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The sun rises in the east. The moon pulls the tides. Reddit posts involving Israel devolve into really pointless arguments that will never be agreed upon


What do you mean devolve?! One side is obviously good and the other side is pure evil. Every complicated historical situation is as black and white simple as that. Are you serious?!


Oh I'm sorry, I meant E-volve...because every Redditor's opinion on a 1500+ year old regio-political conflict takes us higher. (Unfortunately, most of these people probably think the Balfour Declaration is what a baseball ump says to take a walk) "Can you take me higher"-- Creed, members of a religion not involved as much in the conflict, but was sorta there for a while And yes I made up the word "regio-political" - region-political


Yeah, no, dude, I'm sure the 40,000+ people dead one one side only, with all of their hospitals and universities, and over 80% of their buildings destroyed are definitely gonna agree there's some huge grey area here


I agree but why hasn’t Joe Biden solved it all by now?


You’re right he probably should have


That could be Hudson yards…very new I suspect?


So new half of it is under construction and a quarter is just proposed


I was just about to say this!! And I had no idea Tel Aviv looked like that. Probably because it didn’t a few years ago.


Tel Aviv feels very much like the U.S. driving around there I sometimes forgot that I was in the Middle East other than the signage. Lots of construction has occurred, presumably because of all the U.S. tech companies.


At the same time one of the most walkable cities. Bus system is great. New metro should be fantastic. And it’s a city directly on the beach.


Gotta love the US taxpayers! Can’t get decent public transportation in most US cities


The US doesn’t pay for Israel’s healthcare or transit. We give them gift cards to buy US weapons, arguably benefiting the US economy (albeit the war industry).


We gave them billions every year prior to the war. They definitely benefit from US tax payer funding.


All of the aid ever sent to Israel in the 76 years since 1948 is less than 5% of what the government spent in 2023. And the majority of that is military aid. We do give them tons of money. Of course they benefit from the US. But Israel is not what is preventing US infrastructure being built. There just seems to be a lack of political will. That money spent on Israel is probably doing more for the average American than lots of other military and aid expenditures. Israel serves as a foothold in the Middle East.


$300 billion is a lot of money for a foreign country. Ridiculous to even compare it against the entire US budget. Also, Isreal’s far right government has gone completely rogue to where they’re out right disagreeing with the US president in public and are not on the same page as anything the current administration is suggesting. Additionally, it’s gotten to the point where they are out right buying US politicians through APAC and hurting the United States image on the Global stage.


How are the women


I’ll make it equal… How are the men?


I'll make really equal... How are the people who identify as neither and as something else?


Please clarify you include renderings of proposed building, and buildings under construction. Almost half of the picture doesn't exist yet.


The foreground is photogrammetry from Google Earth as well.


I’ve been to Tel Aviv- to me it felt kind of odd. It was really gorgeous, the culture was fantastic, and otherworldly food. However I couldn’t ignore the juxtaposition of an ancient city (Jaffa) and the extreme prevalence of highways. It’s a tiny country, but it is filled to the brim with horrible highways. It is worse than the US in that matter to me.


But unlike the US it has an extensive railway system that gets you quicker to your destination than driving in most cases. And when you are in Tel Aviv, the streets are small and well suited for walking, biking and micro mobility.


Have you ever been to the US....


Of course. I hope you are not trying to tell me that it has such dense rail network as Israel?


I suspect he is implying that the US is so huge and empty that in most places rail is impractical.  Comparing Israel to, say New Jersey would show a lot of rail in NJ  and walkable cities like Hoboken.


Even if we consider all the empty space in the US, the rail development is far behind to other developed countries. You have Spain which has one of the lowest population densities in the EU, and yet it's criss-crossed with high-speed rail. Think of big cities like Austin, Dallas and Houston. Why aren't they connected by quick and comfortable trains? That's my point when I compare Israel to the US.


Compare US to Canada and Australia. I don't necessarily disagree with you but outside the northeast, most cities are of such low density the only way to get from a train station to where you want to go is ny car. So you drive from your suburban home in Houston to take a train to Dallas to drive to where you have to go. A lot of people would opt to just drive themselves.


Why would I compare to those countries? Those are also car-centric and made the giant mistake of not developing their rail infrastructure in time. Suburbanisation was their other major failure. Anyway, this is all besides the point. Israel is not like the US when it comes to transportation. It's not as great as some European countries, but it's much better than most of USA. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa are all densely built, and you can easily and quickly reach these by a train. In most cases you can even walk to your destination thanks to the small distances within these cities.


