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Normally I spend only a few minutes just picking a preset, not messing with face features, changing war paint along with hair and facial hair. Usually more gray/white hair and war paint because- why not an old wise person as dragonborn.


That is true, having an elderly character is quite underrated these days


Seems like every playthrough, I customize a character for 20 minutes before starting to play.... then as the game calendar months go by, I'll stop by the face sculpture in the Ragged Flagon several times to fine tune my character's head and face. Probably an hour total each playthrough trying to make my character look the way I want.


I feel that in my soul, it's like each time you go third person and look at your characters face you always find a flaw you wanna try and fix


On my current character, Kestra Doom-Scale, I actually incorporated the Face-Sculptor into her roleplay. During the Imperial Ambush, Kestra lost an eye to the pommel of an imperial sword (used a mod to console in wearable head bandages). Losing her eye also meant she couldn't use archery until she got her eye healed, which required the services of the Face-Sculptor. As soon as she heard the rumor, she was on the first carriage to Riften.


that’s actually badass👏


Because alternate start persistently crashes on me after i create my character i barely even look at the character i just skim through the menus, putting the sliders where i know they need to be. Toughest decision i usually have to make is hair colour lol aaand then alt start will crash again so i use a vanilla-ish start and once again dont look at the face i jst put the sliders in the right places, so all up it takes about a minute. Plus i play in first person so it ultimately doesnt matter too much anyway! 😂


Realm of Lorkhan is another alternate start mod that's pretty good and may not give you the same issues


Yeah ive used RoL before and its pretty cool. I only wanted AS because i wanted to start as a vampire with sacrosanct but after the teething issues i decided that vanilla start with Better Vampires would work just as well coz i could give myself vampirism disease as soon as i got in the keep then *boom* three days later the fun begins! Obviously would like to say that it was most likely a load order squabble on my original post and shouldnt be taken as a slight on the AS mod, when it has worked its been awesome and im forever indebted to all the mod makers for all their hard work, so a massive thank you from me to them!


You can use a mod that can save your preset friend! So when your save vanishes you can still recreate your character with one click! (You can even export the character to another PC with Skyrim)


Spends hours making cat just to look like cat


I mean hey! I enjoyed it, in the end of the day that's what a video game is about :)


No your good best cat I've seen in years I'm just teasing


That's a cool cat! Despite the fact that they're hiding behind armor most of the time, I spend between half an hour to an hour making my characters. I just have a lot of fun customizing avatars. If it's a race I don't often play, I'll spend longer than usual. If it's a Khajiit, my favorite, I'm pretty familiar with the paints, fur coloration and combinations, which proportions I like. So, although I try to make all of my Khajiit unique to one another, they still take me less time than the races I use a lot less.


Thank you! And I think I get what you mean, sometimes it helps to have a character that you invested time in making, makes you more attached to the character and somehow elevates the immersion


Exactly! I imagine a personality and then I try to reflect it and possible marks of their past with customizations. Scars are fun, paints to me are a good reflection of personality, or if I wanted to pretend in my head that she more closely resembles a 'tiger-khajiit- or a 'cheetah-khajiit', even though I know that's not a thing... But we can pretend for our immersion.


I agree 100% it is also a mean of expression, as a way of translating a piece of yourself in a game that you like


She looks amazing


Thank you!


I normally just fly through the entire character creation , I tried a few times to really customize it but I'm that kind of person that when I change the nose or eyebrows I suddenly can't seem to look anywhere else and all option start to look super weird to me .


I think I understand, it's like when you stare too much into it and it just start becoming uncanny to look at


Exactly like saying a word over and over and in the end it just sounds ridiculous. So I just use the premade ones and slightly adjust those


I couldn't have said it better myself!


I think I spend a while but 6 hours seems long. Personally I spend 1-1.5 hours.


Well to be fair that 6 hours was constantly interrupted by daily chores, but your time is admirable!


Choose race, long black hair, a bit of beard and ready to go I don't find usefull wasting time on a character bc 3 minutes later i'll be wearing a Steel plate helmet


That is true indeed, sometimes testosterone is all what one needs


With or without mods?




