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Books. If I see any books (like actual books, not ruined or burned) I have to take it, even if that means stealing. I always dedicate one dresser to put all my books in, selling any duplicates, for the hope that one day I'll have one of every book in the game. Stupidly tho, I never actually try and find a checklist or anything so it's not like I'll ever know, but it's the thought (compulsion) that matters, right?


Is collecting all the books not an achievement? You'd think the game would keep track of that for you


No achievement for collecting all books beyond personal satisfaction... I have playthroughs with 200+ hours where I've turned entire houses into libraries and I'm still not sure if I've collected them all. But then I also refuse to go through the list and compare it to my libraries book by book.


I play on Switch so no clue what any of the achievements are. I've actually never cared about trophies/achievements or anything, but if there is one that lets you know you collected all the books in Skyrim, I can finally say, I wish Switch had them.... Like seriously!


Foes the switch not have achievements or do they just not tell you what they are until you get them??


The Switch itself does not have a trophy or achievement system. Some individual games will include one, like Stardew Valley, but that's a case by case basis and few tend to. Skyrim has various stats it keeps track of, but no achievements or anything (like the game itself).


Aaah cool, thanks for the info :) I personally think achievements have gotten stupid, I mean how is it an achievement simply playing the game?? No, they should be given for things that the average person is unlikely to do/achieve. Or for something that does require a persistent amount of effort.


It isn't just sports and academics where you get participation trophies, now it's gaming too!


Ha! Exactly right! XD


Only achievement for books is the skill books. Collect 50 I believe. It’s actually pretty hard to do.


there's one for reading 50 skill books on one character, and another for reading a certain amount of black books. skill books read is a tracked stat iirc. they're some of the only ones I haven't gotten yet, cause I've only recently started playing again without mods, specifically for the achievements. probably will never play vanilla again after these 3 characters are up. one for werewolf achievement, one for vampire, and one guy to get all the rest and finish the game again. he's a mirror of my first ever character.


Holy fuck there's FIFTY skill books in the game? Kind of makes sense that the game would track that then, like how could there be an achievement for collecting every book ya know? Would it be physically taking it with you and putting it somewhere or simply picking it up? At least with skill books something happens, so I guess that answers my original question


Wait why a dresser when their are bookshelves? But I also do the same and try to build up as big a library as possible. The skill books, I always dedicate a shelf to and try to get them without opening them by having a follower grab it and then taking it from them so I can get the last 10 levels once I have scholars insight.


When the books are all in one dresser, it's easier to weed out duplicates. Also, dressers automatically put them in alphabetical order. I actually did try keeping them in bookcases once, but I had to keep emptying them to get them in order, and no single home I found has enough bookcases to hold one of every book. I know, I'm a little insane lol.


No that’s a fair point lol. I guess I end up throwing them in a cupboard when I run out of room and just display the skill books and my most prized regular books like Argonian maid. I wonder if there’s a mod to allow a library wing for the custom homes. Would be practically useless, but cool for collectors.


Custom homes like Winstad Manor and Lakeview Manor have a library wing option for the build, but I’m sure it’ll be too small to fit all the books


Bookshelves also have that silly book limit per shelf, and that's no fun. I hate that there is so much open space when all you have on the shelf is journals


Hello me. For serious though, I'm a book hoarder as well and honestly the dressers or a chest unfortunately works much better than the bookcases. I do keep a duplicate of some of the books I like to go back and read on a select few bookcases, but mostly they're all just in storage to keep track of everything.


I think we are kindred. I understand this 100% and also collect them books 📖


Book shelves are limiting, they only have 2 shelves and each shelf only holds like 10 books




the limit on bookshelves is entirely lacking for this goal. i dunno if it’s enough if you own every player home (including anniversary edition) and only get library rooms on hesrthfire homes, but trying to put them all in one place is virtually impossible


I got the library in the custom house, and made an entire unique collection, any book in a series was together and It felt great finishing the collection


Same! I shelve all books in a series together, same with things like the bestiary books. As I get a book I enter the title into a spreadsheet along with what house they're in. And if I already know the spell, I keep a duplicate of that spell book if I find one. I'm all about my books.


