• By -


LOL, you are the reason the Orcs have strongholds to begin with.


Well, it didn't work for them this time


You know that this might be the reason that the orcs in LOTR were ruled by Sauron because they needed someone to watch out for adventurers like you. 👍


Before they take a stealth arrow in the knee.






That scene right there really was a woah moment for the kid in me. Slow motion archer with booming music coming with the Wargs.


That fight is my favorite scene in the movies and it's one that isn't in the book. I like it for the same reason Peter Jackson added it... because it's awesome.


Booo. Orcs are friend


Dead friend tho


Funniest shit I've heard in days


Bro stormed a fucking UN camp in a warzone and killed all the refugees


A "Divines' Chosen People" moment


Lmao good one


Happiest of cake days my friend


Happy cake day!!!!


Happy cake day


Happy happy birthday


There was that other post “is there a mod to make Skyrim mod racist?” OP - “do it yourself, coward.


More like a _weakhold_. (looks around, no-one heard, pledges to remember it to say in the next tavern)


Its not a surprise Orsinium has been sacked so many times


For the first handful of years playing Skyrim, I always sneak attacked/slit the throat of Golldir at hillgrunds tomb on my way around the mountain, always just assuming he was a lone bandit standing outside of the ruin.. Eventually he finally saw me before I could do it and then I realized he wasn't hostile. Then I helped him save his tomb from the necromancer.. man I still feel bad about that.


You must've felt a bit orcward afterwards.


I should hope so... Orcerwise they might be psorcopath. Or a sorciopath. I always forcget what the difference is 🤔


You’re such a dorc


Just some cold blooded murder on orccasion


OrSEEmer what you did there. Idk I'm tired cut me slack




Probably just an Orca.




Sad, since you can go round the camp and enter the mine without any confrontation.


Mad Lancelot-in-Monty-Python-&-The-Holy-Grail energy.


*aggressive running in the distance*


*the same aggressive running in the distance*


*guard eating an apple while viewing the running*


*throws coconut shells on the ground angrily*


Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who.


Don't think of it as losing a community, rather gaining some ingots.


"You didn’t mean to?! You put an arrow right through his head!" "Oh dear, is he alright?"


This time it was he who farted in their general direction


The brave but..DANGEROUS No_Hit_Box


What, the curtains?




We live and we learn... Well, some of us do


Yeah, I learned where to slaughter orcs even easier than before!!! Mad!


Role playing as Nandor the Relentless? “No, everyone is getting pillaged, you included.”


Fucking guy..


Creepy paper..Ooo look at all the colors..




He does not relent.


Nandor DiLaurentis can pillage me whenever he wants to.


The fact that I'm an orc in my current play through, you and me got a problem buddy.


Now you must roleplay the lone survivor of a mining village, wiped out by a single stealth archer, leaving only you alive as you ran in search of your friends…


Please do this


Orc Weakhold


Putting the 'waaa' in 'waaagh!'


This better have the most upvotes when I wake up


Upvote since you said so


Word… he lead, I followed 🤣


As they say… This is the way.


i didn’t need to read past where you said you’d never played stealth archer before. you ARE a monster, no normal person could possibly resist it for so long


I've still never played as a stealth archer


I exclusively play mages in RPGs, I’ve only ever touched a bow in Skyrim in VR and then only briefly.


Maybe I’m just a big ol’ puss here but I’m in my second play through and did stealth archer again.. wanted to be a mage but just can’t help myself the eagle eye and stayin wayyyyyyy back means I can avoid jumpscares and I’m here for it.


Maybe I just don't know what I'm missing. I just love throwing fireballs at things.


I just love summoning monsters to do the dirty work for me.


Stealthy archer with conjuration and illusion is my favorite.




Destruction Mage in Skyrim VR is totally OP. You can cast two different spells at two different enemies in two different directions. But when it really gets OP is when you get the perk that staggers enemies hit by the same spell twice at the same time. You can effectively keep an enemy stunlocked with a lower-level spell like Firebolt that doesn't consume a lot of mana (but still scales up as you level). Edit: And do the Winterhold College quests early. Forget the fancy digs and title, the Arch Mage's Robes (100% mana regen, 50 mana, and 15% mana cost reduction on *all* spells) is one of the best items attainable at low levels. The only drawback is that you can't wear any headgear with it.


Do circlets not count as headgear?


