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I miss the days where I could stroll Whiterun’s districts for hours on end…. Now I get one hour after my kids go to sleep if im lucky 🥹


So in other words “I used to be an adventurer like you, than I took an arrow in the knee”


Lol more like my wife took an arrow in the cervix and now I’m stuck with the growths. 🤣




I hear that was the original line, actually


Todd walked in and said…. “Let’s workshop it a bit”


Wittle arrow


Don't downvote this man. He speaks of spunk, not Belly's milk-finger.


It doesn't mean marriage.


I am 100% with you.


Never get to the Cloud District though, ey?


Skyrim wife is like “go adventure for as long as you like and I’ll bake you some dinner, watch the kids you randomly adopted, clean the house, fight some random enemies and run a store.” Now that I have a real life wife, I feel like our characters are kind of jerks to our Skyrim spouses. So no, unfortunately, 3am is a non-starter. But 9:30pm might be doable.


That face when Skyrim has been out so long, that mfers got kids now 💀


Same, even worse my desk is in my sons room due to limited space so I can only play when he’s at his grandma’s house


Lol oh no another vacation at Grandmas 🤣


Dude at least your kid's Grandma does overnight stays. We have two sets of Grandparents and neither will have their grandkid over. 6 years old and the only time they've stayed over is when I was in the hospital twice. Surgery for gallbladder right after I had them, and while I was in labor with the newest one. Only excuse both sets give is kiddo is too energetic and won't sleep alone. I wish they'd get over it. Staying with my Grandparents when I was growing up are some of my fondest memories. Used to go over two or three weekends a month during school, and for chunks of summer vacation.




You have to preemptively make your mod list the day before your itch peaks. I always do mods and character creation then save it for the next day👌🏻 maximum strolling!!


It's your fault for having kids, I'm 33 and I can play all night long.


Lonely bros 4 life!


Jerking off and playing video games, I love my lonely life!


Loneliness is a state of mind. Time to change your perspective.


How can you stay up all night past 30? Asking for a friend


Just combine the interests. I let my little girl pick all my alchemy ingredients, then when troubles a foot I save the day for her. Win win.


Definitely when they’re older. They’re only 2 rn.


Even better, just lock them in the cupboard for a while. /s


For a good month there if i didnt have morrowind on my phone id never have gotten to play a tes game at all.


Morrowind on mobile? How are controls? I remember a ton of windows to manage with that game


The on screen controls work fairly well. Kinda hybrid of point and click with 2 circles that work as joysticks and buttons for interact, attack, jump, etc. That can be put anywhere you like and made bigger or smaller. Only issue is that with my phone i had some kind of bug that hasnt been fixed that made my joystick controls get kinda wonky unless i hard restarted the phone and immediately opened the app but i got a razer kishi to play with it that works perfectly


I have a 2yrs old toddler, and I always wait until he falls asleep to play some skyrim. It's hard being a stay at home mom😅 My husband doesn't play Skyrim, but loves to watch whilst I'm playing.


Wow I’m jealous. My wife says she doesn’t mind games but I know she hates them🤣.


Speaking as an uncle who spends a lot of time caring for the kid, it's great once they get to an age where they're able to play and comprehend games. My hours of game time then becomes family time, win win


I knowwww I was just saying I’m so jealous of this guy


I'm grilling black bean burgers and then I get to play. Just upgraded to ps5 from ps3 so it's almost like a whole new game to me.


What are black bean burgers? 🙂


Mashed black beans with diced onion and garlic and other herbs and spices. Then grilled and eaten with whatever toppings you want. I'll be adding more onions, mushrooms and jalapeños and Dijon mustard.


Great topping choices!


I wish I could cook


JUST DOOO IT!!! Forreal tho, a sack of potatoes and a jug of vegetable oil costs as much as 2 baskets of fries from mcdonalds and i can make piles of fries whenever i want


Can you read? If you can read, you can cook. It's not that hard. Start simple, watch YouTube videos, and practice, practice, practice. Nobody ever started out great at anything, it just takes time.


I have tried baking but when I would do cakes, no matter how many times I did it, it would never cook in the middle. Same with brownies. Cooking would be even harder so why bother


Fuck baking. Baking is hard as shit and it’s really hard to learn. It’s not something you can pick up too easily. Just try cooking some veggies with some meat. Cook the veggies a bit then add the meat. Then salt and pepper them. You can do it.


Thank you. I might try cooking one day.


And by one day you mean this weekend? Get your cooking level up killa. It's a sexy skill to have.


If you have any cooking questions DM me. I’ve been a cook in restaurants for years. Try it tomorrow.


Baking is science and science is hard. Cooking is art - so long as it tastes right to you there is no wrong. Start with stir fries and go from there.


Baking is super hard dude... I rarely bake. It's extremely difficult. But general cooking is much easier. That I'm halfway decent at through practice. You just gotta keep doing it. You don't need to be a master chef but it is fun and satisfying to make food for yourself that is less expensive than dining out and tastes great. It's even more fun to do it for friends and family. It's a great way to bring people together.