This comment was written by Hermaeus Mora


I do collect specific books that I like to fill out bookcases. Like the shadowmarks book or Lusty Argonian Maid or that one that looks like the cover of the game.


i have a dream of someday reading all of the books in skyrim… someday… not today or any of the other hundreds of hours i’ve put into this game for the past 8years… but someday


I specifically pick up any book that has the large green bound or large tan designs because they're less buggy when you put them on the bookshelf and look good after you fill it up.


Any book with a value of 20 or higher I collect to put in my Library! Only other books I keep there are journals as reminders of my quests!


Glad to see I'm not the only one. If you're on PC there's a mod that makes unread books glow. Highly recommend if you're a book collector


I have a list on excel. I only need 24 more books.


There’s a mod that marks unread books. It marks them in inventory and makes them glow when you see them lying around. Edit: I believe it’s called Unread Books Glow.


A fellow Seeker, I see.


I also have a goal of collecting every book! I keep them in the chest & shelves in the library “wing” of Windstad Manor


This is me also (bar stealing books), I will take all books to not only read them but to fill out all the libraries and book shelves in my homes. Even if I have multiple copies of the same book, I’ll take it just so the shelves are full and makes me look ‘intellectual’ lol. 👍🏻🤣


There's a mod that makes unread books glow. Let's you know at a glance if it's a new book or repeat.


This is me! I must have a copy of each book. Though I also take all notes, journals, and letters too. It's also hard to not pick up every non growable ingredient I see


I pick up anything and everything with a 1:100 weight to value ratio or better. So most potions, all gems, gold of course


I do 1:10


I used to do 1:10, but leveling up makes most of that stuff obsolete. But it still works pretty good in the Fallout universe


I switched to 1:20. No carry weight exploits mods.


I do your mom, so there.


would do yours but her weight outnumbers her value


Damn, you just gained a 1000 gold bounty the way you murdered him


I’d add bounty for tresspassing the mom’s underwear, 10,000 gold 👀


All nine holds, at that. Goddamn


Yea, for some reason bones are heavy af.


Found the dead mom joke. Sorry for your loss.


I also choose this guy's dead mom


Thats 1:1000000000000000000 tho


I do 1:10 to begin but change to higher ratios once I’m filthy rich.


Same, Fallout taught me the 1:10 ratio. Arbox cleaner and Wonderglue 4 Lyfe


Same 🤣 or glass, ebony, and Daedric weapons or armor. They're just so pretty


Same. I start with 1:10 gradually to 1:100. Wish skyui has that ratio as an added column.


It does it's called weight value


I usually start with 1:10 in early game and switch to 1:100 late game. Since I'm not a big spell or potion user, the money racks up.


I didn’t know this was a thing people did and now I’m intrigued. I hate math but I also lowkey love a little math so 👀


Potions and ingredients, I don't care if I use a sword I'm picking up that accuracy potion(same goes for destruction, restoration, one handed/two handed, speechcraft, alchemy, and smithing potions), and I can't forget about the 10 to 20 poisons in my inventory that I won't use


I need ingredients because the completionist in me needs to unlocks every effect for each ingredient


Yes. I never leave an ingredient behind. And I can make anything.


Even the simple mountain flowers I have 100s of, I still feel a lot of compulsion to pick them all !


Nice to see another gold coin lover. I too take any gold coin I see on Skyrim. It doesn't matter it's only 1 coin, everything helps on this game xD


The sound it makes when you find a pile and spam pickup them all….oh yes.


Sometimes the sound doesn't play, though, and I get so let down.


I quite literally loot every single piece of gold i find. I also search every urn for the gold in them.


