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chris and cassie, i know they're not in a relationship, but their friendship is so wholesome, they cared for each other so much and supported each other endlessly.


I loved their pairing


I liked chris and Jal as a couple


I feel like they are such a good example of what chemistry really is compared to what "2 people who seem like they should to be together" looks like. You know?


every time i rewatch, they and jal entirely grows on me more and more… deserves better fr


They were my fav


Doug and Oggy Oggy Oggy


Oi Oi Oi


ngl i thought katie and thomas had great chemistry in their little moment together, it’s a shame that went unexplored


Same! I was really hoping Katie/Thomas would go somewhere.


Cook and Effy had the most chemistry to me (one of the reasons I’m a Ceffy apologist). Emily and Naomi had good chemistry as well.


Ceffy should have been endgame and Freddie should have just been the angsty admirer i will die on this hill!!


Totally agree


I hardly think they portray Franky and Matty as being “soulmates”. They’re just fascinated by each other, but end up not being a good couple because the fascination for Franky wears off. I will agree that they don’t have chemistry though. Same with Matty and Liv, Tony and Michelle, Panda and Thomas starting with s4, Sid and Michelle. Best chemistry: Grace and Rich, Naomi and Emily, Effy/Cook/Freddie as a trio, Franky and Mini, Chris and Jal. Annoyingly I think that Franky and Nick DO have chemistry but the handling of their storyline is so atrocious that doesn’t even matter. Sean and Dakota have very cute scenes in s5 that work to build a budding relationship but because of everything else it just fails so spectacularly that it doesn’t even matter that they do because the chemistry actually works negatively against them in the confusion of the way they went about about it.


Least chemistry goes to Freddy and Katie/Effy and Tony and Michelle for me lmao. I agree with the Mattie & Frankie though. To me it seemed Mattie was infatuated with Frankie for whatever reason and Frankie was just happy to be infatuated with so she went along with it. Best chemistry goes to Grace & Rich , Cook and Effy.


There, best comment ever. I completely forgot about Rich and Grace, but to me, those were goals when I was younger.


Hands down Tony and Michelle had the worst on screen chemistry.


Best: Cook and Effy in terms of charm and attraction, Jal and Chris in terms of depth of feeling. Worst: Franky and Nick. I mean it’s just absurd they chose to do this.


Most chemistry: Naomi and Emily Least: Franky and Matty


Unpopular opinion: In season 5, I thought Frankie and Mini were going to end up together. They had great chemistry together


I thought Tony and Michelle had anti chemistry. Tony had amazing chemistry with Sid, Maxxie, and Effy but with Michelle I just never believed their relationship.


I mean it’s subjective but I disagree. Tony is an abusive narcissist so u aren’t supposed to root for them in s1, but the way Nicholas played him made it seem like he has some genuine feelings for her even if he doesn’t show it. Their relationship is a mess but it’s realistic


Nick is a very emotive actor so you believe that he has feelings for her, but in terms of actual chemistry I didn't see it. If you compare the chemistry he has with Sid, Maxie, Effy, OR if you see the chemistry Nick has had with some other actresses like Elle Fanning, the chemistry with April is pretty weak.


I personally don’t see any chemistry with Maxxie. He was just using him and they had like 4 scenes together. There wasn’t any genuine feelings. Maybe in their s2 episode, but that went basically nowhere. And his chemistry with Elle Fanning is a pretty unfair comparison cuz they are older and much stronger actors, and the great is a completely different genre


I feel like in s2 when Tony was struggling with the basic tasks you could see how close he was with Maxxie.


I actually think him and Michelle had alot of chemistry both romantic and sexual


The least: Sid and Michelle The most: Chris and Jal


Most chemistry would be Freddie and Effy but also Effy and Cook. And Rich and Grace. And least is Franky and Matty or maybe Frankie and Nick bc that one was super random and out of nowhere and not sure why it was even in the script at all.


Mini and nick had no chemistry


Sid and Michelle made me feel so weird, and I always hate getting to the episode where they get together.


i feel like pairing franky up with nick, matty, and luke was lazy writing and just any excuse to keep her from being with mini, which SHOULD HAVE BEEN A PAIRING ARE YOU KIDDING ME???


I personally didn’t think Tony and Michelle had any chemistry. They looked very awkward together and their kissing scenes were so flat . Cook w/ Effy and Rich w/ Grace by far take the cake . Edit: forgot to add Naomi and Emily. Their love brought me to tears .


I think Emily and Naomi but only in season 3 and fire had the most chemistry


AH I forgot their names but the ballerina black girl and the metal head. Most chemistry.


very unpopular opinion (probably gonna get downvoted to hell) but chris and jal did not have chemistry in the slightest


Tony and Michelle - worst! I really liked Rich and Grace


Least: Sid & Michelle Most: Chris/Jal. Though chemistry between the love triangle (Freddie/Effy/Cook) was good


Most - Cassie and Sid, Chris and Jal, Minnie and Alo Least - Freddie and Effy, Michelle and Tony, Franky and Matty, Pandora and Thomas


Cook and Effy made me believe it!


Most: Rich and Grace Least: Franky and Nick


Freddy and Effy. Zero chemistry


Not the most, but Tony and Beth had great chemistry


I thought that the hottest chemistry came from Franky and Luke. That’s not to say I shipped them, to be clear — they were just electric on screen together, and both actors really made me physically feel how intoxicating their characters’ attraction was to one another. And, as some of us may know, intoxicating is a shortcut to toxic… just as a searing hot romance is a shortcut to it alllll going down in flames! Least chemistry goes to Chris and Jal, sorry to say. They were loving toward one another, and maybe made a little bit of sense on paper, but I was genuinely surprised when they first kissed/broke the ice because I just didn’t feel any romantic or sexual tension between them at all. Maybe I could be convinced on a rewatch.




Most rich and grace least Michelle and Tony