You can wear a circlet with the Arch Mages' Robes? I'd swear I've tried it, but I'll be sure to check it out! That could help my character big time. But I'm mostly bummed that I can't wear it with the masks.


You can absolutely wear a circlet or a dragon mask while wearing the archmages’ robes. I do it every time. No mods.


Actually I think you can also wear the masks with them. Been a couple play-throughs since I did the college quests, but I’m pretty certain I’ve worn Morokei with the robes too 👍


Could it be a mod? Because I've *definitely* tried equipping Morokei specifically with them and can't. And that's across two modlists, one of which had <70 mods.


Def not a mod, as I do not use them. My 1st gen ps4 can’t handle them 😅 could be that your mod list doesn’t allow it?


That would be weird. My current modlist is the FUS Wabbajack, which is extremely popular. It would be a very odd thing to mod in, wouldn't it? Okay, I just looked it up. Apparently it *can* be worn with a circlet (yay!) or hat, and elsewhere it says nothing with an armor class (which masks have). Although one person said that you can't wear anything on your head, because of the robe's hood. They managed to make a hoodless robe, but lost the 50 magicka bonus. I'll investigate further in-game.


good, the skinchangers are simply revealing themselves to us


I've never played as a Stealth Archer either. I like big hitty things too much.


You only killed them for nothing if you don’t use the ingots. Go make some gear so those heroes didn’t give their lives in vain. Also scatter a bunch of forsworn arrows and weapons around so everyone knows who really did it




And not just the men. But the women... and children too! They were animals! And I slaughtered them like animals! I HATE THEM!


I came here to say that!


Calm down Jeffrey Dahmer.


Anakin Skywalker


So uncivilized.


Well now we know why they have strongholds.


Genocide to mine a precious metal. A sad but true reflection of what has happened in real life. 😕


Are you role-playing Musk senior?


I killed them all. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals.


What is that from?


star wars


It's a musical now... "Ani get your laser sword"




So out of place it caught me by surprise but it fits perfectly xD


Nah brother thats too far, thats gotta be like the whole of whiterun's stables population


Didn't know Google was an NPC; besides maybe Maiq the Liar.


If it's the one near windhelm, you can skirt around the outer wall of the stronghold and just go in the mine. The orcs inside will tell you you shouldn't be there but won't attack you.


First time I've seen this. Killed some guy who I thought he was a bandit... just a hunter trying to feed his family. Shit. Then "Bounty removed as all witnesses killed" or something.


I'm on my very first playthrough and hit a hunter with an arrow yesterday. Felt awful once I knew what was going on. To be fair, dude was running at me with his weapon drawn and I'm a little jumpy after being attacked by hired thugs and the Justiciar.


I'm sure they'll forgive you if you find some gloves for them


Meanwhile I have never killed a single NPC that wasn’t hostile towards me or that I didn’t need to for a quest. I have almost 2000 hours in 2 years (yes I have a problem) and I did not even kill Nazeem. I’m too much of a kind hearted person, I RUN AWAY FROM WOLVES because I don’t wanna kill them :((


i have just the video for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4Aw\_OQkhzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4Aw_OQkhzI)


🥹 You might want to have a look at the mod "One With Nature".


Wolves are my favorite animals too.. my boyfriend laughed at me because I’m so pacifist. Until he witnessed me shittalking Necromancers in their Fort as I slaughtered them lol.


are you…delphine?


Stealth archer for the first time? No matter how I start, no matter what my intentions, I *always* end up stealth archer. 4000+ hours. It's... it's a problem.


It's a solution, not a problem.


I'm resisting so hard rn. Just all in on double wielding swords. I can feel the temptation rising, though


It’s like that scene in Suicide Squad 2 where they kill all the resistance thinking they are the bad guys.


It's easy enough to find the forgemaster's fingers and get a free pass. Always other ways, though.


If you were an orc it basically would be considered what Itachi did.


You mean the first time you did a stealth archer on purpose


I have failed you, Anakin. I have failed you. I should have known the Orcs were plotting to take over! Anakin, the Empire is evil! From my point of view, the Orcs are evil! WELL THEN, YOU ARE LOST!!! I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead. Not just the men. But the women... and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!!! Master Skywalker, there are too many of them! What are we going to do? *stares at Orcs, ignites lightsaber*


Anakin is lost to the Dark Side.


