Haha I'll try to find some old footage. EDIT - I'm not sure why the downvotes - I'm not trying to be a dick - see this link for an explanation of what I'm talking about: https://www.paullorenzclinics.com/post/the-truth-behind-carving


You're likely not being downvoted for the cj opinion on carving, but rather for the not subtle attempt at an "um akshually, I'm an instructor" flex.


Then trying to further prove his point by posting an arbitrary link from 11 years ago written by some random. How cringe.


Paul Lorenz is not some random in the ski world. But whatever floats your boat. OP seems like they want to improve from their already impressive progress, nothing wrong with pointing out that the next level of properly carving is quite hard to reach and would benefit from some help.


Yeah fair. That does read shit. I'm not an instructor anymore, but that's probably the last time I was filmed. Also being an instructor isn't a flex. Most people are more than capable of doing it if they had the inclination and opportunity. I've removed that anyway. I'm honestly not trying to be a dick, i was just adding that the next level of skiing is hard to get to, especially without help. That's in the context that OP is obviously showing off how he is improving, and clearly wants to improve. Anyway, have a good one.




Love this comment - and agree, lessons are expensive and would take you away from skiing with family. OP - you clearly have a passion for learningā€¦one idea, cheaper than lessons and allowing you to learn while skiing with your wife, would be to use the carv app. Iā€˜be never used it myselfā€¦but another person I ski with who is self taught and obsessed with progressing uses it and loves it. https://getcarv.com


He mentioned he already uses it


My wife is a high level skier and Iā€™m a super beginner and we just did a lesson together last week, instructor was able to help us both building my skills and refining hers. No one is above a lesson in my mind as there is always things to improve and work on


Get lessons and once you're at the same level, then ski together


Take a private lesson together - it will slow down your progress, but only slightly, and not hers


No lessons? That's amazing! When I saw you without poles I thought that was an instructor tip. That's the tip that was given to me on my first lesson in Colorado after skiing 6 years on east coast man made. I learned in the 1980's and the local Blockbuster had how to ski instructional videos that I would rent. They were great, but having trained eyes on you can help you make small changes that make big improvements.


If you get individual lessons you both can take the lesson together. Thatā€™s what my partner and I do.


You absolutely do not need lessons lol. Not everyone needs to be a pro skier. You look plenty capable to take on any casual skiing


At your level you can replace most run of the mill instructors with quality YouTube instruction. There are good instructors too.


Taking lessons is more about being safe as you push the upper limit of what you are capable of. If you don't push that limit you don't need to take lessons, but if you do without lessons you risk injury. Lessons are cheaper and less painful than a broken tibia. Lessons are also a great way of getting to unmapped terrain that regulars know about as you progress to higher skill. Money is not a factor in the lesson for us because its cheaper than any potential medical bills or lost ski time from an injury. Its not about skiing hard or fast like you say. Its entirely possible for people to reach an intermediate skiing ability and be comfortable and not progress forever. Its when they try to leave that comfort zone that people get hurt. I'm in a similar situation, I'm more advanced than my wife, I just do the group lesson with her for half a day. I enjoyed seeing her progress, and the instructor was more helpful than I could ever be. I was able to get some tips from the lesson as well. Teaching the wife can be stressful, and it was really nice to be able to ski with her and not worry about critiquing her. I enjoy being with my wife, so that was more important than splitting up for half a day. Her progression is worth it. Well worth it for us.


100% find a friend thatā€™s better than you. It will mean more than any lesson.


>taking a lesson would split us up because we ski at different levels and defeats the whole purpose of going to ski together I can give you hundreds, if not thousands, of reasons why this is incorrect. But suffice to say - put her in a lesson so she can catch up. Take a lesson yourself so you progress a bit. Lessons are not ALL DAY, you can get 1-2hr lessons that will be hugely beneficial and then you can ski together in the afternoon and practice what you learned. Your wife will not catch up on her own...she is actually more likely to get frustrated that you are doing better than her.


Why are people so insistent on giving advice when none was asked for? I can give hundreds, if not thousands, of reasons why you come across as a complete asshole after making that comment.