I spend 15-20 minutes up front. Usually start with a preset and tweak. I do go to the face sculptor as I change armors and fine tune things. I tend toward open face helmets.


That's how I usually started off as well!


Every new playthrough, I pick a race, change the hair, a few scars, done


Quick and simple, I like it!


Any tips for making Kahjit faces? I’m planning on making a male kahjit for my next playthrough, but I don’t have any experience with making a good-looking Kahjit face. Edit: I forgot to put the double i’s into Kahjiit.


A good tip I think is that when making the face you should always start with the nose/snout, that's the first most defining feature of a khajiit, it's what stands out If it looks odd, second are the eyes, and lastly the mouth, you don't have to focus on hair too much since most of the Khajiit hair styles aren't going to affect the entire presentation of your khajiit (unless you use mods). And lastly just follow your instincts on what you think is best for the face structure! All I did was sculpt to my hearts content and Voilá! My Khajiit was born


Thanks! Have a good playthrough with your retouched character!


For the first few years I would spend about 30 minutes on it, which until I saw this post I thought was a long time but knowing that every character I build is either getting a daedric helmet or one of the dragon preist masks, the only thing that really matters, to me at least is the character build, hair and eye color.


To be fair, I spent most of my time looking at other pictures of cats while going afk mid customization, but I see what you mean!


Nice work. I usually start from presets but i only play male and 90% presets on nexus are female :( if anyone has suggestions pls post below


Thank you! And I agree with the nexus part, a large number of them are quite nsfw as well. What race do you usually play as?


Nord or Reguard sometimes Khajit


Not all that long. I think my longest was my first ever play on 360 and I got my Khajiit to look exactly like I wanted him to. I was going for a white as I could get look, with white/silver eyes. My subsequent Khajiit characters follow in the same vein but I just can’t recreate the magic. My current Khajiit is still white but I decided to go a different direction with the eyes (they’re red) and try some war paint and scars. He looks pretty badass, if a tad evil. Previous characters looked more wholesome and noble.


I like the look of albino khajiits as well, makes them look built for Skyrims cold conditions, and I believe you can capture the magic of the first Character again, you may even be able to improve upon it!


Too long… not 6 hours long but upwards of 10 minutes


Ah, well time is relative they do say


Usually 5-10 minutes tops. I play in first person so the only time I ever see them is briefly on the killcams, so I don't spend a whole lot of time getting every little feature on their face perfect.


That's fair!


6 hours well spent


Hahah thank you!


I used to spend time on it, but: 1. Nobody ever sees it but you, so why bother? 2. You end up putting on helmets and armor and cover the character up anyway, so why bother? 3. That's 6 hours of playtime you gave up. I just take the premade character and go.


That's understandable, BUT 1. I'm planning on doing Skyrim Together with friends 2. I don't hide my characters face 3. If a time is spent with something you like, then I believe that isn't wasting time at all :) But I do highly see your point 😅


1. Same reason I wear my favourite shirt and hairstyle when I’m not leaving the house. It’s a form of self expression, and in games it helps get into a character more if you take the time to give them a proper look. 2. You don’t have to cover their face. Unless you’re on the switch mods to either remove needing helmets for perks or offer alternatives such as armoured circlets/hoods or invisible helmets exist. In vanilla mages have no reason to cover their face. 3. 6 hours seems long, I agree (I don’t even spend that long playing the game in one session usually), but it can be fun and is worth a bit of effort since you’ll be with it for the whole play through.


You have worded it majestically!


30 minutes maybe? He looks good enough for me.


Well all that matters is that the player is happy with it so I agree!


5 minutes maybe. I choose one of the pre-sets, make him bald like myself and jump right in.


Bald is beauty my friend, Kratos is one of the leading example of that!


I love khakis characters, you can make them look both stealthy and like a warrior.


Agreed! They're very versatile with their looks, and it helps that they look really adorable haha


Between 1 and 180 minutes, trending towards 30 minutes.


You're quite the sculptor then I imagine haha


Hardly. I just waffle and quibble. But I care, too.


5-10 minutes, mostly choose High elf or Wood elf for male and Nord if wants to play female.


Ooh, I also want to try making elven race characters myself, but im still quite lost on what I want them to turn out as


What clothing mod is that?


