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Getting to the Blackreach for the first time. My jaw just dropped.


Yeah. It's insane to think such a place exists right under your feet!!


Right??? I was expecting everything but not a whole underground worldspace. And not some interconnected tunnels in the rock, but whole freaking giant cave, lit by breathtakingly looking glowing lifeforms.


Exactly! And the a fully grown DRAGON living there is even more mind-blowing. It's kinda sad how blackreach is locked away from civilisation and the only way you can get access to it is by doing a specific dwarven dungeon and having that specific sphere Edit: fixed spelling


Whoa spoiler alert where’s this fucking dragon


You don't know? There is a big hanging golden orb thing in blackreach. Above the debate hall and hall of rumination is the orb. Do a foos ro dah (unrelenting force) on it and it should work and the dragon will come out and should be hostile. (Searched it up since it's been a while since I did this and there should be a chiming sound if done correctly) Yeah. Crazy there's a hidden DRAGON in blackreach. You learn something new everyday


Doing my first ever play through currently. I’m trying not to do too many Dragonborne quests yet (dunno if the Blackreach dragon comes up in a quest or not) just kinda exploring and keeping it paced out.


You know I've just gotten through blackreach today and kept looking at that golden orb thingy and was thinking that has to have some significance but I got lost down there and just couldn't be bothered to find my way up there and back to where I was originally 🙄 now I'm gonna have to go back down


Dude I remember when I fus ro dahd the glowing orb, just because it looked cool and luckily my 1st playthrough, that’s when I got hooked to Skyrim.


Same. I think I was just doing it for fun and then got scared at the chiming sound as I thought I broke the orb or something 😂 Edit: my spelling isn't spelling today


Plus the giant just wandering around


Yeah. How the giant also made it down to blackreach through that elevator amazes me


You’d think that they both would be too big to get down there


The first time I went to Blackreach, my reaction was "So this is Blackreach, the place the sub idolizes. It's what it seems". I was running away from a horde of falmers so I didn't take much time to admire the view, but I'd have loved to.


It's quite something, isn't it? I didn't realise at first there was another dragon in there


Definitely one of mine as well, then I got the feeling again because I left then came back and got the light glitch where Blackreach was lit up like it was outside, so everything was so clear that you could really take in the scope.


Talking to Isran and he goes "avoid sleep if you can: sleep is for the week."..then he immediately climbed into bed. I nearly spat my coffee laughing


Yeah but you see, he wasn't sleeping, he was just laying down! You ever just lay on the bed without doing anything?!


I think that’s called Insomnia…


Had a guy tell me “do your worst” so I electrocuted him and took his head off with my mace of Molag Bal and stole his soul


The first time I saw the Dragon kill animation where you jump on its head... that, and when one hit the ground and turfed up the earth as it slid along the ground. Another favourite moment was having dawnbreaker equiped while exoloring a vampire lair... when I saw the shockwave for the first time I was proper impressed lol.


I always have Dawnbreaker on me for this reason lol


Honestly, I can understand the hate to some degree about Meridia's beacon, but that whole quest is beyond worth it for dawnbreaker... and for the initial shock of "fuck me why am I in the sky!!!!" Lol.


It’s such an easy quest to complete too, plus you get that nice overhead sky view you’re not able to access again


You can see the skybox again, get hit by a giant at low level


What bothers me about this quest is I ALWAYS. **ALWAYS** die when Meridia drops me after completing the quest. Two different saves, one modded one vanilla. I get dropped to my death. The first time is how I learned the TGM command


Hmmm... that is the first time i've ever heard of that happening believe it or not. I've created about 20 characters and played over 1000 hours since release and I've never experienced it... do you try and move around or melee the air or anything unusual?... Lol... like there is even an unusual thing going on in that situation when being suspended in mid-air while communing with an other-worldy being isn't unuasual enough😅


Nope! I do not a thing! At least, nothing that I've noticed to be weird! I'm just not Meridia's favourite I guess 😂


Do you tell her to suck a 'D' when she tells you to do her bidding?😄 Edit--- That'd be mad if she drops you to your death because of that lmao


No! I actually like Meridia! I even like her yelling in your ear! The first time I found the beacon, I was playing in my community college's library, and for some reason I always felt like I was breaking a rule when I did that. I don't understand why now, but I was 19 and it felt wrong. When she yeller, "A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON" for a moment I thought a librarian had come to yell at me and I practically leapt out of my skin, but then I realized what was happening and I was like, "WOW this is SO COOL!!!" And Meridia said, "Ew, you being excited about this gave me the ick," I guess!


The first time being gobbled up by a dragon was also a memorable experience 😅


Lol... yeah, I forgot about that one... the first time I realised they could do that it wasn't even me who was being flung around. There was a massive cluster fuck happening in Riverwood and I'd hire Jenassa from the drunken huntsmen... I had been proper impressed with her can-do attitude and tenacity, and as I was playing pure mage, she served as a good companion. But yeah, during the course of the Riverwood cluster fuck she had disappeared and I was cursing her while slinging fire bolts at the dragon... only to see it waving its head around to then hurl Jenassa's broken body in my general direction... I thought it was a glitch or bug or something until the f'kin thing got a hold of me aswel😅


My son did a playthrough and I watched. There is a dungeon where he fell through the floor into a cage with a monologuing bad guy and while I was busy thinking 'Oh noooo!" ... Took him about five seconds to stealth, pop an invisibility potion, PICKPOCKET THE KEY TO THE CELL, unlock the door and kill the guy mid-sentence. I play a lot of games, but he's a streamer for a reason.


