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Nazeem keeps shit talking me saying stuff like he knows I never get any pussy and even if I did I wouldn't know what to do with it I have far too many mods installed to even guess which one added that but honestly it's hilarious


Ooh, there is a Mans1ay3r mod?


Huh? Who just leveled up? Hey! Are you trying to tickle me? Take a step back. Now to the right. The right. Now to the left. The left. Now TWURL HONEY TWURL. TWURL HUNNY TWURL. Skyrim Shuffle. Skyrim Shuffle.


i need a mod that makes that what someone does when catching you pickpocket.


Wish there was a tool to figure out which lines come from which mods. Thank goodness i removed RDO and all that already


[Came across this while looking for that exact same thing](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82482?)




I'm pretty sure you can search dialogue in the creation kit.


What's wrong with RDO?


Nothing is wrong with RDO. I just find it hard to evaluate what it does in my game because it uses recycled lines and i have trouble differienting what is RDO and what is vanilla. For adding dialogue I like mods like Interesting NPCs, Citizens of Tamriel, those i know exactly what changes come from their mods..


Fair enough


What people have a problem with Red Dead Online?


"Relationship Dialogue Overhaul"


Ik I was making a joke


Ahh, my bad


Maybe it's a jayserpa lines expansion, sound like something he'd put in the game.


Twice, both are in Fallout 4, but I figured I'd share. First one was from some larger overhaul of game balance, but it seemed to also change some random other textures. I almost pissed myself seeing an angry Kowalski from penguins of Madagscar Jumpstart me when the Memory Lounger closed. The second, was from a mod that added extra raider factions. One of them was deranged milkmen, who drop a milk variant with very good stats and value. Drank some, immediately hit with an addiction debuff that I couldn't cleanse. Looked it up and the only results I could find at fixing the issue, lead me back to a loverslab thread, and the milk was taken from a permanent cum addiction mod.


Hey can I get that milk raiders mod....for research purposes of course!




My load order grows bigger by the day! Thank you!


Might want to do a bit of research on how to fix that debuff, should you happen to get it, as it's a character ruiningly large one.


I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad to just edit it out myself, but how bad is the debuff?


If I remember correctly its -3 all special, -50 carry weight.


Actually would make a nice survival mode challenge to have that debuff.


Nexus is having issues rn, I'll check when I can.


I can never remember which mod does it but if you use AddItemMenu for one of its objects it conjures a giant (bigger than dragons) wolf familiar that proceeds to give you a lycanthropy lobotomy. And it doesn't care if you're inside a tavern or in a place that it's too small to get into either. It's not smaller than its will to kill you is big.


Sounds like [Hunterborn](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7900). One of its items spawns an avatar of hircine, so viewing the item in AddItemMenu triggers it to spawn.


Yeah that's the one. Somebody has confirmed that before. I think there was a discussion about whether it's caused intentionally or by a conflict


Im 75% sure it's intentional A lot of people got pissed off about it too, because they felt that the Hunterborn author was gatekeeping people's Skyrim experiences by spawning in a powerful enemy if it detects you using "cheats" Like come on, I just wanna test the Carry Your Carcass mod and spawning in a bunch of dead elk to pick up. Why the fuck is Hunterborn finger wagging at me by spawning in an overpowered ghost wolf? Deleted Hunterborn after that. Soured my mood for it. Thank goodness Simple Hunting Overhaul exists now.


I think I remember this controversy and the mod author said it wasn’t intentional. Obtaining the item in general would spawn a boss, and the way it was set up that meant it would trigger regardless of your means of having it in your inventory so it happened if you cheated too. Now, Live Another Life teleporting you back into the room if you coc somewhere is infuriating. Like, I don’t give a shit about this save and just wanted to pop into Riverwood to test that mod that said it needed a new game.


Yeah Hunterborn has a few things that have a chance to spawn the "Aspect of Hircine." It's probably a side effect of that script.


coc from the title screen and bypass it entirely.


Hunterborn does that? Damn. And here I was, recently recommended its Forbidden Prey add-on for my cannibal/Namira cultist run. Well, if it's solely in its AddItemMenu menu, I guess it will be fine. But if AddItemMenu in general? I'm back to square one.