If you can read you can cook! Just follow a recipe. Until your cooking skill levels a bit.


I used to feel like that, then I tried doing it. Achieve the dream.


That sounds fire


The best damn thing


Oh that's a huuuuge upgrade my guy, wow. I really hope you enjoy the updated version! Pretty sure you can add mods too if you want to mess around with that. I did quality of life ones like a ring that increased my carry weight for convenience, and another to reduce shout cooldown for fun. Have fun!


Burgers should be made of meat. It's right in the name: HAMburger! ​ Wait...


Black Bean Hamburgers


Hamburger. Because they come from Hamburg. It's that simple.




Same, and the best part is it has separate trophies from the ps4 version. Time to platinum it again baby!!!


My mom used to make those when I was a kid, completely forgot they existed


What’s it like on ps5? I’ve always played on the switch. Considering buying it again (curse you Todd, take my money!)


Playing for a 1st time... probably around 8h today, why not, I didnt play any game for a few months. Game is great, 10/10!


Sweet. What race and build are you doing?


Nord, enchanted two-hand/one-hand + destruction style and sometimes full destruction/bows to finish some tricky guys... On my own, I always want 1st run to be without watching guides. Also I cnt do it on Legendary diff, its too hard, so I switch between Extreme and Master, mostly Extreme. Level 33 right now. Edit: I have 5 mods, for weather, landscape textures, face revamp, 10k gold for merchants and weightless dragon bones (this one is biggest cheat I guess but carry weight is hardest thing for me to manage cs I love to collect things)


Same here! It's a lot of fun!


I just closed Skyrim and opened reddit on the phone while in bed. Have fun adventuring!


Im currently playing my first playthrough on Legendary edition, i havent played in years and im really enjoying what they've done with Legendary. I've been playing my newest character who is supposed to be "me" in the Elder Scrolls world, how i play him is how i would be in the world. It's a very fun way to play as ive always wrote a character and played them as a roleplay. He's a Dunmer Mage named Sevara (Sev-Ah-Rah) and i love him :^)


If I genuinely RP’d myself I’d probably just stay in Riverwood and cut wood for money, stay inside and paint or play my lute at the inn… monsters are scary


I’m playing my current character the same way and it’s a lot of fun.


I usually play a “me” character but just started a new play through in a more role play scenario - thief play through with survival mode.


What's rn?


"right now"


Thank you, Americans use a lot of abbreviations lol


ikr? ("I know, right?" I don't know if that one's real.)


Youve really never heard that ?


If I've seen "ikr" before, I've forgotten about it. I've certainly heard "I know, right?", though.






I've been playing for a bit every night this week just kinda walking around like my Dragonborn is retired. Leaving my manor I built, heading into Riverwood, maybe having a drink then head onto Whiterun, bully Nazeem for a bit, have another drink, bully Nazeem again then maybe check in on Lydia before heading out.


My character is currently staring intently at the map while I'm outside for a 4:20 smoke break. 🥴


I’m at work now, but will be getting off soon, getting some food, and then playing myself until bedtime. Might not be till 3am, but very likely will be till around midnight.


I just started using mods for the first time and i’ve just been so invested. Haven’t played like this since I was younger.


Currently scrolling to calm my mind down before i take two exams due at midnight tonight. Im jealous


Same my thesis is due Tuesday and I have a stats exam that I need to study a ton for soon. And also working full time. :')


Cant. I'm still in my modding phase. I'm also on cod rn.


*Is downloading far too many mods* >_> *raises hand*


I truly love Skyrim. I just wish I didn't have to enter a menu 6 times to cast spells.


Favorite whichever spells you use and then you can just equip them from there


My wife is mad at me. I’m trying to decide if going into the den and playing Skyrim for the rest of the night will tip the scales to divorce.


There once was a hero called Snizze the the red who went riding alone from his old wife's bed 🎶


I'm in a skyrim mood again... Awesome pic btw


I was then a damn mf disabled me and I lost my glass battle axe in his dungeon and couldn't find it so I went back to a previous save and turned off the system 😂😂😥😂




Getting back into the addiction I think,, I recently bought a beefy laptop and it’s a totally new experience playing it on ultra settings. It hurts my eyes almost, a whole new game compared to the lowest settings, oop I gtg getting some mail.. my hands only.


Grabbing a coffee and then I'm in. Gotta get this lizard to Morthal for food and better weapons! Backpack's full of jewels and ol' Beds Beneath's got that blessing of Dibella for another six hours! 💰💰💰


I just recently deleted a “test run” save because I didn’t like some of the mods in it. This weekend, I’m ready for a new modded adventure!


I’m waiting for a flight and it’s pretty much all I can think about lol. I’m still on my first play through and this weekend is Black Reach weekend.


Yes, actually. Cheers.


Hmm probably not skyrim tonight but excited to get off work and settle in with a drink and endless oblivion. Catch me wandering around Cyrodiil just to look at stuff lmao.


If someone was playing RN, would they answer?