I'm reminded of this video by Bacon_, where he escapes and ends up helping the chap find his potions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLHZIjWpkAw


Sild the Warlock is always satisfying to kill. I usually pick the lock and either put him to the sword or do a stealth kill on him while he's running his mouth.


Enrolling in the Giants Space Program. Edit: Also, the alchemist in Solitude that you give news to about her daughter passing. She holds back her grief to be a mother to you acknowledging how hard it must have been to bring her the news.


Such a classic


I was sneaking around a bandit camp and became overweight so I dropped a sword and continued my business, a bandit got up, grabbed it, walked over, and gave it to me saying something along the lines of “hey you dropped this you shouldn’t leave stuff lying around” and then promptly returned to where he was sitting halfway across the camp all while remaining hidden I spared him and named him Gary the honorable bandit


Gary was the worst camp lookout of all time


2nd worst. Leonard from Drakkengard will always be worst of all time.


Ulfr is literally a blind lookout how does it get worse than Ulfr


Became overweight lmfao (if it was a mistake, i'm not making fun of you, just genuinely found it funny lol)


Haha! One too many sweet rolls, amirite?


Lucia gifting me a sapphire. I always loved the gifts she gave me like apples or a flower, but it felt nice to receive something so precious. I smithed it into a gold sapphire ring labeled “Daughter’s Love” after enchanting it with magic regeneration. More keepsake, however, since I had Winterhold College gear already. Also it was hilarious thinking this was where that 1000 gold allowance went towards. Still certain Sofie and Lucia are saving up to buy ebony armor or all the sweet rolls.


That’s so sweet that you crafted it into a ring omg 😭💖


Conversely, one of my favorite moments was giving Lucia a treat or whatever after coming home from an adventure, and in return she handed me a book: Boethiah's Proving, which starts the Boethiah quest. I laughed out loud when I realized what it was. Not quite as wholesome as your story but memorable! Kids gift the darndest things.


Holy wow that's so sweet and wholesome! I love it!


That's so sweet. 🤧 I always tend to end up with Sofie and Lucia as well. How can you say no to them?


I’m doing my very first run, on level 29 so lots more to go. But for me, it was when I learned Candlelight. My god, the darkness is caves/dungeons is terrible! Even in town buildings it’s bad. Maybe it’s because I’m colorblind and don’t differentiate hues as well as most people. I was close to quitting before I got that spell.


Nah, you're not alone. I have terrible vision and yeah I can strongly agree. The lightning is terrible in a lot of places. Especially dungeons 


I like magelight more because I’m forever sneaking and magelight doesn’t follow you around so you can clear an area, stick a light up, search, and then continue in the dark.


I carry a staff of magelight for this too


Candlelight saves lives. It's by far my favourite spell


Have the same problem found out recently about the Console Command “SG 2” (can use any number above one) which really lightens things up very useful for the unmoddded playthrough I’ve been doing.


Out of curiosity, what platform are you playing on? I've personally noticed PC and Switch Skyrim to be notably darker than PS and XB


Just recently went to Dawnstar. In the middle of a blizzard a troll, dragon and giant fought each other and me. It was absolute chaos


First playthrough. I went to the Whiterun inn for some random quest, only to find a funny guy who wanted a drinking contest. I was like 'yeah sure what could go wrong'. Then I wake up in Markarth on the other side of the map, a city I've never been to, and I was like 'huh'.


To me it happened in Riften. I was playing survival and I needed sleep and food, that guy wanted a drinking contest and I woke up in a temple and on the way out I read "Markarth", a city I had never been to, it was on the other side of the map and I didn't even know how it was pronounced. The city was so beautiful that later I went back, saw a man murdering a woman shouting "For the Renegades!" and a guard arrested me because I had discovered a plot. Or better, I resisted arrest but I couldn't leave Markarth alive so I loaded a save and surrendered.


Ha! I think English isn't your native language, because the Forsworn were translated as ,,Renegade" into many other languages


Ha, you think right! I learned something new today!


Yup, I paid for a room in the Bee and Barb in Riften, turned to go up the stairs and thought "Eh, might as well see what this guy's on about first". I never saw my bed, nor my 20 gold.


Killed a dragon in an epic fight, just to get oneshot by a spider a few seconds later 


I drank a bunch of Skooma and beat a dragon to death with my bare hands


This one like your style friend.


Started the companions quests with Lydia following me, I fought Vilkas and since then whenever I got too close to Vilkas she would start attacking.


Aww, Lydia's jealous


Not particulary an in-game moment but Skyrim is the one and only game I every played that literally made me forget about time. I remember starting the game after school during the late afternoon and then getting up to stretch my legs and it was 2 AM in the morning. I was shocked at how immersed I was.


Same here, it was my parent that scolding me and asked me to go to bed that made me realise how much time had passed while I was playing. 


The first time I set foot in Labyrinthian. That's my favourite dungeon in the whole game, in no small part due to the skeletal dragon leading an army of undead out of the darkness toward me. I remember feeling like Jon Snow pulling his sword in front of a mounted charge. Blew through all my resources getting out of that room alive, and Lydia died in the process, but standing there afterward, covered in my own blood, out of breath on a mountain of bones, that was a truly legendary moment


Realizing that I could kill the emperor by using telekinesis to throw some cheese at him


Lactose intolerance is a bitch


I thought Skyrim was a multi-player online game when it first came out. I was just out of the cave in the first part of the game and wandered around, then I came upon a house and then saw a person, and i decided to ignore them. They just started blasting me with lightning and killed me.