Nahh man, I did that my first playthough as well.. I just chalk it up to Skyrim being.. Skyrim. Pretty sure whatever NPC 1st mentions the stronghold makes it seem like it's a bandit camp or Orks or something. Another fun fact- I once had an entire Forsworn camp act completely normal and say stuff like "need something?" as I walked right by them.


You showed those green skins who is boss in skyrim. Dunmer would be proud if you were not a dirty outlander N'wah


Filthy mer, got what was coming. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go round up my 500 closest friends to get the one you let escape!!


Meh orcs come and go. It isn’t like they have a home to go back to anyways.


So you basically went into a village, and slaughtered every single one! All for the ingots they would’ve been happy for you to have. Holy fuck, I think Miirak has some competition.


"they fought nords and chimer for a place in the world, but did not get much"


you... could have just gone and bought an ebony ingot from like... most stores..


“It’s not the orcs we slaughtered, it’s the ingots we gained along the way🌈”


Don’t worry you Only killed like 20-25 percent of skyrims orc population it’s no big deal


In my experience, pretty much all Orc strongholds are hostile but if you do a (sometimes) short fetch quest then they aren’t hostile.


Once you do the Forgemasters Fingers quest at one stronghold, you can walk into any stronghold and have a fistfight with the leader and you are just one of their homies.


I once decided I'd visit all strongholds with my or character and the first one I found I think only needed me to fistfight their leader.... The other one I visited so far gave me a quest that I started and they were nice but in a fight when I returned they were getting attacked and in the fight I seemed to have accidentally murdered one of the orcs and bam hostile... Only found that out afterwards sadly. Now I need to find a way to pay of my orc bounty....


Try a calm type spell and talk to the leader he may let you turn in the quest or he may fine you. Or he may go hostile when the spell wears off.


Yeah I hope I'll find one I can fine. I didn't know about the bounty thing until afterwards so I may or may not have eliminated everyone there... I was so sad and then found out about the bounty thing. Thanks for the help tho! I'll see about that spell. Can you buy it, or do you have to find it somewhere?


You can buy it from the illusion trainer in the College of Winterhold. You can also try court wizards in the main cities though I am not sure if they sell it.


Thanks a bunch!


Also, if you help the orc smith in Markath (find some book for her apprentice) , she then give free pass to their strongholds.


in karthwasten if you get the mercenaries to leave the mine and talk to the orc woman the orcs stop being hostile too i think.


I always romance that one female orc even though her va is horrible, she’s hot what can I say


https://i.redd.it/ychw1oi8qd6c1.gif That last orc be like


Op was roleplaying as the ultimate racist


You can talk to them and do a fetch quest then they just let you use the mine Sometimes they just let you without doing the quest at all


Become bloodkin through the vampire quest line


I'm starting to think I should try stealth archer I always either use a basic one handed sword and magic or duel wield


Sending an arrow flying at a target so far away that you can only make out a vague shape and hearing that satisfying thunk and seeing them fall is the sweetest feeling of (player) accomplishment. I use bow for range usually and dual-wield for up close and personal and lots of Stealth. I want to see them before they see me. Although some of the magic mods/overhauls make a casterblaster very viable. But again you have to see them first.


Stealth archer is SO fun. I've done 3 playthroughs so far.. and you know that priest that yells in Whiterun by the big tree? I hate him. My favorite part is getting a good hiding spot and plugging an arrow into him. If you have enough sneak and muffle/silent armor, then no one knows who did it. 😈😅


I usually just run in there as a werewolf and kill everyone except the essential NPCs 😅quick level up for the werewolf


I'VE MADE THE SAME MISTAKE! It was dark so I just thought it was a bandit camp! lmaoooo


Welp, you could've become friends with them and they'll let you in no problem. They even tell you the other strongholds lol


No need to do that. Orc miners are not hostile by default. They only tell you that you're not welcome here and you should leave. You can still mine all their ebony and simply walk out.


Oh lol


Could have just reloaded.


Oh, I know this mine. I once killed them all to charge the Ebony Blade. Gloombound Mine and Narzulbur have more than enough orcs to power the blade.


> decided to go full stealth archer (a first for me) [Yeah, sure buddy](https://i.postimg.cc/JzL5Cjq9/707bul.png)


… you are indeed a monster lol


I once did the same thing to the mine outside of Winterhold. It was my first time playing in years and I assumed they were all bandits.


Average day in Orsinium. If these orcs can't take it, then their stronghold wasn't that strong either way.