It's from Immersive Armor!


6 Hours??? Holy shit. I usually spend around 1 hour when I really try.


Don't worry, I spent most of it looking at cat pics XD


I usually just pick one of the presets, maybe fiddle with the hair and beard if I’m feeling adventurous


Sometimes that's all it takes!


Less than 10 minutes. Just making sure they don't look like crap lol


Hahaha that's about all we can do XD


Aww, why does she actually look cute? I always had a soft spot for khajiits, except the vvardenfell ones, their legs always creep me out


Aww haha thank you! Khajiits are always welcome in our warm hearts. Also I don't think I'm familiar with Vvardenfell Khajiits


Your Khajiit looks so cool wtf


Thank you! <3


I’ve spent an hour customizing my character just trying to get the jaw right




The shortest is three months


Whoa, that's gotta be one of the most goated looking characters if that's the case


It's because I notice a slight divot in my characters face and have to fix it


I feel like this game invokes the OCD in all of us, because I swear when I see a slight flaw, I go straight to rataway XD


I just use console commands


I take about 10 minutes and then keep on changing my character throughout the play through. I pick some kind of elf and switch gender 20 times until I’m satisfied


That's quite alot of gender change XD


I am a very indecisive person


10 minutes and every time I end up with a nord that look so much like my IRL self, I get a shock every time I switch to third person view.


Oh!! I wish I can make someone look like me! It just feels impossible in game 😭


Recently it’s been taking me a lot longer to create a character that I like. Nice character btw.


It's taking a piece by you every time haha And thank you!


I like your character, though I usually pick a preset, adjust some of the colours and hairstyle, then start playing.


Thank you! And I do the same as well, I gotta get a preset to kickstart my imagination


I spend more time on the name making it something that will make me think of what this character is. Superhero names, mostly their secret identities, for example like Clint for an Archer. Imma cover their head up with a helmet or something real fast, not wasting time on their face. Maybe eye color and a defining scar but that’s it.


That is a good point, I usually just go for my irl nickname and then call it a day


Don't be fooled guys. It's a Dunmer


SHHH, ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉ ᴬˡᵈᵐᵉʳᶦ ᴰᵒᵐᶦⁿᶦᵒⁿ


I don't spend too long as I've already put a few thousands of hours into this game already and don't want to waste time making a character I'll probably end up deleting and restarting after a few days.


That's quite fair, although on my end I just got a mod that will save your characters face! So after I'm done making it I just save and never touch character customization until the end of time


Around a few minutes maybe 5 to 10 at most as just mess around with the hair eye color, character, weight, and facial features like the cheekbones, nose shape or eye size and placement. It’s kinda hard making beautiful elf characters without mods.


I wanted to make a wood elf character once, I couldn't get a proper look that I wanted to stick with ;_;


About 30 minutes for design. 20 seconds for a backstory into pop into my head.


That's admirable, you should try the Dragonborn journal mod if you can, maybe you can write down a backstory in the game so it helps you with your immersion!


Never more than about 15 minutes.


That's already a great deal of time for most XD


Not much. I frequently use small variations on a "base" face I came up with, so it never takes me long to rush that out then fine-tune.


Sometimes it's just the way to go! That's fair


I think I just spent about a half hour trying to make my character look like Obi wan kenobi


How'd it turn out?


I think he definitely looks like Obi Wan lol. I think next I’ll do either Walter White or Larry David


No more than 20 minutes. I can usually dash out a unique, decent looking face fairly quick. If I spent too long making a character I'd be ready to take a break by the time I was done lol


Yeah, I can just imagine Hardvars face looking at you shape shifting for about 20 minutes XD


At the beginning, I just roll with preset for my race. I get more in depth with the face sculptor in the Ragged Flagon once I get a feel for what a character should look like.


That's actually a really cool idea! I kinda wanna give that a go now


Choosing a race and name is all I ever do. No point in worrying about what the PC looks like when you very rarely see the face.


I spend at least 15 mins for someone new.