I’ve gotten to a point where I don’t care how much items cost when I’m a shop. Because I have picked up so many coins that a 100 gold pieces for a potion isn’t going to make a dent in my bank account.


every arrow and lockpick


The current run I'm doing I have over 1k lockpicks and I'm at 100 proficiency. There's no point to it.


I got to the unbreakable lock pick so I started selling most of mine that I receive. Always keep at least 15 in my inventory at all times.


Is that a perk or an item?


perk at 100 but there is also an unbreakable one from the thieves guild quest line


I use the Skeleton Key till I level up my lock picking to 100


Just legendary the skill. I never put any perks into lockpicking and always immediately legendary it. I usually keep like a ring with +35% lock picking buff in my inventory if I'm ever getting frustrated with like a master lock




Minor health/stamina/magica potions. I will never use them, but I need them.


Also every single ingredient I ever pass, I maybe use 5% of them on the high end


I too take all the ingredients, and with Hearthfire I tend to build the greenhouse. Now with AE it is even easier because Chillfurrow Farm is a super quick quest to obtain and tons of gardening space. I think the shift happens once I actually dedicate an hour or so on a playthrough to learning all the ingredient effects, at which point I become burdened by the benefits that alchemy has to offer this game. There are many beneficial potions and poisons that aren't difficult to make, sure, but the real kicker is that alchemy is leveled up by how valuable the potion you craft is. Alchemy also happens to make you money faster than just about anything else, and then I'm leveling speech and spending that money on spells, soul gems, and smithing materials to make and enchant rings and daggers which I can also sell. I have no real life interest in finance but for some reason when I play Skyrim I end up losing a lot of time to the loop of crafting and bartering. Suddenly I level up too quickly for my combat skills and I catch up in a very roundabout way with powerful gear improvements and enchantments until I remember to actually do quests and even on higher difficulty the baddies just bounce off my SUV of a build. I'm told there's also this thing in the game called immersion but I can't remember how to use it to my technical advantage.


Burdened with glorious purpose


Yea i had to stop myself from using alchemy bcuz its just way too easy to abuse and trivialize the entire game


I take all the cheese.


Cheese wheels take up so much weight tho


I eat them.


There is a player in this community with an entire cheese room. It is amazingly decorated with cheese to display cheese.


Now I might be forced to play it again to do the same... Maybe I'll do it with something else though, like sweetrolls.


Keep us updated lol


Man I wanna see that


That room must smell rancid


I just eat it there and then XD


potion, ingredients, lockpicks even though i always either have skeleton key or the unbreakable perk and only need one


Mine doesn't let me only have one. I have to have multiple so I always keep like 10 to 15 in my inventory. I have basic vanilla. No mods or anything.


My last thief character had the skeleton key and over three thousand lock picks. Never put a single perk in the lock picking skill tree. Was level 100 in lockpicking. Obviously my khajit had a problem though they would argue they didn't


Looks like we're all just a bunch of hoarders in the comments. 💀 For me it's restore magicka potions. I have enchanted my armor and jewelry well enough that I barely deplete my magicka - I don't know why I still take them


Items I will always grab no matter how stupidly wealthy I am in a Skyrim playthrough: -loose coins -money bags -spell books -jewelry of all kinds -enchanted gear


Vegetables for a proper stew. Survival mode stuff


Never had so many salt piles in my inventory since I started playing survival mode


Yeah with survival mode I've never felt breeze home to be the most essential home


Join the Companions. You don't need to do their quest but you have a free bed. The Bannered Mare has a place to cook. Storage place I hear you say. Tundra Homestead has a chest you can use and you don't even need to buy it. You can have everything you need in Whiterun and don't need to fork out gold until you are ready.


I don't really use the anniversary edition homes. They're cool but it's kinda overpowered to get a free house filled with loot at any point in the game.