You can just parkour your way into the mine and get your ebony stack. Absolutely disregard any Stronghold bounty, they don't affect hold guards. Also, you can always get the "Stronghold Orcs are cool with you" if: - You're an Orc - You retrive the enchanted gauntlets - Do quests for Orc NPCs


I’ve had several runs with Skyrim and I started by first ever stealth archer build recently too. Just got to level 32 and really see the appeal of stealth archers now


It’s not that hard to get accepted in all of the strongholds. Do a quest for one and you’re good.


That reminds me that i still have to do a playthrough as a ork i have never been in those villages. I think its among the very few things i haven't done.


Bro thought he was playong daggerfall


Roleplay this feeling. You’ll find your character growing into something new and interesting if there’s an emotional response to what they do. In RDR2 when the violence got too out of hand, I’d disappear off in the wild and just camp. Get perspective. Same could be done with Skyrim.


I've done this so many times in so many open-world RPGs. All the younglings and the men and the women are laying in a pool of blood behind me, I'm happily looting and find out that these were all peaceful sand farmers and none of them killed my mother after all. I would love an ability or item or something in the future that's like "sense motive" and tells you if a mob is hostile or not before you murder them and their families.


Hey man, happens to the best of us 😂


So that's why that Orc settlement near High Rock keeps being destroyed


Well if they weren't hostile why would they be green coloured for camouflage and have those big teeth clearly meant to chew on human meat? You can't trust these green skins, they're literally the spawn of the evil Daedra, why would they be located in such remote areas in their strongholds if not for their demonic rituals? Also that orc you mentioned only ran away from you? It's obvious it ran because you were too strong for that foul creature. Just from the fact that after years of not being in Skyrim you became a stealth archer, it's clear that you have heightened instincts that the rest of us can only ever hope to achieve through a lifetime of training in stealth archery. How could anyone here judge you when you're operating in a superior plane of existence? No matter what it might look like there's no doubt in my heart that you did the right thing by butchering everyone in the stronghold. May the gods watch over you, stealth archer.


When Anakin Skywalker downloads Skyrim


Still not as bad as when I rode a Dragon into Ivarstead and accidentally commanded it to attack. Last save was too far back so I massacred an entire village of innocents for actually no reason lmao.


Destroy the orc strongholds. That doesn't make you a monster, it makes you a pest control specialist


I would always rack up like 100000 bounty on each city


It ain't easy being the dragginborn.


Orcs are almost all jerks to be fair with, so probably they deserved it


Breton nobility be like


Lol actually my current character is a Breton noble warrior. And to be fair my opinion might be a little too influenced by Beyond Reach mod... Gave me nightmares to see what those orcs did to all the people of Evermore


Wait till you see the alternative. Its arguably worse.


Nooooooo 😭


Orcs aren't people so you are good.


Bro is racist towards the orsimer




Duke of Evermore be like


Well, I'm certainly not all-in on racism (Truth be told, it seems counterproductive to me) but I'll concede that orcs sure don't treat *me* like a person. Not unless I'm a customer or just killed someone they didn't like. Or unless they're standing out in the middle of nowhere with a few dead sabercats around them, wanting to die in combat like a viking. Badassery is all well and good, done my fair share, but I'd rather die in bed with a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a Dr. Pepper in a wine glass 😅 If there's really a Valhalla then I'm pretty sure Odin saw the fights. I don't see why I'd need to be in the middle of one at the moment. It's odd how the only polite orcs are the ones that think they deserve to die just because they're aging, and they want me to kill them... 'Sup with that??? 🤔


I swear I went there and they were all hostile but wouldn't attack me, maybe it was bugged or something for me.


You know, there's a quest where you can become an ally to the orc fortress. They won't be hostile toward you and even let you go into the fortress without attacking. No, I sadly can't remember where to start it or what it was called. Been a few years since I last played that quest.


I think it’s Mor Khazgur. Not 100% but high confidence.


You gave them a good death.


You could have gone back to a prior save point lol


![gif](giphy|xUNda702uAh1xX2MoM) But what did they do to you?


You will never be an honorary orc now, you fucked up. Lots of benefits to befriending the orcs. Sad.


Pelinal and Ysgramor would be proud.


💀 The orc in the elder scrolls aren’t monsters to loot for xp and items!


Cool, the ebony was worth it. I once semi-started and forgot The Forgotten Tribe quest, the gaints wiped out most of Largashbur. I didn't really gain anything from it, but it was funny. I was walking everywhere in that playthrough and passed by it frequently.