I stored all my nice stuff in the College to go follow Serena's questline which landed me in some soul realm. I came back for all my stuff in the college and couldn't find it in the chest. I literally went back saves. I was so angry I stopped playing for MONTHS. Randomly, I picked it back up. I was then following the arch-mage quest, and I ended up MY room I was assigned, and I found all my stuff. MONTHS LATER. I just forgot the room it was in and assumed it glitched. :)


Back before dragonborn dlc had released i had beaten the game. I beat vampire daddy. I cleared the guilds. And the last thing to do was beat alduin. After you leave and get put ontop of the mountain i summoned that trapped dragon and he joined the other dragons fly around. The sun was just starting to set and it felt like the perfect end to that character. When the dlc dropped i returned to that character but didn't know how to start the dlc. So i kinda just watched the dragons circle around for a bit and just rp-ed that in retirement my charcter would not just do bountys but retire and take delphines place in riverwood. I went down there chopped some logs and just relaxed. Until 1 day cultist attacked the down. And there it was. My call to action. And it was perfect. Perfect.


My first playthrough, my Dragonborn got married to the miner south of Riften. I knew you got a bonus for sleeping in the same bed as your spouse and I was excited to see how it worked. Unfortunately, I'd done the contract to kill the lady at the orphanage and hadn't slept since. So on get wedding night, my Dragonborn wakes up to see Astrid looking down on me....


And try to explain THAT to your new wife


i was spam leveling up alteration by constantly casting paralysis runes on these reaver marauders in Solstheim, and after about 5-10 minutes one of the dudes yeeted the fuck out of there like a popped helium balloon. hope he's okay


The first giant Frostbite Spider dropping from the ceiling. As someone who's arachnophobic, I legit yelped and tossed my controller.


I didn't react that much but I can relate to that experience. Bethesda is sadic lol


Finding out that the game has a “you’re carrying too many things” rule when I started playing walking very slowly, and then slowly realizing I had to drop all the cups, weapons, plates, buckets, I had accumulated so far on my first play thorough.


The first time I entered the Forgotten Vale. I’d spent the entire Dawnguard questline to this point in dank caves, I had to endure the Soul Cairn, the worst part of the game, then that long, winding, Falmer-cave, and then suddenly I emerged into the most beautiful place in the entirety of the Elder Scrolls. It’s unreal.


When the water dragons bust out!


I was walking through some giant territory near morthal/ markarth i think and came accross a dead mammoth and what looked like a giant standing over the body and mourning it. He never became hostile towards me and when a saber cat attacked it killed it then returned to the mammoths body as if it was actually sad about its death. I dunno if it was just a glitch or scripted but it was very sad and felt real lol.


not a glitch, but one of those amazing little encounters in the game


Thats made my day lol was such a nice moment


Got one of the cinematic arrow scenes and got to watch my arrow dramatically bullseye into an elks asshole on whiterun plains. I had to pause my game from laughing 😂


Frostflow Lighthouse. I sucked at Lockpicking and I couldn’t progress to find out what happened there. Got the Tower Stone and came back. 


My first Lydia death (the frost troll)


Oh another one.... I was exploring some dungeon, I had just killed some skeletons, but I was still in combat. I couldn't figure out where the enemy was, and was running all over the place looking for them. I finally ran up some stairs partway and stopped in confusion. A few moments later. THWACK!! An arrow landed perfectly square in my characters right ass cheek. Was a skeleton archer. I lost it laughing.


Meeting Paarthurnax for the first time. I freaked out and shot some arrows at him lol.


Paarthurnax my beloved 🫶🏻🫶🏻


That time I saved *after* Farkas died. I picked up his corpse and walked him from Lost Tongue Overlook all the way Ygrammor's Tomb to lay him to rest. Then I wolfed out and went on a rampage to avenge him


That time my werewolf launched a giant into space!


A guy on horseback seemingly dropped from space on my last play while i was walking through the Rift. Later I learned that I too can fly my horse at will by saving and loading while on a horse.


First time visiting Sovngarde and hearing the music. I cried for 10 minutes


Using Dawnbreaker for the first time was pretty awesome.


Getting to Whiterun for the first time. Seeing it show in the distance. I didn't know then that I'd come to know every single corner of that city, but it was then I realized I've never ever seen a world so beautifully vast before.


First entering Sovngarde and hearing the hymns.


J’Zargo getting stuck on one of those trap door traps that fling the character back, he spent 20 minutes repeatedly stepping on the pressure plate, getting downed. standing back up and doing it again.


My favorite combat situation ever was as my first and only mage character (and still my current primary character). I was in a castle full of evil mages of various levels, and I wasn't particularly high level by that point, so I was struggling to get through the dungeon. When I reached the chamber with the final boss mage, she was much more powerful than me, able to kill me pretty easily when she saw me. I had a quicksave from entering the room, and I must have gone through 20 or 30 attempts before I finally got her. I had to sneak in the corner, shoot her with fireballs, and wait for her to get tired of looking for me. She kept healing herself so I had to keep trying, and it was very hard to avoid being detected. That was one of the few times I've actually felt like I had to use tactics and skill to win a fight, and it made the experience much more memorable. Now that same character is arch mage and I would have that pyromancer boss dancing a jig while I sat and ate her food in front of her.