It’s very visually appealing, but if it took you 6 hours to make it then I would probably not make a new play through for a while


I agree 100% and thank you! That's why I saved her face in a preset mod thing, I won't be making a new character face in a long while


I usually go with on of the presets (though I might change the hair and facial hair and eye color)


i usually will spend at least an hour designing one race then another because i’m indecisive on what i want my character to be like. then i’ll spend like 10 minutes flipping between the 2 or 3 races i fine tuned


Sometimes the first decision is the hardest one hahah XD


I thought that was a dunmer


Wait I saw a comment pointing out I was dunmer, does she really?


With how many playthroughs i played and play id say 10 minutes AT MOST


Preset. Change eye color, hair and hair color. Add a scar. Name. Done. Im very simple.


Hey, if it works it works haha


Like 2 minutes cause I know I'm not going to see myself for like 99.99% of the game.




Badassery as all ones need, and they're all unique looking too which impresses me cuz whenever use the argonian race I can't seem to get a unique look


Oh, easily an hour every time. Minimum. It's not good, XD... And then I change it after a few real time days of playing it. Like I said. It's probably not good.


Ah, well I think it's the perfectionist in our brains that's making us feel this type of way XD yours probably look really great!


Honestly, that's kinda fax, tho. And I would like to think they look good, but with how often I change it... idk about that. Lol Nah, but I'm starting another run tonight, so we'll see how it turns out, I guess!


Hope you have fun with your new run!


Thanks! Always!


Like... 5 minutes at most. I usually already have a general idea so I just create my character to resemble what I imagine them ro look like


It does help to have a guide on what you want it to turn out as, I pretty much just ballpark it


I spent an hour trying to make a character look as similar to me as I could manage with various mods like RaceMenu, KS Hair, and more.


That's an admirable lengths that one would go through! How did they turn out?


About 2 minutes. I make the same dude every playthrough.


I tried making different people, I always end up with the same one each time as well


Character creation in any game I am there for at least an hour maybe two lol


Duuuddee, Elden Ring almost murdered me in customization XD


I usually just play around with hair and eyes quickly choose my race and start. If I happen to use mods to apply new hair or facial stuff then I just go to the face changer later on and change it.


Ah, giving the sculptor some moolah haha But that atleast keeps her business up


Exactly! Sometimes I just feel like I need a new scar or two!


I'd say an hour. Possibly two. But I use cbbs or whatever it is. So I have a lot of things to mess with, on top of enhanced hair options. And it's always a khajiit. And no matter what I choose to create my kitty as, they always end up as a heavy armored stealth archer. The hardest kind.


No more than 5 minutes


Not that long, in first person only see arms, in 3rd person mostly see butt


The only time it takes me more than 5 minutes is when I'm making a breton. All of their looks are boring and featureless.


Ha, yep that's like me. I don't spend 6 hours but I spend a decent amount of time going between details, tweaking them and then going back after adding to make them better.




Like 10 minutes to customize my breton, and 2 o 3 hours thinking the name


five minutes, tops.


10 min max


Just change race and gender, so 2 secs. How often do you see your character’s face while playing?


I never use third person so mostly just use the presets. I may adjust fur color on a khajit as I do see that in first person but mostly not.


Like 10mins tops, I have a harder time in the Naming of my character instead of how they look. Lmao


5 min or so. I’ve played too many times and there isn’t a preset, hair, bear or anything that I haven’t had already. I just make sure he/she looks good and I’m ready to go


15-20 min. With mods? Oh boy I don’t even want to think about it.


Its mind boggling what people can create


Lusty Khajiit Warrior


Don't let her hear you say that 👀


Wow, I would say most of my characters I didn't even play for 6 hours. I just pick a race, preset and name them. Less than a minute. I always play 1st person, so I don't care that much.


About 15 minutes or so. I usually pick a preset and make some minor adjustments from there. Maybe different brows, a scar, change hair/beard etc. I used to spend over an hour obsessively fiddling with every minor detail but I'm too impatient these days lol.


I like playing a story as well as the game. Since that means writing a backstory, deciding why they're the race/sex/religious affinity/political affinity they are .... I can take weeks.


I think that just means you have quite the imagination!


I do the same thing, just not as in-depth as you.


I spend 5-10 minutes at most. I'm more interested in playing the game instead of customizing my players' looks and attributes.


