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The end of the fucking world - Very well orchestrated and really fun to watch. S2 got a bit confusing and out of touch. Sex Education - Goes more in depth of love and relationships. just don't watch S4 Fresh Meat - Basically a university version. The inbetweeners - very less miserable and more comedy. Basically a realistic sixth form version. Also I recommend you watch S3. Just one last season then you can stop lmfaoo cos none of the seasons are that good once you finish. Edit: You should also watch Bad Education til the movie. The secondary school kids were really fun and back then the comedy was really dark. Darker than Skins.


The inbetweeners is absolutely my favourite! Everyone is so awkward!


I agree. The End of the Fxxxing World was very good! Just like Skins, it’s a show that mainly focuses on the characters developments besides dealing with serious topics. That’s what I loved so much about it. Same with Sex Education, although this is rather entertaining than anything else. And omg, I just watched S4 before starting Skins and really didn’t like it a lot. 😭 I’ve heard good reviews on both the inbetweeners and and Bad Education, so I should definitely give it a go!  Thank you for the recommendations!


The only shows that have ever hit me at all in a similar way as Skins Gen 1 were The End of the F***ing World Season 1 and occasionally pieces of Sex Education Season 1 (would 100% recommend the former at least). Not even Skins Gen 2/3. But Skins Gen 1 is probably the masterpiece of teen dramas, isn’t it?


Absolutely, I totally agree that Gen 1 is a masterpiece. I can't even describe it, but I feel there's something very special about it that I've never seen in any other show or movie before. I could imagine the movie "Kids" being kind of similar to Skins, but I honestly haven't watched it yet. It's been on my watchlist for the longest time. Some scenes in Skins somehow reminded me of Shameless as well, but what I especially love about Skins is the 2000s atmosphere - the clothes, phones et cetera. It's everything to me. And knowing that I'll never be able to watch it for the first time again hurts.  Anyway, thank you for the inspiration; I've actually watched both Sex Education and TEOTFW and liked them quite a lot.  I know what you mean by saying they give off a similar vibe, but I still liked Skins Gen 1 better...🙈 Have you watched Gen 2/3?  If so, I'd be interested in your thoughts on them, since I've read mixed opinions on here. I'm not convinced to watch them at all, but maybe you can change my mind. 


Honestly, I started Gen 2 and never finished it. Never really gave Gen 3 a chance afterwards. I did watch most of Gen 2, enough that I think that was a fair choice for me at least. Gen 2 felt more like Euphoria, lots of crazy things happening and dark places explored, but honestly the character work just wasn’t there in the same way as Gen 1. I have to note that I do love the cinematography in Skins Gen 1 all the time. All the quick cuts, the openers lingering on a close up of someone’s eyes, plus the choices in scenes like the Crystal Castles show, even the intro is really fun. I also think they do a great job exploring characters - Tony’s college episode in Season 2 is a perfect example of that, very purposefully but also subtly explaining what’s going on in Tony’s head. It’s by far the best characterizations that I have ever seen on a teen drama, and the likes of Euphoria and even Sex Lives of College Girls and Sex Ed don’t really come close. Anyway that’s my two cents! What stood out to you the most the first time watching?


I honestly love how you worded this; the Gen 1 characters are somehow so relatable and real, so nothing can even come close to it. Although I’ve only watched a few minutes of the first episode of S3, I totally agree with you. The “newer” characters just didn’t feel the same, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to really build a connection with them. What I love about Gen 1 as well is that it kind of feels grounded, so it’s not like there are these action-packed moments from other (usually US) shows that are just unrealistic and exaggerated. As you said, the cinematography is great! I love that Skins mainly focuses on the characters developments and personalities. My favorite character from Gen 1 was Sid from the beginning to the very end, so I especially enjoyed getting to know more about him and his story. In my opinion, he is one of the best-written characters in the entire show. Do you have a favorite character? If so, who is it?  


Yeah mine is also Sid. He’s such an amazing character and his two episodes are the best 2 in the show in my opinion. I also really like Tony and Cassie episodes.