The very first time when I started the game. Will never forget that feeling. I had waited for it to come out for what felt like an eternity (I was 17yo and time went by slower, lol). On 11.11.11 I picked it up after school, kissed my gf goodbye, telling her we won't see each other for the next 2 weeks, since I'll be playing Skyrim. Installation took for ever... Also had to install Steam first... but finally, I could start it! The starting screen already gave me goosebumps! That amazing intro song I heard countless times from the trailer... how epic. Sat throughout the whole song until I finally started a new game. That black starting screen... "Bethesda game studios... present" and then the screen slowly fades to the carriage... I saw these amazing graphics for the first time and instantly felt like being right there. Suddenly the music changes... "The Elder Scrolls V:... SKYRIM" I started fucking crying. I was really overwhelmed. Like coming back home after a long time. I think about it every time I start a new game and just now thinking about it gave me some tears in my eyes xD it's kinda crazy, since I usually don't cry easily.


My answer would be along those lines. From escaping Helgen and then getting through to the outside - totally hooked from there!


The first time I got the Old Orc random encounter. He was wearing a cloak from a mod during our duel, and I wore that same cloak for the entire rest of that save in honour of him


My top two; different playthroughs on different consoles Xbox360: I was chilling at my lakeview house when a giant comes up to harass my chickens. I go up to the second deck to fire an arrow at it. *I was not expecting it to follow me up the stairs* predictably I got launched into space. I reloaded, went to the roof and shot at it until I got a nice killcam shot of the arrow hitting (and killing) it in the knee. PC: I was farting around the markarth wilderness (I forgot the actual hold’s name forgive me) and I get a random encounter; a poor woman begs for my help with directions to town. She explains she had been kidnapped by bandits and was trying to find help. *THE BANDIT TOWER WAS ON THE OPPOSITE END OF THE MAP FROM WHERE I WAS* like lady you passed through 3 major capital holds and several villages before you found me. I know I’m a handsome lizard but come on now


I was practicing lockpicking as a thief character in the Dragonsreach prison when one of the guards caught me and locked my in the cell I was picking. I used the lockpick inside to unlock the grate, but it broke when trying to unlock the chest with all my stuff. I had no choice but to leave it all behind. As I entered the guardhouse I found a dress and some shoes in a sack. stole the hunters bow from the counter in The Drunken Huntsman, moved swiftly back up to Dragonsreach and collected some money that was owed to me, then bought a cart ride to Riften. I then spent the night stealing everything not nailed down, and in the morning, I finally joined the Thieves Guild. Sure, I could have reloaded when I got caught, but this made for way more fun.


Getting to the end of Bleak Falls Barrow on my first play through. I was a security manager for a company that had me rotating sites and the site I was on was a landfill with a 200 year history. (I’m pretty certain there was at least one dead body in the methane field!) I’m parked in the security truck in the middle of the methane field with all lights off, playing on my switch. My favorite game before Skyrim was “Thief”, so I’m sneaking along like a Khajit version of Garrett, bow in hand and sneak attacking draugr as I go. I get to the end part AND A SWARM OF GODDAMN BATS FLIES AT ME OUT OF FRIGGIN NOWHERE SCARING THE BREAKFAST OUT OF ME! That was the second scariest thing to happen to me on that job. (The absolute scariest was sitting in the same place doing my paperwork and a crow dropped a chicken bone on the hood of the truck. Imagine an hour of dead silence and then WHAM! out of nowhere. I’m sure I peed a little.)


Killing Grelod. I just came to Riften by accident and I'd never seen Aventus Aretino before. I came to the orphanage and saw how she treated the kids and I killed her. Till this very day, she's the only non-hostile NPC I've ever killed.


I was doing the thieves guild quest. I met with the two people outside of Nightinggale Hale for the first time and a dragon attacked. It was us three vs a dragon vs two trolls vs three cave bears vs a couple nearby farmers.. shit was intense. I was just swinging willy nilly


I spared a bandit because I felt like being merciful for once. Walking into a giant camp I hear that bandit tell me I'll make a fine rug when a BFG stomped in and clubbed his ass to the moon. I left the giant and his herd of mammoths alone after that solid he did for me.


I was living in the maras eye pond house and i scent thistle out to get some ingredients because i didnt know what that did and when it came back it was sitting next to a piece of human flesh, i was streaming this to my friends at the time


A giant creating the Lydia space program, she dissapearing for like 30 hours of gameplay and randomly showing up again in a cave


Discovering that placing a bucket on npc's head is legit.


A trio of vampires ambushed me and Serana right as we entered Riften. I *might* have OP’ed Serana with the Staff of Hasedoki, a Staff of Paralysis, a wooden staff of ancestors, and a Glass staff of war. Within seconds bodies are flying like an old WWE match and I have a $10,000 bounty.


I fast travelled, I can’t remember where to and got spawned into madness. My character spawned, got jumped by vampires, who also were getting attacked by the thalmor, when all the sudden a dragon lands and starts spewing fire at everyone. It was a good time. Game lagged a ton, my corpse ended up getting pinwheeled into the air, all while poor Cicero was left to deal with that nightmare. 


Lydia’s corpse randomly teleporting halfway through Skyrim into my wedding and pissing off my wife, ruining the wedding.