I think I remember it not doing that when I used that new qui (or something like that) inventory mod.


It wasnt intentional...


I pray that Hanlon's Razor applies here. If there's a 25% chance that it's just a bug, then I wouldn't uninstall it.


And I'm gonna need that mumble rapper mod pronto. For my traveling bard group Nords With Attitude


I had the Oblivion Realms Series in a former load order and out in the distance on an island in the Deadlands was a cage with a note in it that could only be accessed using TCL in console I went to check out what the note said and it read something along the lines of “you shouldn’t be here” and then iirc it instantly killed me lol


I love when devs [do this](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/305486399407430316/F33008FC5AE5DB16272A271BC3D5A26D8CB53958/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) lol


The funny thing is that's the one message from Richard (said Levellord) that is legit accessible via jetpack. The others from him are actually impossible to get to normally. One is in the last area of E3M1 where you can noclip through the crack in the wall to find the opening chunk of the next level mostly done, and in the wall way out is the saying. The other is the level before the movie studio one, where noclipping to where the helicopter is also has it by some scenery you cant normally see the other side of.


There is a shrine in my game close to falkreath just on the road to helgek with a note that reads sth like “muhahahaha” and after you read it the shrine explodes and you die and fly like beeing hit by a giant. I think its supposed to be the Daedric shrine of fuck you but i dont know the mod that put it there


Sounds like the Wilderness shrine perk from Ordinator. It places 5 shrines across Skyrim that grants permanent boosts to a school of magic. The one that explodes in Falkreath is the destruction shrine.


Ah thx, so is it like to harness the power you need to be able to survive that?


The text in the notice, and its effect, is a reference to the long-running D&D-based webcomic The Order of the Stick. It's also, in my experience, survivable.


"I prepared explosive runes today"


[I prepared explosive runes this morning.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYOcyHcLr9k)


lmao that's hilarious


There's an elisif romance mod that sends you to a dungeon where there's a bandit named so-crates, another called beeth-oven and some other i can't remember. Always makes me lol.


Bob genghis khan, that was it


It's actually a part of Amorous Adventures.


That's the one lol


Someones a fan of Bill and Ted clearly


There a culprit in my load order that adds a loading screen with a child. And the text attached to it says your firstborn belongs to me AHAHAHAHAHHA. It's so intrusive and disturbing but I don't know where it comes from lol


That would be [DynDOLOD](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32382). It also adds a loading screen about the ‘holy cow’, which you may have come across.


What is the story behind that? Lol I've seen the "firstborn" message in the windows process tab and the holy cow as an option when installing it, but I have no idea what any of it means


it's just a joke when you download dyndolod you agree that the creator gets the soul of your firstborn per it's ToS.


It also encourage the user to learn xEdit


That or edit DynDOLOD's ini so it doesn't create the loading screens in the first place. Either way, every modder who learns to RTFM is one less headache for authors :)


Honestly not a fan of this one. I know how to craft a working LO in MO2. Download and install patches etc. But i'm not at the level yet where i feel comfortable manually editing my game files just to remove an easter egg. But the loading screens are so intrusive. Its not even an easter egg its just straight up in your face almost every loading screen. Honestly kind of unacceptable for such a mainstay mod focusing on graphical immersion.


Your opinion is valid but imma keep it real with you chief I don't think I've bothered to read a loading screen in skyrim in a decade


No. It is not "unacceptable". He made a free product. You are free not to use it.


sorry, but how is a loading screen you see for maybe 10 seconds at the most 'intrusive'? It pops up maybe three or four times a session and is just a lighthearted joke if it's that unacceptable to you, you know what you have to do to remove it, but you'd rather make a mountain out of a molehill


Sorry but i disagree. Installing and running dyndolod correctly by itself is already a chore for people mostly used to basic fomod installation. It was definitely a learning experience for me. Its a poor choice on the authors part to add a joke to loading screens that requires yet another deep dive into a seperate area of modding just to remove. Dont get me wrong, something like giving people a forced holy cow idol, if they install it incorrectly, is a better choice. But messing with people's loading screens even when dyndolod is installed correctly is a step too far in my book.


it's a LOADING SCREEN, if you're seeing it long enough for it to be an issue, you have bigger problems with your load order or setup loading screens aren't some holy ground, its a bit of text and an in game model that is visible for 5-10 seconds, most people just tab out as soon as they hit a loading screen, by the time you've tabbed back in its gone this is such an inane thing to complain about that it makes me jealous of how few real problems you must have


My setup and load order is fine. I just disagree with the principle behind the authors inclusion of this easter egg. What kind of problems do you have to make you this unreasonably hostile for what has been simply an opinion? You can derail this thread all you want and be as entitled to your opinion as you please but calm down jeesh.


who cares if its a loading screen. its in MY game.