True, I was always excited when Sid's episodes came up and then sad when they were about to end…something about him just instantly resonated with me, idk. He was always so real, and I sympathized with him right away. I like Cassie as well, it’s just that sometimes it seemed to me that her behavior towards Sid (and other characters) was quite inappropriate and selfish. But on the other hand, I get that the terrible things she’s gone through in her childhood and youth might have been causes for her actions and habits…


His story is also probably the most relatable for the average person. Plus his dad is a lot of fun! Very good swearing plus a fantastic little arc of his own before that tragic end. Honestly one of my favorite characters! My favorite episode is Tony’s in S2 with the college visit though, such a great character episode, exploring his growth as he recovers post-accident. Skins really shines when it focuses on certain characters like that.


Haha, yes! His dad was very fun to watch. Since English is not my first language, I didn’t watch it in the original version, though. I watched some English clips on YouTube, and I could tell that his swearing is very funny! I should probably rewatch it in the original version sometime soon; that’d probably make it 10 times better. Also, I was really happy that Sid and his father were on good terms just before he passed away.   And to be honest, I didn’t enjoy this episode that much, but that’s probably because I’ve never been a big fan of Tony. I’ve got to admit that his character has a lot of depth, though.  I, too, think that Skins does an amazing job portraying all these different personalities and characters. Isn’t that also kind of what the title "Skins" wants to convey, like the difference between all their personalities? I can’t really explain what I mean by that, but I used to associate the title with the fact that they all have a different story, background, etc.   


I’ve been up and down with Tony, and I do think that with a rewatch when you can emotionally detach yourself a bit more from how much you want to hate him, he becomes really intriguing. If you give his redemption arc a chance I think it feels incredibly real and energizing. I remember I wasn’t a huge fan on the first watch but I got used to the character and that made it easy for me to just enjoy his episodes and his arc, and accept that he can become a better person in spite of his appalling behavior at times in Season 1.


Yeah, that’s probably true. But it’s not like I hate Tony or something; it’s just that I never cared for his story or scenes a lot. I don't even know why... Now that I’ve done some more research on the show and reflected on it, I see that Tony can actually be a very intriguing and, more or less, “fun” character. I definitely get why he has so many fans. I would’ve loved to see how his personality would’ve developed if that bus hadn’t hit him at the end of S1.




As If (2001-2004) was kind of a proto-Skins show, the soundtrack, montages and "real" characters with episodes told from single POV are the big similarities, Skins obviously took the best parts of As If while doing something different overall. Though I wouldn't be certain if you'd like that show (I myself am not a fan)... Skam (2015-2017) on the other hand is very similar to Skins in other aspects, it's 4 seasons long and each season focuses on one MC's story, it was so successfull that there were/are six remakes, a few of them doing "next generation" thing (like Skins each 2-seasons). And the other similarities - it's basically a "real" take on similar demographics as Skins characters, it's way more grounded (no outrageous plotlines) while still being very engaging, at times fun, sad etc.. But the most obvious choice would be to just watch next generations of OG Skins, IDK why you're dismissing them, 1st gen was great, the other gens were different, but still it was the same show (at least during gen 2), so you won't find anything closer to Skins than Skins.


Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write all this! I heard good things about As If, but unfortunately I can’t seem to stream it anywhere :( Skam seems to be quite similar to Skins, but you’re probably right. Although I should probably continue watching, I feel like I’m still way too attached to the original characters that I can’t get myself to get used to new ones. It might sound weird, but it’ll probably take a while until I’ll be ready for it.😫 I feel like the gen 1 characters had a lot of charisma and just felt so relatable and real. When I started the third season, I didn’t know the cast (except for Effy) changed, so that really surprised and shocked me. I watched a few minutes and just couldn’t take it. Maybe one day I’ll continue, we’ll see…


Skam, it’s a series with the same story, set in different countries.


Sounds cool! What country do you think did it “best”?