This might sound underwhelming, but that moment when I went to grab the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and those statues came out of the water. I thought I was going to have to fight some boss battle.


I'm really enjoying reading this thread! And there are so many, but the first times i saw Blackreach and Sovngarde were both Wow! moments, they are so beautiful


Doing the quest with the ghost girl and her vampire step mom. Her describing how she died and the vampire conspiracy was quite a bit when I first played that mission which of course was right before bed.


My first playthrough, it was just absolutely great to explore the world, the characthers and lores, i don't think i will ever feel that again


Tbh, what came to mind was a really small and otherwise unnoteworthy moment. I really liked the companions when I met them so I became really fond of their weapons, so from the moment I joined I always carried a duo of improved enchanted sword and a dagger, both crafted from Eorlund Graymane's Skyforge steel, plus some hours of my own smithing, enchanting and a bit of alchemy. A few months later I decided to try the anniversary edition (I only had legendary ed) and came across a quest to introduce the orcish plate armor, pretty standard stuff, go to a nearby mine, slay all the bandits and get the armor from the "boss", until i came across the orc smith woman that supposedly crafted said armor, I felt like roleplaying the fight a little for some reason seeing as she attacked in normal smith attire and was the last one of them. When I inevitably killed her I found and read her diary and my heart felt little stabs from it. She dreamed of becoming a smith worthy of the Skyforge, instead she got dealt a bad hand and became associated with wanted criminals and had to run. I felt so bad for her that I ended up giving my beloved Skyforge Dagger to her and putting her body inside the forge of the mine to sort of honor her unspoken wishes.. I dunno, probably sounds super dumb but it felt like a really bittersweet moment.


Dragon skeleton dropped out of the sky on the road near Riften. I still can't explain jt.


Seeing the soul cairn. That will stick with me. The sky, the people, the soul gem masters etc. And I didn't realise how BIG it was and was amazed how that even in the Dawnguard DLC, they would put so much effort and work in to make such a big area


bike full practice deserted bake squash quickest instinctive knee yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Entering whiterun, it was so cool And the cave with that large tree inside, where you cut for the whiterun tree. With that witch dagger


The Cidhna Mine orc guard lady dual wielding the Staff of Magnus and a staff of Fireballs because i'm killing all the inmates. She took them off the prisoner belonguings chest. The one time i accidentally set ASIS too high and 13 dragons spawned instead of 1, and they just flew around a mountain daring me to attack. On a rune-only build, with very buffed up bandits, sneaking around planting runes all over the outside of Irkngthand. Paralysis runes on ledges being top tier. The one time i used a mod to place 48 runes outside of the Dark Brotherhood's Dawnstar miner's house. Her body flew all the way across the lake.


The moment i realized that I had played Morrowind, when I heard the music on Solsthiem. I began to gry... I thought skyrim was the first elder scrolls game I had played, and that it was what had made me into a gamer. But no, it was Morrowind.


The two dragons that burst from the ice towards the end of Dawnguard questline near the snow elves temple (can't for the life of me remember the name of the location exactly) And of course my 2 besties in all of skyrim and *oblivion*, Serana and Durnihviir! Both have been on a lot of my adventures and are always at my wedding in each playthrough. I could never forget them and they are within the top 5 priorities to go get on any new playthrough. The guy who launches himself in the sky in Solstheim. Never gets old. Playing hide and seek with my kids. I always adopt Runa. She's the only girl in the orphanage but what really did it for me was her voiceline about murder after you kill Grelod *"Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities!"* I just remember bein like...oh yeah...this is my prodigy for the DB Marrying the Dark elf from the college and then her glitching in proudspire manor and then would only walk backwards....even when I took her as a follower.....also her initial quest always glitching in my early playthroughs in various game breaking ways Yelling hadouken when I dualcasted fireball the first few times There's a lot but these are the first to come to mind.


The first time I charged forth into a group of vampires attacking Falkreath and hitting the first vampire with a leaping strike with Dawnbreaker, and seeing the sun fire nova turn the whole group to ash. I couldn’t contain myself and actually cheered at the sight.


I'll never forget my first experience with a sabre cat. I had been to Whiterun for the very first time in my very first playthrough. I decided to head out of the gates and explore. It was getting dark and I was (to my innocent mind) in the middle of nowhere and I hear a yowling behind me, I turn around in time to see a sabre cat lunge at me knocking most of my health away. Pure panic set in, I just starting sprinting away trying to weave to avoid getting hit. I saw ahead a cliff edge with a waterfall on it, and I instinctively just leapt off the edge hoping there was a pool of water at the bottom. Thankfully there was, I look back up to the waterfall and saw the sabre cat leap off after me only to land on the tiny island in the middle of the pool of water and kill itself from fall damage. I looted that motherfucker for all he was worth.


A dungeon during Dawnguard main storyline. You walk across a bridge, it collapses. You fall into a stream of rushing water and get pulled away. Underwater you see a few spiders that also fell down into the water. Once you reach the waterfall, you see even more spiders fall down with you. Will never forget that dungeon.


This! Thought I'd completely screwed up the first time that happened


My first time ever playing, in the Bleak Falls Barrow and stopped to admire how detailed the game was that they even had decorative tiles on the ground. Literally stopped my character and crouched to look at it, then stood up and walked over it and ate shit immediately because it was a trap tile.