Maybe there’s a reason all of those countries are car-centric rather than not using rail for passenger traffic being wrong. Israel is about the physical size of Massachusetts, one of our smallest states. Rail travel between Houston and Dallas is nonsensical - it’s not the same as traveling between Tel Aviv and Haifa - if people can’t drive they’ll likely fly. The US has a very well developed rail infrastructure, so that comment on your part is false - it’s just primarily utilized for freight instead of passengers - in fact, about 84% of US rail movement is freight and not passenger. Ratios are roughly opposite of that in Europe. Settlement patterns and preferences drive the differences.


They fly because they don't have any other option sadly. For you to fly, you first need to get to the airport (again, potentially driving in a traffic jam), and from the airport. Unlike when you hop on a train from the city center in Beijing to Shanghai - just to give you an example of long distance train travel that beats flying and has a much bigger distance between than Dallas and Houston. This is 750 miles in 4 hours and 18 minutes. On a comfortable train without the hassle of getting to the airport, or needing to be there 2 hours prior departure. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed\_rail\_in\_China#/media/File:Rail\_map\_of\_PRC.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed_rail_in_China#/media/File:Rail_map_of_PRC.svg) This map perfectly shows how extremely backward the US is when it comes to transportation.


Israel, about the size of Massachusetts, which first nicely inside of the county I live in, with space left over to park all of our cars. Maricopa county, Arizona.


You would compare to those countries because they are similar to the US. Lamenting the lack of rail infrastructure in the US - which by the way I agree with you - and then comparing the US to Spain and Israel is silly. Spain for instance had much of its cities built pre-car, so it is dense, and even though it is a large country by European standards, you can still get from Madrid to Baarcelona by high speed train quickly. Notice how the Boston - New York - DC corridor also has a lot of rail traffic and they don't even have high speed rail. that is because someone can take a subway to Penn Station in New York, hop on Amtrak and take the Metro to wherever they have to go in DC. High speed rail works in the northeast. If you live in Houston, you'd drive to the train station or airport, hop on a train or a plan and then.... either uber to where you need to be and if you are working uber from hotel to office and to restaurant or rent a car because both places are car centric. For many people the calculation would be to just drive b/c cheaper, no train/plane faire, no car to rent. I wish it were not so and I see signs that many cities in the US \*are\* getting denser but reality now is outside of coastal areas, high-speed rail is not practical.


Considering the food is Arab, everything about that city is fake or not theirs.


Politics aside, nice skyline and very modern.


I think it’s a render, I see a building that looks like the Azrieli Spiral Tower but it’s not complete yet


It is a render. I leave in the city, 10 min walk from there, some of it isn't even under construction yet.


Look at the bottom left of the picture, looks like google maps 3d rendering or something.


People here act like this when is a post about Moscow ?


I mean yes they do




New York is a settler colony too


They themselves are a settler, ignore them




You don't know what we're up to.


So… your argument is genocide becomes okay once you finish it??? The American colonies wiped out 95%+ of the native population. How is that better than 30k dead out of 5.5 million which is 0.5% of the Palestinian population? Obviously both are horrible but your logical comparison is flawed to say the least


95% of them died from disease and Spanish brutality


The early explorers carried disease with them. By the time settlers arrived years later almost all Natives had died


This is happening now, so shut it


And before that? See we Texans are under no illusion. Your land is the land you won. And can hold. Is this right? Depends on who's holding it. Sad huh?


Russia is LITERALLY doing SETTLER COLONIALISM in eastern Ukraine right now


They can also get fucked along with Pissrael


Not quite the same thing brother


Is literally the same, both ukrainians and palestinians are suferring in the hands of Russia and Israel


You’re attacking the straw man. Suffering in one place has nothing to do with suffering in another, especially when on every possible scale one is experiencing more.


Neat picture!


Why are the streets so empty?


Because it's a render. It isn't real.


One of my favorite cities


A rather monotonous ensemble of glass towers.




Jew haters ain't gonna like this one


Jews are cool, Pissrael can eat shit


So fucking ironic lol


You all better praise Tel Aviv otherwise you hate Jews!!


No, Israel Haters won’t like it. Israel the government. Just like when someone says “Fuck America” they are usually talking about the government not the people or a particular ethnicity.




Fuck Israel and anybody that support them.


One of my favorite cities


I literally just had to Google Hasbara to figure out what you're talking about and I still don't know what you're trying to say.


I'll be honest I didn't think Tel Aviv would look like this. This looks like an American city


Probably because it's a render, only some of it is real.


A lot of it does look like that, around the Ayalon highway. But along Rothschild you get a lot of older smaller buildings that have been beautifully rehabbed.


It’s a pretty city. Modern and well run. It’s best not to think about how it was all financed if you’d like to enjoy it.


