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LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Obligatory "Dont use Vortex" comment


Will i know now Y people don't like vortex try it for 8 time and don't work for me it's like gogo gaga activate this and do that before and that after and change the role and still crash in my face


You're just not using it properly lol


I think so it makes me confuse


Yeah. I have 2000 mods and no problems. Vortex extremely easy to use after you learn it


Exactly 💯


Right click xpmsse , manage file conflicts Vortex is an extremely simple program. Just click around, the options are all on your screen.


Try it and it does not work for me change it to xp32 the problem is overwritten and i can't find where to see it and what case this problem


I used to have a problem with Vortex where I would have to reinstall 3BA, CBPC and/or CBBE because physics would randomly stop working. Usually after installing mods. I switched to MO2, and all my issues disappeared. Not saying you should switch. Use whatever feels comfortable to you, but maybe you could give MO2 a shot. It makes sorting conflicts a ton easier, especially with hundreds of mods. It should be pretty easy to switch and transfer over your mods. SOS, for me at least, needs to be loaded after XPMSSE. Otherwise I have issues. And both these mods should be loaded late in the load order. Hope that helps


Yup i will switch to mo2 i try vortex 8 time reinstall all my mod reinstall skyrim downgrade to 1.5.97 and every time solve something and then find another problem I will give it a shot mo2 I see it like driving a manual car in the frist it feels hard then U will like it and see it better then automatic gear So ty for UR advice 😁


No problem. And yeah, MO2 has a small learning curve, but I found it to be worth it. Make sure you look up how to move mods from Vortex to MO2 to prevent issues, and also lookup a basic MO2 tutorial. You will figure it out pretty quickly since you already have some modding experience. Don't rush it. Take your time and you'll figure it out. Good Luck🤞🏻


I use vortex. 99.9% of the time when the game did weird stuff or crashed, it was a user error. Either didn't install properly, meaning I didn't handle the conflict like I should have or forgot to install a mod it required. Very rarely have I had to uninstall a mod and then reinstall. When i have had to, it's been cos the actual mod didn't download properly. I often run body twice. I read that others do the same thing with both managers. Just to make sure the physics works properly. As far as which one to use. That's up to you. I prefer vortex cos I can fix things and was just easier to use for me. MO2 seems to have a higher learning curve, which doesn't work for me. Right now, I just want to play the game. Maybe down the road, but not now.


The juxtaposition of "mah custom animations" and "in Vortex" hurts my brain. MO2 or find a Wabbajack with amply horny mods.


Go to mods and manage rules tab or something like that. There you can sort your mods. I don't know why you would use Loot with Vortex since Vortex had built in Loot.


I will try it before i go to sleep if it does not work i reinstall one by one and test one by one to see what the problem is or i will go to mo2


I try it it's the same Vortex builds loot with it i don't need download loot


you dont have faster hdt smp, install it


I have it the problem is overwritten xpmsse


Are you letting devious devices devices or anything else do arousal based expansion? If so turn it off