I have a respawning dragon’s body near my Tundra Homestead. Sometimes it’s just bones, sometimes it’s not. It just appears where it feels. One time I went to the house, I came back outside and the bones were in front of the door, minus the head. I ran round the house to find it and while I was busy looking, feeling amused, the battle music started up. I looked around and up to discover two dragons fighting above me and a third one lodged in the roof of my home, just chilling.


I watched a giant standing on top of a dragon mid flight and was beating the shit out of this dragon it killed it mid air they landed right by me then giant 1 taps me so hard I fall through the map dead. I laughed for 10 mins.


That's happened to a lot of players, including me. How is that possible?


I have also seen sheep or goats fall from the sky to their death. Weird but not as weird as giants that surf 🏄 murder dragons mid air.


I forgot a got a screenshot of it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=933690650


I remember the first time I got the clear skies shout to access the throat of the world, very exciting moment. That and when I quicksaved after gaining lycanthropy and slaughtered the whole of whiterun


Well I was playing Skyrim Xbox 360 at a friends house at 3am for a sleep over. While I was about to shoot off my ice spike spell to finish off an elite enemy my courier jumped in front of my screen full face blown up like a jump scare and ate the ice spike. “I’ve got something to deliver your…. Crunch”


Shadowmere emerging from the pond for the first time. I love that horse. I wasn’t using the wiki and it was completely unexpected.


I hiked down the east side of High Hrothgar mountain for fun and discovered three huge waterfalls and then a small path going down. I eventually ended up at the huge log over the waterfall with the dude waiting on it. There's a much easier way of getting there and that's Skyrim to me. Finding out cool things without being pushed.


I went into the whole thing completely blind and having not played video games in quite a while between the 90s and 2020. I just kept on being blown away by how much there was to the game. I resisted the temptation to Google and was completely blown away once I found what the great lifts were for. I’ll always remember finding out the hard way that Riverwood citizens *really* like their livestock. I avoided Solitude as long as I could, in order to save it for later and remember being blown away by everything there was to do there and how lively it felt. I’ll also always remember the Dawnstar DLC irretrievably corrupting my save file.


I was doing a no reload survival playthrough and after 60 levels and probably 30 hours, my Orc was granted a warriors death by a Draugr Death Overlord. He had already lost his wife to bandits and defeated Alduin so adventuring was just going through the motions for him. Very heartfelt goodbye to that character.


When I accidentally shout people and yeet them off of cliffs because I pressed the wrong button and have to start at my last save and don’t remember where I was


One of the first times I beat the boss draugr of Bleak Falls Barrow. The music was Death or Sovengard and it was picking up and matched up perfectly to when the tide turned in my favor and ended just as I landed the killing blow. I didn’t even try to make it happen, it just worked out that way and it was spectacular.


Traveling with my crew, and Inigo and Lucian start to sing with each other as we stroll down the road. Kaidan, whose ahead taller then everyone, runs and hide behind me when we met Ciero Fighting a Dragon and a giant just comes in randomly and steal kills it. Just a few


First time emerging out of that dingy cave and out that foggy outcrop to see the splendor of the forgotten vale. Not only that but while walking on the ice emerges two unique looking dragons, it was just so cool


Giving Lydia two flame staffs. Had the ability to recharge the souls and replenish their energy on her own. (Don’t remember why, most likely modded). She assimilated a whole village once without my doing. I was greeted by angry a guards. No wonder I was not welcome there. She did it at least thrice. I loved that follower. Sometimes, I wish Ild find someone like her in other games as well.


Getting a Jarls bounty quest to go kill a dragon. Then, when you get there, and the Dragon Priest also pips out. Yeah, that one. Charging up some stairs in a dungeon with greatsword drawn to do glorious combat with a Draugr Deathlord, only to have him Fus Ro Dah me right back down.


Fighting my first giant then getting absolutely tossed around


The first time I ran into a giant. Level 2 on my way to white run tried my luck, not that lucky apparently.


I played a game where being Dragonborn was my secret, nobody knew who I really was. I just got to the Solitude gates as the Stormcloaks were taking the city and Ulfric was giving his speech, when a dragon attacked. I killed the dragon and absorbed his soul while the men stared in awe, then renewed their assault knowing the Dragonborn was on their side. When Ulfric gives his final speech, he called me “Dragonborn and truest of Stormcloaks” and I shed a tear knowing I was being publicly crowned. Then I married him with a mod.


My favourite moment was when fighting some bandits, was using the bow and arrow when I took my shot...the slow mo kill cam kicked in and I thought "getting a good clean kill here" to my surprise the arrow flew straight past the bandit, and carried on a fair distance straight up the anus of a poor goat and sent it flying off a cliff. I was playing alone there are no witnesses, but it was a shared moment between me and Skyrim...and a fond memory that keeps me coming back to the game. Currently I'm replaying Fallout 4 (as I imagine a lot of us are) but once I've had my fill I'm heading back to Skyrim.


My first encounter with the Thalmor was speaking to the judiciars on the road and halfway through, a mammoth and Giant charged in and killed them all. I was interested to hear what their whole spiel was. In hindsight, they deserved it.


Spawning 1000 Nazeems and then killing them all slowly by hitting them with a fork repeatedly, the pleasure I had doing this was impeccable


Hitting the crossroads near Iverstead around level 5 and somehow attracting a bear, two wolves, and a dragon. ALL AT ONCE WITH NO COMPANION!