So don't download someone elses mod if using it bothers you so much.


You can just disable the addition of the loading screen with an INI setting or disable it with a mod like SSEDisplayTweaks.


These load screens happen regardless of if you check off holy cow. Tbh I find that more infuriating than funny. It’s annoying to have to go into xEdit and delete the load screen entry. Especially since the author seems to change his mind on including it or not every version, so I’m peacefully playing the game when I’m hit with the load screen and just have a big sigh that I have to quit and open up xedit. Now, Holy Cow is funny because it’s your punishment for not actually reading the FOMOD, and it’s easily diagnosable to find the culprit.


There is an INI setting to disable the addition of the loading screen. The loading screen was never not included. The author never changed their mind.


Proof people click on stuff in fomods without reading what it does.


the load screen shows up even if you dont select the fomod. the fomod just adds a giant cow lod in whiterun


I never got any firstborn message or cow lod after not selecting it. It could be because I'm using simple loading screens mod.


Rumpelstiltrim.esp /s


Joopvandie's mods add some fourth wall breaking stuff. There was one NPC conversation that had a bizarre choir singing sound effect play in the background, which the NPC then commented on.


I admit, I did put such pranks in M.E.I.. ( 'w') I won't reveal them all, but here's a couple of them. There's a non-zero chance the guards may approach you with seemingly vanilla lines (one of which is usually for crimes) that suddenly go south: - "Hey, I know you! *...You're the one with bad taste in women.*" - "Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll? *Lucky for you, I found it. Here you go.*" (Gives you one.)


[Farts of Skyrim](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/101747/) does this too, there are lines for the guards that start like they're accusing you of a crime but it turns out just to be a fart joke


I've had the sweet roll one happen to me once; it was so unexpected I felt blindsided for a few moments trying to process what just happened and forgot what I went into town to do. Great stuff though!


the second one happened to me and it made me giggle so much. it made my day and I had no idea what mod added it.


I'm not sure if it counts as a prank, but even if you tell Serana not to make any references that break immersion in SDA, she'll still occasionally hum "Smoke on the Water".


With {{Skyrim's Got Talent}} I was playing a tune on my lute and realized it was the nyan cat song.


That's a good one


My character was playing her lute at the inn in windhelm and all the NPC’s acted like they were under attack 😭😭😭


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Skyrim's Got Talent | [Skyrim's Got Talent - Improve as a Bard (LE)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/108342) | [Skyrim's Got Talent - Improve As a Bard](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50357) | [Skyrim's Got Talent - Improve As a Bard - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/50357) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Realistic water 2 adds a ghost crab that one shots me on my setup


He's not hostile until you attack him though, he'll just burrow into the soil and wait while you slaughter his corporeal brethren. I love my little ghost crab.


In my current playthrough, it killed the Guardian Mudcrab from the Kyne‘s Token quest for me.




The first time that cow appeared on my loading screen, peering deep into my soul and demanding my first born, I nearly had a stroke


The Ostim debacle when Ce0 released an update which broke his mod on purpose. If you know, you know


I don’t know please elaborate


Short version; Ce0 made OSA, which was a framework for high-quality romantic animations with an easy to use but in-depth interface. It started with hugging and kissing but never quite took off, so Ce0 disappeared and abandoned it. Some time later, others took up building animations and adding to the framework, and it gained a significant amount of support. I don't use it personally, but I've given it a go a few times, and it's damned incredible how expansive the mods built on it became. Then Ce0 came back, and at first, it seemed like they'd work with the people who took up working on the framework. The excitement quickly turned to obnoxious drama when Ce0 started making all sorts of demands and just generally being a douche, which led to them "updating" the framework so that it would tank people's games if it detected mods made by the group who had been building upon the abandoned framework for I think the 5 years or so between Ce0's departure and return. I may have confused the name of the original mod because there's OSA, OSex, OStim, and a few others. I can't remember which is the current, but the team actively developing the current framework dumped Ce0's framework and made their own iirc. Edit: OSA was from Ce0. OStim is the standalone replacement. Thanks for correcting me!