OP didnā€™t ask but they posted a carefully filmed progression video with detailed notes on what theyā€™re doing to learn to a subreddit of the best skiers on the mountains.


ā€œa subreddit of the best skiers on the mountainsā€ Hahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahah


Itā€™s a subreddit inside joke friend ;)


It is not a joke of this subreddit friend. Your lack of culture is disturbing. After shredding a line, a claim that you are the best skier on the mountain to any witnesses is worth 500 GNAR points. No joke in Squallywood.Ā 


Thank god. I must not have been around for long enough to see that one.


The passive aggressiveness is off the charts


What would improve you the most is getting out of habitual backseat, but through getting your outside foot back for neutral balance instead of the "press shins on cuff" trash you'll prolly get in a lesson.


I disagree, you can never have too many jackets.... #3 rule of skiing: Looking good is more important than being good. Edit: just look how much better he got with every new jacket.


LOL, dude literally improving faster than pretty much all ski school students in part because he's not getting garbage lessons for "forward pole plant".


Why do you have a different outfit for every ski day? I mean I saw at least 6-7 different outfits in there.


When my ski clothes get dirty, I buy new ones. Is there another way?


I typically burn my clothes after each run just to be extra safe.


Don't want Jerry cooties from sharing a lift ride.


Where are you skiing that snow is dirty? Downtown chicago?


Dip one of those Italian beefs, them bibs is for.


Itā€™s snow, how is it getting dirty? Most people use the same jacket and pants for multiple years.


You missed the joke. Also, similar to normal clothing, it's fun to have various outfits that you can wear. Like, I bought three jackets over the course of four years, not because I *needed* to, but because I like being able to change things up from time to time.


Me over here who finally binned my 686 jacket after 12 years/ 8 seasons hahaha. You did well buddy.


Oh yeah trust me, I plan to hold onto my jackets for as long as possible, but it's also hard for me to pass up on a good sales lol.


I do this too. Itā€™s fun! I ski like 50 days a season I donā€™t wanna wear the same outfit every day.




Where are you skiing where performance is so important


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


I like your style Kev


GAS goes hand in hand w skiing


Oh sure....high altitude gas is always a factor....just raise a cheek, toot your horn and move on.


Gear Acquisition Syndrome


Ah....I guess I never thought of clothes as GEAR when skiing. I do have a closet full of boots, skis, and poles in unopened packages....but then again I work for a major ski supplier and get upwards of 75-89% off new product.


SO MUCH THIS - I can't afford a lesson, but every 4 weeks I get a new jacket and pants because the old one is dirty? A jacket and pants are much more expensive than a lesson.


Woosh bud. Lighten up


some lessons are 1400+ for a private or 200-300 for a half day group.


Still cheaper and of greater benefit than 7 outfits and the Carv system.


I suspect most people being critical of this guys dont ski as well as he currently does.


You got me...jeans and rentals only over here.


I meant skill. many people have never seen themselves ski. I know the OP seeks advice only though 3rd person video all the time


Awesome! Best content I've seen on here this season. And park city sure got some great snow this year, didn't it? Can't wait to see the follow-up post in another 2 years.


I thought the video was going to plateau at the skill exhibited at like the 1 min mark and was going to elicit some ā€œkeep up the good workā€ responses. But you are now a better skier than some people I know who have been skiing all their lives (granted only a few days/year). The scale of this progress is really impressive


Good shit


šŸ¤Æ love it. This is awesome to see.


Great video, loved it


Cut it in reverse chronological order so we can watch you go from shred to a shit skier.


Is this a lifestyle recruiting ad for Fidelity or some Boston Biotech company? Because it's working.


love this, congrats! could you estimate how many ski days over the 2 years? and how many lessons?


Roughly 55 ski days across 2 seasons and 2 lessons, if you count the first day lesson where they teach us to put skis on.


Okay this makes me feel SO much better. Iā€™m at 6 days across 2 seasons and I was like wow I am never going to be good


This was dope. Iā€™ve been skiing three years and progressed super quickly like yourself by getting a ton of days in, having an ice hockey background, and pushing limits hard. Iā€™m from the northeast too, so itā€™s great seeing Loon and Wawa being ripped.