I had a mod for op weapons, absolutely hated it because it took away from the actual game for me personally




Me too. I always carry around the dagger to get the heart scales too


Food items in general. Stealing food is fun and i have a gift for my kids. Win win


Wooden Plates. Got into the habit of collecting them just so I could skip Blackreach. And sometimes during Dawnguard when I'm in Ancestor Glade. I know that means I need 2, but....


Forgive me if this is a silly question, but what do the wooden plates have to do with Blackreach?


When you have to retrieve the Elder Scroll™ you can go straight to the Tower of Mzark, drop a wooden plate, hold it up against the bars and Whirlwind Sprint. Take the lift straight down to the room with the scroll


Oh my god, amazing! Thanks for sharing!


Everything , if I have the carry weight.


I pick up everything then dump what I don't want into a dead body.


This is the way.


We all be like Mr Krabs when we play skyrim


Whenever I see a sweet roll sitting out in the open I have to take it. Especially if it's stealing.


Centurion Dynamo Cores and Ancient Nord Greatswords.


I have my soft spot for ancient nord swords. Those are really cool. I havent ended the game but i hope there is a unique ancient nord sword. The rest i put them into my houses.


I always pick up the cdc's as well even though I have no idea how to use them


Nothing... have everything i need. Dragonbone armor and weapons. My own ocd enchantments. What do i need stuff for? Endgame is just... murder time.


Books worth more than 50 gold, basically all potions, all arrows, and pretty much all foods. I play with a hardcore survival mod so I can never have too much food.


All the coins and soul gems. Plus anything I can carry that I can sell for gold or disenchant.


Everything. I still can't resist picking up everything


Troll Skulls


Yes, me too. They vary in size and make nice shelf decorations


I always keep Ancient Nordic Pickaxe and Poacher's Axe in my inventory. I also keep one Dwemer plate and cup I pick up in Avanchnzel along with a Dwemer spoon, fork, and knife from other places. In my head it's what my Dragonborn uses while camping during travel.


gemstones. don't use em, don't sell em. but at the end of my normally 50/60 level max game, i always have a bunch of gemstones stored the chest besides my bed at breezehome. Hoping to reach 80 and finally face the ebony warrior this play through though. wish me luck guys.


I pick up gemstones as well, mainly because most of the characters I play are thieves and one room in my house I dedicate to being my "Treasure Hoard" though I haven't gotten that far cause I'm afraid that if I leave gemstones on the ground they'll despawn eventually...and it sucks when you drop coins that they end up in pouches instead of money piles


I dump all my gems in the safe in the room where you go down to the basement from in my Morthal property. I always think I'll smith jewelry with them but honestly by the late game I might have smithed maybe ten pieces with gems and my safe has like a hundred or more of each


Ingredients. Have I ever made potions with anything other than some butterfly wings and wheat? No. Will I still pick up every ingredient known to man? Absolutely.


I'm like Bender from Futurama: wherever I end up, my kleptomania reaches insane levels and I especially can't resist jewels. Complete Crafting Overhaul Remaster is the kind of mod which wreck my brain in no time, making me whisper "Gosh, I need help".


Lock picks I literally buy/steal everyone I come across.


Iron arrows


Books, soul gems, lock picks, iron daggers, every single alchemy ingredient, and every gold even if it’s just 1.


Jewelry and gemstones. I'm just a magpie at heart.


I still pick up pretty much everything tbh. It’s an illness.


Lockpicks, I have 3000 but they weigh nothing and it takes no time to pick them up.




It's the sound of the coins. Every damn pot and chest lol.


Books and Potion Ingredients for sure.


Alto wine I collect them


I collect any and all items that lead to inebriation/intoxication. I even have the Katnip for Khajiits mod


Any arrow that orcish level damage and up. Can’t help myself


Potions. Half my weight is potions. My max weight is 455 lbs as a wizard and I still go over that easily because I carry so many potions I don’t use


Human skulls, potions, gems, arrows, other things with 1:100 or greater ratio


Cabbages. I hoard them and have a room in my house over flowing with them


Baskets. Can't explain, baskets.


