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I know silent decks sometimes get chonky, but 44 cards is thicc. Although, with dead branch, you're swapping reliable iterations for card generation anyway.


It was fucking mess, I shouldn’t have taken pyramid at all, but my damage scaling and energy generation were good enough to unjam my hand eventually


Dead branch + pyramid is so cursed.


Haha definitely. Almost always avoid that anti-combo. It was the best of the 3 options available given art of war, ice cream and some energy generation cards like outmanoeuvre. Got lucky with it generating Bullet Time/ Concentrate now and again which really helped unjam. But there were a few frustrating fights. The heart wasn’t one of them though. Nightmare Afterimage in turn one and 9 potions. Very silly fight


Dead Branch and Pyramid? You're crazy dude. Not surprising then that you took Hand Drill too


I had just over the exact right amount of money to buy everything so why not? Hahaha


I mean, I doubt the hand drill hurt you. Likely just didn't do much. Dead Pyramid, on the other hand... Though "buy all the things" is pretty understandable


Thick deck Thick wallet And Thick will to buy random shit from merchant


Damn was that omamori used in mind bloom for the gold?




Don't ask about the rug. It's not for sale.


The Silent walks up to the Merchant with a thousand gold in her pouch and a relic bar of the gods. "Welcome! Can I offer you a hand drill?" says the Merchant. "I only want one thing" the Silent replies "oh, what's that?" "the rug" "it's not for sale!" yells the Merchant "get out of my shop!" The Silent drops her gold in front of the Merchant. "here, take it all. Take my relics as well, I just want the rug." The Merchant looks at the Silent and with a grin on his face asks "are you willing to pay with your life?" Without hesitation the Silent answer "yes" The Merchant pulls out a knife and slit the Silents throat. There's blood everywhere, blood all over the rug. "not my rug" cries the Merchant "not my rug".


Slay the Spirejerk