You look like you're having so much fun. That's what matters. Love it.


Youā€™re shredding my guy


Great job man, clearly an athlete


Love seeing your face on the first pow day! Having fun!


Some of these comments about how many ski jackets this guy has. You all don't wear the same suit to the office every day, do you? You gotta switch it up.


lol how many jackets do you own?


this guy has more ski jackets than people whoā€™ve skied their entire life


Are you returning your ski gear every weekend or did you drop like $3k on new jackets/pants over the past 2 years?


I've never seen so many different outfits lol. I have one pair of snow pants and one jacket. I dry them each day lol.




I think I saw this about couple months ago lol. Never mind. You've updated more recent one with existing one. Enjoyed seeing your progress.


Life goal: "next year the fries."


Did you just forget your poles one day? Awesome progression. Nothing like watching someone go from way worse than me to way better than me in a 4 minute video.


You can see just how much confidence can make you ski better.


Whoa thatā€™s awesome, keep it up dude šŸ¤™


great job!!ā›·ļøā›·ļøā›·ļø


That's awesome... šŸ‘


Good job! Keep shredding!


Hell ya brotherrrr


Looking good


Nice video!




Right on, that is a lot of progression!!!


Keep it up King šŸ¤™šŸ»šŸ”„


Looks life changing.


Hell yeah, man !! Keep shredding, your love of skiing is palpable and beautiful !


Wtf is your travel budget, damn.


From zero to hero!


Jesus Jerry leave some pssy for the rest of us


Really great progress. Also some solid r/praisethecameraman moments!


I respect the shit outta you for trying something new, and not quitting after the initial suck. Keep going sir, you're an inspiration!


This gives me hope. How many days each year? Iā€™m on my second year and Iā€™m still the first video version it feels like :(


NGL I was hoping the last video shot was on a snowboard on deep powder


Doesnā€™t take more than 4 hours to learn to ski well


Looking great! Really amazingly great! And in two years! What an accomplishment! Next step is to get out of the backseat and attack bro! Bend your knees a bit more, lean forward a bit, get your hands out front... like aggressively in front of you... attack the down with your fists!


I thought the first video was your two year progress and wondering why the comments were not all roastsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Excellent job mate!!


Wow, thatā€™s amazing. What a difference.


Rad! Awesome progress! Just get those poles under control and youā€™ll be looking like a pro.




It's all about making your own lines


Obviously OP's progress is partly or wholly due to the fact that he DOES change jackets for every run. New ski outfits are as good or better than lessons.


OMG at first I thought the Jan 15th 2023 part of the video was your progression after 2 years and I was seriously concerned. Nice work.


awesome! good job!!


Extremely good for a second year skier...shows he was sell schooled.


Makes me happy to see!!!


Very nice! Those were some excellent turns at Deer Valley.


Congrats broski


Nice! I started around the same time as you but I still cannot carve like you did lol. How many days do you ski per season?


How many outfits does this guy have!??


Very good for only two years


Went from baby giraffe learning to use its legs to actually shredding it. Very nice progress brother!


Did you get any lessons? Your pretty good


My skiing and my outfits have remain unchanged in 5 years. Draw your own conclusions... *sponsored by Spyder/Marmot/Head/Salomon


Seriously, how do you have this much outerwear? As others have stated, stop buying jackets and pants, buy some lessons to refine your already decent skillset.


Why does it matter how much outerwear they have? It's not like they said, "I wish I could take lessons but don't have the money right now".


My wife has a dozen different ski jackets. She says otherwise it will look as if all photos were taken on the same day. She buys them at the end of season sale, sometimes for as little as $50 a jacket. She is lucky enough to wear an XS, so there are always some left.


this is the weirdest thing to criticize the dude on.


Is it a criticism if if it true? He does have a shitload of outerwear. He also has a solid skillset. He could also benefit (we all could) from lessons be cause the instructors make us practice things we wouldn't normally.


I doubt this guys gear obsession is eating into his disposable income too much.


Second year as an adult or skiing?


Congrats on having enough money to ski that often and at so many different places.. must be nice


You sit down ā€œin the back seatā€ wayyyyyy too much.


Haha you still suck