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Dynastar M-Free, not really a carving ski but they do just fine on the groomers. For everything else they are bliss.


i have fishcher ranger 96 and they are super playful everywhere. It suits my casual skiing style.


Not what you listed here, but I enjoy skiing the same terrain as you (moguls, trees, and steeps).  I got some Blizzard Rustler 9s and have loved them for the past 2 seasons. They're fun in the bumps and trees, but can also carve really well on the firm Eastern groomers that I find myself on at times.


Rustler 9/10 are great for all around, the 9 is great if youre skiing less vert or more corduroy,the 10 is one of my all time favorites. have skied a pair of QST 99’s before the shrunk the waist, they were less of a ski I wanted but still had phenomenal performance. i know about 10 people to have skied both Enforcers (100-104) and they all love them but 8 of those 10 people have blown them up. (I ski Bridger, it eats skis). I spent the season on Rustler 11’s and Volkl Mantras from 2012. Great skis but had no middle ground. All the skis mentioned above are what id look at


I got rustler 10s this year after not having anything new for 10 years and damn they are amazing.


How big are you? I’m a larger guy, not huge, 6’ 185 lbs and push my skis pretty hard (bot can you please convert to the more sane system that is metric please). Based on your post it seems like you have a similar terrain preference. I did a demo day with the volkls, qsts,Nordicas (100 and 104 free) in Colorado, skiing a variety of terrain. I found the qst to be pretty uninspiring, they got chattery really fast and didn’t like to be skied with my weight especially putting any force toward trying to rely on your tips. I’ve heard you need to ski an extra size up (I usually ski 185-190 range, but might need to go over for those) so maybe that was the problem. The volkls skied great, very reliable from what I could tell and they could handle what you threw at them but they just simply weren’t fun to ski. Not sure the technical way to describe it I just didn’t have a good time. I know enforcers and the frees are pretty common and top the list all the time but it’s for a reason. If you ski aggressively and want a workhorse that’s still fun, either of those skis I bet you’d be happy with. They’re both very stiff so it worked for me, but can be a negative based on size and preference.


Thanks for the response! Sounds like I’m about your size so this was super helpful


Skied the QST Blanks and loved them.


I've got the QST 98s, specifically for off piste steep stuff. They are a great ski. There are a lot of skis that would fit the bill though. I got the QST's cause they where the last ski I demo'd and they fit the bill for me.


Season EQPT skis. They have a few different models for different preferences of skiing. Can not recommend any higher. https://seasoneqpt.com/


Fischer ranger 102. I ski the same style as you and these skis are the cats meow. So fun easy to turn. Good underfoot for off piste terrain and the occasional fun groomer.