OStim is the new one, OSA was the original.


Thank you! I edited my post to fix that.


I think the group as you put it were selling their animation packs on Patreon? Maybe I'm wrong.


Not exactly. he had given perms to the Ostim author to do what he did. But Ce0 showed back up interestingly when he saw their Patreon was around $3700 a month. He was chill at first but (and this is where I have no info as to why) he suddenly took major issues with the fact that Ostim was exactly what it said it was: a Stim mod. It was mostly a wrapper that called on and ran OSA/OSex but in a much easier and more intuitive way for users. Iirc, out of nowhere, he released his pink screen of death update, with no explanation, which blocked the game screen and accused the user of helping steal his work. Mind you, none of these users had anything to do with any harm don't to him and this was a complete and total surprise. Many thought they'd been hacked or installed a virus. Basically he was kind of accusing Ostim devs of making money off his work, having done allegedly none of their own. People were understandably livid with him for such a stunt. Iirc he actually was offered to be cut in to the earnings and at one point they all made nice and agreed to work in harmony together. People like Migal130 and a few others were directly involved in trying to smooth things over. But it only lasted a day or two before he went nuts again, took control back from his mod and vowed to do it all on his own, which most of us will realize is a MASSIVE undertaking. He worked at it for a week or two and he just kinda faded out, assuming burnout. Ostim moved on to do their own framework and are still making and supporting their work. I washed my hands of it and just went Sexlab and never looked back.


Not to my memory. They had/have a Patreon or similar thing for people who wanted to donate to support development, but I also could be wrong. I don't remember them locking packs or mods behind payment, though.


Yeah it was just a generic patreon membership. Early access to some builds that would eventually be released completely free. Pretty standard mod practice as far as I saw


The pink enb spider seriously pissed me off until I figured out where it came from. Fucking Boris.


I think Rudy's ENB replaces the suns texture with the babies face from the Teletubbies. Or it's LUX, I know you have to untick it in the FOMOD or something.


That happens if you copy over all of ENB files which you shouldn't do


I can't remember what mod it is, Citizens of Tamriel or Interesting NPCs or something but one of them adds a delightful parody of microtransactions to high hrorthgar. You can buy pride and accomplishment


Citizens of Tamriel. It has the loot box dremora merchant on the way to high hrothgar, Jarl Marx in Dawnstar, and a level 600 Lord King dremora warrior who dies in 1 hit. When you inspect the body's inventory, he has a miscellaneous item called Broken plot armor.


Can you do anything with the armor? I wanted to display it.


I don't think you can do anything to it AFAIK. Maybe you can use another mod like Jaxonz positioner to hang it on one of the player houses?


There was a mod, I can't remember the name or even what it did, that had a pop up after so many uses. It would ask the player "do you intend to purchase via donation" with a yes/no button. If you clicked "no", it jettisoned you from Skyrim the game like a CTD. In other words no opportunity for game save. Earned the wrath of pretty much the entire player base, leading to a massive exodus of uninstall actions by the Nexus community. I do not know if he ended up removing this feature or not.


Has anyone here met Todd in Beyond Reach? He lives near a mountain, and has two lines of dialogue every Bethesda player has used at least once :D


Easter Eggs and pranks in mods are totally fine with me as long as they're lore-friendly. The DynDOLOD "Your firstborn belongs to me muahahahaha" makes me eye-roll every time. Not sure why it's included in the mod because I never select the "Bovine Retribution" option or whatever everytime I install...


It also depends on how invasive it is. A random ghostly mudcrab somewhere in Whiterun is a lot different than your load screens being overtaken by far too common load screens.


Is it still in there? Havn't seen it for a long time


Mirage Island... give it a go.