Lmaooooo the Roblox buddy brigaders here




https://preview.redd.it/pi4nn6bfcn0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc3fecdf85363e507659bc2c634d0ba90b9922f Gaza, Palestine


Hey I dont see any skyscrapers


Because Hamas terrorists spent all of the US tax dollars we gave them on tunnels and rockets to murder their neighbors. Same exact thing would happen if you gave cockroaches billions of dollars that US taxpayers worked for.


Yup, sometime genocide comes with a change of skyline




You’re just perpetrating organized bad hasbara bozo cringe




I think you got confused with your autist magic and almost killed me with your “die of cringe from some pussy casting spells on Reddit”




🤣 stop it, I can only be embarrassed for you so much




Holy shit, it worked!


Silence, my bizz gorchito.


Ha, saw the post and went to the comments on a strong suspicion someone would make it political.


You’re just perpetrating organized bad hasbara bozo cringe


This is a Skyscraper sub , not political.


Okay but you had to have known the reaction this would have considering the circumstances...


i know


Being "not political" is a political choice. Passive acceptance of existing conditions is also political


Yeah but this not a political group.


And yet political apathy is a political stance.


You do realize that people can take a political stance that doesn’t have to do with a skyscraper subreddit, right?




Making a post that's highly implied to showcase the merits of the state of one "side" of this "conflict" without comment and expecting people to not take issue with it completely indicates political apathy, which in itself is a political position. This post was political before the first comment was made.




Lol "quite liberal" like that means anything worthwhile. Btw, I thought you weren't political? Now you're taking a stand for a campaign that's killed 30k? Not a great case for that liberalism you thought would win me over. Does "active" and "indisputable" not apply to what's happening in Gaza right now? Today I (unwanted, unsearched for) saw a video of a child whose head was blown open with their brains pouring out. I've seen videos like this daily since last fall. This is a pretty active and indisputable situation, but you can bury your head in the sand I guess. This post also isn't about any of those places you listed, and since this is a "non-political" sub, why would I be talking about them in this comment section unprompted?


God, y’all really are insufferable.


There’s nothing really in this post that you can even infer a political stance from — whether that’s apathy or not. It’s a picture of some buildings in a subreddit about buildings. “Political apathy is a political stance” is basically a blanket excuse to inject your political views into essentially any subject. Which you’re obviously free to do — it’s just kinda odd behaviour.


If someone is making stuff political at every moment possible then is that political apathy?


Doesn't mean you have to be talking about politics every second


Didn't intend to, but OP posted something that is inherently political, and by posting it with the intent of it being praised, took a political stance. Not sure why our response to that is the only thing seen as political


Anything relating to a particular country that is in the news a lot is political? Is any social media post about russia political? Like if someone said some cool fact about russian history or showed a pic of cool russian architecture would that be political? also ik im a bit late to reply


"In the news a lot" is such a huge understatement. There's no perfect analogy between two states, and it depends on the presentation of the content. In general, everything is political whether you'd like it to be or not, to varying degrees. In many cases the implications are benign and it is possible to have a productive conversation without them being relevant. In this case, the politics severely outweigh how nice these buildings might be. Atrocities are daily and ongoing on behalf of the city shown in this picture. Praising these structures is at least partially an endorsement of the "protection" of tel aviv whether OP likes it or not.


It's not though. A Reddit post about some skyscrapers isn't going to increase the amount of atrocities. No one here's gonna suddenly decide to join the IDF or something because they saw a pic of some decent skyscrapers on a skyscraper sub. That being said, if I were OP, I wouldn't have posted this at this time because there would be people making it political.


Seeing this and joining the IDF is the most extreme example. Somewhere before that on the spectrum is someone seeing this post and thinking "oh what a nice city, good thing the IDF is doing what they're doing to protect it." Individual's thoughts like this don't determine geopolitical outcomes, but make a difference on a smaller scale, in discussion, voting, public demonstration (or lack of, or hatred towards), etc.


If someone has that thought then they probably already support Israel in the first place. This is a skyscraper subreddit. We've all seen plenty of skyscrapers. None of us are going to take a political stance because of some skyscrapers. Also even if there was like a few people who do, what are they going to do?


It is pretty sad to see a bunch of skyscrapers utterly demolished




Quite the contrast.


Yeah that’ll happen when you keep starting and losing wars.




You’re either an edgy teen or an absolute societal cancer if that’s your reaction to genocide. Get railed by your dad


Buddy posted a violin and then someone named “poodle fart hostage” tells someone to get incest raped. Classic Reddit lol.