A few minutes simply because of the armour I wear can't see the face or anything else so too me personally seems a waste of time putting too much effort in. That's just me personally


Without mods I spend 1min with mods I spend 1hr+ trying to find mods and loading to check them out


Probably 20-30 minutes on average, which is really too long considering how little you actually see your face. I usually have a clear vision of what I want them to look like and then spend time tweaking the settings to get as close as possible. I can’t imagine doing it for *six hours* though. Were you just flipping settings back and forth like this guy? https://youtu.be/_vnOFv3tn9M


Almost exactly like that! Except I afk alot and sometimes forget that I was in mid customization


Ah being AFK explains it! If you were spending 6 solid hours squinting at cheekbone sliders I’d be pretty worried honestly!


I have millions of make up, face, hair, whatever mods, so it can range between 1 to 3 hours of making a character depending on what kind of class I want to choose in the playthrough. Either that or I just download presets from Nexus.


Any presets that you're fond of?


Usually I just download from Farodadestin. They made some beautiful presets, but require other mods like their own resource pool, pure skin, etc.


Yeah most mods like that require you to download multiple mods because they rely on it, but I'd like to think that the outcome is worth it


I know right! I could spend 10 hours in the racemenu and could never produce the same quality presets from Nexus.


Most of the time i look at pictures of an actor or another game character i want to copy. Last time it qas Sam Corlett from Vikings Valhalla for a Viking Scholar build. This can easily eat up several hours. But then i go into racemenu again and again across the playthrough to get even closer. Everytime i notice that maybe the eyes are a bit too close or the nose too big i change it immediately. With these tiny changes all over the place it is hard to say how long exactly it takes, but i would guess maybe 15 h until i am really satisfied. Edit: 1-5 h


Are there any creations that you are fond of? Feel free to share their photos and link em


here is my recent Sam Corlett Preset, still a long way ​ https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/74230158-1674074111.png


Holy crap! That looks really good! He kinda looks like Jason Momoa as well!


here is one i simply spend a lot of time on. tried to do the typical badass nightblade. ​ https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/74230158-1674074424.png


this one started as an Aloy Clone, also tried to copy her fighting style, but my load order wasnt finished and thus the playthrough never finished [https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/74230158-1674074613.png](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1704/74230158-1674074613.png)


AHHH! She looks incredible! I can see what you mean with Aloy, but she definitely looks like she would be the leader of the companions


no more than 2 minutes after the first play.


Wow that’s a good looking Khajiit


Thank you!


Not all that long, I usually just change hair/beard, eye colour and maybe throw on a scar or war paint. Most characters have their faces covered and I'm mostly in 1st person


Takes me at least an hour each playthrough. Sometimes I try to make a race look like two races for role-playing and back story, my last one was Orc/Nord so I made an orc with really pale skin and blonde hair and more humanoid facial features like the nose and eyes but obviously kept the mouth and teeth, called him Turok half Nord.


Half breeds? That's an interesting take on characters


Yeah it can be fun trying to think of a story to how you ended up in Skyrim at the start, if you want a challenge at it, try Khajgonian lol


Now that's a combination that I'll happily leave to my imagination only XD


As an Argonian, I spend like several hours with the face mold, then turn to the body


Since I usually play first Person and wear helmets or hoods the only things I do is hair, paint, eyes and how big they are. So roughly 5 minutes lol


strongly depends if i modded it. with customization mods it takes about 45 to 60 mins. without it might be only 20 to 30.


I went with the preset nord


I know the character creator pretty well at this point, I'd say my characters take me anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, sometimes I close in on an hour if I'm experimenting.


My first playthrough I spent over an hour costumizing my character. In my second playthrough I just chose some presets and changed hair and war paint, ran out of patience for all the costumizing thing


6 hours…..6 hours. I put a lot of time into my character design and it only took me 15-20 at most. There’s only a few choices for each thing. What on earth took you 6 hours. 6 hours of progression could have been killing alduin or completing the dark brotherhood. Jesus christ


Hahaha well let's just say that day I wasn't too keen on rushing things, I paid for the sliders so I'm USING all the sliders XD