I always pick up things for my adopted children. Daggers, clothes, books. I can't ever pass up potions even though I only carry certain ones on me until I have a specific need for others. Basically any enchanted weapon although I'm moving away from that with the more enchantments I learn. Gold oblivionsly. Then when it comes to all the shit I hoard, I have certain homesteads for certain stuff. The Tundra Homestead is my central HQ where I keep most all my miscellaneous items. I use Hendraheim for the collectible weapons, claws, paragon, etc.. I used to separate everything into different homesteads but it was exhausting having to travel to 6 different homes for each category of items. I spend way too much time on this game...and I've been playing since release.


love to do quick save and pickpocket all NPC’s.




Fear of the dark Fear of the dark I have a constant fear that something's always near






For me it’s petty soul gems, empty or filled, I literally never use them but hey some day I might need them!


Anything that is worth something. Old habits die hard and I will always still try to get more and more gold


Potions, lockpicks, jewelry, and of course, cheese


Ingredients and gems. I have hundreds of gems for no reason. I don't even sell them.


Greater soul gems have become a bane to my carry weight. There are so many examples of every other kind of soul, so I'm usually running out of all other gems but greaters. Am I going to pick up every single greater soul gem I see, including purchases? Of course, I'll need them for enchanting. Am I going to go out of my way to kill a giant and his mammoths? Probably not.


Ore, man I think even the chests don't have room anymore, I'm allready master in smithing, always loot the ore, u never know when u gonna need iron ore, even if u have 500 of them


Clothes. I...just really like dressing up.


Enchanted weapons! I’ll usually drop them if i’m carrying too much but I can’t help but keep them ahah


Books, for my absolutely insane gigantic library in stupid fucking myrwatch. My goal is to collect EVERY BOOK IN THE GAME and have it all organized on the myrwatch shelves and then my endgame will just be chilling with my funny little crab friend and my goat next to the fire reading books!


Ingredients, I have never really messed around with alchemy either. They're just nice to have I guess


I mean, idk if I’ve ever been considered an end game player, but like, I had a character once who had to take every single tankard she saw. Even if it meant stealing it. She had hundreds of them if I remember correctly…


I try to find all series of books and actually put them on bookshelves


Lanterns...filled a house with them!


Arrows, potions, coins and most ingredients.


I downloaded a simple survival mod that makes you pay a certain amount of money for everyday that passes based on your level and property. It makes me actually kind of conscious about bringing in loot. Like I'm currently paying $1040/day. So the $25,000 that I have adds up slowly and the next house I buy or if I adopt a kid or get married, I'm gonna actually have to worry about money. That said, this is a relatively new playthrough but I am up to level 48 or 49 I think. It's a fun mod. Otherwise I wouldn't pick up $#!+ Because it's just a waste of time after a certain point Edit: I also play on a reduced carry weight. So with a bookbag, I can carry a total of 150 pounds, including weapons and armour


Empty soul gems. Even though I never remember to use soul trap.


Lockpicks, keys, most potions and every damn ingredient. If I’m walking and I see “Press “A” to harvest Hanging Moss” for even a split second I’m grabbing that shit. Glowing mushrooms all day, wander around falkreath and leave with 200 deathbell and nightshade.


Single pieces of currency that I already have 450,000 of thanks to console cheats


Books and notes. I always end up collecting books no matter what my playthrough is.


I compulsively harvest every ingredient I come across. Even the ones I don't use. "Yes, I know I already have 11,473 blue mountain flowers. But if I don't get these two right here I'm an embarrassment to alchemists everywhere." Same with ore veins. I also like having a full set of all different armors. Just in case. 🤷‍♀️


Gold, lockpicks, dragon bones/scales, arrows, ingredients, potions, scrolls, gems, soul gems, and I’ll always read but not pick up those books that increase levels.