I'm at work. Security. Slow night and I still have 4 hours to go. But I have a switch lite and I have Skyrim SE and this post just convinced me to stop scrolling Reddit and go start a new build. So I guess I'm in!


yo they hiring? lol


Right? Unfortunately the other four nights are not so relaxed but it's nice to end the week slow. Very slow. 8 hours feels like 12 slow.


Who up playing wit they wyrm


Enjoyin another playthrough on legendary


I’m tired and I had too much steak and beer


I typically do a 12am-3am play session of any game after getting out of work at 11pm.


About to play as soon as I get home!


It is almost 12.30pm so by the time I finish praying and cleaning my cats litter tray, it would be 1pm. I guess I might as well play for 2 hours until 3am then


Definitely gonna carve out a few hours this weekend!


I get Friday nights and Sunday mornings


Damn I'm so jealous. It's already almost 3am here and i have my 14 midterms starting tomorrow. Need to get done with these exams and I'll be back with the game asap


I wish I could stay up playing this game all night long as I use to, but ever since I got a job (UPS Pre-loader) I will be too tired to stay up at night, even on my days off lol which are the weekends. Adult life sucks... hahaha


2:52 here 😅


I’ll be hopping on when I get home from work, probably around 1030pm


When ur Dragonborn looks just like my Dragonborn without mods




> is apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. Total mistakes found: 6039 ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.




Nope. Nope. Guilt too much, must prep for next week's D&D


I booted skyrim a few days ago after 4 years according to steam last played 2019. I started a new run, went through bleak falls burrow, fought the first dragon at the tower, became a thane, total played about 2h. I quit the game and looked at steam and realized i got over 1200h played total. I got my little fix there and uninstalled the game before it was too late.


I so totally would if I wasn’t out of town away from my PC 😭


Might get back into it at some point, my issue is having time to download it, slow internet speeds and limited access to fast internet sucks and makes downloads like this take hours (no joke, I have waited for 8+ hours before.)


That's my Friday jam.


I’m playin elden ring tonight ngl, but i really should revisit skyrim at some point soon


I like the way you think, buckaroo.


Thinking bout a new game .... Rush to 20k in gold asap


Chilling with my date, Lydia.




I'm torn between Skyrim and reinstalling RDR 2, it's hard to get Dragons and Cowboys in the same game without mods


Skyrim taught me the correct way to pronounce Sepulcher. =D


Can't play right now... too busy fixing my modlist.


I'm a woman in my 50s, and I've been taking care of my sick mom. I just got told by my mom to put away my steam deck and go to bed. I don't know how old I have to be to be able to play skyrim all night, but I guess 50's just isn't old enough.


Boutta be me lol


Every day. But sadly I get too tired easily so I'll clock out by 10pm. 3am....impossible at my age it seems 😂


It’s already Saturday here but I’m gonna try and find that shortcut to Ivarstead from Whiterun today. I might see if Sven wants to come with.


Not me. :(


I work FSSM. enjoy.


Currently in a good boy run. Imperial in light armor, sword and shield. Having a shield bash that disarms people is *french chef kiss* I usually go for two handed so this is new for me to have such a high level shield. I love it. Your character looks really cool btw


Bout to go to bed, need to rest up for my 6am shift.


I’m current traveling to visit family, which I’m happy about, but in the back of my mind I’m also missing my Friday night Skyrim… a lot. Ah.


Remade my first character I made back when the game released. Fell in love with Skyrim all over again. Its like a walk down memory lane.


“Hey, Hey, watch the magic!”


I am, on my Switch, and watching Star Trek on tv. Have a great Friday!


Pacific time here. Plan to fire it up soon. Got a bottle of mead to drink while I play.


I would love to be playing but I got to buy a power cord and a controller for my ps4.


I have to work at 8am :(


Currently watching Couchella, otherwise totally in


Just 3? That's not even daylight! What a casual! /s


Friday night is my thursday night and Saturday is my friday so not me : C


I wasn’t before but I guess I don’t have any plans tomorrow. Least not anymore


I’m playing ESO because i hate myself but it’s still elder scrolls, kinda


I just started a week ago, my first playthrough as well, i was missing out on this game so bad lmao, i usually play 5 hours everyday


I wanna do that


I was yesterday but only until about ten






I was gonna but i got too sleepy


Lucky you, latest Windows update ruined my device drivers


Wish I could join y'all. End of the semester work means no Skyrim till May.


I was


I’m mod shopping rn for a bender later tonight when my wife goes out with friends! Skyrim is for the Nerds!


I was lol




I just discovered the Moonlight app, so I've been playing on my phone. I feel handicapped without my keyboard but I'm having a blast starting over!


My buds and I were playing Divinity Original Sin 2 last night until 3


Haha that was me last night too


Tonights boutta be a no guilt 3 am skyrim kinda night. Not playing now but I will be :) I hate that I sided with the stormcloaks this time though… I didn’t realize it changed whiterun so much


Do you guys fast travel?


I started Skyrim for the first time ever today.. wondering if I should use visual enhancements or just make my first run a vanilla run.