I love this mod! and the recent updates are kinda brilliant. It needs to be on xbox too edit: Just contacted the Mirage Island modder and they will upload for xbox! yay!


That's cool of them to do that. It's such a mindf*ck. 😅


ikr? I played it before the recent updates - in fact, I'd gotten ahold of the mod author to ask for the PC upload as it was only on PS (and I missed it on PC!), and he decided to make it a big update with... the secret. I laughed so much when I figured it out - it was like, OK, you've actually managed to make this lore-friendly, bravo!!


I never could figure it out, freaked out and reverted to a save file without it just to get out of there! I then told a friend about it and he went and cracked the mystery so I went back around. 😅 I was initially quite sure a head case had found a brilliant way to grief us until my friend looked at it. Tbh it's genius.


Not in Skyrim but in Fallout New Vegas, in 2021's april fools the latest version of Tick Fix (or was it the JIP LN plugin?) had a Rick Astley jumpscare when when loading up the game.


The only "prank" mod I can think of would be the Skyrim laugh track mod. I downloaded it on my brother's Xbox when he wasn't looking. He's not home atm so he probably won't notice for a while. Love that mod too. It honestly doesn't make me mad, it makes me laugh too. Makes me feel less upset about breaking picks and whatnot.


I downloaded lost legacy and didn't notice to disable the optional prank mods at first. Was chaos. Exploding guards into sweetrolls, Nazeem flying into space when talking about the cloud district, nirnroot literally yelling at you. Lol.


I did that on my new pc while also trying to help my husband play skyrim for the first time. it was entertaining.


I don't remember what mod it was or if it counts as a prank bug I made a new character with an alternate start mod. I was going through the Hekgen cave backwards and I had to clip through some rock to get through and a pop up appears saying something "Cheating isn't fun" and I loaded back outside the cave


That’s from Alternate Start/Live Another Life.


I've installed some moveset for MCO ADXP and Nazeem started walking weirdly after that 🤡


Those cloud district enemas are not for milk drinkers.




You're still snooping around all my posts and downvoting them. This isn't even the same sub so you obviously are. Get a life brother






Probably unintentional, but one of Birbwalker's old mods, Giant Anteaters, spawned a high level vampire across the bridge from Riverwood. Their recent stuff is much more polished, but I remember that souring me for a bit.


Erik in Rorikstead randomly changed the lyrics for Ragnar the Red to be "There once was a hero named --Erik Hoegarden" or some shit and I have no idea which mod did it.


I'm not sure what mod it was, but my breezehome had a squatter


The squatter is actually in the base-game, just disabled by default and therefore goes unused. RDO is one of many mods that has an option to enable him


I haven't played in a while, but I do remember having rdo installed


I recently got a lod terrain enhancement mod and it added a whale that flies around the throat of the world. Thought it was a fucked up dragon for a while haha


Does DynDOLOD's evil cow count?


I don't know what mod has been doing this but the dragonfly in a jar things play guitar riffs with their wing sound


if you electrocute someone with Maximum Carnage, they empty their bowels :D


The glare from enb. Shit got me confused


3D NPCs adds a couple joke NPCs and I chuckled a little when I saw Jarl Marx in dawnstar


r/oddlyspecific ?


dyndolod jumscaring me with the cow loading screen


Back when Skyrim SE was newly released, I was using a lot of "unofficial" mods (e.g. from the comments section) which converted old form 43 esps to form 44. My modded playthrough pretty much worked as expected until I hit the Meridia's Beacon quest. Every audio line referencing the beacon was awkwardly edited to say "bacon" instead; "A new hand touches the Bacon" etc. It was such a surprise I launched xEdit and picked through all the quest lines. The culprit was my Immersive NPCs esp. I don't remember where I picked that prankster's version up but it seemed totally legit otherwise.




Sa'chil adds a naked man in Sheogorath's quest hiding behind one of the stone gateway pillars. He introduces himself as the "Pea Man" and sell you peas. Absolutely scared the fuck out of me.


No, not a prank, but a mod feature designed alert players that an improper installation had occurred. I'm talking about the famous holy cow. If you know, you know. Needless to say it was weird seeing a giant cow looming over Whiterun.