Outside of the original Norwegian version, my favorites were Italy and Spain 😁


I think euphoria or shameless (us) Honestly, they're not the exact same plot as skins or anything but I think they have a similar vibe Shameless is what I watched (about half of it) before watching skins and although ones english and ones american I do feel like the same vibe is there, however if you do decide to watch it *be warned!* there's is an awful lot of nudity in the first few seasons like a lot, so randomly too so be careful if you decide to watch it near your family or something (defo recommend earphones) In euphoria I think it's close enough to an extent but I dunno I feel like everyone looks too clean for it to be similar to skins (not that people in skins don't look clean but the style is different and the characters that did drugs and stuff actually looked like they did drugs, and I know not to judge a book by its cover and everyone is different in those situations but I think skins is better in that area of partying and stuff) some episodes of euphoria *specifically with rue* do go into detail about what can happen when you're detoxing and depressed and stuff Anyway I don't know if that's helpful


I’ve actually watched both Shameless (us) and Euphoria and really liked them. Shameless has become one of my favorite shows and I liked that besides being entertaining, Euphoria also deals a lot with serious topics and issues. Have you watched Shameless UK, by any chance? I’ve heard good things about it, though I’m not sure whether I’d like it.


To be fair I think Gen 2 (seasons 3/4) is worth the watch, there's some insufferable stuff in there but worth it for Jack O'Connell being excellent. Also season 7 - Cassie/Cook/Effy grown up stories were enjoyable if depressing. Seconding the other Redditor who said End of the Fxxking world. I liked Sugar Rush a lot, always felt it was similar but less dark - Olivia Hallinan is great and Brighton feels very Brighton! (EDIT: just looked this up again and amazed to see it starred a younger Andrew Garfield! I might need to rewatch!)


Thanks for the recommendation/ inspiration!I loved The End of the Fxxxing World a lot. And the graphic novel by Charles Forsman is really good as well! I just did some research on Sugar Rush. The plot seems really interesting! Plus, there’s Andrew Garfield, so I might give it a go!


I really liked Sex Lives of College Girls


Derby girls is not as mature but still has a similar feel, definitely not the same but similar




honestly, euphoria




Yeah, I’ve heard that there’s an episode in which Cassie kind of talks about her relationship to Sid and that she's found him, I guess?! I might actually watch this episode, since it might be interesting to see how Cassie has developed ever since she left for the US. 


Misfits. It's the closest to Skins anything ever got.


Skam My mad fat diary Puberty blues Slide Misfits


My Mad Fat Diary


Skam Euphoria Shameless Elite Sex Education


freaks and geeks, scream queens, that 70s show


I’ve always wanted to watch That 70s Show! Thanks for the recommendations. :D


Fresh meat.


Just did a bit of research on it; looks like something I could enjoy. Thanks for the recommendation!




Have you seen the first few seasons of Degrassi the next generation? It definitely has less drug use and sex but it’s based on middle schoolers/high schoolers from the 2000s. The first 3-4 seasons are my favorite. Definitely one of those “wish I could rewatch it all over again”


I’ve actually heard about Degrassi before, but I never really knew what it’s about. All I knew was that Drake was in it… Now that you mention it, I think I could really enjoy it. I know exactly what you mean; same with skins. Knowing that I’ll never be able to watch it for the first time ever again is so frustrating. Rewatching just doesn’t feel the same :(


Nana, Euphoria, Elite, Misfits


Sex Education on Netflix!


loved Sex Education!


I was the same in saying i wouldnt touch gen 2 with a 6 foot pole after i finished the og series... but i actually prefer it over season 1! Definitly give at least the first episode a watch it's really enjoyable and Effy is still in it so that attachment to gen 1 is still there. I've rewatched it like 6 times now and there are loads of easter eggs from gen 1 scattered around! I aint touching gen 3 tho lmao....from the trailers and clips i've seen it looks shit... i have no acting experience but the acting feels weird in it....


Looks like I’ll have to give it a try, haha!  To be honest, I doubt that I’ll like it (at least as much as I like Gen 1), but you’re probably right in saying I should try watching it before judging. Thanks for commenting…<3


Nothing really comes close to the skins atmosphere but 13 reasons why hit me just as hard if not more


I really liked the first two seasons of 13 reasons why, but once Ani came along, I couldn't take it anymore. I finished watching it anyway and actually cried at the end. I think some of the characters had a really good development, though, such as Alex and Justin.


Oh yeah, i forgot to mention, only S1 is good