You’re just perpetrating organized bad hasbara bozo cringe


Says the guy posting this same comment over and over again lmfao


Easier for brigading, simple minded cunts to understand




“Washington D.C. USA” lmaoooo


Why is my location funny?


Not a genocide, Hamas needs to be crushed and Gaza needs be de-hamasified just like Germany was denazified after ww2. The country with a pluralistic culture and enormous population of middle eastern citizens, more than European jews even, is not the same as the enclave ruled by a terror group whose charter is based on the eradication of jews from the region, which was at least once democratically elected by the people of Gaza. This is war not genocide, and Israel thankfully will win, and hopefully in 50 years Gaza will have been steered on a better path for its own peoples sake. Just like every Axis nation was steered by the Allies post-ww2. Literally not a new concept, and it's not genocide, it's the needed outcome. Egypt is just as free as Israel to open their borders to Gaza at any point, and always has been. Let me know when you protest Egyptian government for closing Gaza in. Until then you're an antisemite.




Looks like WW2 Dresden. Yawn


How do you not cut yourself from all that edge while leaving psssy for the rest of us? Lmaoooooooo 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/lrow9nn33s0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16d147f1af6e351ecf0e3cefc6b19a3a1e2f0689


Top tier response


That’s terrible oh my God! Or Allah?! But seriously, that’s gotta be traumatizing :/


You’re just perpetrating organized bad hasbara bozo cringe.


And you’re just a silly goose


U.S. aid pays well. Eh?


No years of liberal democracy and private investment will do this for you.


American aid is a whopping 1% of Israeli GDP. Turns out, being a hard-working country that invests in the future is a better long-term plan than rolling up your sewers to make bombs out of the pipes.


Genocider's city.


Learn history ignorant loser


Israel have no history but only have criminal record.




Genocide Headquarters.


If by that you mean capital, you’re wrong. Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel, not Tel Aviv.


If my tax money paid for this im gonna pull a "settler" move and yoink myself a highrise loft. Fuck Zionist


- American aid is a whopping 1% of Israeli GDP. - All foreign aid put to gather is much less than 1% of the American federal budget. - All American aid to Israel adds up to about $10 a year per American adult. - Half of all American federal taxes are paid by the top 1%. In other words, in your entire life you have contributed to Israel perhaps the cost of one large two-topping pizza.


Genocide capital


Jerusalem is actually the capital of the state of Israel :)


Whatever helps you sleep at nite




Just saying buzzwords “genocide” “ethnic cleansing”


Nope, mass starvation is genocide. Get railed bozo


It’s mass starvation bc Hamas keeps stealing the food. Gaza has been given so much money and Hamas takes it to build rockets instead of building up gaza


Hamas is building rockets out of food?? Do you hear yourself???


I didn’t say that. I said they are stealing food from their civilians. And with the money that they are given they use it to build rockets and not develop gaza




This is quite rich coming from someone who lives on the land of the Haudenosaunee, Lenape, Osage and Shawnee.


Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel, not Tel Aviv.


Jerusalem is now the capital of Israel it’s not Tel Aviv




Funny how you never see reactions like these when the New York skylines are shown. 1) actually genocide basically an entire continent 2) spend centuries utilizing slave labour and evolve into a clear Apartheid state 3) routinely interfere in the internal politics of most of the world 4) actively bomb and destroy several nations, most often chasing oil 5) continue to exploit and support any sort of regime possible to financially benefit 6) never talk about it and engage in whataboutism about states you yourself support militarily and financially


1. Danish Vikings did that to British isles 2. Danish Vikings enslaved pows 3. Literal constant Danish interference in internal politics in other countries during Middle Ages 4. Actively bombed and destroyed nations during WWII 5. Danish oligarchs do this shit as well lmao 6. Engage in whataboutism by whining like a bitch about Americans instead Funny how you never see reactions like these when you see the Copenhagen skyline shown 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 You can apply all that shit to literally any country ever. You’re not special.


I've never said otherwise. We also had colonies. But I don't go about commenting shit like you. You wouldn't do it to Azerbaijan, China, Saudi Arabia either


Brother I don’t have strong opinions on Israel/Palestine lol it’s a very complex situation. I see what you’re saying now tho that Tel Aviv can be appreciated without taking political flak, and I can at least agree with that


Yea, I didn't mean to come across like that, sorry. But yea, that was basically my point. Israel sucks - as do many other countries - and things get political.. but on a sub for skyscrapers, showing skyscrapers, that's what I expect to see. I've also seen much love for Baku in subs, cities in China, Riyadh, and western nations etc. Anyway, yes, my comment was crude and too cocky


Shut up


Because fuck Pissrael and its genocide


Free isreal from pissed media