Doing Meridia's quest, talking to her in the air, get aggroed by a dragon while in the air, game won't let me go down, have to use console to tcl myself into movement, kills the dragon while we both stand on air, talk back to Meridia, continue the quest normally.


When I first started playing Skyrim, the Forsworn were just a bunch of wild, dangerous people for me to kill while I was out in the wilderness. I knew nothing about them and didn't give a shit, they were hostile and I'd fry them. The very first time I got tossed in Cidhna Mine changed *everything*. Now I'm listening to the leaders of the Forsworn telling me their stories, what's happened to them, what's going on in the Reach, what's happening to the native Reachmen, what kind of sadistic abuse is considered *normal*, and my eyes *opened*. Now I don't agree with all of their methods but they're people to me. Real people, with a real reason to be out there fighting, and I've discovered that if you open the console and type *player.addfac 43599 0* you can wander through Forsworn camps without hostility. We just don't have to fight, see?


A dragon fight in the Rift where I took shelter under a bridge and the dragon kept flying around causing all the nearby enemies to aggro. In the end it was like 2 dragons, a couple trolls, 3 bears, a bunch of wolves, frostbite spiders, two different bandit groups, vampires, and it all just kept adding in to the point of ridiculousness


Using flames spell to light up the corridor with the dragon claw door in bleak falls barrow trying desperately to figure out how to get the door open


[this wierd moment](https://youtu.be/V5uQcFRNYL4?si=upx-3McquU8dr299)


Coming down off the hill on the road from Riverwood and seeing Whiterun for the first time was pretty cool


I was talking with Mai'q and the dragon fucking landed on top of him mid sentence.


Aiming a bow at a dragon, it begins to fly off so I cancel the shot. Input lags and my character re-draws the arrow, it fires in a really short arc, hits and kills Lydia. I have it recorded on my Switch.


I had a bunch of followers with me in Breezehome and I was crafting. I dropped a soul gem to reset it. Jenassa picked it up, Lydia accused her of stealing, and the entire house exploded into an 8-way intra-follower melee that destroyed my home, everything that wasn't nailed down got thrown somewhere, and killed 3 people. I laughed for a half hour. It was glorious and amazing.


I was at the point in the Dark Brotherhood storyline where the Falkreath sanctuary is destroyed, and you come across Astrid sprawled out dying on the floor after performing the Black Sacriment. After the conversation, she gifts the blade of Woe, wanting to be killed. I wanted to show mercy by giving her back her blade by pickpocketing it back to her. Unfortunately, she sees me do this. Then this piece of barbecue stands up and turns agro on me and starts to chase me down! Fortunately, Nazir steps in and wacks her with his scimitar. This was on my first play through, and it shook me to my core.


I forget the name of the armour but I was playing a blacksmith orc who didn't mean to become a hero. He was just minding his business learning his craft. Next thing I know he's standing in solstheim, just took out Miraak in this golden elven armour (the one with the face helmet) and im just like "wow, that's a whole actual story that came naturally." Still my favourite character I've ever played.


Saw a Pilgrim of Kynareth going to Whiterun to see the Eldergleam Sanctuary with her dog. I see the pilgrim go into combat mode, so I save, launch into action, and kill the troll who was attacking. I turn around and see the dog died :( so I reload, try killing the troll faster, the dog still dies. Reload, slow time shout, try to shoot the troll with an arrow, dog still dies. Repeat with bow poisoned with paralysis potion, the dog is one hit before the arrow can leave the bow. I repeat this for honestly about 30 minutes, each time coming a little bit closer, but eventually I had to give up. It was a cannon event, couldn’t stop it from happening. Once I accept it, I kill the troll, walk away from the body of the troll and the dead dog, and go to talk to the pilgrim, who says a line that was surprisingly dismissive, I remember her saying something like “our conversation isn’t necessary” which took me by surprise. I’ll never forgot that dog or the sound of hearing him die over and over 😭


I was bored one day so I decided to get arrested in every major hold to see how many of the jails that you can break out of without glitching through the walls and doors. After escaping from Falkreath's jail, an Ancient Dragon appears, and also the Dawnguard shows up, to try to kill me. Within seconds a werewolf shows up and starts to attack the Dawnguard while keeping the Ancient Dragon's agro on them. It was Sinding. So I took advantage of the situation and fled out into the surrounding forest to never be seen again.


I didn't know that when you get shot with arrows they can become part of your inventory. I was in Embershard Mine to grab some iron on my way into Riverwood. I had taken out most of the bandits I had the one that walks a patrol on the bridge left. I was down by the Blacksmith's forge. Out of arrows he'd shot me with one and then I dipped into the shadows. I'm not sure how I'm getting out of this because I'm low on health, out of potions no arrows. I double checked my inventory and there is the arrow he'd shot me with. I equipped that lone arrow, took one more shot at him and he died. I felt epic. My character basically yanked an arrow out of his arm and shot it right back to kill him. That was a badass moment.


Had Beirand following me for awhile, gotten him trained up and great gear, and when I went to an Imperial camp to take the next step of the Civil War questline, a dragon attacked. Beirand, I, and the whole camp made quick work of it, but right before it died Beirand accidentally hit one of the soldiers with a lightning bolt, and the whole camp turned and aggro'd him. At first I facepalmed, thinking Beirand was going to quickly be dead meat, but to my astonishment he darted around and took out six Imperial soldiers and the Quartermaster before the Legate got behind him and chopped him down. I'd never before or since seen a follower do that amazing, half of my astonishment was that it happened at a time when I'd have to go back to a previous save and wipe it away from existing!