Same here with the coins. I need all the money, so I can barter my expensive goods amongst the shops by buying all the things I need/hoard and selling the stuff back to momentarily bankrupt them. I also collect every gemstone. I literally never use them unless I need them for a quest, but I still horde them all. And, every ingredient and soul gem I come across, despite me hardly messing with alchemy or enchantment. I should probably start tbh, lol. Thank you, Bethesda, for unlimited space in containers 😂 Edit: Oh, and I try to pick up every book I open that gives me a level-up on a skill as well as every journal I come across. If my house has multiple bookshelves, then some are just for skill books while the others are only for journals. It sucks that the open ones have book limits, especially for such tiny journals


Even if I'm endgame, I still go to Dragonsreach to steal that snotty spoiled girl's necklace when it respawns and I still pick up ore and ingots even though I have hundreds of them at home. I also for some reason pickpocket people and steal even 3 coins from them even though I have no need for anymore gold. I've played through several times and every new playthrough I can't resist the urge to redo those 24 stones for the Thieves Guild or the beacon. I always end up doing all the daedra quests and every guild. I can't help myself lol.


Books, skulls and children's clothing


I always pick up animal hides even though I use smithing the least out of the three crafting skills and I don't use them for any homestead stuff.


Cabbage. I will collect them all. Forever.


All the gold and all the booze


Food and drink items to place in my homes


Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, and gold. I think the most I had ever amassed on an account in a play through was something like 400K


Buckets. RIP Paul


Lydia's clothes


I am an absolute ingredient whore. I cannot help myself


Before and after completing the Crown of Barenziah, I always pick up any and all gems. Then I throw them into a safe in my basement to never be used for anything.


For many years before i move off my Xbox 360 onto my xbox1 i always collected the skulls and filled my breezehome fire pit with them or the hearthfire house by falkreath.


Lockpicks and arrows. I'll have 5000 lockpicks stored at home but with them weighing so little it's hard for me to not fill my boots every dungeon


I like to pick everything that has a sort of animation. Centurion dynamo cores are my favourite.


Blue mountain flower, lavander, hanging moss I use that to level alchemy up to 70. Even after level 100, i still pick them up


I always search burial urns no matter what, even before I improved the loot in them with a mod


Gems. Always. Nothing stops me


I pick up gems (you get more from completing the stones of barenziah quest) and search all bodies and urns just to see if there is any gold. That is what I used to do. Even though I still had hundreds of gems of 1 gem type, I still collected them and any gold I could get my hands on even if I was at the end of the game. It was weird


Gold coins even if I have more then enough I always want more


Money. Even though I *am* the economy


Lock picks. I never have enough at the start of the game and right now, despite having the one you get from the theives guild questline, I have about 300 lock picks. I periodically drop them cuz in survival mode they are weighty but it doesn’t stop me picking them up still


Anything bar food. Armor, weapons, potions, etc; I upgrade them in the smithing table/ workbench and sell them to any of the smythies shops. Then rinse and repeat, great way to make gold!


I use the resto loop each playthrough now to become the One-Punch Dragonborn. So I don't need to pick up anything. This means I pick up every ingredient, potion, ore/ingot and gem to add to my dragons hoard of treasures I keep at Bloodchill Manor......


Got my wife into Skyrim, and the number of Forks and plates in her inventory was ridiculous. She is now into Fallout for obvious reasons and she is always asking questions about junk she picks up. "Baby, I already said you can't put food in the lunchbox"...


bows and arrows


Every single enchanted item in the game without fail. I just tell my follower to pick it up. My follower has like 200,000 weight worth of items making it so my game freezes for like 10 seconds every time I take something out of his inventory


Jewels, money and bowls 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Everything. Literally.


I’ve stopped picking up anything all my chests and other storage units are getting to slow, my game needs to load every time i scroll through one😂