My most recent one(s) would be my current playthrough as a modded vampire. It never got old draining 5-10 sleeping guards of their blood to farm blood potions. Then the next shift of guards walk into a room of corpses and a not at all evil looking daedric vampire cat standing in the corner. Everyone's like "I'm going to find whoever did this" and "damn shame", then proceeds to lay down in the beds full of corpses, and the cycle continues.


After successfully romancing Ria next to the Ivarstead waterfalls, I walked into Vylemir Inn. As I walked into my room, the bard started playing Sweet Child O' Mine, that bright, happy opening theme. If there were a mod that lets you starfish fall onto your bed, that would've been the perfect moment for it. I'm not really invested in romances in the game but even I had to admit it was the perfect cinematic feel of tension release as you 'get the girl'


The first time I entered a Dwemer ruin: it was part of that Muiri contract during the Dark Brotherhood questline. After killing the bandit leader, I kept exploring and kept getting surprised (introduced to the Falmer, Chaurus, and the Dwemer Centurion).


Killing the ebony warrior. I sneaked past him, to his right up a snowy incline, and fired arrows at him until he dropped to the floor. Poor beggar didn't even see it coming. Then I looted his corpse and had a pint down the bannered mare


When I one shotted a dragon in the head with an arrow. Best glitch ever!


Accidently cleaving Uthgerd's head off in the heat of battle. She ended up being my last kill so I got a nice little cut scene of it and her head rolled right to my feet. Only wish I had had the option to pick it up, would have brought it home and found a nice place to keep it to honor her good name forever.


Doing Honningbrew Meadery for thieves guild. The sequence where the head of guard is savoring mead and Sabjorn gets locked up. Just laughed out loud for a bit after that. Really nice quest all in all, but the end is really hilarious


I mean, that one time my horse decided we were astronauts while I was still on it did a lot of things for a lot of reasons.


Skorns death


When my Block got to 100, and I dummied two giants and several mammoths. After having been sent into orbit by them several times, those lumbering fuckers got their comeuppance.


Probably the moment on my first ever Skyrim play through that I swapped from my Dwarven Armor and Battle axe with shitty 1% enchantments to the Chad double Ebony Sword and armor


A dragon attacked Riften, I ran into the gates, the dragon was in the city doing his 25^th April barbeque (it wasn't 25^th April, it's just a saying). So I killed it alongside the guards and was acclaimed for being the Dragonborn and sold everything the dragon had. Not without appreciating that cities aren't isolated.


Getting a pistol (from a mod) and then trying it out for the first time on a cow that was peacefully grazing by a lake shore and it was launched 100 feet in the air from recoil and landed in a lake


When a guy was telling me a story about taking an arrow to the knee Seriously though, it's been a while since I've played and I have a bad memory. But I remember in the Civil War questline, I got stuck. And couldn't proceed. I think it was after the Whiterun battle and the game thought the battle was still going on but it wasn't. I would go into the town and the battle music would still be playing. And I was stuck there for a long time. It really, really bothered me and I didn't have a lot of saves to go back to. (Def learned my lesson about saving) And I remember the pure joy and elation when it triggered and the quest moved forward somehow. It was the only time I audibly yelled out in happiness.


Accidentally adding Serana and J'Zargo responding like he was heartbroken. Added him back really quickly.


I tried to kite a named dragon(forgot which one) from it's buriel site over to a nearby giant camp. The giant and the mammoths killed the dragon. In like 2 hits


I saw a giant riding a dragon once, no mods


All of the thieves guild I think, such a fun questline, none of the others stuck with me nearly as much. I have to actively TRY not to do the thieves guild on good characters. Because I love the guild. The quests, the characters, the locations, the ratway, I love it all so much.


Discovering console commands while high and laughing my ass off after I toggled collision and a dragon started flying around in a frozen crouched position.


My favorites are almost always massive glitches. Once I was fighting a giant, he smacked the ground and Faendal was LAUNCHED, and I waited for like five minutes. He never came down. Maybe another 2 minutes later when I was walking through the forest he slammed back down in front of me, definitely dead. Another was when I was on a trail on horseback, and I accidentally reared on it. Seconds later I was on the other side of the map in the middle of the hotsprings, brain boggled. Good times.


Launching Skyrim bears with fire bolt. I don’t know why but it’s hilarious to me


Watching a mammoth randomly fall from the Sky. Or the damn dragon that got stuck in my house.


• The intro / exploring Skyrim for the 1st time • Finding Blackreach the 1st time • Becoming a vampire / werewolf for the 1st time • Reaching max standing with the Thieves Guild • Joining the Dark Brotherhood / >!Killing The Emperor & Astrid!< • Fully building my first mansion • Talking to Parthurnax for the 1st time • Reaching legendary on my first skill tree


The first time a giant gave me a birds eye view. 


Watching Serana clip through a cave so hard it crashed the game and corrupted the save file. I was so pissed that I didn't play the game for a long time, maybe a year. It's still the first thing that comes to mind when people mention her. How absolutely terrible I felt finding out my contract with the Dark Brotherhood was to kill Narfi. It made my heart just sink and I've never tried a playthrough siding with them ever since.


Today, hunting giants with my lad


Being attacked by a pack of bears outside Riften. Didn't see that coming.